當地時間12月13日下午,中共中央總書記、國家主席習近平和夫人彭麗媛在河內同越共中央總書記阮富仲夫婦共同會見中越兩國青年和友好人士代表。這是習近平發表題為《賡續傳統友誼,開創中越命運共同體建設新征程》的重要講話。[新華社記者 申宏 攝]
General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a key speech during a meeting with representatives of young Chinese and Vietnamese and people who have contributed to the China-Vietnam friendship in Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec. 13, 2023. Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan met here with those representatives along with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and his wife. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)
賡續傳統友誼,開創中越命運共同體建設新征程 ——會見中越兩國青年和友好人士代表時的講話 (2023年12月13日,河內) 中共中央總書記、中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | Renewing Traditional Friendship and Embarking on a New Journey to Build a China-Vietnam Community with a Shared Future Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping General Secretary of the Central Committee Of the Communist Party of China And President of the People's Republic of China At Meeting with Representatives of Young Chinese and Vietnamese and People Who Have Contributed to China-Vietnam Friendship Hanoi, December 13, 2023 | |
尊敬的阮富仲總書記、吳氏敏女士, 中越兩國的同志們、青年朋友們, | Your Excellency General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Madam Ngo Thi Man, Comrades and Young Friends from China and Vietnam, | |
大家下午好! | Good afternoon. | |
很高興同大家見面。時隔6年再次訪問美麗的越南,看到熱情洋溢的你們,我感到格外高興。今天在座的有不少長期致力于中越友好的老朋友,也有很多年輕的新朋友。我代表中國黨和政府,向你們致以親切問候! | It gives me great pleasure to meet you all. This is my second visit to your beautiful country in six years, and I can truly feel your warm and youthful vigor when I see you. Among you, many are old friends who have long been dedicated to China-Vietnam friendship, and many are young and new friends. On behalf of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, I extend my warm regards to you. | |
昨天,我同阮富仲總書記一道宣布構建具有戰略意義的中越命運共同體,開啟了中越兩黨兩國關系發展新階段。這是我們從振興世界社會主義和實現中越兩國長治久安出發作出的重大戰略決策,深深植根于中越傳統友好,符合兩國人民共同利益和共同愿望。 | Yesterday, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and I jointly announced our decision to build a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, thus ushering in a new stage in the relations between our two parties and countries. This is a major strategic decision we have made to revitalize world socialism and ensure long-term stability and security of our two countries. It is rooted in our traditional friendship and represents the shared interests and aspirations of our two peoples. | |
回首過去,我們志同道合、守望相助。近代以來,中越兩黨和兩國人民堅守共同理想信念,在爭取國家獨立和民族解放事業進程中風雨同舟、相互支持。胡志明主席在中國開展革命活動長達12年,先后在廣州創立越南青年革命同志會,在香港成立越南共產黨。他還長期在云南、廣西等地指導越南革命,廣西龍州縣村民農其振曾冒著生命危險掩護胡志明主席。胡志明主席在廣西寫下了著名的《告越南同胞書》,并于1945年從那里回到越南,領導“八月革命”取得勝利,成立了越南民主共和國。在越南抗法、抗美救國斗爭中,1400多名中國將士英勇犧牲,長眠在越南的廣袤土地上。廣西桂林南溪山醫院救助了5000多名受傷的越南戰士,育才學校為越南培養了1萬多名學生。越南同樣積極支持中國革命,洪水將軍投身廣州起義,參加中國紅軍長征,是赫赫有名的“兩國將軍”。胡志明主席的著名詩句“越中情誼深、同志加兄弟”,成為兩國人民對那段崢嶸歲月難以磨滅的歷史記憶。 | In the past, we stood by and reached out to each other as we pursued common goals together. In modern times, our two parties and peoples stayed true to our common ideals, and supported each other in trying times as we fought for national independence and liberation. Chairman Ho Chi Minh was engaged in revolutionary activities in China for 12 years, during which he first established the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League in Guangzhou, and later founded the Communist Party of Vietnam in Hong Kong. For a long time, he also gave guidance to the Vietnamese revolution from Yunnan and Guangxi. Nong Qizhen, a villager in Guangxi's Longzhou County, risked his life to protect Chairman Ho Chi Minh. It was in Guangxi where Chairman Ho Chi Minh wrote the resounding letter to all Vietnamese. He left Guangxi and returned to Vietnam in 1945, where he led the August Revolution to victory, and founded the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In Vietnam's War Against French Occupation and its War Against U.S. Aggression to Save the Nation, more than 1,400 Chinese officers and men gave their lives, and they now rest in peace in Vietnam. More than 5,000 injured Vietnamese soldiers were treated in Nanxishan Hospital in Guilin, Guangxi, and over 10,000 Vietnamese students received education in Yucai School there. Vietnam also actively supported the Chinese Revolution. General Nguyen Son, who participated in the Guangzhou Uprising of 1927 and later joined the Long March of the Chinese Red Army, is well-known in China as a general of both countries. Today, when we read the famous poetic line by Chairman Ho Chi Minh that "So profound is the friendship between Vietnam and China, because we are both comrades and brothers", the memory of those fiery and exciting years of our two peoples is kept alive. | |
立足當下,我們初心如磐、合作共贏。建立全面戰略合作伙伴關系15年來,中越兩黨堅持以人民為中心,大力推進互利合作,給兩國人民帶來實實在在的利益。新時代以來,中越兩黨總書記兩次實現互訪,有力引領中越關系健康穩定發展。不久前,阮富仲總書記專程赴兩國邊境友誼口岸種下“友誼樹”,體現了對中越關系的特殊重視。雙方發揮雙邊合作指導委員會統籌協調作用,推動兩黨理論研討會、邊境國防友好交流、兩國公安部合作打擊犯罪會議等30多個合作機制同向發力,有效促進治黨治國經驗交流合作,為各自國家工業化現代化建設注入了強勁動力。 | Today, we remain firmly committed to our shared aspiration forged in the early days and are pursuing win-win cooperation. Since we established the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership 15 years ago, we the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Vietnam have pursued people-centered mutually beneficial cooperation, delivering true benefits to our two peoples. In the new era, the general secretaries of the two Parties exchanged visits twice, ensuring the sound and steady growth of China-Vietnam relations. Recently, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong made a special trip to the Youyi Pass, meaning the Friendship Pass, on the border of our countries and planted a friendship tree there. It demonstrates the great value he places on Vietnam's relations with China. Our two sides have fully leveraged the role of coordination of the steering committee for bilateral cooperation, which made sure more than 30 cooperation mechanisms such as the party-to-party theoretical symposium, the Border Defense Friendship Exchange, and the meeting on crime control between the two public security ministries play their due role. All these efforts have enabled us to share practices and engage in cooperation on Party and country governance, and these efforts have injected strong impetus into the industrialization and modernization endeavors of both countries. | |
中國長期是越南最大貿易伙伴,越南是中國在東盟最大貿易伙伴和全球第四大貿易伙伴國。隨著中越國際班列開行、智慧口岸啟動建設,陸地邊境口岸互聯互通加快推進,荔枝、榴蓮、火龍果等越南優質農產品大量銷往中國,中國出口的原材料和機械設備也有力支持了越南制造業發展,促進了越南出口能力提升。中國企業承建的河內輕軌2號線,已經累計載客近2000萬人次,為河內市民出行提供了便利。中國企業在越南建成海外最大光伏產業集群,在河內等地投建多個垃圾發電項目,助力越南工業化現代化建設所需的能源保障。 | China has long been the largest trading partner of Vietnam, and Vietnam is China's largest trading partner in ASEAN and the fourth largest trading partner in the world. With the launch of China-Vietnam cross-border freight train service and the smart port program, our land border ports have become rapidly interconnected. Large quantities of quality Vietnamese agricultural products, including lychee, durian and dragon fruit, are exported to China. Raw materials and machinery equipment imported from China have boosted the development of Vietnam's manufacturing sector and its export capacity. Close to 20 million trips have been made on the Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line built by a Chinese company, which has provided a convenient and comfortable means of travels for Hanoi residents. The largest overseas photovoltaic industrial cluster built by Chinese companies is located in Vietnam. This, together with many waste-to-energy plants built with Chinese investment and by Chinese companies in Hanoi and other cities, has supplied energy much needed for Vietnam's industrialization and modernization. | |
中越德天(板約)瀑布跨境旅游合作區成功試運營。中國全國政協和越南祖國陣線中央暨邊境省份友好交流、中越邊民大聯歡等活動開展得有聲有色。中國傳統經典名著在越南家喻戶曉,中國當代影視作品也深受越南民眾喜愛。越南流行歌曲在中國社交媒體傳播,越南歌手在中國綜藝節目中收獲大批中國“粉絲”。富有成效的交往和合作增進了兩國民心民意相通。 | The Detian-Ban Gioc Waterfall cross-border tourism cooperation zone is on trial run. Friendly exchanges are flourishing, such as the friendly exchange between the national and local committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and the border residents gala. Both Chinese literature classics and contemporary Chinese film and television productions are popular in Vietnam. Some Vietnamese pop songs are huge hits on Chinese social media, and Vietnamese singers who appeared in Chinese TV shows have won many fans in China. These fruitful activities of exchange and cooperation have forged a close cultural bond between our two peoples. | |
展望未來,我們前途相關、命運與共。面對變亂交織的世界,我提出構建人類命運共同體理念和全球發展倡議、全球安全倡議、全球文明倡議,旨在推動世界各國攜手應對全球性挑戰。當前,中國正在以中國式現代化全面推進強國建設、民族復興偉業。我們追求的不是獨善其身的現代化,將堅定不移走和平發展道路,堅持與鄰為善、以鄰為伴的周邊外交方針和親誠惠容的周邊外交理念,讓中國式現代化更多惠及周邊國家。越南正在大力推進工業化現代化建設,朝著建黨建國100年時的兩個奮斗目標邁進。 | Looking ahead, we can see that we share the same future. Facing a world fraught with changes and turbulence, I have put forth the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind as well as the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and called on all countries to jointly respond to global challenges. We are now striving to build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts by pursuing Chinese modernization. What we are pursuing is not modernization just for China itself. We will stay committed to peaceful development, the policy of forging friendships and partnerships with neighbors, and the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. And we are ready to share more of the benefits of Chinese modernization with our neighbors. Vietnam, on its part, is vigorously advancing its industrialization and modernization drive to realize the goals set for the centenary of its Party and the centenary of the country. | |
同志們、青年朋友們! | Comrades, Young Friends, | |
中越友好的根基在人民、未來在青年。我愿提3點希望。 | The foundation of China-Vietnam friendship lies among our two peoples, and the future of this friendship will be created by the young people. I wish to express the following three wishes to you. | |
希望你們同做中越友誼的傳承者,為構建具有戰略意義的中越命運共同體貢獻力量。今天的中國和越南,已經用經濟社會發展的顯著成就,雄辯地向世界證明,我們選擇的發展道路完全正確,我們兩國加強團結合作有利于各自社會主義事業發展。希望兩國各界友好人士特別是青年一代成為中越友好征程的領跑者,為實現各自國家百年奮斗征程和構建具有戰略意義的中越命運共同體貢獻力量。 | First, I hope that you will carry forward China-Vietnam friendship and play your part in building a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. With remarkable economic and social advances, China and Vietnam demonstrate to the world that we have found the right development paths. And enhanced solidarity and cooperation will strengthen our socialist causes. I hope that people committed to China-Vietnam friendship in various sectors in both countries, especially the young people, will take the lead in promoting our friendship, and contribute to our respective hundred-year pursuit of development goals and to the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. | |
希望你們爭當亞太振興的參與者,為亞太地區長治久安添磚加瓦。中國改革開放和越南革新事業取得巨大成就,既是自身奮斗的結果,也得益于和平、開放、包容的亞太地區。亞太是我們安身立命之所,是全球經濟增長動力之源,開放包容、合作共贏才是人間正道。我們要高舉亞太共同體旗幟,匯聚更多團結奮進的正能量,共同為建設和諧繁榮的亞太地區作出更大貢獻。 | Second, I hope that you will play your part in promoting the development of the Asia Pacific and contribute to enduring peace in our region. Our two countries have made tremendous achievement through, respectively, China's reform and opening up and Vietnam's Doi Moi (reform) policy. This is credited not only to our own endeavors, but also to a peaceful, open and inclusive Asia Pacific. The Asia Pacific is the place which we call home. It is a source of power driving global growth. Openness, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation are the right course to follow. We should strive to build an Asia Pacific community, create more momentum to boost solidarity and make advances, and make greater contributions to making Asia Pacific more harmonious and prosperous. | |
希望你們敢為人類進步的開拓者,為構建人類命運共同體不懈奮斗。中越兩黨都是胸懷天下的馬克思主義政黨,中越兩國都是國際社會負責任的成員,兩國應該成為推進人類進步事業的中堅力量。構建人類命運共同體這個宏偉目標,需要一代又一代人接力跑才能實現。我們要以更廣大的胸懷、更寬闊的視野擔起時代責任,為維護國際公平正義發聲,為推動全球發展進步出力。 | Third, I hope that you will be pioneers in promoting human progress and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Our two Parties are both Marxist parties that bear in mind the overall interests of the world, and our two countries are both responsible members of the international community. And both of us should play a major role in advancing human progress. To build a community with a shared future for mankind is an inspiring goal, a goal that requires generations of efforts to achieve. We should be visionary, look beyond the horizon and shoulder responsibilities entrusted upon us by the times, stand up for international fairness and justice, and contribute our share to global development. | |
同志們、青年朋友們! | Comrades, Young Friends, | |
越南諺語說:“世事多變遷,唯有此心堅”。不忘來時路,方知向何行。中越兩國社會主義事業發展壯大的艱辛歷程和輝煌成就充分表明,中越加強團結合作是我們戰勝前行道路上一切風險挑戰、不斷從勝利走向勝利的重要歷史經驗。展望未來,我們要始終不忘初心,牢記使命,攜手走好各自社會主義道路,讓工業化現代化建設成果更多惠及兩國人民,共同為人類進步事業作出更大貢獻。 | As a Vietnamese saying puts it, with resolve, one will remain undaunted by any changes in the world. Keeping in mind the journey we have traversed will enable us to advance along the right path. The challenging paths China and Vietnam have traveled and the remarkable achievements we have made in developing socialism fully demonstrate that enhanced solidarity and cooperation between our two countries has enabled us to overcome all risks and challenges and to move from one victory to another. Going forward, we need to remain true to our commitment and strive to fulfill our mission. And we should pursue our respective path to socialism and deliver the gains of industrialization and modernization to more people of our two countries. Let us join hands and make even greater contribution to the advancement of humanity. | |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |