5月19日上午,國家主席習近平在陜西省西安市主持首屆中國-中亞峰會并發表題為《攜手建設守望相助、共同發展、普遍安全、世代友好的中國-中亞命運共同體》的主旨講話。[新華社記者 黃敬文 攝]
Chinese President Xi Jinping chairs the first China-Central Asia Summit and delivers a keynote speech themed "Working Together for a China-Central Asia Community with a Shared Future Featuring Mutual Assistance, Common Development, Universal Security, and Everlasting Friendship" in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, May 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)
攜手建設守望相助、共同發展、普遍安全、世代友好的中國-中亞命運共同體 | Working Together for a China-Central Asia Community with a Shared Future | |
尊敬的各位同事, | Distinguished Colleagues, | |
歡迎大家來到西安,出席中國-中亞峰會,共商中國同中亞五國合作大計。 | I'd like to welcome you all to Xi'an for the China-Central Asia Summit to explore together ways for closer cooperation between China and the five Central Asian countries. | |
西安古稱長安,是中華文明和中華民族的重要發祥地之一,也是古絲綢之路的東方起點。2100多年前,中國漢代使者張騫自長安出發,出使西域,打開了中國同中亞友好交往的大門。千百年來,中國同中亞各族人民一道推動了絲綢之路的興起和繁榮,為世界文明交流交融、豐富發展作出了歷史性貢獻。中國唐代詩人李白曾有過“長安復攜手,再顧重千金”的詩句。今天我們在西安相聚,續寫千年友誼,開辟嶄新未來,具有十分重要的意義。 | Xi'an, known as Chang'an in ancient times, is an important cradle of the Chinese civilization and nation. It is also the starting point of the ancient Silk Road on the east end. Over 2,100 years ago, Zhang Qian, a Han Dynasty envoy, made his journey to the West from Chang'an, opening the door to the friendship and exchanges between China and Central Asia. With their joint endeavor of hundreds of years, Chinese and Central Asian peoples made the Silk Road expand and prosper, a historic contribution to the interaction, integration, enrichment and development of world civilizations. The Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai once wrote, "In Chang'an we meet again, worthy of more than a thousand pieces of gold." Our gathering in Xi'an today to renew our millennia-old friendship and open up new vistas for the future is of very important significance. | |
2013年,我擔任中國國家主席后首次出訪中亞,提出共建“絲綢之路經濟帶”倡議。10年來,中國同中亞國家攜手推動絲綢之路全面復興,傾力打造面向未來的深度合作,將雙方關系帶入一個嶄新時代。 | Back in 2013, I put forward the initiative of jointly building a Silk Road Economic Belt during my first visit to Central Asia as Chinese president. Over the past decade, China and Central Asian countries have worked closely together to fully revive the Silk Road and actively deepen future-oriented cooperation, steering our relations into a new era. | |
橫跨天山的中吉烏公路,征服帕米爾高原的中塔公路,穿越茫茫大漠的中哈原油管道、中國-中亞天然氣管道,就是當代的“絲路”;日夜兼程的中歐班列,不絕于途的貨運汽車,往來不歇的空中航班,就是當代的“駝隊”;尋覓商機的企業家,抗擊新冠疫情的醫護人員,傳遞友誼之聲的文化工作者,上下求索的留學生,就是當代的友好使者。 | The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway that runs across the Tianshan Mountain, the China-Tajikistan expressway that defies the Pamir Plateau, and the China-Kazakhstan crude oil pipeline and the China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline that traverse the vast desert -- they are the present-day Silk Road. The China-Europe Railway Express operating around the clock, the endless streams of freight trucks, and crisscrossing flights -- they are the present-day camel caravans. Entrepreneurs seeking business opportunities, health workers fighting the COVID-19, cultural workers delivering message of friendship, and international students pursuing further education -- they are the present-day goodwill ambassadors. | |
中國同中亞國家關系有著深厚的歷史淵源、廣泛的現實需求、堅實的民意基礎,在新時代煥發出勃勃生機和旺盛活力。 | The China-Central Asia relationship is steeped in history, driven by broad actual needs, and built on solid popular support. Our relations are brimming with vigor and vitality in the new era. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
當前,百年變局加速演進,世界之變、時代之變、歷史之變正以前所未有的方式展開。中亞是亞歐大陸的中心,處在聯通東西、貫穿南北的十字路口。 | Transformations of the world unseen in a century are unfolding at a faster pace. Changes of the world, of our times, and of the historical trajectory are taking place in ways like never before. Central Asia, the center of the Eurasian continent, is at a crossroads connecting the East and West, the South and North. | |
世界需要一個穩定的中亞。中亞國家主權、安全、獨立、領土完整必須得到維護,中亞人民自主選擇的發展道路必須得到尊重,中亞地區致力于和平、和睦、安寧的努力必須得到支持。 | The world needs a stable Central Asia. The sovereignty, security, independence and territorial integrity of Central Asian countries must be upheld; their people's choice of development paths must be respected; and their efforts for peace, harmony and tranquility must be supported. | |
世界需要一個繁榮的中亞。一個充滿活力、蒸蒸日上的中亞,將實現地區各國人民對美好生活的向往,也將為世界經濟復蘇發展注入強勁動力。 | The world needs a prosperous Central Asia. A dynamic and prospering Central Asia will help people in the region achieve their aspiration for a better life. It will also lend strong impetus to global economic recovery. | |
世界需要一個和諧的中亞。“兄弟情誼勝過一切財富”。民族沖突、宗教紛爭、文化隔閡不是中亞的主調,團結、包容、和睦才是中亞人民的追求。任何人都無權在中亞制造不和、對立,更不應該從中謀取政治私利。 | The world needs a harmonious Central Asia. As a Central Asian saying goes, "Brotherhood is more precious than any treasure." Ethnic conflicts, religious strife, and cultural estrangement are not the defining feature of the region. Instead, solidarity, inclusiveness, and harmony are the pursuits of the Central Asian people. No one has the right to sow discord or stoke confrontation in the region, let alone seek selfish political interests. | |
世界需要一個聯通的中亞。中亞擁有得天獨厚的地理優勢,有基礎、有條件、有能力成為亞歐大陸重要的互聯互通樞紐,為世界商品交換、文明交流、科技發展作出中亞貢獻。 | The world needs an interconnected Central Asia. Blessed with unique geographical advantages, Central Asia has the right foundation, condition and capability to become an important connectivity hub of Eurasia and make unique contribution to the trading of goods, the interplay of civilizations and the development of science and technology in the world. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
去年,我們舉行慶祝中國同中亞五國建交30周年視頻峰會時,共同宣布建設中國-中亞命運共同體。這是我們在新的時代背景下,著眼各國人民根本利益和光明未來,作出的歷史性選擇。建設中國-中亞命運共同體,要做到四個堅持。 | At the virtual summit commemorating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Central Asian countries held last year, we jointly announced our vision of a China-Central Asia community with a shared future. It was a historic choice made for the fundamental interests and bright future of our peoples in the new era. In building this community, we need to stay committed to four principles. | |
一是堅持守望相助。我們要深化戰略互信,在涉及主權、獨立、民族尊嚴、長遠發展等核心利益問題上,始終給予彼此明確、有力支持,攜手建設一個守望相助、團結互信的共同體。 | First, mutual assistance. It is important that we deepen strategic mutual trust, and always give each other unequivocal and strong support on issues concerning our core interests such as sovereignty, independence, national dignity, and long-term development. We should work together to ensure that our community features mutual assistance, solidarity, and mutual trust. | |
二是堅持共同發展。我們要繼續在共建“一帶一路”合作方面走在前列,推動落實全球發展倡議,充分釋放經貿、產能、能源、交通等傳統合作潛力,打造金融、農業、減貧、綠色低碳、醫療衛生、數字創新等新增長點,攜手建設一個合作共贏、相互成就的共同體。 | Second, common development. It is important that we continue to set the pace for Belt and Road cooperation and deliver on the Global Development Initiative. We should fully unlock our potentials in traditional areas of cooperation such as economy, trade, industrial capacity, energy and transportation. And we should forge new drivers of growth in finance, agriculture, poverty reduction, green and low-carbon development, medical service, health, and digital innovation. We should work together to ensure that our community features win-win cooperation and common progress. | |
三是堅持普遍安全。我們要共同踐行全球安全倡議,堅決反對外部勢力干涉地區國家內政、策動“顏色革命”,保持對“三股勢力”零容忍,著力破解地區安全困境,攜手建設一個遠離沖突、永沐和平的共同體。 | Third, universal security. It is important that we act on the Global Security Initiative, and stand firm against external attempts to interfere in domestic affairs of regional countries or instigate color revolutions. We should remain zero-tolerant to the three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and strive to resolve security conundrums in the region. We should work together to ensure that our community features no-conflict and enduring peace. | |
四是堅持世代友好。我們要踐行全球文明倡議,賡續傳統友誼,密切人員往來,加強治國理政經驗交流,深化文明互鑒,增進相互理解,筑牢中國同中亞國家人民世代友好的基石,攜手建設一個相知相親、同心同德的共同體。 | Fourth, everlasting friendship. It is important that we implement the Global Civilization Initiative, carry forward our traditional friendship, and enhance people-to-people exchanges. We should do more to share our experience in governance, deepen cultural mutual learning, increase mutual understanding, and cement the foundation of the everlasting friendship between the Chinese and Central Asian peoples. We should work together to ensure that our community features close affinity and shared conviction. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
這次峰會為中國同中亞合作搭建了新平臺,開辟了新前景。中方愿以舉辦這次峰會為契機,同各方密切配合,將中國-中亞合作規劃好、建設好、發展好。 | Our Summit has created a new platform and opened up new prospects for China-Central Asia cooperation. China will take this as an opportunity to step up coordination with all parties for good planning, development and progress of China-Central Asia cooperation. | |
一是加強機制建設。我們已經成立外交、經貿、海關等會晤機制和實業家委員會。中方還倡議成立產業與投資、農業、交通、應急管理、教育、政黨等領域會晤和對話機制,為各國開展全方位互利合作搭建廣泛平臺。 | First, we need to strengthen institutional building. We have set up meeting mechanisms on foreign affairs, economy, trade and customs, as well as a business council. China has also proposed establishment of meeting and dialogue mechanisms on industry and investment, agriculture, transportation, emergency response, education, and political parties, which will be platforms for all-round mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries. | |
二是拓展經貿關系。中方將出臺更多貿易便利化舉措,升級雙邊投資協定,實現雙方邊境口岸農副產品快速通關“綠色通道”全覆蓋,舉辦“聚合中亞云品”主題活動,打造大宗商品交易中心,推動貿易規模邁上新臺階。 | Second, we need to expand economic and trade ties. China will take more trade facilitation measures, upgrade bilateral investment treaties, and open "green lanes" for streamlined customs clearance of agricultural and sideline products at all border ports between China and Central Asian countries. China will also hold a live-streaming sales event to further promote Central Asian products, and build a commodities trading center. All this is part of an effort to push two-way trade to new heights. | |
三是深化互聯互通。中方將全面提升跨境運輸過貨量,支持跨里海國際運輸走廊建設,提升中吉烏、中塔烏公路通行能力,推進中吉烏鐵路項目對接磋商。加快現有口岸現代化改造,增開別迭里口岸,大力推進航空運輸市場開放,發展地區物流網絡。加強中歐班列集結中心建設,鼓勵優勢企業在中亞國家建設海外倉,構建綜合數字服務平臺。 | Third, we need to deepen connectivity. China will strive to increase the volume of cross-border cargo transportation, support the development of the trans-Caspian international transport corridor, enhance the traffic capacity of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway and the China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan highway, and move forward consultations on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. China will seek to modernize the existing border ports at a faster pace, open a new border port at Biedieli, promote the opening of the air transportation market, and build a regional logistics network. China will also step up the development of China-Europe Railway Express assembly centers, encourage capable enterprises to build overseas warehouses in Central Asian countries, and build a comprehensive digital service platform. | |
四是擴大能源合作。中方倡議建立中國-中亞能源發展伙伴關系,加快推進中國-中亞天然氣管道D線建設,擴大雙方油氣貿易規模,發展能源全產業鏈合作,加強新能源與和平利用核能合作。 | Fourth, we need to expand energy cooperation. China would like to propose that we establish a China-Central Asia energy development partnership. We should expedite the construction of Line D of the China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline, expand trade in oil and gas, pursue cooperation throughout the energy industrial chains, and strengthen cooperation on new energy and peaceful use of nuclear energy. | |
五是推進綠色創新。中方愿同中亞國家在鹽堿地治理開發、節水灌溉等領域開展合作,共同建設旱區農業聯合實驗室,推動解決咸海生態危機,支持在中亞建立高技術企業、信息技術產業園。中方歡迎中亞國家參與可持續發展技術、創新創業、空間信息科技等“一帶一路”專項合作計劃。 | Fifth, we need to promote green innovation. China will work with Central Asian countries to conduct cooperation in such areas as improvement and utilization of saline-alkali land and water-saving irrigation, build together a joint laboratory on agriculture in arid lands, and tackle the ecological crisis of the Aral Sea. China supports establishing high-tech firms and IT industrial parks in Central Asia. China also welcomes Central Asian countries to participate in special cooperation programs under the Belt and Road Initiative, including programs on sustainable development technologies, innovation and start-up, and spatial information science and technology. | |
六是提升發展能力。中方將制定中國同中亞國家科技減貧專項合作計劃,實施“中國-中亞技術技能提升計劃”,在中亞國家設立更多魯班工坊,鼓勵在中亞的中資企業為當地提供更多就業機會。為助力中國同中亞國家合作和中亞國家自身發展,中方將向中亞國家提供總額260億元人民幣的融資支持和無償援助。 | Sixth, we need to enhance capabilities for development. China will formulate a China-Central Asia special cooperation program for poverty reduction through science and technology, implement the "China-Central Asia technology and skills improvement scheme", set up more Luban Workshops in Central Asian countries, and encourage Chinese companies in Central Asia to create more local jobs. To bolster our cooperation and Central Asian development, China will provide Central Asian countries with a total of 26 billion RMB yuan of financing support and grant. | |
七是加強文明對話。中方邀請中亞國家參與“文化絲路”計劃,將在中亞設立更多傳統醫學中心,加快互設文化中心,繼續向中亞國家提供政府獎學金名額,支持中亞國家高校加入“絲綢之路大學聯盟”,辦好中國同中亞國家人民文化藝術年和中國-中亞媒體高端對話交流活動,推動開展“中國-中亞文化和旅游之都”評選活動、開行面向中亞的人文旅游專列。 | Seventh, we need to strengthen dialogue between civilizations. China invites Central Asian countries to take part in the "Cultural Silk Road" program, and will set up more traditional medicine centers in Central Asia. We will speed up establishment of cultural centers in each other's countries. China will continue to provide government scholarships for Central Asian countries, and support their universities in joining the University Alliance of the Silk Road. We will ensure the success of the Year of Culture and Arts for the Peoples of China and Central Asian Countries as well as the China-Central Asia high-level media dialogue. We will launch the "China-Central Asia Cultural and Tourism Capital" program, and open special train services for cultural tourism in Central Asia. | |
八是維護地區和平。中方愿幫助中亞國家加強執法安全和防務能力建設,支持各國自主維護地區安全和反恐努力,開展網絡安全合作。繼續發揮阿富汗鄰國協調機制作用,共同推動阿富汗和平重建。 | Eighth, we need to safeguard peace in the region. China is ready to help Central Asian countries strengthen capacity building on law enforcement, security and defense, support their independent efforts to safeguard regional security and fight terrorism, and work with them to promote cyber-security. We will continue to leverage the role of the coordination mechanism among Afghanistan's neighbors, and jointly promote peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
去年十月,中國共產黨第二十次全國代表大會成功召開,明確了全面建成社會主義現代化強國、實現第二個百年奮斗目標、以中國式現代化全面推進中華民族偉大復興的中心任務,繪就了中國未來發展的宏偉藍圖。我們愿同中亞國家加強現代化理念和實踐交流,推進發展戰略對接,為合作創造更多機遇,協力推動六國現代化進程。 | Last October, the Communist Party of China successfully held its 20th National Congress, which laid out the central task of realizing the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advancing rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization. It is a grand blueprint for China's future development. We will strengthen theoretical and practical exchanges with Central Asian countries on modernization, synergize our development strategies, create more opportunities for cooperation, and jointly advance the modernization process of our six countries. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
中國陜西有句農諺,“只要功夫深,土里出黃金”。中亞諺語也說,“付出就有回報,播種就能收獲”。讓我們攜手并肩,團結奮斗,積極推進共同發展、共同富裕、共同繁榮,共同迎接六國更加美好的明天! | There is a proverb popular among farmers in Shaanxi Province, "If you work hard enough, gold will grow out of the land." In the same vein, a Central Asian saying goes, "You get rewarded if you give, and you harvest if you sow." Let us work closely together to pursue common development, common affluence, and common prosperity, and embrace a brighter future for our six countries! | |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |