共青團員們,青年朋友們,同志們: | Members of the Communist Youth League of China (League), young friends, and comrades, | |
青春孕育無限希望,青年創(chuàng)造美好明天。一個民族只有寄望青春、永葆青春,才能興旺發(fā)達。 | Youth gives rise to infinite hope, and young people are the creators of a bright future. A nation can thrive and prosper only when it places hopes on its youth and maintains its youthful vigor. | |
今天,我們在這里隆重集會,慶祝中國共產(chǎn)主義青年團成立100周年,就是要激勵廣大團員青年在實現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復(fù)興中國夢的新征程上奮勇前進。 | Today, we are gathered here at the ceremony marking the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China to encourage League members and young people to forge ahead on the new journey toward realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. | |
首先,我代表黨中央,向全體共青團員和各級共青團組織、團干部,致以熱烈的祝賀和誠摯的問候! | First of all, on behalf of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, I would like to extend warm congratulations and sincere greetings to all League members as well as Communist Youth League organizations and staff at all levels. | |
共青團員們、青年朋友們、同志們! | League members, young friends, and comrades, | |
中華民族是歷史悠久、飽經(jīng)滄桑的古老民族,更是自強不息、朝氣蓬勃的青春民族。在5000多年源遠流長的文明歷史中,中華民族始終有著“自古英雄出少年”的傳統(tǒng),始終有著“長江后浪推前浪”的情懷,始終有著“少年強則國強,少年進步則國進步”的信念,始終有著“希望寄托在你們身上”的期待。千百年來,青春的力量,青春的涌動,青春的創(chuàng)造,始終是推動中華民族勇毅前行、屹立于世界民族之林的磅礴力量! | The Chinese nation is an ancient nation with a long, enduring history and has experienced many years of vicissitudes. More importantly, it is also a youthful nation that continuously pursues self-improvement and remains vibrant. With a civilization of over 5,000 years, our nation has long cherished the traditional belief that heroes are cultivated from young age and embraces the idea that the waves behind drive on those ahead. We believe a nation will be strong only when its young people are strong and a nation will make progress only when its younger generations make progress. We have always believed that the future of our nation rest on youths. For hundreds of years, the strength, vitality, and creativity of the youth have always been a mighty force that drives our nation forward against all challenges and enables it to stand tall among the nations of the world. | |
青年的命運,從來都同時代緊密相連。1840年鴉片戰(zhàn)爭以后,中國逐步成為半殖民地半封建社會,國家蒙辱、人民蒙難、文明蒙塵,中華民族遭受了前所未有的劫難。一批又一批仁人志士為救國救民而苦苦追尋,一大批先進青年在“覺醒年代”紛紛覺醒。偉大的五四運動促進了馬克思主義在中國的傳播,拉開了新民主主義革命的序幕,也標(biāo)志著中國青年成為推動中國社會變革的急先鋒。 | The destiny of the youth is always closely connected with the times. After the Opium War of 1840, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society and suffered greater ravages than ever before. The country endured intense humiliation, the people were subjected to great pain, and the Chinese civilization was plunged into darkness. Many noble-minded patriots sought to pull the nation together. Many progressive young people were enlightened at this "Awakening Age." The great May Fourth Movement promoted the spread of Marxism in China, ushered in the new-democratic revolution, and marked the beginning of the youth's role as the pioneers advancing social changes in China. | |
青春力量一經(jīng)覺醒,先進思想一經(jīng)傳播,中華大地便迅速呈現(xiàn)出轟轟烈烈的革命新氣象。在馬克思列寧主義同中國工人運動的緊密結(jié)合中,中國共產(chǎn)黨應(yīng)運而生。中國共產(chǎn)黨一經(jīng)誕生,就把關(guān)注的目光投向青年,把革命的希望寄予青年。黨的一大專門研究了建立和發(fā)展青年團作為黨的預(yù)備學(xué)校的問題。1922年5月5日,在中國共產(chǎn)黨直接關(guān)懷和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,中國共產(chǎn)主義青年團宣告成立。這在中國革命史和青年運動史上具有里程碑意義! | With the youth awakened and advanced ideas disseminated, the dynamic revolution quickly swept across the vast land of China. As Marxism-Leninism was becoming closely integrated with the Chinese workers' movement, the Communist Party of China was born. Since the day of its founding, the Party has paid particular attention to the youth and placed the hopes of revolution on them. At its First National Congress, the Party carried out specific studies into the establishment and development of a youth league as the prep school for the Party. On May 5, 1922, the Communist Youth League of China was founded under the direct care and leadership of the CPC, marking a milestone in the history of China's revolution and youth movement. | |
堅定不移跟黨走,為黨和人民奮斗,是共青團的初心使命。一百年來,在黨的堅強領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,共青團不忘初心、牢記使命,走在青年前列,組織引導(dǎo)一代又一代青年堅定信念、緊跟黨走,為爭取民族獨立、人民解放和實現(xiàn)國家富強、人民幸福而貢獻力量,譜寫了中華民族偉大復(fù)興進程中激昂的青春樂章。 | Faithfully following the Party and working for the Party and the people constitute the Communist Youth League's original aspiration and founding mission, to which the League has stayed true over the past century. Under the Party's strong leadership, it has organized and guided generation after generation of young people to stay firm in their convictions and loyal to the Party, fight for national independence and the people's liberation, and contribute to the country's strength and prosperity and the happiness of the people. Through these efforts, a stirring chapter of youth was written on our path toward China's national rejuvenation. | |
新民主主義革命時期,共青團廣泛傳播馬克思主義,用先進思想啟迪青年覺醒、凝聚青春力量,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年踴躍投身反帝反封建的工人運動、農(nóng)民運動、學(xué)生運動,積極參加黨領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的革命武裝,在打倒軍閥、抗日救亡、推翻國民黨反動統(tǒng)治的偉大斗爭中沖鋒陷陣,展現(xiàn)出不怕犧牲、浴血斗爭的精神風(fēng)貌。刀光劍影,槍林彈雨,廣大團員青年對黨忠貞不渝,經(jīng)受住了生與死的考驗,為中國革命勝利貢獻了青春、建立了重要功勛! | In the period of the new-democratic revolution, the Communist Youth League actively engaged in promoting Marxism in China, enlightening young people with advanced ideas and rallying their force. Under the League's leadership, its members and young people devoted themselves to anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movements of workers, peasants, and students, actively served in revolutionary armies led by the Party, and fought in the battles to bring down warlords, resist Japanese invaders, and overthrow the rule of the Kuomintang. They manifested a spirit of fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice. Charging forward through hailstorms of bullets, League members and young people showed their firm faith and passed the test of life and death, dedicating their youth to the victory of China's revolution and making outstanding contributions. | |
社會主義革命和建設(shè)時期,共青團積極參與中華民族有史以來最為廣泛而深刻的社會變革,組建青年突擊隊、青年墾荒隊、青年掃盲隊,開展學(xué)雷鋒活動,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年激發(fā)“敢教日月?lián)Q新天”的豪情,喊出“把青春獻給祖國”的響亮口號,向科學(xué)進軍,向困難進軍,向荒原進軍,展現(xiàn)出敢于拼搏、辛勤勞動的精神風(fēng)貌。艱難困苦,千難萬險,廣大團員青年主動作為、勇挑重擔(dān),哪里最困難、哪里就有團的旗幟,哪里有需要、哪里就有團員青年的身影,為祖國建設(shè)貢獻了青春、建立了重要功勛! | In the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Communist Youth League took an active part in the most extensive and profound social reform in the Chinese history. Its members acted as the spearhead in various campaigns and they were organized to reclaim uncultivated land, educate the illiterate, and learn from the model soldier Lei Feng. Under the League's leadership, its members and young people were empowered by the spirit of "daring to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky" and shouted out the slogan of "devoting our youth to the motherland." They rose to all sorts of challenges, no matter in scientific researches or the harsh natural environment. They manifested a spirit of daring to struggle and working hard. Pulling through hardships and dangers, League members and young people took the initiative to shoulder responsibilities and braved themselves in the most challenging and demanding missions, dedicating their youth to the country's construction and making outstanding contributions. | |
改革開放和社會主義現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)新時期,共青團適應(yīng)黨和國家工作中心戰(zhàn)略轉(zhuǎn)移,解放思想,銳意進取,廣泛開展?fàn)幃?dāng)新長征突擊手、“五講四美三熱愛”、希望工程、青年志愿者、青年文明號、保護母親河等一大批青春氣息濃烈的創(chuàng)造性活動,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年發(fā)出“團結(jié)起來、振興中華”的時代強音,在現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)各條戰(zhàn)線上勇立潮頭,展現(xiàn)出敢闖敢干、引領(lǐng)風(fēng)尚的精神風(fēng)貌。革故鼎新,建設(shè)四化,廣大團員青年勇作改革闖將,開風(fēng)氣之先,為改革開放和社會主義現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)貢獻了青春、建立了重要功勛! | In the new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, the Communist Youth League adjusted itself to the strategic shift in the focus of the Party and the country's work, freed the mind, and forged ahead with resolve. It launched a large number of creative initiatives, encouraging young people to be "pacesetters of the New Long March," to uphold "five things to stress," "four things to beautify," and "three things to love," to join the Project Hope for children's education in rural areas, to serve as volunteers, to perfect their professional performances, and to work for the environmental project "Mother River Protection." Under the League's leadership, a call of the time that "let us unite for national rejuvenation" resonated, and League members and young people rode the waves on all fronts of modernization. They manifested a spirit of daring to explore and setting the trend. Engaging themselves in the modernization drive by destroying the old and establishing the new, League members and young people acted as trailblazers of reform and led the way ahead, dedicating their youth to the country's reform and opening up and socialist modernization and making outstanding contributions. | |
中國特色社會主義新時代,共青團積極投身偉大斗爭、偉大工程、偉大事業(yè)、偉大夢想波瀾壯闊的實踐,堅持守正創(chuàng)新、踔厲奮發(fā),全面深化自身改革,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年在脫貧攻堅戰(zhàn)場摸爬滾打,在科技攻關(guān)崗位奮力攀登,在搶險救災(zāi)前線沖鋒陷陣,在疫情防控一線披甲出征,在奧運競技賽場奮勇爭先,在保衛(wèi)祖國哨位威武守護,在黨和人民最需要的時刻沖得出來、頂?shù)蒙先ィ宫F(xiàn)出自信自強、剛健有為的精神風(fēng)貌。“清澈的愛,只為中國”,成為當(dāng)代中國青年發(fā)自內(nèi)心的最強音。偉大夢想,偉大使命,廣大團員青年自覺擔(dān)當(dāng)重任,深入基層一線,讓青春在實現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復(fù)興的中國夢中綻放異彩,為黨和國家事業(yè)取得歷史性成就、發(fā)生歷史性變革貢獻了青春、建立了重要功勛! | In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Communist Youth League has pursued a great struggle, a great project, a great cause, and a great dream, made innovation on the basis of what has worked in the past, advanced its work with full strength, and reformed itself comprehensively. Under the League's leadership, its members and young people did their best in the fight against poverty, in cutting-edge scientific researches, in disaster rescue and relief missions, on the epidemic response frontline, in the Olympic arena, and at posts of defending the motherland, stepping up and responding to the calls of the Party and the people when they were most needed. They have manifested a spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance, vigor, and action. "My pure love is only for China," a phrase written by a young soldier and martyr, has become the most powerful expression of young people in contemporary China. Bearing a great dream and a great mission, League members and young people have willingly carried the ball on the frontline and demonstrated their brilliance in the course of realizing national rejuvenation, dedicating their youth to historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country and making outstanding contributions. | |
時代各有不同,青春一脈相承。一百年來,中國共青團始終與黨同心、跟黨奮斗,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年把忠誠書寫在黨和人民事業(yè)中,把青春播撒在民族復(fù)興的征程上,把光榮鐫刻在歷史行進的史冊里。 | Although the times keep changing, young people in China have been committed to the same mission. Over the past century, the Communist Youth League has been of one heart and mind with the Party and followed in its footsteps. It has united and led League members and young people in dedicating themselves to the cause of the Party and the people, devoting their youth to the journey toward national rejuvenation, and thus engraving their glory in the annals of history. | |
歷史和實踐充分證明,中國共青團不愧為中國青年運動的先鋒隊,不愧為黨的忠實助手和可靠后備軍! | Both history and reality tell us that the Communist Youth League of China is worthy of being regarded as the vanguard of the Chinese youth movement, a loyal aide to the Party, and a reliable reserve force. | |
共青團員們、青年朋友們、同志們! | League members, young friends, and comrades, | |
越是往前走、向上攀,越是要善于從走過的路中汲取智慧、提振信心、增添力量。一百年來,共青團堅定理想、矢志不渝,形成了寶貴經(jīng)驗。這是共青團面向未來、再立新功的重要遵循。 | The further we advance and the higher we climb, the better we should be at absorbing wisdom from our past experience, boosting our confidence, and improving our strength. Over the past century, with firm ideals and strong will, the Communist Youth League has amassed valuable experience which should be drawn upon to make new achievements in the future. | |
——百年征程,塑造了共青團堅持黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的立身之本。沒有中國共產(chǎn)黨,就沒有中國共青團。共青團從誕生之日起,就以黨的旗幟為旗幟、以黨的意志為意志、以黨的使命為使命,把堅持黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)深深融入血脈之中,形成了區(qū)別于其他青年組織的根本特質(zhì)和鮮明優(yōu)勢。聽黨話、跟黨走始終是共青團堅守的政治生命,黨有號召、團有行動始終是一代代共青團員的政治信念。歷史充分證明,只有堅持黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo),共青團才能團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)青年前進,推動中國青年運動沿著正確政治方向前行。 | The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has defined that upholding Party leadership is crucial to the League's success. The Communist Youth League would not have taken shape without the Communist Party of China. Since the very first day it was founded, the League has shared the same banner, will, and mission with the Party, integrated upholding the leadership of the Party into its lifeblood, and developed its particular character and distinct advantage which differentiate it from other youth organizations. Following the instructions and guidance of the Party remains the political career of the League, and that the League will act upon the Party's call is the political belief of League members from generation to generation. History has proved that only if it upholds Party leadership can the Communist Youth League unite the youth and lead them in moving forward and ensure that the Chinese youth movement is advancing in the right political direction. | |
——百年征程,塑造了共青團堅守理想信念的政治之魂。共青團把青年人組織起來,是在理想信念感召下堅定信仰的結(jié)合、科學(xué)主義的結(jié)合。團的一大就明確提出了建設(shè)共產(chǎn)主義社會的遠大理想,亮出了社會主義的鮮明旗幟,在一代又一代青年心中點亮理想之燈、發(fā)出信念之光,這是共青團最根本、最持久的凝聚力。歷史充分證明,只有始終高舉共產(chǎn)主義、社會主義旗幟,共青團才能形成最為牢固的團結(jié)、鍛造最有戰(zhàn)斗力的組織,始終把青年凝聚在黨的理想信念旗幟之下。 | The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has instilled its political essence of having firm ideals and convictions. Inspired by ideals and convictions, the Communist Youth League has organized and united young people with firm belief and scientific thinking. The first national congress of the League defined building a communist society as its ultimate ideal and made clear its banner of socialism, which has lighted the beacon of ideals and convictions among generations of young people. This is the most fundamental and enduring cohesion of the League. History tells us that only by holding high the banner of communism and socialism, can the Communist Youth League form the most solid unity, forge the most effective organization, and ensure that the youth are united under the banner of the Party's ideals and convictions. | |
——百年征程,塑造了共青團投身民族復(fù)興的奮進之力。黨的奮斗主題就是團的行動方向。共青團緊扣黨在不同歷史時期的中心任務(wù),團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年積極投身人民群眾的壯闊實踐,在民族復(fù)興征程上勇當(dāng)先鋒、傾情奉獻,發(fā)揮生力軍和突擊隊作用,使實現(xiàn)民族復(fù)興成為中國青年運動一以貫之的恢弘主流。歷史充分證明,只有牢牢扭住為中華民族偉大復(fù)興而奮斗這一主題,共青團才能團結(jié)起一切可以團結(jié)的青春力量,唱響壯麗的青春之歌。 | The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has helped build up its strength for contributing to national rejuvenation. The Party's goal determines the orientation of the Communist Youth League's action. Focusing on the Party's key tasks in different stages of history, the League has united and led its members and youths in joining the people in practice. It has served as pioneers in efforts toward national rejuvenation and played their role as a fresh driving force and the spearhead, ensuring that the goal of achieving national rejuvenation become the main theme throughout the Chinese youth movement. History has fully demonstrated that only by centering on endeavoring for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, can the Communist Youth League unite as many young people as possible to write an epic chapter of youth. | |
——百年征程,塑造了共青團扎根廣大青年的活力之源。共青團歷經(jīng)百年滄桑而青春煥發(fā),依靠的就是始終扎根廣大青年,始終把工作重點聚焦在最廣大的工農(nóng)青年和普通青年群體,把心緊緊同青年連在一起,把青年人的心緊緊同黨貼在一起。歷史充分證明,只有不斷從廣大青年這片沃土中汲取養(yǎng)分、獲取力量,共青團才能成為廣大青年信得過、靠得住、離不開的貼心人。 | The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has identified taking root among young people as its source of vitality. The Communist Youth League is glowing with youth and vigor after a hundred years of vicissitudes because it has consistently taken root among young people, put its focus of work on the overwhelming majority of young workers and peasants and ordinary youths, and stood with the youth while building a bridge to bring young people closer to the Party. History has shown that only by drawing nourishment and strength from the fertile soil of the vast number of young people, can the Communist Youth League be a close friend to youths that is trustworthy, reliable, and inseparable. | |
共青團員們、青年朋友們、同志們! | League members, young friends, and comrades, | |
在中國共產(chǎn)黨堅強領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,全國各族人民萬眾一心、齊心協(xié)力,勝利實現(xiàn)了第一個百年奮斗目標(biāo),在中華大地上全面建成了小康社會,正在意氣風(fēng)發(fā)向著全面建成社會主義現(xiàn)代化強國的第二個百年奮斗目標(biāo)邁進。 | Under the strong leadership of the Party, people of all ethnic groups in China have united as one with a shared purpose, have fulfilled the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and are moving on toward the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. | |
實現(xiàn)中國夢是一場歷史接力賽,當(dāng)代青年要在實現(xiàn)民族復(fù)興的賽道上奮勇爭先。時代總是把歷史責(zé)任賦予青年。新時代的中國青年,生逢其時、重任在肩,施展才干的舞臺無比廣闊,實現(xiàn)夢想的前景無比光明。在慶祝中國共產(chǎn)黨成立100周年大會上,共青團員、少先隊員代表響亮喊出“請黨放心、強國有我”的青春誓言。這是新時代中國青少年應(yīng)該有的樣子,更是黨的青年組織必須有的風(fēng)貌。 | Realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation is a relay race of history in which today's young people should strive for excellent performance. The times have always endowed young people with historical responsibilities. For generations of youths in the new era, the time could not be better for them to complete weighty tasks since they have an incomparably broad stage to display their talents and brighter prospects than ever before to realize their dreams. At the ceremony marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China, representatives from the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers declared the commitment of making due contribution to building a strong country. This is what Chinese youths are supposed to do in the new era and what the Party's youth organizations must be committed to. | |
在新的征程上,如何更好把青年團結(jié)起來、組織起來、動員起來,為實現(xiàn)第二個百年奮斗目標(biāo)、實現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復(fù)興的中國夢而奮斗,是新時代中國青年運動和青年工作必須回答的重大課題。共青團要增強引領(lǐng)力、組織力、服務(wù)力,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年成長為有理想、敢擔(dān)當(dāng)、能吃苦、肯奮斗的新時代好青年,用青春的能動力和創(chuàng)造力激蕩起民族復(fù)興的澎湃春潮,用青春的智慧和汗水打拼出一個更加美好的中國! | On the new journey ahead, how to better unite, organize, and mobilize young people in China's efforts to achieve the Second Centenary Goal and realize the Chinese Dream is a major topic that needs to be addressed in the Chinese youth movement and work related to youths in the new era. The Communist Youth League must enhance its leadership, organization, and services, unite and help its members and young people grow into new-era exemplary youths who have ideals, dare to assume responsibility, and are hardworking and able to endure hardship. In this way, they will build up the momentum for national rejuvenation with their youthful energy and creativity and build a better China with their youthful ingenuity and effort. | |
這里,我給共青團提幾點希望。 | Here I would like to share a few of my hopes with the League. | |
第一,堅持為黨育人,始終成為引領(lǐng)中國青年思想進步的政治學(xué)校。志存高遠方能登高望遠,胸懷天下才可大展宏圖。火熱的青春,需要堅定的理想信念。我們黨用“共產(chǎn)主義”為團命名,就是希望黨的青年組織永遠站在理想信念的高地上,用黨的科學(xué)理論武裝青年,用黨的初心使命感召青年,用黨的光輝旗幟指引青年,用黨的優(yōu)良作風(fēng)塑造青年。新時代的中國青年,更加自信自強、富于思辨精神,同時也面臨各種社會思潮的現(xiàn)實影響,不可避免會在理想和現(xiàn)實、主義和問題、利己和利他、小我和大我、民族和世界等方面遇到思想困惑,更加需要深入細致的教育和引導(dǎo),用敏銳的眼光觀察社會,用清醒的頭腦思考人生,用智慧的力量創(chuàng)造未來。共青團作為廣大青年在實踐中學(xué)習(xí)中國特色社會主義和共產(chǎn)主義的學(xué)校,要從政治上著眼、從思想上入手、從青年特點出發(fā),幫助他們早立志、立大志,從內(nèi)心深處厚植對黨的信賴、對中國特色社會主義的信心、對馬克思主義的信仰。要立足黨的事業(yè)后繼有人這一根本大計,牢牢把握培養(yǎng)社會主義建設(shè)者和接班人這個根本任務(wù),引導(dǎo)廣大青年在思想洗禮、在實踐鍛造中不斷增強做中國人的志氣、骨氣、底氣,讓革命薪火代代相傳! | First, I hope the League would nourish the youth for the Party and remain a political school that leads the political advancement of the Chinese youth. Only those aim high would scale the heights and look afar, and only those with a global vision would achieve great success. The passion of youth should be accompanied by firm ideals and convictions. By including the word "communist" into the League's name, the Party hopes that this youth organization would always stand on the high ground of ideals and convictions, equip the youth with the Party's theories, inspire them with the Party's original aspiration and founding mission, guide them with the Party's glorious banner, and shape them with the Party's fine conduct. The youth of China in the new era are more confident and capable of self-improvement, and they think more critically. At the same time, they are facing the influence of various trends of thought and would inevitably get confused about matters such as ideals and reality, doctrines and issues, egoism and altruism, individual and collective identities, and the nation and the world. More meticulous education and guidance is needed to help them make social observations with a sharp eye, think about life with a sober mind, and create the future with wisdom. As a school for the young people to study socialism with Chinese characteristics and communism through practice, the Communist Youth League should be politically-minded, start with ways of thinking, and take into consideration the characteristics of the youth in helping them set lofty goals at an early age, and in fostering their trust for the Party, confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics and belief in Marxism from the bottom of their hearts. The League should be guided by the vitally important goal of making sure that the cause of the Party is carried forward by future generations, and focus on the fundamental task of preparing the youth to contribute to and carry forward the socialist cause. It should help the youth become more proud, confident, and assured in their identity as Chinese people through tempering both in thinking and practice, so that the cause of the Party will be carried on from generation to generation. | |
第二,自覺擔(dān)當(dāng)盡責(zé),始終成為組織中國青年永久奮斗的先鋒力量。奮斗是青春最亮麗的底色,行動是青年最有效的磨礪。有責(zé)任有擔(dān)當(dāng),青春才會閃光。青年是常為新的,最具創(chuàng)新熱情,最具創(chuàng)新動力。黨和人民事業(yè)發(fā)展離不開一代又一代有志青年的拼搏奉獻。只有當(dāng)青春同黨和人民事業(yè)高度契合時,青春的光譜才會更廣闊,青春的能量才能充分迸發(fā)。青年是社會中最有生氣、最有闖勁、最少保守思想的群體,蘊含著改造客觀世界、推動社會進步的無窮力量。共青團要團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年勇做新時代的弄潮兒,自覺聽從黨和人民召喚,胸懷“國之大者”,擔(dān)當(dāng)使命任務(wù),到新時代新天地中去施展抱負、建功立業(yè),爭當(dāng)偉大理想的追夢人,爭做偉大事業(yè)的生力軍,讓青春在祖國和人民最需要的地方綻放絢麗之花! | Second, I hope the League would take up its responsibilities and remain a vanguard in organizing the Chinese youth to keep going forward. Working hard is the brightest color of youth, and taking actions is the best trial for young people. Responsibilities and commitment are what make the youthful years shine. The youth are always pioneers who are most passionate about innovation and most motivated to innovate. The cause of the Party and the people would not be advanced without the endeavor and dedication of generations of young aspirants. Only when youth fully aligns with the cause of the Party and the people, can its spectrum be broadened and energy fully stimulated. Young people are the most vigorous, enterprising, and least conservative group in society, who possess infinite power to improve the objective world and promote social progress. The Communist Youth League should unite and lead its members and young people in catching the contemporary waves, heeding the call of the Party and the people, bearing in mind the country's most fundamental interests, shouldering their missions, and realizing their aspirations and making achievements in new fronts in the new era. The League should encourage its members and young people to pursue the great ideal, drive forward the great cause, and let their youth blossom in fields where the Party and the people need them most. | |
第三,心系廣大青年,始終成為黨聯(lián)系青年最為牢固的橋梁紐帶。共青團是黨領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的群團組織,也是青年人自己的組織。團的最大優(yōu)勢在于遍布基層一線、深入青年身邊。要緊扣服務(wù)青年的工作生命線,履行鞏固和擴大黨執(zhí)政的青年群眾基礎(chǔ)這一政治責(zé)任,既把青年的溫度如實告訴黨,也把黨的溫暖充分傳遞給青年。要千方百計為青年辦實事、解難事,主動想青年之所想、急青年之所急,充分依托黨賦予的資源和渠道,為青年提供實實在在的幫助,讓廣大青年真切感受到黨的關(guān)愛就在身邊、關(guān)懷就在眼前! | Thirdly, I hope the League would bear in mind the interests of the youth and remain the strongest bond between the Party and the youth. The Communist Youth League is a people's organization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, as well as the youth's own organization. The greatest strength of the League lies in its network at the primary level that allows the League to stay close to the youth. The League should uphold the lifeline of serving the youth and carry out its political duty of consolidating and expanding the support from the youth for the Party's governance. While letting the Party know about the wellbeing of the youth, the League should also fully pass on the Party's care to the youth. The League should make every effort to benefit the youth, solve their difficulties, think from their perspective, respond to their concerns, and make full use of the resources and channels provided by the Party to offer the youth tangible support. In this way, young people would genuinely feel that the Party is always close by and ready to attend to their needs. | |
第四,勇于自我革命,始終成為緊跟黨走在時代前列的先進組織。對共青團來說,建設(shè)什么樣的青年組織、怎樣建設(shè)青年組織是事關(guān)根本的重大問題。“常制不可以待變化,一途不可以應(yīng)無方,刻船不可以索遺劍。”共青團只有勇于自我革命,才能跟上時代前進、青年發(fā)展、實踐創(chuàng)新的步伐。要把黨的全面領(lǐng)導(dǎo)落實到工作的全過程各領(lǐng)域,走好中國特色社會主義群團發(fā)展道路,聚焦不斷保持和增強政治性、先進性、群眾性的目標(biāo)方向,推動共青團改革向縱深發(fā)展。要敏于把握青年脈搏,依據(jù)青年工作生活方式新變化新特點,探索團的基層組織建設(shè)新思路新模式,帶動青聯(lián)、學(xué)聯(lián)組織高揚愛國主義、社會主義旗幟,不斷鞏固和擴大青年愛國統(tǒng)一戰(zhàn)線。要自覺對標(biāo)全面從嚴治黨經(jīng)驗做法,以改革創(chuàng)新精神和從嚴從實之風(fēng)加強自身建設(shè),嚴于管團治團,在全方位、高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)鍛造中煥發(fā)出共青團昂揚向上的時代風(fēng)貌! | Fourthly, the League should have the courage to reform itself and remain an advanced organization that closely follows the Party and stays at the forefront of the times. For the Communist Youth League, what kind of youth organization it should develop itself into and how to build it are major questions of fundamental importance. "A fixed system is not capable of responding to infinite changes, one road would not lead to myriad destinations, and a lost sword would hardly be located in a river by leaving a mark on the boat." Only through bold self-reform can the League keep pace with the times, the youth's development, and the trend of practice and innovation. The Communist Youth League should ensure the overall leadership of the Party throughout the whole process of its work in all areas, follow the Chinese socialist development path of people's organizations, focus on the goal and direction of maintaining and strengthening its political character, pioneering nature, and connection with the people, and deepen its reform. The League should develop a keen understanding of the youth and, in light of the new changes and features of young people's work and life styles, explore new approaches and models for its primary-level organizations. It should lead youth and student federations in promoting patriotism and socialism and constantly consolidate and expand the patriotic united front among the youth. The League should also use the Party's experience and effective practices in strict Party self-governance to improve itself with the spirit of reform and innovation and in a strict and practical manner, and at the same time exercise rigorous self-governance. Through comprehensive and high-standard self-improvement, the Communist Youth League will take on a positive image that reflects the spirit of the times. | |
“人生萬事須自為,跬步江山即寥廓。”追求進步,是青年最寶貴的特質(zhì),也是黨和人民最殷切的希望。新時代的廣大共青團員,要做理想遠大、信念堅定的模范,帶頭學(xué)習(xí)馬克思主義理論,樹立共產(chǎn)主義遠大理想和中國特色社會主義共同理想,自覺踐行社會主義核心價值觀,大力弘揚愛國主義精神;要做刻苦學(xué)習(xí)、銳意創(chuàng)新的模范,帶頭立足崗位、苦練本領(lǐng)、創(chuàng)先爭優(yōu),努力成為行業(yè)骨干、青年先鋒;要做敢于斗爭、善于斗爭的模范,帶頭迎難而上、攻堅克難,做到不信邪、不怕鬼、骨頭硬;要做艱苦奮斗、無私奉獻的模范,帶頭站穩(wěn)人民立場,腳踏實地、求真務(wù)實,吃苦在前、享受在后,甘于做一顆永不生銹的螺絲釘;要做崇德向善、嚴守紀(jì)律的模范,帶頭明大德、守公德、嚴私德,嚴格遵紀(jì)守法,嚴格履行團員義務(wù)。廣大共青團員要認真接受政治訓(xùn)練、加強政治鍛造、追求政治進步,積極向黨組織靠攏,以成長為一名合格的共產(chǎn)黨員為目標(biāo)、為光榮。 | As a line in an old Chinese poem goes, "Everything in life must be experienced by oneself; it is the minor steps that take one to a wider world." Striving for progress is the most precious character of the youth, and it is also what is most expected of them by our Party and people. League members in the new era should be role models of upholding lofty ideals and firm beliefs, take the lead in studying Marxist theory, build the ideal of communism and a shared ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, conscientiously practice core socialist values, and fully promote patriotism. They should play an exemplary role by studying hard and boldly engaging in innovation, take the requirements of their jobs as the starting point to improve their capabilities and strive for excellence, and try their best to become backbone personnel and advanced youths. They should be both brave and adept in carrying out our struggle, lead the way in rising to challenges and tackling tough problems, and refuse to be taken in by fallacies or to tremble in the face of danger. They should be models of hard work and dedication, take the lead in remaining committed to standing on the side of the people, be realistic, pragmatic, and down-to-earth, be the first to suffer hardship and the last to enjoy comfort, and be willing to play a minor but forever effective role in their posts. They should set an example in acting in a good and virtuous manner and in observing a strict code of discipline, uphold public and personal morals, abide by disciplinary regulations and the law, and strictly fulfill their obligations as members of the Communist Youth League. All League members should receive political training, intensify political tempering, and strive for political advancement. On this basis, they should actively draw closer to the Party, set it as their goal to become a qualified Party member, and take pride in achieving it. | |
長期以來,廣大團干部發(fā)揚優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng),認真履職盡責(zé),為黨的青年工作作出了重要貢獻。團干部要鑄牢對黨忠誠的政治品格,高揚理想主義的精神氣質(zhì),心境澄明,心力茁壯,讓人迎面就能感受到年輕干部應(yīng)有的清澈和純粹。要自覺踐行群眾路線、樹牢群眾觀點,同廣大青年打成一片,做青年友,不做青年“官”,多為青年計,少為自己謀。要培養(yǎng)擔(dān)當(dāng)實干的工作作風(fēng),不尚虛談、多務(wù)實功,勇于到艱苦環(huán)境和基層一線去擔(dān)苦、擔(dān)難、擔(dān)重、擔(dān)險,老老實實做人,踏踏實實干事。要涵養(yǎng)廉潔自律的道德修為,心有所畏、言有所戒、行有所止,不斷錘煉意志力、堅忍力、自制力,做一個一心為公、一身正氣、一塵不染的人。 | For many years, the staff of the Communist Youth League have carried forward their fine traditions, diligently performed their duties, and thus made significant contributions to the Party's work related to youths. League staff must refine their political character of being loyal to the Party, champion the spirit of pursuing noble ideals, and remain clear-minded and strong-hearted so that they make people feel the lucidness and pureness of young officials at first sight. They must consciously practice the mass line and firmly establish a correct mass viewpoint, maintain close ties with youths, be friends instead of "bureaucrats" to youths, and work to better benefit youths rather than themselves. They must develop a work style of being responsible and practical, refrain from empty talk to do more pragmatic work, have the courage to bear hardships, take on difficult tasks, shoulder heavy responsibilities, and face risks under harsh environments and at the community level, and conduct themselves properly and do solid work. They must improve moral cultivation to remain honest and self-disciplined, hold regulations and the law in awe and speak and act prudently, constantly build up their willpower, perseverance, and self-control, and be persons who always bear the public good in mind, have a strong sense of righteousness, and remain untainted by malpractices. | |
共青團員們、青年朋友們、同志們! | League members, young friends, and comrades, | |
革命人永遠是年輕。中國共產(chǎn)黨立志于中華民族千秋偉業(yè),百年恰是風(fēng)華正茂。列寧曾經(jīng)引用恩格斯的話說過:“我們是未來的黨,而未來是屬于青年的。我們是革新者的黨,而總是青年更樂于跟著革新者走。我們是跟腐朽的舊事物進行忘我斗爭的黨,而總是青年首先投身到忘我斗爭中去。”歷史和現(xiàn)實都證明,中國共產(chǎn)黨是始終保持青春特質(zhì)的黨,是永遠值得青年人信賴和追隨的黨。 | Revolutionaries are always young. Today, a hundred years on from its founding, the Communist Party of China is still in its prime, and remains as determined as ever to achieve lasting greatness for the Chinese nation. Quoting from Engels, Lenin once said, "We are the party of the future, and the future belongs to the youth. We are a party of innovators, and it is always the youth that most eagerly follows the innovators. We are a party that is waging a self-sacrificing struggle against the old rottenness, and youth is always the first to undertake a self-sacrificing struggle." Both history and reality have shown that the Communist Party of China is a party that always preserves its youthful features and a party that is worthy of the young people's trust and worth following. | |
在實現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復(fù)興的征程上,中國共產(chǎn)黨是先鋒隊,共青團是突擊隊,少先隊是預(yù)備隊。入隊、入團、入黨,是青年追求政治進步的“人生三部曲”。中國共產(chǎn)黨始終向青年敞開大門,熱情歡迎青年源源不斷成為黨的新鮮血液。共青團要履行好全團帶隊政治責(zé)任,規(guī)范和加強少先隊推優(yōu)入團、共青團推優(yōu)入黨工作機制,著力推動黨、團、隊育人鏈條相銜接、相貫通。各級黨組織要高度重視培養(yǎng)和發(fā)展青年黨員,特別是要注重從優(yōu)秀共青團員中培養(yǎng)和發(fā)展黨員,確保紅色江山永不變色。 | On the quest to realize national rejuvenation, the Communist Party of China is the vanguard, the Communist Youth League is the spearhead, and the Young Pioneers is the reserve force. Joining the Pioneers, the League, and then the Party makes up the "trilogy of life" for youths seeking political advancement. The Party has kept its gate open to all young people and will continue to welcome more youths who will add new blood to the Party. The Communist Youth League must perform its political duty of guiding the Young Pioneers, standardize and strengthen mechanisms for the Young Pioneers recommending outstanding members to the Youth League and from the League to the Party, and work hard to improve the interconnection and coordination between personnel cultivation in the Young Pioneers, the League, and the Party. Party organizations at all levels must attach great importance to the training and recruitment of outstanding young people and should, particularly, focus on cultivating and admitting outstanding League members into the Party, so as to ensure our socialist country never changes its nature. | |
李大釗說過:“青年者,國家之魂。”過去、現(xiàn)在、將來青年工作都是黨的工作中一項戰(zhàn)略性工作。各級黨委(黨組)要傾注極大熱忱研究青年成長規(guī)律和時代特點,拿出極大精力抓青年工作,做青年朋友的知心人、青年工作的熱心人、青年群眾的引路人。各級黨組織要落實黨建帶團建制度機制,經(jīng)常研究解決共青團工作中的重大問題,熱情關(guān)心、嚴格要求團干部,支持共青團按照群團工作特點和規(guī)律創(chuàng)造性地開展工作。 | Li Dazhao, a Chinese communist, once said, "The youth are the soul of a country." The Party's work related to young people was, is, and will be of strategic importance. Party committees and Party leadership groups at all levels must study the laws governing youths' growth and their contemporary features with great enthusiasm, devote great energy to the work related to youths, and serve wholeheartedly as their confidant and their guide. Party organizations at all levels must implement the systems and mechanisms for using Party building to lead League building, study and resolve major issues regarding League work on a regular basis, care about and expect more of League staff, and support the League in creatively carrying out their initiatives in accordance with the features of and the laws governing the work on people's organizations. | |
共青團員們、青年朋友們、同志們! | League members, young friends, and comrades, | |
早在兩千多年前,孔子就說:“后生可畏,焉知來者之不如今也?”青年之于黨和國家而言,最值得愛護、最值得期待。青年猶如大地上茁壯成長的小樹,總有一天會長成參天大樹,撐起一片天。青年又如初升的朝陽,不斷積聚著能量,總有一刻會把光和熱灑滿大地。黨和國家的希望寄托在青年身上! | More than 2,000 years ago, Confucius said, "A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?" For the Party and the country, young people deserve the best protection and bear our highest expectations. They are like the young trees thriving on earth that will eventually grow into towering trees to provide shelter for those in need. They are like the rising sun whose energy keeps on increasing as it climbs up the sky until the moment when it lights and warms up the earth. The Party and the country place their hopes on the youth. | |
1937年,毛澤東同志為陜北公學(xué)成立題詞時說:“要造就一大批人,這些人是革命的先鋒隊。這些人具有政治遠見。這些人充滿著斗爭精神和犧牲精神。這些人是胸懷坦白的,忠誠的,積極的,與正直的。這些人不謀私利,唯一的為著民族與社會的解放。這些人不怕困難,在困難面前總是堅定的,勇敢向前的。這些人不是狂妄分子,也不是風(fēng)頭主義者,而是腳踏實地富于實際精神的人們。中國要有一大群這樣的先鋒分子,中國革命的任務(wù)就能夠順利的解決。”今天,黨和人民同樣需要一大批這樣的先鋒分子,黨中央殷切希望共青團能夠培養(yǎng)出一大批這樣的先鋒分子。這是黨的殷切期待,也是祖國和人民的殷切期待! | As the Northern Shaanxi College was set up in 1937, Comrade Mao Zedong wrote the inscription "We need to cultivate a large number of personnel who will become the vanguard of China's revolution. They are politically far-sighted and full of the spirit of struggle and self-sacrifice. They have largeness of mind and are loyal, active, and upright. They do not pursue any personal gain, but work for the sole purpose of national and social liberation. They always meet difficulty head-on with resolve and brave persistence. They are neither swaggerers nor people who seek the limelight, but rather practical people who keep their feet firmly on the ground. Once our country has a large number of such vanguard, the task of China's revolution will be carried out successfully." In present-day China, the Party and the people still need a large number of such vanguard, and the Party Central Committee earnestly hopes the Communist Youth League can deliver results in this regard. This is the ardent expectation of the Party as well as our motherland and people. | |
(來源:新華網(wǎng)) | (Source: Xinhua) |