各位代表: | Fellow Deputies, | |
現在,我代表國務院,向大會報告政府工作,請予審議,并請全國政協委員提出意見。 | On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also ask members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for their comments. | |
一、2021年工作回顧 | I. A Review of Our Work in 2021 | |
過去一年是黨和國家歷史上具有里程碑意義的一年。以習近平同志為核心的黨中央團結帶領全黨全國各族人民,隆重慶祝中國共產黨成立一百周年,勝利召開黨的十九屆六中全會、制定黨的第三個歷史決議,如期打贏脫貧攻堅戰,如期全面建成小康社會、實現第一個百年奮斗目標,開啟全面建設社會主義現代化國家、向第二個百年奮斗目標進軍新征程。一年來,面對復雜嚴峻的國內外形勢和諸多風險挑戰,全國上下共同努力,統籌疫情防控和經濟社會發展,全年主要目標任務較好完成,“十四五”實現良好開局,我國發展又取得新的重大成就。 | Last year was a milestone in the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and our country. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core united and led the whole Party and Chinese people of all ethnic groups in accomplishing the following endeavors: ■ We celebrated the centenary of the Communist Party of China; ■ The 19th CPC Central Committee convened its sixth plenary session where a resolution on the Party's major achievements and historical experience over the past century was adopted; ■ We declared victory in the critical battle against poverty as envisaged; and ■ We achieved the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects on schedule and began a new journey toward the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country in all respects. Last year, facing complicated and challenging circumstances both in and outside of China, as well as many risks and challenges, all of us throughout the country worked hard as one. We responded to Covid-19 and pursued economic and social development in a well-coordinated way, accomplished the main targets and tasks for the year, got the 14th Five-Year Plan off to a good start, and once again secured new and major achievements in our country's development. | |
——經濟保持恢復發展。國內生產總值達到114萬億元,增長8.1%。全國財政收入突破20萬億元,增長10.7%。城鎮新增就業1269萬人,城鎮調查失業率平均為5.1%。居民消費價格上漲0.9%。國際收支基本平衡。 | -- The economy continued to recover and grow. China's gross domestic product (GDP) reached 114 trillion yuan, growing 8.1 percent. National fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan, growing 10.7 percent. A total of 12.69 million urban jobs were added, and the average surveyed unemployment rate stood at 5.1 percent. The consumer price index (CPI) rose by 0.9 percent. A basic equilibrium was maintained in the balance of payments. | |
——創新能力進一步增強。國家戰略科技力量加快壯大。關鍵核心技術攻關取得重要進展,載人航天、火星探測、資源勘探、能源工程等領域實現新突破。企業研發經費增長15.5%。數字技術與實體經濟加速融合。 | -- China's innovation capacity was strengthened. Our strategic science and technology capabilities were expanded at a faster pace. Major advances were registered in research on core technologies in key fields, and breakthroughs were made in manned spaceflight, Mars exploration, resource exploration, energy projects and other areas. Corporate spending on research and development grew by 15.5 percent. Integration of digital technology in the real economy was accelerated. | |
——經濟結構和區域布局繼續優化。糧食產量1.37萬億斤,創歷史新高。高技術制造業增加值增長18.2%,信息技術服務等生產性服務業較快發展,產業鏈韌性得到提升。區域發展戰略有效實施,新型城鎮化扎實推進。 | -- The economic structure and regional development priorities were refined. Grain output reached a record high of 685 million metric tons. Value-added of the high-tech manufacturing sector grew by 18.2 percent, IT services and other producer services recorded rapid growth, and industrial chains became more resilient. Regional development strategies were well implemented, and new urbanization was steadily advanced. | |
——改革開放不斷深化。在重要領域和關鍵環節推出一批重大改革舉措,供給側結構性改革深入推進。“放管服”改革取得新進展。市場主體總量超過1.5億戶。高質量共建“一帶一路”穩步推進。推動區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定生效實施。貨物進出口總額增長21.4%,實際使用外資保持增長。 | -- Reform and opening up were deepened. In key fields and sectors, a full range of major reforms were rolled out, and supply-side structural reform was deepened. New gains were made in the reform to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. The total number of market entities surpassed the 150-million mark. The Belt and Road Initiative saw steady high-quality development. China worked for the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The total volume of trade in goods grew by 21.4 percent, and growth of utilized foreign investment was sustained. | |
——生態文明建設持續推進。污染防治攻堅戰深入開展,主要污染物排放量繼續下降,地級及以上城市細顆粒物(PM2.5)平均濃度下降9.1%。第一批國家公園正式設立。生態環境質量明顯改善。 | -- Ecological conservation was enhanced. Thanks to further steps taken to prevent and control pollution, the discharge of major pollutants continued to fall and the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) dropped by 9.1 percent in cities at and above the prefecture level. The first group of national parks were officially established. Significant improvements were made in the quality of the environment. | |
——人民生活水平穩步提高。居民人均可支配收入實際增長8.1%。脫貧攻堅成果得到鞏固和拓展。基本養老、基本醫療、社會救助等保障力度加大。教育改革發展邁出新步伐。新開工改造城鎮老舊小區5.6萬個,惠及近千萬家庭。 | -- Living standards rose steadily. Per capita disposable income increased by 8.1 percent in real terms. Achievements in poverty alleviation were consolidated and further expanded. Inputs in basic elderly care, basic medical care, and social assistance were increased. New steps were taken in the reform and development of education. Renovations began on 56,000 old urban residential communities, benefiting close to 10 million households. | |
——疫情防控成果持續鞏固。落實常態化防控舉措,疫苗全程接種覆蓋率超過85%,及時有效處置局部地區聚集性疫情,保障了人民生命安全和身體健康,維護了正常生產生活秩序。 | -- Our gains in Covid-19 response were consolidated. Implementation of control measures became routine, and over 85 percent of the population received a full course of vaccination. Local outbreaks were suppressed in an effective and quick manner. By making these efforts, we ensured the health and safety of the people and maintained normal order in work and life. | |
回顧過去一年,成績得來殊為不易。我國經濟尚處在突發疫情等嚴重沖擊后的恢復發展過程中,國內外形勢又出現很多新變化,保持經濟平穩運行難度加大。我們深入貫徹以習近平同志為核心的黨中央決策部署,貫徹落實中央經濟工作會議精神,完整、準確、全面貫徹新發展理念,扎實做好“六穩”、“六保”工作,注重宏觀政策跨周期和逆周期調節,有效應對各種風險挑戰,主要做了以下工作。 | Reflecting on the past year, we can see that our achievements did not come easily. While the economy continued to recover from major shocks including Covid-19, many new changes occurred in and outside of China, and the difficulty of keeping the economy running stably mounted. In the face of such difficulty, we fully implemented the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, followed the guiding principles of the Central Economic Work Conference; applied the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor; took solid steps to ensure stability on six key fronts and security in six key areas,? and made cross- and counter-cyclical adjustments with macro policies. We thus effectively dealt with all risks and challenges that arose. Our main work over the past year was as follows. | |
一是保持宏觀政策連續性針對性,推動經濟運行保持在合理區間。宏觀政策適應跨周期調節需要,保持對經濟恢復必要支持力度,同時考慮為今年應對困難挑戰預留政策空間。建立常態化財政資金直達機制,將2.8萬億元中央財政資金納入直達范圍。優化地方政府專項債券發行使用。有效實施穩健的貨幣政策,兩次全面降準,推動降低貸款利率。有序推進地方政府債務風險防范化解,穩妥處置重大金融風險事件。強化穩崗擴就業政策落實,扎實做好高校畢業生等重點群體就業工作,推進大眾創業萬眾創新。加強大宗商品保供穩價,著力解決煤炭電力供應緊張問題。從全年看,主要宏觀經濟指標符合預期,財政赤字率和宏觀杠桿率下降,經濟增速繼續位居世界前列。 | 1. We kept macro policy consistent and targeted and kept the major economic indicators within the appropriate range. Our macro policies facilitated cross-cyclical adjustments and sustained the level of support necessary for economic recovery. We also took into account the need to leave ample policy space for meeting difficulties and challenges this year. We established a regular mechanism to directly allocate budgetary funds to prefecture- and county-level governments and placed 2.8 trillion yuan of central government funding under this mechanism. We also improved the way local governments issue and use special-purpose bonds. We implemented a prudent monetary policy to good effect and lowered required reserve ratios twice to facilitate the reduction of loan interest rates. We took well-considered steps to defuse local government debt risks and dealt prudently with major financial risks. We intensified policies to stabilize and expand employment, took solid measures to ensure employment for key groups like college graduates, and encouraged business startups and innovation. We took stronger steps to keep supply and prices of major commodities stable and to tackle supply shortages in coal and electric power. Over the course of last year, all major macroeconomic indicators stayed in line with projected targets, the deficit-to-GDP ratio and macro leverage ratio decreased, and China's economy remained one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. | |
二是優化和落實助企紓困政策,鞏固經濟恢復基礎。上億市場主體承載著數億人就業創業,宏觀政策延續疫情發生以來行之有效的支持路徑和做法。去年新增減稅降費超過1萬億元,還對制造業中小微企業、煤電和供熱企業實施階段性緩繳稅費。實踐表明,減稅降費是助企紓困直接有效的辦法,實際上也是“放水養魚”、涵養稅源,2013年以來新增的涉稅市場主體去年納稅達到4.76萬億元。加強鐵路、公路、航空、海運、港口等運輸保障。加大對受疫情影響嚴重行業企業信貸投放,繼續執行小微企業貸款延期還本付息和信用貸款支持政策,銀行業金融機構普惠小微企業貸款增長27.3%,大型商業銀行普惠小微企業貸款增幅超過40%,企業綜合融資成本穩中有降。 | 2. We refined and implemented policies for easing the difficulties of businesses and consolidated the foundation of economic recovery. As over one hundred million market entities have given several hundred million people the opportunity to go into business or secure employment, we have continued with the supportive macro-policy roadmaps and approaches that have proved effective since the epidemic began. Tax and fee reductions introduced last year totaled more than one trillion yuan. In addition, tax payments were postponed for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in manufacturing as well as coal-fired power plants and heating-supply enterprises as a temporary measure. Tax and fee reductions have proved a direct and effective way of helping enterprises ease their difficulties. In reality, they also help nurture business growth and cultivate sources of tax revenue. Last year, revenue generated from taxpaying market entities registered since 2013 reached 4.76 trillion yuan. We strengthened the capacity of railway, highway, aviation and maritime transportation as well as harbors. We boosted the credit supply to industries and enterprises severely affected by Covid-19. We continued policies for micro and small businesses to defer principal and interest repayments on loans and take out more collateral-free loans. Inclusive finance lending to micro and small business by financial institutions increased by 27.3 percent, with the figure rising to over 40 percent for large commercial banks, and overall financing costs of businesses dropped steadily. | |
三是深化改革擴大開放,持續改善營商環境。加強市場體系基礎制度建設,推進要素市場化配置等改革。繼續壓減涉企審批手續和辦理時限,更多政務服務事項實現一網通辦。推廣一批地方改革經驗,開展營商環境創新試點。加強和創新監管,反壟斷和防止資本無序擴張,維護公平競爭。深入實施國企改革三年行動。支持民營企業健康發展。基本完成行業協會商會與行政機關脫鉤改革。設立北京證券交易所和廣州期貨交易所。穩步推進農業農村、社會事業、生態文明等領域改革。深化共建“一帶一路”務實合作。加大穩外貿穩外資力度,成功舉辦進博會、廣交會、服貿會及首屆消博會等重大展會。新增4個服務業擴大開放綜合試點,推出海南自由貿易港開放新舉措。 | 3. We deepened reform, expanded opening up, and continued to improve the business environment. We worked harder to develop the underlying institutions for a market system, and pushed forward reforms to ensure production factors are allocated by the market. We continued to reduce the number of procedures and length of time it takes for enterprises to gain government approval. More government services were made available online. A package of successful practices in local reform were applied nationwide, and trials were conducted to improve the business environment. We bolstered regulation and adopted new regulatory approaches, took action against business monopolies, and prevented the unregulated expansion of capital, thus ensuring fair market competition. We continued implementation of the three-year action plan for SOE reform and supported the healthy development of private businesses. The reform to delink industry associations and chambers of commerce from government was basically completed. The Beijing Stock Exchange and Guangzhou Futures Exchange were opened. Solid strides were made in reforms in agriculture, rural development, social programs, and ecological conservation. We deepened practical cooperation to jointly advance the Belt and Road Initiative. Efforts to ensure stable performance in foreign trade and investment were intensified. We successfully hosted a number of major expos, including the China International Import Expo, the China Import and Export Fair, the China International Fair for Trade in Services, and the first China International Consumer Products Expo. Comprehensive trials for further opening up of the services sector were expanded to four more areas, and new measures for developing the Hainan Free Trade Port were adopted. | |
四是強化創新引領,穩定產業鏈供應鏈。加強國家實驗室建設,推進重大科技項目實施。改革完善中央財政科研經費管理,提高間接費用比例,擴大科研自主權。延續實施研發費用加計扣除政策,將制造業企業研發費用加計扣除比例提高到100%。強化知識產權保護。開展重點產業強鏈補鏈行動。傳統產業數字化智能化改造加快,新興產業保持良好發展勢頭。 | 4. We promoted innovation-driven development and stabilized industrial and supply chains. We boosted the development of national laboratories and promoted implementation of major science and technology programs. We reformed and refined the management of central government funding for scientific and technological research, increased the proportion of indirect expenses for research projects, and gave institutes more decision-making power over their research. We continued the additional tax deduction for R&D expenses and increased this deduction to cover 100 percent of such expenses for manufacturing enterprises. Intellectual property right protection was strengthened. Weak links in the industrial chains of key industries were reinforced and upgraded. Digital and smart technologies were adopted in traditional industries at a faster rate, and emerging industries maintained good momentum for development. | |
五是推動城鄉區域協調發展,不斷優化經濟布局。落實區域重大戰略和區域協調發展戰略,出臺新的支持舉措,實施一批重大項目。推進以縣城為重要載體的城鎮化建設。加強農業生產,保障農資供應,對種糧農民一次性發放200億元補貼。推動鄉村振興,確定160個國家鄉村振興重點幫扶縣。實施農村人居環境整治提升五年行動。 | 5. We promoted coordinated development between urban and rural areas and between regions and improved the structure of the economy. To ensure implementation of all major regional development strategies and the strategy for coordinated regional development, we rolled out new supporting measures and launched several major projects. Urbanization with the focus on county seats was promoted. To help bolster agricultural production, we ensured agricultural supplies and issued one-time subsidies totaling 20 billion yuan to grain growers. We advanced rural revitalization and designated 160 key counties to receive assistance in pursuing rural revitalization. A five-year program to improve the rural living environment also got under way. | |
六是加強生態環境保護,促進可持續發展。鞏固藍天、碧水、凈土保衛戰成果。推動化肥農藥減量增效和畜禽養殖廢棄物資源化利用。持續推進生態保護修復重大工程,全面實施長江十年禁漁。可再生能源發電裝機規模突破10億千瓦。出臺碳達峰行動方案。啟動全國碳排放權交易市場。積極應對氣候變化。 | 6. We strengthened environmental protection and promoted sustainable development. We consolidated our gains in keeping the skies blue, waters clear, and land pollution-free. We encouraged farmers to use chemical fertilizer and pesticide more efficiently and promoted the recycling of livestock and poultry waste. We continued major projects to protect and restore ecosystems, and fully enforced the ten-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River. China's installed capacity of renewable power exceeded one billion kilowatts. An action plan for peaking carbon emissions by 2030 was unveiled. The China Carbon Emission Trade Exchange was launched. We took active steps to respond to climate change. | |
七是著力保障和改善民生,加快發展社會事業。加大農村義務教育薄弱環節建設力度,提高學生營養改善計劃補助標準,3700多萬學生受益。減輕義務教育階段學生作業負擔和校外培訓負擔。超額完成高職擴招三年行動目標。國家助學貸款每人每年最高額度增加4000元,惠及500多萬在校生。上調退休人員基本養老金。提高優撫標準。將低保邊緣家庭重病重殘人員納入低保范圍,做好困難群眾幫扶救助。改革疾病預防控制體系。把更多常見病、慢性病等門診費用納入醫保報銷范圍,住院費用跨省直接結算率達到60%。嚴格藥品疫苗監管。實施三孩生育政策。加強養老服務。加快發展保障性租賃住房。繁榮發展文化事業和文化產業,創新實施文化惠民工程。營造良好網絡生態。積極開展全民健身運動。我國體育健兒在東京奧運會、殘奧會上勇創佳績。經過精心籌備,我們成功舉辦了簡約、安全、精彩的北京冬奧會,也一定能辦好剛剛開幕的冬殘奧會。 | 7. We worked to ensure and improve the people's wellbeing and accelerated development of social programs. We intensified efforts to shore up weak links in rural compulsory education, and increased subsidies in the nutrition improvement program for compulsory-education students in rural areas, benefiting over 37 million students. We reduced the homework load and eased the off-campus tutoring burden on students in compulsory education. We surpassed the targets set in the three-year enrollment expansion initiative for vocational colleges. The cap for government-subsidized student loans was raised by 4,000 yuan per person per year, benefiting over five million students. The basic pension for retirees was increased. Benefits were raised for entitled groups. To improve assistance and support for those in need, the scope of the subsistence allowance scheme was expanded to include people with serious illness or severe disability from families just outside the margin of eligibility. We reformed the system for disease prevention and control. Outpatient bills for more common illnesses and chronic diseases became reimbursable under the basic medical insurance scheme, and 60 percent of cross-provincial inpatient medical expenses were directly settled where they were incurred. We tightened up regulation and supervision of drugs and vaccines. The three-child policy was implemented. Elderly services were improved. Government-subsidized rental housing was increased at a faster pace. We developed cultural programs and the cultural sector, and launched new cultural projects to benefit the public. A sound online environment was fostered. We actively carried out public fitness activities. Chinese athletes achieved great success in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. And thanks to meticulous preparation, China has presented the world with a simple, safe, and splendid 2022 Winter Olympic Games. The Paralympic Games, which has just opened, will undoubtedly also be a great success. | |
八是推進法治政府建設和治理創新,保持社會和諧穩定。提請全國人大常委會審議法律議案10件,制定修訂行政法規15部。認真辦理人大代表建議和政協委員提案。出臺法治政府建設實施綱要。發揮審計監督作用。繼續開展國務院大督查,深入實施“互聯網+督查”。創新城鄉基層治理。扎實做好信訪工作,化解信訪積案。強化安全生產和應急管理。加強國家安全保障能力建設。完善社會治安防控體系,常態化開展掃黑除惡斗爭,集中打擊治理電信網絡詐騙等犯罪。去年一些地區發生嚴重洪澇等災害,各方面積極開展防災救災和災后重建,努力保障人民群眾生命財產安全。 | 8. We made progress in building a rule of law government, developed new ways of conducting governance, and maintained social harmony and stability. We submitted 10 legislative proposals to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) for deliberation, and formulated or revised 15 sets of administrative regulations. We conscientiously handled the proposals of NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members. The Outline for Building a Law-Based Government (2021–2025) was promulgated. Audit-based oversight was enhanced. The State Council continued its accountability inspections, and further implemented the Internet plus model of inspection. New approaches were adopted in conducting primary-level governance in urban and rural areas. We made solid headway in handling public complaints and clearing the backlog of cases. We took stronger steps to ensure workplace safety and strengthened emergency response management. Our ability to safeguard national security was enhanced. We improved the crime prevention and control system, worked to crack down on organized crime and root out local criminal gangs on an ongoing basis, and fought telecom and cyber fraud as a priority. During severe flooding and other disasters that hit some parts of the country last year, government authorities and departments were actively involved in disaster prevention, relief, and reconstruction and earnestly strived to protect people's lives and property. | |
貫徹落實黨中央全面從嚴治黨戰略部署。開展黨史學習教育。加強黨風廉政建設和反腐敗斗爭。嚴格落實中央八項規定精神,持之以恒糾治“四風”,進一步為基層減負。 | We implemented the Party Central Committee's strategic decision to exercise full and strict Party self-governance. We carried out activities to study the history of the CPC, and did more to improve Party conduct, build a government of integrity, and fight corruption. We strictly complied with the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on improving work conduct, kept up our efforts to tackle pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, and took further steps to ease the burdens of those working on the ground. | |
中國特色大國外交全面推進。習近平主席等黨和國家領導人通過視頻方式出席聯合國大會、二十國集團領導人峰會、亞太經合組織領導人非正式會議、金磚國家領導人會晤、中國-東盟建立對話關系30周年紀念峰會、中非合作論壇部長級會議開幕式、東亞合作領導人系列會議、亞歐首腦會議等重大活動。成功舉辦多場重大主場外交活動。推動構建人類命運共同體,積極發展全球伙伴關系,積極參與全球治理體系改革和建設,推進國際抗疫合作,共同應對全球性問題和挑戰。中國為促進世界和平與發展作出了積極貢獻。 | We advanced China's major-country diplomacy on all fronts. President Xi Jinping and other Party and state leaders attended, via video link, major diplomatic events, including the 76th UN General Assembly, the 16th G20 Leaders' Summit, the 28th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, the 13th BRICS Summit, the Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations, the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the East Asia leaders' meetings on cooperation and the 13th Asia-Europe Meeting. We also successfully hosted a number of major diplomatic events. We promoted the building of a human community with a shared future, fostered global partnerships, and played an active part in the reform and development of the global governance system. We advanced international cooperation on Covid-19 response and worked with all other countries to respond to issues and challenges global in nature. We have thus contributed our share to promoting world peace and development. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
過去一年取得的成績,是以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領導的結果,是習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想科學指引的結果,是全黨全軍全國各族人民團結奮斗的結果。我代表國務院,向全國各族人民,向各民主黨派、各人民團體和各界人士,表示誠摯感謝!向香港特別行政區同胞、澳門特別行政區同胞、臺灣同胞和海外僑胞,表示誠摯感謝!向關心和支持中國現代化建設的各國政府、國際組織和各國朋友,表示誠摯感謝! | We owe our achievements last year to the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the concerted efforts of the Party, the armed forces and Chinese people of all ethnic groups. On behalf of the State Council, I wish to express sincere gratitude to all our people, and to all other political parties, people's organizations, and public figures from all sectors of society. I express heartfelt appreciation to our fellow countrymen and women in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, in Taiwan, and overseas. I also wish to express heartfelt thanks to the governments of other countries, international organizations and friends across the world who have shown understanding and support for us in China as we pursue modernization. | |
在肯定成績的同時,我們也清醒看到面臨的問題和挑戰。全球疫情仍在持續,世界經濟復蘇動力不足,大宗商品價格高位波動,外部環境更趨復雜嚴峻和不確定。我國經濟發展面臨需求收縮、供給沖擊、預期轉弱三重壓力。局部疫情時有發生。消費和投資恢復遲緩,穩出口難度增大,能源原材料供應仍然偏緊,輸入性通脹壓力加大,中小微企業、個體工商戶生產經營困難,穩就業任務更加艱巨。關鍵領域創新支撐能力不強。一些地方財政收支矛盾加大,經濟金融領域風險隱患較多。民生領域還有不少短板。政府工作存在不足,形式主義、官僚主義仍然突出,脫離實際、違背群眾意愿現象屢有發生,有的在政策執行中采取“一刀切”、運動式做法。少數干部不擔當、不作為、亂作為,有的漠視嚴重侵害群眾權益問題、工作嚴重失職失責。一些領域腐敗問題依然多發。我們要增強憂患意識,直面問題挑戰,全力以赴做好工作,決不辜負人民期待! | While recognizing our achievements, we are also very clear about the problems and challenges before us. The Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing. The world economic recovery lacks drive, and commodity prices remain high and are prone to fluctuation. All of this is making our external environment increasingly volatile, grave and uncertain. In pursing economic development, China is under the triple pressures of shrinking demand, disrupted supply and weakening expectations. Local Covid-19 cases are still occurring sporadically. The recovery of consumption and investment is sluggish. It is getting more difficult to maintain steady growth in exports, the supply of energy resources and raw materials remains inadequate, and imported inflationary pressure has increased. Many MSMEs and self-employed individuals face difficulty in production and business operations, and the task of stabilizing employment is more formidable. Our capacity to support innovation is lacking in key areas. The budgetary imbalances of some local governments have become more pronounced, and many potential risks are present in the economic and financial sectors. In areas that are important to the public wellbeing, numerous issues need to be addressed. There is also room for improvement in the work of government. Pointless formalities and bureaucratism remain an acute issue. Cases of becoming detached from reality and acting against the public will are still frequent. Some local governments use one-size-fits-all or campaign-style approaches in policy implementation. A small number of officials either shirk their responsibilities, fail to do their jobs, or behave irresponsibly. Some officials, by disregarding serious infringements on the rights and interests of the people, have been derelict in their duties. Corruption remains a common problem in some sectors. We must be more mindful of potential difficulties, face problems and challenges squarely, make every effort to deliver a satisfactory performance, and do our utmost to live up to people's expectations. | |
二、2022年經濟社會發展總體要求和政策取向 | II. Overall Requirements and Policy Orientation for Economic and Social Development in 2022 | |
今年將召開中國共產黨第二十次全國代表大會,是黨和國家事業發展進程中十分重要的一年。做好政府工作,要在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領導下,以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,全面貫徹落實黨的十九大和十九屆歷次全會精神,弘揚偉大建黨精神,堅持穩中求進工作總基調,完整、準確、全面貫徹新發展理念,加快構建新發展格局,全面深化改革開放,堅持創新驅動發展,推動高質量發展,堅持以供給側結構性改革為主線,統籌疫情防控和經濟社會發展,統籌發展和安全,繼續做好“六穩”、“六保”工作,持續改善民生,著力穩定宏觀經濟大盤,保持經濟運行在合理區間,保持社會大局穩定,迎接黨的二十大勝利召開。 | This year is of great significance in the cause of the Party and the country, as the Communist Party of China will hold its 20th National Congress. For the government to deliver, we must, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, do the following: ■ follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; ■ implement the guiding principles of the Party's 19th National Congress and all plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee; ■ carry forward the great founding spirit of the Party; ■ act on the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability; ■ apply the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor and move faster to create a new pattern of development; ■ deepen reform and opening up in all respects; ■ pursue innovation-driven development; ■ promote high-quality development; ■ advance supply-side structural reform as the main task; ■ respond to Covid-19 and pursue economic and social development in a well-coordinated way; ■ ensure both development and security; ■ continue to ensure stability on six key fronts and maintain security in six key areas; ■ keep working to improve people's lives; ■ strive to maintain stable macroeconomic performance; ■ keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range; and ■ maintain overall social stability. These efforts will enable us to pave the way for a successful 20th National Party Congress. | |
綜合研判國內外形勢,今年我國發展面臨的風險挑戰明顯增多,必須爬坡過坎。越是困難越要堅定信心、越要真抓實干。我國經濟長期向好的基本面不會改變,持續發展具有多方面有利條件,特別是億萬人民有追求美好生活的強烈愿望、創業創新的巨大潛能、共克時艱的堅定意志,我們還積累了應對重大風險挑戰的豐富經驗。中國經濟一定能頂住新的下行壓力,必將行穩致遠。 | A comprehensive analysis of evolving dynamics at home and abroad indicates that this year our country will encounter many more risks and challenges, and we must keep pushing to overcome them. The harder things get, the more confident we must be, and the more solid steps we must take to deliver outcomes. The fundamentals of our economy remain unchanged, and they will maintain long-term growth. We have many favorable conditions for sustaining development. Most notably, our people, in their hundreds of millions, aspire to a better life, have huge potential for starting businesses and engaging in innovation, and are resolved to overcome all difficulties together. We have also acquired a wealth of experience in dealing with major risks and challenges. There is no doubt but that China's economy will withstand any new downward pressure and continue growing steadily long into the future. | |
今年發展主要預期目標是:國內生產總值增長5.5%左右;城鎮新增就業1100萬人以上,城鎮調查失業率全年控制在5.5%以內;居民消費價格漲幅3%左右;居民收入增長與經濟增長基本同步;進出口保穩提質,國際收支基本平衡;糧食產量保持在1.3萬億斤以上;生態環境質量持續改善,主要污染物排放量繼續下降;能耗強度目標在“十四五”規劃期內統籌考核,并留有適當彈性,新增可再生能源和原料用能不納入能源消費總量控制。 | The main projected targets for development this year are as follows: ■ GDP growth of around 5.5 percent ■ over 11 million new urban jobs ■ a surveyed urban unemployment rate of no more than 5.5 percent ■ CPI increase of around 3 percent ■ growth in personal income that is basically in step with economic growth ■ steady increases in both the volume and quality of imports and exports ■ a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments ■ grain output of over 650 million metric tons ■ further improvement in the environment ■ continued reduction in the discharge of major pollutants ■ energy consumption per unit of GDP to be assessed with appropriate flexibility within the framework of the 14th Five-Year Plan; and the exclusion of newly added renewable energy and coal, petroleum, and natural gas consumed as raw materials in the total amount of energy consumption. | |
經濟增速預期目標的設定,主要考慮穩就業保民生防風險的需要,并同近兩年平均經濟增速以及“十四五”規劃目標要求相銜接。這是高基數上的中高速增長,體現了主動作為,需要付出艱苦努力才能實現。 | The above economic growth target is based mainly on the need to maintain stable employment, meet basic living needs, and guard against risks. This target is also in keeping with the average growth rates of the last two years and the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It represents a medium-high rate of growth given our large economic aggregate, and demonstrates our ability to move proactively. But achieving this goal will require arduous efforts. | |
完成今年發展目標任務,宏觀政策要穩健有效,微觀政策要持續激發市場主體活力,結構政策要著力暢通國民經濟循環,科技政策要扎實落地,改革開放政策要激活發展動力,區域政策要增強發展的平衡性協調性,社會政策要兜住兜牢民生底線。各方面要圍繞貫徹這些重大政策和要求,細化實化具體舉措,形成推動發展的合力。 | To fulfill the development goals and tasks for the year, we should pursue prudent and effective macro policies, micro policies that can continuously energize market entities, and structural policies that facilitate smooth flows in the economy. Science and technology policies should be fully implemented, reform and opening up policies should lend impetus to development, regional policies should ensure more balanced and coordinated development, and social policies should meet basic living needs. All of us involved must adopt detailed and effective measures to meet these major policy requirements and create synergy for driving growth. | |
要保持宏觀政策連續性,增強有效性。積極的財政政策要提升效能,更加注重精準、可持續。穩健的貨幣政策要靈活適度,保持流動性合理充裕。就業優先政策要提質加力。政策發力適當靠前,及時動用儲備政策工具,確保經濟平穩運行。 | Macro policies should be kept consistent and made more effective. The proactive fiscal policy should be more effectual, more targeted, and more sustainable. The prudent monetary policy should be both flexible and appropriate, with reasonably ample liquidity being maintained. The employment-first policy should be pursued with intensified efforts to deliver the desired outcomes. These policies should produce effects early on, and the policy tools we have in reserve should be promptly deployed to ensure stable economic performance. | |
繼續做好常態化疫情防控。堅持外防輸入、內防反彈,不斷優化完善防控措施,加強口岸城市疫情防控,加大對病毒變異的研究和防范力度,加快新型疫苗和特效藥物研發,持續做好疫苗接種工作,更好發揮中醫藥獨特作用,科學精準處置局部疫情,保持正常生產生活秩序。 | We will continue effective routine Covid-19 control. To prevent inbound cases and domestic resurgences, we need to constantly refine epidemic containment measures, strengthen epidemic controls in port-of-entry cities, step up efforts to study and protect against virus variants, accelerate R&D of new vaccines and effective medicines, continue implementing vaccination programs, and give full play to the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine. Occurrences of local cases must be handled in a scientific and targeted manner, and the normal order of work and life must be ensured. | |
今年工作要堅持穩字當頭、穩中求進。面對新的下行壓力,要把穩增長放在更加突出的位置。各地區各部門要切實擔負起穩定經濟的責任,積極推出有利于經濟穩定的政策。要統籌穩增長、調結構、推改革,加快轉變發展方式,不搞粗放型發展。堅持實事求是,立足社會主義初級階段基本國情,著力辦好自己的事,尊重發展規律、客觀實際和群眾需求,因地制宜創造性開展工作,把各方面干事創業積極性充分調動起來。推動有效市場和有為政府更好結合,善于運用改革創新辦法,激發市場活力和社會創造力。要堅持以人民為中心的發展思想,依靠共同奮斗,扎實推進共同富裕,不斷實現人民對美好生活的向往。 | In our work this year, we must make economic stability our top priority and pursue progress while ensuring stability. In the face of new downward pressure, the task of ensuring stable growth needs to occupy an even more prominent position. All localities and government departments should fulfill their responsibilities for maintaining stable macroeconomic performance by proactively introducing pro-stability policies. We should take coordinated moves to keep growth stable, promote structural adjustment, and carry out reform. We should work faster to transform the growth model, and say no to an extensive development model. We should follow a fact-based approach, and bear in mind the fundamental dimension of China's national context, that is, it is still in the primary stage of socialism. We should manage our own affairs well, and respect the laws of development, the reality on the ground, and the needs of the people. We should work in creative ways in light of actual conditions and motivate all stakeholders to pursue development endeavors. We should promote both an efficient market and a well-functioning government, and we should be adept at using reform and innovation to boost market dynamism and social creativity. We must act on the people-centered development philosophy and rely on the efforts of everyone to promote prosperity for all, so as to keep realizing the people's aspirations for a better life. | |
三、2022年政府工作任務 | III. Major Tasks for 2022 | |
今年經濟社會發展任務重、挑戰多。要按照以習近平同志為核心的黨中央部署要求,完整、準確、全面貫徹新發展理念,加快構建新發展格局,推動高質量發展,扎實做好各項工作。 | This year, we face heavy tasks and many challenges in economic and social development. We should follow the decisions and requirements of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, apply the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor, move faster to create a new pattern of development, and promote high-quality development, so as to deliver solid outcomes in all areas of our work. | |
(一)著力穩定宏觀經濟大盤,保持經濟運行在合理區間。繼續做好“六穩”、“六保”工作。宏觀政策有空間有手段,要強化跨周期和逆周期調節,為經濟平穩運行提供有力支撐。 | 1. Achieving stable macroeconomic performance and keeping major economic indicators within the appropriate range We must continue to ensure stability on six fronts and maintain security in six areas. We have both macro-policy tools and space available to us, and we should use them to intensify cross- and counter-cyclical adjustments and to provide strong support for a stable economic performance. | |
提升積極的財政政策效能。今年赤字率擬按2.8%左右安排、比去年有所下調,有利于增強財政可持續性。預計今年財政收入繼續增長,加之特定國有金融機構和專營機構依法上繳近年結存的利潤、調入預算穩定調節基金等,支出規模比去年擴大2萬億元以上,可用財力明顯增加。新增財力要下沉基層,主要用于落實助企紓困、穩就業保民生政策,促進消費、擴大需求。今年安排中央本級支出增長3.9%,其中中央部門支出繼續負增長。中央對地方轉移支付增加約1.5萬億元、規模近9.8萬億元,增長18%、為多年來最大增幅。中央財政將更多資金納入直達范圍,省級財政也要加大對市縣的支持,務必使基層落實惠企利民政策更有能力、更有動力。 | We will see that the proactive fiscal policy is more effective. We have set the deficit-to-GDP ratio for the year at around 2.8 percent, slightly lower than last year, and this will boost fiscal sustainability. It is projected that fiscal revenue will continue to grow in 2022. In addition, we also have available to us the surplus profits of state-owned financial institutions and state monopoly business operations from recent years turned over in accordance with the law and funds transferred from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund. This will make it possible for government to increase expenditures by more than two trillion yuan over last year, putting significantly greater fiscal resources at our disposal. New funds will be channeled to local levels of government and used mainly to ease the difficulties of enterprises, stabilize employment, meet living needs, and increase consumption and demand. This year, central government expenditures will rise by 3.9 percent, but the budgetary spending of central government departments will continue to register negative growth. Central government transfer payments to local governments will come to close to 9.8 trillion yuan. This figure represents a growth of 18 percent, or around 1.5 trillion yuan, and is the largest increase in recent years. The central government will place more budgetary funds under the mechanism for direct allocation to prefecture- and county-level governments, and provincial-level governments should also provide additional fiscal support to these levels. It is imperative that local governments are both able and motivated to carry out policies that will benefit businesses and people. | |
要用好政府投資資金,帶動擴大有效投資。今年擬安排地方政府專項債券3.65萬億元。強化績效導向,堅持“資金、要素跟著項目走”,合理擴大使用范圍,支持在建項目后續融資,開工一批具備條件的重大工程、新型基礎設施、老舊公用設施改造等建設項目。民間投資在投資中占大頭,要發揮重大項目牽引和政府投資撬動作用,完善相關支持政策,充分調動民間投資積極性。 | We will use government investment funds to stimulate and expand effective investment. This year, special-purpose bonds for local governments will total 3.65 trillion yuan. We will, taking a performance-oriented approach, ensure that investment funds and other production factors stay with projects they are allocated to, while appropriately widening the scope of usage for such factors. We will support follow-up financing for ongoing projects, and begin construction on major projects that are ready for launching, new types of infrastructure, and renovations of outdated public facilities. The lion's share of investment in China comes from the non-government sector. We will give full play to the leveraging role of major projects and government investment and refine relevant supporting policies to keep non-government investors fully motivated. | |
要堅持政府過緊日子,更好節用裕民。大力優化支出結構,保障重點支出,嚴控一般性支出。盤活財政存量資金和閑置資產。各級政府必須艱苦奮斗、勤儉節約,中央政府和省級政府要帶頭。加強收支管理,嚴禁鋪張浪費,不得違規新建樓堂館所,不得搞形象工程,對違反財經紀律、肆意揮霍公款的要嚴查重處,一定要把寶貴資金用在發展緊要處、民生急需上。 | Government will keep its belt tightened and keep spending low to benefit the people. We will improve the mix of government spending so as to ensure funding for key areas and strictly control general expenditures. Budgetary funds and assets sitting idle will be put into good use. Governments at every level need to operate within their means and economize where possible, and central and provincial-level governments should take the lead in this regard. Management of fiscal receipts and outlays will be tightened up, and wasteful and excessive spending will be prohibited. We will prevent the construction of new government buildings in violation of regulations. No vanity projects will be tolerated, and anyone who violates fiscal discipline or squanders public funds will be investigated and severely punished. We must ensure that our precious funds are used in areas that are critical to development and to meet the urgent needs of the people. | |
加大穩健的貨幣政策實施力度。發揮貨幣政策工具的總量和結構雙重功能,為實體經濟提供更有力支持。擴大新增貸款規模,保持貨幣供應量和社會融資規模增速與名義經濟增速基本匹配,保持宏觀杠桿率基本穩定。保持人民幣匯率在合理均衡水平上的基本穩定。進一步疏通貨幣政策傳導機制,引導資金更多流向重點領域和薄弱環節,擴大普惠金融覆蓋面。推動金融機構降低實際貸款利率、減少收費,讓廣大市場主體切身感受到融資便利度提升、綜合融資成本實實在在下降。 | We will step up implementation of the prudent monetary policy. We will use monetary policy tools to adjust both the monetary aggregate and the monetary structure, so as to provide more robust support for the real economy. We will expand the scale of new loans, see that increases in money supply and aggregate financing are generally in step with nominal economic growth, and keep the macro leverage ratio generally stable. The RMB exchange rate will be kept generally stable at an adaptive, balanced level. We will further improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, channel more funds into key areas and weak links, and expand the coverage of inclusive finance. Financial institutions will be encouraged to lower real loan interest rates and cut fees, so as to truly make it easier for market entities to access financing and achieve a considerable drop in overall financing costs. | |
強化就業優先政策。大力拓寬就業渠道,注重通過穩市場主體來穩就業,增強創業帶動就業作用。財稅、金融等政策都要圍繞就業優先實施,加大對企業穩崗擴崗的支持力度。各類專項促就業政策要強化優化,對就業創業的不合理限制要堅決清理取消。各地都要千方百計穩定和擴大就業。 | We will strengthen the employment-first policy. We will work to broaden the employment channels, promote employment stability by keeping the operations of market entities stable, and harness the role of business startups in boosting employment. Fiscal and financial policies will facilitate implementation of the employment-first policy, and greater support will be provided for enterprises to stabilize and expand employment. All dedicated employment policies will be strengthened and improved, and we will resolutely act to overhaul or abolish excessive restrictions on employment and business startups. All local governments must use every possible means to stabilize employment and expand it further. | |
確保糧食能源安全。保障糧食等重要農產品供應,繼續做好能源、重要原材料保供穩價工作,保障民生和企業正常生產經營用電。實施全面節約戰略。增強國內資源生產保障能力,加快油氣、礦產等資源勘探開發,完善國家戰略物資儲備制度,保障初級產品供給。打擊哄抬物價等行為。保持物價水平基本穩定。 | We will ensure food and energy security. We will ensure the supply of grain and other major agricultural products, as well as the supply and price stability of energy and important raw materials, and guarantee sufficient electricity to meet people's living needs and conduct normal business production and operations. We will implement a comprehensive resource conservation strategy. To enhance China's capacity for resource production and supply, we will step up petroleum, natural gas and mineral exploration and development, improve the national strategic goods reserve system, and ensure the supply of primary products. We will crack down on price gouging, and ensure price levels are kept generally stable. | |
防范化解重大風險。繼續按照穩定大局、統籌協調、分類施策、精準拆彈的基本方針,做好經濟金融領域風險防范和處置工作。壓實地方屬地責任、部門監管責任和企業主體責任,加強風險預警、防控機制和能力建設,設立金融穩定保障基金,發揮存款保險制度和行業保障基金的作用,運用市場化、法治化方式化解風險隱患,有效應對外部沖擊,牢牢守住不發生系統性風險的底線。 | We will prevent and defuse major risks. We will continue to guard against and address economic and financial risks in accordance with the fundamental principles of maintaining overall stability, ensuring coordination, implementing category-based policies, and defusing risks through targeted efforts. We will see that local governments fulfill their responsibilities, the competent government departments tighten regulation, and enterprises shoulder primary responsibility. We will make stronger efforts to give early-warning of risks, enhance risk prevention and control mechanisms, and build capacities for responding to risks. A fund for ensuring financial stability will be established, the deposit insurance system and industry guarantee funds will be brought fully into play, and market- and law-based methods will be used to defuse risks and potential dangers and to respond to external shocks. All these efforts will ensure that no systemic risks arise. | |
(二)著力穩市場主體保就業,加大宏觀政策實施力度。完善減負紓困等政策,夯實經濟穩定運行、質量提升的基礎。 | 2. Keeping the operations of market entities stable and maintaining job security by strengthening macro policies We will improve policies for easing the burdens and difficulties of market entities and create a stronger foundation for achieving a stable and sounder economic performance. | |
實施新的組合式稅費支持政策。堅持階段性措施和制度性安排相結合,減稅與退稅并舉。一方面,延續實施扶持制造業、小微企業和個體工商戶的減稅降費政策,并提高減免幅度、擴大適用范圍。對小規模納稅人階段性免征增值稅。對小微企業年應納稅所得額100萬元至300萬元部分,再減半征收企業所得稅。各地也要結合實際,依法出臺稅費減免等有力措施,使減稅降費力度只增不減,以穩定市場預期。另一方面,綜合考慮為企業提供現金流支持、促進就業消費投資,大力改進因增值稅稅制設計類似于先繳后退的留抵退稅制度,今年對留抵稅額提前實行大規模退稅。優先安排小微企業,對小微企業的存量留抵稅額于6月底前一次性全部退還,增量留抵稅額足額退還。重點支持制造業,全面解決制造業、科研和技術服務、生態環保、電力燃氣、交通運輸等行業留抵退稅問題。增值稅留抵退稅力度顯著加大,以有力提振市場信心。預計全年退稅減稅約2.5萬億元,其中留抵退稅約1.5萬億元,退稅資金全部直達企業。中央財政將加大對地方財力支持,補助資金直達市縣,地方政府及有關部門要建立健全工作機制,加強資金調度,確保退稅減稅這項關鍵性舉措落實到位,為企業雪中送炭,助企業煥發生機。 | We will implement a new package of tax-and-fee policies to support enterprises. We will continue to take temporary steps and institutional measures and apply policies for both tax reductions and refunds. First, we will extend tax and fee reduction policies that support manufacturing, micro and small enterprises and self-employed individuals, and expand the scale and scope of these policies. A temporary exemption on VAT payments will be granted to small taxpayers. Corporate income tax on annual taxable income of between one million and three million yuan will be halved once again for micro and small enterprises. Local governments should also adopt effective tax-and-fee reduction steps based on local conditions and in accordance with the law to maintain the scale of tax-and-fee reductions and keep market expectations stable. Second, to improve the cash flow of enterprises, promote employment- and consumption-driven investment, and further improve the system for refunding excess input VAT credits, we will issue VAT credit refunds ahead of time this year on a big scale. We will give priority to micro and small enterprises, refunding outstanding VAT credits to them in one lump sum by the end of June, while also fully refunding newly added credits. With a focus on supporting manufacturing, we will work to fully resolve problems in refunding VAT credits in manufacturing, research and technical services, environmental protection, electricity and gas, and transportation industries. Such a substantial increase in VAT credit refunds will help strongly boost market confidence. Tax refunds and cuts are expected to total 2.5 trillion yuan this year. VAT credit refunds will account for 1.5 trillion yuan of this sum and all go straight to enterprises. The central government will provide greater fiscal support for local governments and allocate fiscal subsidies directly to the prefecture and county levels. Local governments and relevant departments should develop sound systems to allocate funds more effectively. We must ensure that the critically important policy of tax refunds and cuts takes full effect, in order to provide enterprises with timely assistance and help them generate fresh vitality. | |
加強金融對實體經濟的有效支持。用好普惠小微貸款支持工具,增加支農支小再貸款,優化監管考核,推動普惠小微貸款明顯增長、信用貸款和首貸戶比重繼續提升。引導金融機構準確把握信貸政策,繼續對受疫情影響嚴重的行業企業給予融資支持,避免出現行業性限貸、抽貸、斷貸。發揮好政策性、開發性金融作用。推進涉企信用信息整合共享,加快稅務、海關、電力等單位與金融機構信息聯通,擴大政府性融資擔保對小微企業的覆蓋面,努力營造良好融資生態,進一步推動解決實體經濟特別是中小微企業融資難題。 | We will encourage the financial sector to provide more effective support to the real economy. We will make good use of instruments to support inclusive loans to micro and small businesses, and increase re-lending for agricultural and small enterprises. We will strengthen supervision and assessment to promote a marked increase in inclusive loans to micro and small businesses and a further rise in the proportion of collateral-free loans and first-time loans. We will see that financial institutions have a good understanding of credit policies, ensure continued financing support for industries and enterprises hit hard by Covid-19, and prevent industry-wide lending restrictions, forced early repayment of loans, and arbitrary termination of loan agreements. We will make good use of policy-backed and development finance. We will promote the sharing of enterprise credit information and move faster to achieve information integration and sharing between financial institutions and tax offices, customs, electric utilities and other agencies. The government financing guaranty will be expanded to cover more micro and small businesses. We will strive to create a favorable financing environment and help resolve the financing difficulties of enterprises in the real economy, especially MSMEs. | |
推動降低企業生產經營成本。清理轉供電環節不合理加價,支持地方對特殊困難行業用電實行階段性優惠政策。引導大型平臺企業降低收費,減輕中小商戶負擔。進一步清理規范行業協會商會、中介機構等收費。要開展涉企違規收費專項整治行動,建立協同治理和聯合懲戒機制,堅決查處亂收費、亂罰款、亂攤派。要加大拖欠中小企業賬款清理力度,規范商業承兌匯票使用,機關、事業單位和國有企業要帶頭清欠。餐飲、住宿、零售、文化、旅游、客運等行業就業容量大、受疫情影響重,各項幫扶政策都要予以傾斜,支持這些行業企業挺得住、過難關、有奔頭。 | We will help lower business costs. We will rectify excessive surcharges levied by utility companies, and support local governments in adopting temporary preferential policies on electricity use for industries which are experiencing particular difficulty. We will encourage large platform enterprises to lower service fees and lighten the burden on small and medium businesses. Further steps will be taken to regulate and overhaul fees charged by industry associations, chambers of commerce, and intermediaries. We will launch initiatives to end unjustified charges levied on businesses, and develop mechanisms for coordinated regulation and joint punishment. We will fully investigate and punish the imposition of arbitrary charges, fines, and quotas. We will intensify efforts to get outstanding payments owed to small and medium enterprises cleared. We will standardize the usage of commercial acceptance bills, and ensure that government bodies, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) take the lead in clearing overdue payments. Catering, hospitality, retail, culture, tourism, and passenger transport sectors have a large capacity for employment. However, they have been severely affected by Covid-19. Support policies will be weighted more heavily toward enterprises in these sectors to help them stay afloat and get through challenging times with bright prospects. | |
落實落細穩就業舉措。延續執行降低失業和工傷保險費率等階段性穩就業政策。對不裁員少裁員的企業,繼續實施失業保險穩崗返還政策,明顯提高中小微企業返還比例。今年高校畢業生超過1000萬人,要加強就業創業指導、政策支持和不斷線服務。做好退役軍人安置和就業保障,促進農民工就業,幫扶殘疾人、零就業家庭成員就業。深入開展大眾創業萬眾創新,增強雙創平臺服務能力。加強靈活就業服務,完善靈活就業社會保障政策,開展新就業形態職業傷害保障試點。堅決防止和糾正性別、年齡、學歷等就業歧視,大力營造公平就業環境。加強勞動保障監察執法,著力解決侵害勞動者合法權益的突出問題。增強公共就業服務針對性。繼續開展大規模職業技能培訓,共建共享一批公共實訓基地。使用1000億元失業保險基金支持穩崗和培訓,加快培養制造業高質量發展的急需人才,讓更多勞動者掌握一技之長、讓三百六十行行行人才輩出。 | We will fully implement all measures to stabilize employment. Temporary policies such as reductions to premiums for unemployment insurance and workers' compensation will be extended. We will continue the policy of refunding unemployment insurance premiums for enterprises that make no cuts or minimal cuts to staff numbers, with a marked increase in the proportion of refunds going to MSMEs. Over 10 million students are due to graduate from college this year, and we will give our graduates stronger guidance and policy support and uninterrupted services to ensure they can find jobs or start businesses. We will help ex-service members get resettled and re-employed, broaden employment channels for rural migrant workers, and assist people with disabilities and members of zero-employment families in securing jobs. We will do more to promote business startups and innovation initiatives, and improve the service capacity of entrepreneurship and innovation platforms. We will improve services and social security policies concerning flexible employment, and launch trials of occupational injury insurance for people in new forms of employment. We will work hard to prevent and stop gender, age, and education discrimination in the workplace in order to create a fair employment environment. We will strengthen oversight and enforcement of labor protection laws and focus on addressing acute issues that are infringing upon employees' lawful rights and interests. We will make public employment services more targeted. We will continue to carry out vocational skills training on a large scale and establish a number of public training bases through joint construction and sharing initiatives. A total of 100 billion yuan from the unemployment insurance fund will be used to support enterprises in maintaining stable payrolls and providing training programs, and we will speed up training of skilled workers who are urgently needed to promote high-quality development of manufacturing. These efforts will enable more workers to acquire marketable skills and large numbers of talented people to come to the fore in all sectors. | |
(三)堅定不移深化改革,更大激發市場活力和發展內生動力。處理好政府和市場的關系,使市場在資源配置中起決定性作用,更好發揮政府作用,構建高水平社會主義市場經濟體制。 | 3. Steadfastly deepening reform to strengthen market vitality and internal momentum for development To develop a high-standard socialist market economy, we should give play to the roles of both the government and the market, seeing that the market plays the decisive role in the allocation of resources and the government better fulfills its role. | |
加快轉變政府職能。加強高標準市場體系建設,抓好要素市場化配置綜合改革試點,加快建設全國統一大市場。圍繞打造市場化法治化國際化營商環境,持續推進“放管服”改革,對取消和下放審批事項要同步落實監管責任和措施。繼續擴大市場準入。全面實行行政許可事項清單管理。加強數字政府建設,推動政務數據共享,進一步壓減各類證明事項,擴大“跨省通辦”范圍,基本實現電子證照互通互認,便利企業跨區域經營,加快解決群眾關切事項的異地辦理問題。推進政務服務事項集成化辦理,推出優化不動產登記、車輛檢測等便民舉措。強化政府監管責任,嚴格落實行業主管部門、相關部門監管責任和地方政府屬地監管責任,防止監管缺位。加快建立健全全方位、多層次、立體化監管體系,實現事前事中事后全鏈條全領域監管,提高監管效能。抓緊完善重點領域、新興領域、涉外領域監管規則,創新監管方法,提升監管精準性和有效性。深入推進公平競爭政策實施,加強反壟斷和反不正當競爭,維護公平有序的市場環境。 | We will step up efforts to transform government functions. We will do more to build a high-standard market system, carry out a comprehensive pilot reform for the market-based allocation of production factors, and strive to accelerate the development of a unified domestic market. We will deepen reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services with a focus on creating a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment. We will make sure that at the same time as government approval for a certain matter is canceled or delegated to lower-level authorities, corresponding regulatory steps are taken and responsibilities are assumed. We will continue to expand market access. List-based management will be fully implemented for matters requiring government approval. We will work to build a digital government and promote the sharing of government data. We will continue to reduce various certification requirements and provide more government services on a cross-provincial basis. We will basically realize mutual nationwide recognition of electronic licenses and certificates to facilitate enterprises with trans-regional operations, and provide people with greater access to important services outside of their home jurisdiction. We will facilitate integrated access to government services, and introduce simpler procedures for the registration of immovable property and motor vehicle inspections. We will strengthen the regulatory responsibilities of government and ensure that all competent authorities, relevant departments and local governments fulfill their regulatory responsibilities for matters under their jurisdiction, so as to prevent any absence of regulation. To ensure regulation is effective, we will work faster to establish a comprehensive, tiered and multifaceted system to regulate all stages, from start to finish, in all sectors. We will act quickly to improve regulatory rules for key industries, emerging sectors, and sectors with foreign involvement and introduce new measures to make regulation more targeted and more effective. We will further the implementation of policies to ensure fair competition and take stronger action against monopolies and unfair competition to ensure a well-ordered and fair market environment. | |
促進多種所有制經濟共同發展。堅持和完善社會主義基本經濟制度,堅持“兩個毫不動搖”。要正確認識和把握資本的特性和行為規律,支持和引導資本規范健康發展。依法平等保護企業產權、自主經營權和企業家合法權益,營造各類所有制企業競相發展的良好環境。完成國企改革三年行動任務,加快國有經濟布局優化和結構調整,深化混合所有制改革,加強國有資產監管,促進國企聚焦主責主業、提升產業鏈供應鏈支撐和帶動能力。落實支持民營經濟發展的政策措施,鼓勵引導民營企業改革創新,構建親清政商關系。弘揚企業家精神,制定涉企政策要多聽市場主體意見,尊重市場規律,支持企業家專注創業創新、安心經營發展。 | We will promote the common development of enterprises under all forms of ownership. We will uphold and further improve the basic socialist economic system, and work unswervingly both to consolidate and develop the public sector and to encourage, support and guide development of the non-public sector. We must have a good understanding of the defining features of capital and the way it works, so as to support and guide its well-regulated and sound development. We will provide equitable and law-based protection to the property rights and independent management rights of enterprises and to the lawful rights and interests of entrepreneurs. By doing so, we will create a favorable environment for enterprises under all forms of ownership to compete and grow together. We will complete the three-year action plan for SOE reform, move faster to adjust and improve the layout and structure of the state-owned sector, deepen the reform to introduce mixed ownership in SOEs, and tighten regulation of state-owned capital. SOEs will be encouraged to better play their role in supporting and driving development of industrial and supply chains with a focus on their primary responsibilities and core businesses. We will implement policies and measures to support the development of the private sector, and encourage and guide private enterprises in reform and innovation. We will foster a cordial and clean relationship between government and business. To promote the entrepreneurial spirit, we will solicit the opinions of market entities more when we are designing enterprise-related policies, respect the laws of the market, and help entrepreneurs to devote themselves to creating start-ups and pursuing innovation and to develop their businesses free from undue concern. | |
推進財稅金融體制改革。深化預算績效管理改革,增強預算的約束力和透明度。推進省以下財政體制改革。完善稅收征管制度,依法打擊偷稅騙稅。加強和改進金融監管。深化中小銀行股權結構和公司治理改革,加快不良資產處置。完善民營企業債券融資支持機制,全面實行股票發行注冊制,促進資本市場平穩健康發展。 | We will advance reforms of the fiscal, taxation, and financial systems. We will further reform the performance-based budgetary management and strengthen budgetary constraints and transparency. Reform will be carried out in fiscal systems below the provincial level. We will improve the tax collection and administration system and crack down on tax evasion and fraud in accordance with the law. We will strengthen and refine financial regulation, further reform the equity structures and corporate governance of small and medium banks, and move faster to deal with nonperforming assets. We will improve the system for supporting debt financing by private enterprises, achieve full implementation of the registration-based IPO system, and promote steady and sound development of the capital market. | |
(四)深入實施創新驅動發展戰略,鞏固壯大實體經濟根基。推進科技創新,促進產業優化升級,突破供給約束堵點,依靠創新提高發展質量。 | 4. Further implementing the innovation-driven development strategy and strengthening the foundation of the real economy We need to promote scientific and technological innovation, so as to upgrade our industries, eliminate the bottlenecks in supply, and realize high-quality development through innovation. | |
提升科技創新能力。實施基礎研究十年規劃,加強長期穩定支持,提高基礎研究經費占全社會研發經費比重。實施科技體制改革三年攻堅方案,強化國家戰略科技力量,加強國家實驗室和全國重點實驗室建設,發揮好高校和科研院所作用,改進重大科技項目立項和管理方式,深化科技評價激勵制度改革。支持各地加大科技投入,開展各具特色的區域創新。加強科普工作。推進國際科技合作。加快建設世界重要人才中心和創新高地,完善人才發展體制機制,弘揚科學家精神,加大對青年科研人員支持力度,讓各類人才潛心鉆研、盡展其能。 | We will raise our capacity for scientific and technological innovation. We will press ahead with the 10-year action plan on basic research to ensure stable support over the long term, and increase the share of basic research spending in the country's total R&D expenditures. We will implement a three-year action plan for reforming the science and technology management system, reinforce China's strategic science and technology capabilities, further develop national laboratories and key national laboratories, and leverage the strengths of universities, colleges, and research institutes. We will improve the approval procedures for major science and technology projects and their management, and further reform the assessment and incentive systems for scientific research. We will support local governments in increasing spending on science and technology and encourage innovations with distinctive regional features. Greater efforts will be made to increase people's scientific knowledge. We will continue to engage in international scientific and technological cooperation, and step up efforts to build talent centers and innovation hubs of global importance. We will improve institutions and mechanisms for talent development, champion the spirit of our nation's scientists, provide more support to young researchers, and encourage outstanding people of all types to devote themselves to research and realize their full potential. | |
加大企業創新激勵力度。強化企業創新主體地位,持續推進關鍵核心技術攻關,深化產學研用結合,促進科技成果轉移轉化。加強知識產權保護和運用。促進創業投資發展,創新科技金融產品和服務,提升科技中介服務專業化水平。加大研發費用加計扣除政策實施力度,將科技型中小企業加計扣除比例從75%提高到100%,對企業投入基礎研究實行稅收優惠,完善設備器具加速折舊、高新技術企業所得稅優惠等政策,這相當于國家對企業創新給予大規模資金支持。要落實好各類創新激勵政策,以促進企業加大研發投入,培育壯大新動能。 | We will provide stronger incentives to promote innovation among enterprises. We will reinforce the principal position of enterprises in innovation, continue promoting breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields, promote greater synergy between industry, academia, research, and application, and facilitate the commercialization and application of advances in science and technology. We will strengthen intellectual property rights protection and application. We will promote the development of venture capital, develop new financial products and services to support scientific and technological development, and upgrade intermediary services for science and technology. We will enhance the policy on granting additional tax deductions for R&D costs, raising the deduction coverage for small and medium sci-tech enterprises from 75 percent to 100 percent. We will grant tax breaks to enterprises that invest in basic research, and improve our policies on accelerated depreciation of equipment and tools and on preferential corporate income tax for new- and high-tech enterprises. All these measures amount to a large injection of government funding to support enterprises' innovation endeavors. We must fully implement all policy incentives for innovation to encourage enterprises to invest more in R&D and thus generate and build up new drivers of growth. | |
增強制造業核心競爭力。促進工業經濟平穩運行,加強原材料、關鍵零部件等供給保障,實施龍頭企業保鏈穩鏈工程,維護產業鏈供應鏈安全穩定。引導金融機構增加制造業中長期貸款。啟動一批產業基礎再造工程項目,促進傳統產業升級,大力推進智能制造,加快發展先進制造業集群,實施國家戰略性新興產業集群工程。著力培育“專精特新”企業,在資金、人才、孵化平臺搭建等方面給予大力支持。推進質量強國建設,推動產業向中高端邁進。 | We will boost the core competitiveness of manufacturing. To promote stable performance of industry, we will ensure supply of raw materials and key spare parts, and launch initiatives to have leading enterprises fully play their role in safeguarding the stability and security of industrial and supply chains. We will encourage financial institutions to increase medium- and long-term lending to the manufacturing sector. We will launch a group of industrial foundation reengineering projects, help upgrade traditional industries, promote smart manufacturing, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, and launch a national program to foster clusters of strategic emerging industries. We will work to nurture specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products and provide them with more support in terms of funding, personnel, and development of business incubation platforms. We will continue efforts to build China into a manufacturer of quality and steer Chinese manufacturing toward the medium- and high-end. | |
促進數字經濟發展。加強數字中國建設整體布局。建設數字信息基礎設施,逐步構建全國一體化大數據中心體系,推進5G規模化應用,促進產業數字化轉型,發展智慧城市、數字鄉村。加快發展工業互聯網,培育壯大集成電路、人工智能等數字產業,提升關鍵軟硬件技術創新和供給能力。完善數字經濟治理,培育數據要素市場,釋放數據要素潛力,提高應用能力,更好賦能經濟發展、豐富人民生活。 | We will encourage development of the digital economy. We will strengthen overall planning for the Digital China initiative, build more digital information infrastructure, develop an integrated national system of big data centers step by step, and apply 5G technology on a larger scale. We will advance digitalization of industries, and build smart cities and digital villages. We will accelerate development of the Industrial Internet, build up digital industries such as integrated circuits and artificial intelligence, and enhance China's technological innovation and supply capacities for key software and hardware. To better promote economic development and enrich people's lives, we will improve governance of the digital economy, develop data markets, tap the potential of data as a factor of production, and enhance data-use capacities. | |
(五)堅定實施擴大內需戰略,推進區域協調發展和新型城鎮化。暢通國民經濟循環,打通生產、分配、流通、消費各環節,增強內需對經濟增長的拉動力。 | 5. Expanding domestic demand and promoting coordinated regional development and new urbanization To promote unimpeded flows in the economy, we will remove all impediments to smooth production, distribution, circulation, and consumption and see that domestic demand plays a bigger role in driving economic growth. | |
推動消費持續恢復。多渠道促進居民增收,完善收入分配制度,提升消費能力。推動線上線下消費深度融合,促進生活服務消費恢復,發展消費新業態新模式。繼續支持新能源汽車消費,鼓勵地方開展綠色智能家電下鄉和以舊換新。加大社區養老、托幼等配套設施建設力度,在規劃、用地、用房等方面給予更多支持。促進家政服務業提質擴容。加強縣域商業體系建設,發展農村電商和快遞物流配送。提高產品和服務質量,強化消費者權益保護,著力適應群眾需求、增強消費意愿。 | We will promote the sustained recovery of consumption. We will boost personal incomes through multiple channels, improve the income distribution system, and increase people's spending power. We will strive for in-depth integration of online and offline consumption, promote recovery in consumption of consumer services, and foster new forms and models of consumer spending. We will continue to support the purchase of new-energy vehicles, and encourage local governments to promote spending on green and smart home appliances in rural areas as well as the replacement of old home appliances. We will step up the construction of supporting facilities for community elderly and child care, and increase support for such projects in the aspects of planning, land use and building use. Domestic services will be upgraded and expanded. We will strengthen county-level commercial systems and develop e-commerce and express delivery services in rural areas. We will improve the quality of products and services, better protect the rights and interests of consumers, ensure public demand is met, and encourage people to spend. | |
積極擴大有效投資。圍繞國家重大戰略部署和“十四五”規劃,適度超前開展基礎設施投資。建設重點水利工程、綜合立體交通網、重要能源基地和設施,加快城市燃氣管道、給排水管道等管網更新改造,完善防洪排澇設施,繼續推進地下綜合管廊建設。中央預算內投資安排6400億元。政府投資更多向民生項目傾斜,加大社會民生領域補短板力度。深化投資審批制度改革,做好用地、用能等要素保障,對國家重大項目要實行能耗單列。要優化投資結構,破解投資難題,切實把投資關鍵作用發揮出來。 | We will increase effective investment. In line with major national strategies and the 14th Five-Year Plan, we will make proactive investments in infrastructure as appropriate. We will construct major water conservancy projects, integrated multidimensional transportation networks and important energy bases and facilities. The upgrading of urban pipelines, including those for gas and water supply as well as sewage, will be accelerated. Flood prevention and drainage facilities will be improved, and the building of underground utility tunnels will continue. Investment from the central government budget will reach 640 billion yuan this year. The government will make improving the people's wellbeing an investment priority and work harder to shore up weak links in areas that are important to people's lives. We will deepen reform of the investment approval system, ensure the provision of land, energy and other factors of production, and keep energy consumption of major national projects under separate management. We will also improve the investment mix and remove impediments to investment so as to fully leverage its critical role. | |
增強區域發展平衡性協調性。深入實施區域重大戰略和區域協調發展戰略。推進京津冀協同發展、長江經濟帶發展、粵港澳大灣區建設、長三角一體化發展、黃河流域生態保護和高質量發展,高標準高質量建設雄安新區,支持北京城市副中心建設。推動西部大開發形成新格局,推動東北振興取得新突破,推動中部地區高質量發展,鼓勵東部地區加快推進現代化,支持產業梯度轉移和區域合作。支持革命老區、民族地區、邊疆地區加快發展。發展海洋經濟,建設海洋強國。經濟大省要充分發揮優勢,增強對全國發展的帶動作用。經濟困難地區要用好國家支持政策,挖掘自身潛力,努力促進經濟恢復發展。 | We will promote balanced and coordinated development among regions. We will fully implement all major regional development strategies and the strategy for coordinated regional development. We will promote coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, development of the Yangtze Economic Belt, development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and ecological conservation and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin. We will advance the construction of Xiongan New Area according to high standards and quality requirements and support development of Beijing municipal administrative center. We will usher in a new phase of large-scale development in the western region, promote breakthroughs in the revitalization of the northeast, spur high-quality development of the central region, and encourage the eastern region to accelerate its pace of modernization. We will support phased trans-regional relocation of industries as well as regional cooperation, and also support old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, and border areas in accelerating development. We will develop the maritime economy and build China into a strong maritime country. Major economically developed provinces should leverage their strength to play a bigger role in driving development of the whole country. Regions experiencing economic difficulty should make full use of state support policies to tap their potential and stimulate economic recovery. | |
提升新型城鎮化質量。有序推進城市更新,加強市政設施和防災減災能力建設,開展老舊建筑和設施安全隱患排查整治,再開工改造一批城鎮老舊小區,支持加裝電梯等設施,推進無障礙環境建設和公共設施適老化改造。健全常住地提供基本公共服務制度。加強縣城基礎設施建設。穩步推進城市群、都市圈建設,促進大中小城市和小城鎮協調發展。推進成渝地區雙城經濟圈建設。嚴控撤縣建市設區。在城鄉規劃建設中做好歷史文化保護傳承,節約集約用地。要深入推進以人為核心的新型城鎮化,不斷提高人民生活質量。 | We will improve new urbanization initiatives. We will proceed with urban renewal in a well-conceived way. We will step up construction of public utilities and bolster capacities to prevent and mitigate natural disasters; identify and address safety hazards in old buildings and facilities; renovate another group of old residential communities in urban areas and support the installation of elevators in old residential buildings; and promote the development of barrier-free environments and renovation of public facilities for the convenience of senior citizens. We will improve the systems for providing basic public services to people in places of their permanent residence and strengthen infrastructure in county seats. Steady steps will be taken to develop city clusters and metropolitan areas and to promote coordinated development of cities of different sizes and small towns. We will promote the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone. Strict standards will be applied in the re-designation of counties as cities or city districts. In the course of planning and construction in urban and rural areas, we will protect and keep alive our historical and cultural heritage and promote efficient and intensive use of land. We will advance a new, people-centered type of urbanization to ensure that life becomes more and more fulfilling for our people. | |
(六)大力抓好農業生產,促進鄉村全面振興。完善和強化農業支持政策,接續推進脫貧地區發展,促進農業豐收、農民增收。 | 6. Boosting agricultural production and promoting all-around rural revitalization We will refine and strengthen policies in support of agriculture, continue promoting development in areas lifted out of poverty, ensure good harvests, and promote growth in rural incomes. | |
加強糧食等重要農產品穩產保供。穩定糧食播種面積,優化糧食結構,針對小麥晚播強化夏糧田間管理,促進大豆和油料增產。適當提高稻谷、小麥最低收購價。保障化肥等農資供應和價格穩定,給種糧農民再次發放農資補貼,加大對主產區支持力度,讓農民種糧有合理收益、主產區抓糧有內在動力。堅決守住18億畝耕地紅線,劃足劃實永久基本農田,切實遏制耕地“非農化”、防止“非糧化”。加強中低產田改造,新建1億畝高標準農田,新建改造一批大中型灌區。加大黑土地保護和鹽堿地綜合利用力度。支持黃河流域發展節水農業、旱作農業。啟動第三次全國土壤普查。加快推進種業振興,加強農業科技攻關和推廣應用,提高農機裝備水平。提升農業氣象災害防控和動植物疫病防治能力。加強生豬產能調控,抓好畜禽、水產、蔬菜等生產供應,加快發展現代化設施種養業。支持棉花、甘蔗等生產。保障國家糧食安全各地區都有責任,糧食調入地區更要穩定糧食生產。各方面要共同努力,裝滿“米袋子”、充實“菜籃子”,把14億多中國人的飯碗牢牢端在自己手中。 | We will step up efforts to ensure stable production and sufficient supply of grain and other important agricultural products. We will keep total grain acreage at a stable level, refine the mix of grain crops, strengthen management over the late seeding of wheat on summer-grain farmland, and increase the production of soybeans and other oilseed crops. We will raise the minimum purchase prices of rice and wheat as appropriate. To ensure reasonable returns for grain growers and incentivize major grain-producing areas, we will ensure the provision of agricultural supplies such as chemical fertilizers at stable prices, continue to provide agricultural supply subsidies to grain growers, and step up support for major grain-producing areas. To ensure the area of farmland remains above the redline of 120 million hectares, we will designate a sufficient amount of good land as permanent basic cropland, and firmly stop any attempts to use cropland for any purpose other than agriculture and specifically grain production. We will step up efforts to upgrade low- and medium-yield cropland, increase the area of high-standard cropland by 6.67 million hectares, and construct or upgrade a number of medium and large irrigated areas. We will intensify conservation of chernozem soil, make comprehensive use of saline-alkali lands, and carry out the third national survey of soils. Support will be given to water-efficient agriculture and dry farming in the Yellow River basin. We will revitalize the seed industry at a faster pace, redouble efforts to develop and apply scientific and technological breakthroughs in agriculture, and upgrade agricultural machinery and equipment. We will enhance our capacity to prevent and control meteorological disasters affecting agriculture as well as animal and plant diseases. We will see that hog production is better regulated and ensure the production and supply of livestock, poultry and aquatic products and vegetables. Development of modern protected agriculture will be accelerated. We will provide support to boost cotton and sugarcane farming. All local governments shoulder responsibility for safeguarding China's food security. Those localities that rely on grain from other areas must do better in keeping their grain output stable. Everyone must work together to ensure that the country's "rice bag" and "vegetable basket" are well-filled, and that we have a secure food supply for more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. | |
全面鞏固拓展脫貧攻堅成果。完善落實防止返貧監測幫扶機制,確保不發生規模性返貧。支持脫貧地區發展特色產業,加強勞務協作、職業技能培訓,促進脫貧人口持續增收。強化國家鄉村振興重點幫扶縣幫扶措施,做好易地搬遷后續扶持,深化東西部協作、定點幫扶和社會力量幫扶,大力實施“萬企興萬村”行動,增強脫貧地區自我發展能力。 | We will fully consolidate and build on our achievements in poverty elimination. We will implement better monitoring and assistance mechanisms to prevent people from slipping back into poverty and see that people do not return to impoverishment in large numbers. We will support areas that have been lifted out of poverty in developing distinctive local businesses, and bolster labor collaboration and vocational skills training to help people who are no longer in poverty steadily increase their incomes. We will enhance the self-development capacity of areas that are no longer in poverty. Stronger support measures will be adopted for key counties receiving assistance for rural revitalization; follow-up support will be given to people who have been relocated from inhospitable areas; collaboration between eastern and western regions and targeted and nongovernmental assistance efforts will be intensified; and the "10,000 private enterprises revitalizing 10,000 villages" initiative will be launched. | |
扎實穩妥推進農村改革發展。開展好第二輪土地承包到期后再延長30年整縣試點。深化供銷社、集體產權、集體林權、國有林區林場、農墾等改革。積極發展新型農村集體經濟。加強農村金融服務,加快發展鄉村產業。壯大縣域經濟。嚴格規范村莊撤并,保護傳統村落和鄉村風貌。啟動鄉村建設行動,強化規劃引領,加強水電路氣信郵等基礎設施建設,因地制宜推進農村改廁和污水垃圾處理。深入開展文明村鎮建設。強化農民工工資拖欠治理,支持農民工就業創業,一定要讓廣大農民有更多務工增收的渠道。 | We will steadily and prudently advance rural reform and development. We will run trials on extending the rural land contracts of whole counties by another 30 years on the expiration of second-round contracts. We will deepen the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, collective property rights, collective forest tenure, state forestry areas and farms, and state farms. We will actively develop new collective economies in rural areas. We will improve financial services in rural areas to accelerate the development of the rural business sector. We will also expand county economies. We will apply strict standards to the revocation and amalgamation of villages, protect both traditional villages and the features of our countryside, and enhance the guiding role of rural development plans. We will launch rural initiatives to improve infrastructure, such as water, electricity and gas supplies, roads, and mail and communications services, and upgrade rural toilets and sewage and refuse treatment facilities based on local conditions. We will further cultivate civic virtue in villages and towns. We will work harder to clear wage arrears owed to rural migrant workers, support rural migrant workers in finding jobs and starting businesses, and do everything possible to create more ways for rural people to increase their incomes from nonagricultural work. | |
(七)擴大高水平對外開放,推動外貿外資平穩發展。充分利用兩個市場兩種資源,不斷拓展對外經貿合作,以高水平開放促進深層次改革、推動高質量發展。 | 7. Pursuing higher-standard opening up and promoting stable growth of foreign trade and investment We will make full use of international and domestic markets and resources, continue to expand international economic cooperation and trade, and push for in-depth reform and high-quality development by promoting high-standard opening up. | |
多措并舉穩定外貿。擴大出口信用保險對中小微外貿企業的覆蓋面,加強出口信貸支持,優化外匯服務,加快出口退稅進度,幫助外貿企業穩訂單穩生產。加快發展外貿新業態新模式,充分發揮跨境電商作用,支持建設一批海外倉。積極擴大優質產品和服務進口。創新發展服務貿易、數字貿易,推進實施跨境服務貿易負面清單。深化通關便利化改革,加快國際物流體系建設,助力外貿降成本、提效率。 | We will adopt a package of steps to stabilize foreign trade. We will expand the coverage of export credit insurance for micro, small and medium foreign trade firms, strengthen export credit support, refine foreign exchange services, expedite the process for export rebates, and help foreign trade enterprises receive orders and maintain production. We will move faster to develop new forms and models of foreign trade, give full play to the role of cross-border e-commerce, and support the establishment of a number of overseas warehouses. We will actively increase imports of quality products and services. We will explore new ways to develop trade in services and digital trade, and implement a negative list for cross-border trade in services. The reform to simplify customs clearance will be deepened, and the building of an international logistic services system will be accelerated to help lower costs and raise efficiency in foreign trade. | |
積極利用外資。深入實施外資準入負面清單,落實好外資企業國民待遇。擴大鼓勵外商投資范圍,支持外資加大中高端制造、研發、現代服務等領域和中西部、東北地區投資。優化外資促進服務,推動重大項目加快落地。扎實推進自貿試驗區、海南自由貿易港建設,推動開發區改革創新,提高綜合保稅區發展水平,增設服務業擴大開放綜合試點。開放的中國大市場,必將為各國企業在華發展提供更多機遇。 | We will make greater use of foreign investment. We will see that the negative list for foreign investment is fully observed and ensure national treatment for all foreign-invested enterprises. We will encourage foreign-invested enterprises to move into a broader range of sectors, and support more foreign investment in medium- and high-end manufacturing, R&D, and modern services, as well as in the central, western and northeastern regions. We will improve services for promoting foreign investment and accelerate the launching of major foreign-funded projects. We will take solid steps to develop pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port, promote reform and innovation in economic development zones, boost the development of integrated bonded areas, and launch more trials on the extensive opening of the service sector. The vast, open Chinese market is sure to provide even greater business opportunities for foreign enterprises in China. | |
高質量共建“一帶一路”。堅持共商共建共享,鞏固互聯互通合作基礎,穩步拓展合作新領域。推進西部陸海新通道建設。有序開展對外投資合作,有效防范海外風險。 | We will promote high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. We remain committed to the principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration. We will, on the basis of consolidating cooperation on enhancing connectivity, move steadily to open up new areas of cooperation. New land-sea transit routes for the western region will be further developed. We will carry out outbound investment and international cooperation in a well-regulated way, and effectively guard against overseas risks. | |
深化多雙邊經貿合作。區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定形成了全球最大自由貿易區,要支持企業用好優惠關稅、原產地累積等規則,擴大貿易和投資合作。推動與更多國家和地區商簽高標準自貿協定。堅定維護多邊貿易體制,積極參與世貿組織改革。中國愿與世界各國加強互利合作,實現共贏多贏。 | We will deepen multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) has created the largest free trade zone in the world. We will encourage enterprises to make good use of preferential tariff treatment, cumulation of origin, and other rules under the RCEP framework to expand cooperation on trade and investment. We will work to negotiate and conclude high-standard free trade agreements with more countries and regions. We will remain firm in upholding the multilateral trade regime and will participate actively in the reform of the World Trade Organization. China is ready to work with all countries to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve win-win outcomes for all. | |
(八)持續改善生態環境,推動綠色低碳發展。加強污染治理和生態保護修復,處理好發展和減排關系,促進人與自然和諧共生。 | 8. Continuing to Improve the Environment and Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Development We will work harder to address pollution and protect and restore ecosystems. We will promote development while also reducing emissions, and ensure greater harmony between humanity and nature. | |
加強生態環境綜合治理。深入打好污染防治攻堅戰。強化大氣多污染物協同控制和區域協同治理,加大重要河湖、海灣污染整治力度,持續推進土壤污染防治。加強固體廢物和新污染物治理,推行垃圾分類和減量化、資源化。完善節能節水、廢舊物資循環利用等環保產業支持政策。加強生態環境分區管控,科學開展國土綠化,統籌山水林田湖草沙系統治理,保護生物多樣性,推進以國家公園為主體的自然保護地體系建設,要讓我們生活的家園更綠更美。 | We will improve the environment with a holistic approach. We will work to make solid gains in the battle against pollution. We will take coordinated steps to further control multiple atmospheric pollutants and treat them through coordination among regions. We will take stronger action to treat pollution in major rivers, lakes, and bays, and sustain our progress on preventing and controlling soil pollution. We will step up the treatment of solid waste and new pollutants and implement measures to sort refuse, reduce waste and boost recycling. We will improve policies to support environmental protection industries in conserving water and energy and recycling waste and used materials. We will adopt a more region-specific approach to environmental management, launch greening programs in a well-conceived manner, and conduct in a coordinated way the conservation of mountain, river, forest, farmland, lake, grassland, and desert ecosystems. We will protect biodiversity and advance the development of the national park-based nature reserve system. With these efforts, we will make our common home greener and more beautiful. | |
有序推進碳達峰碳中和工作。落實碳達峰行動方案。推動能源革命,確保能源供應,立足資源稟賦,堅持先立后破、通盤謀劃,推進能源低碳轉型。加強煤炭清潔高效利用,有序減量替代,推動煤電節能降碳改造、靈活性改造、供熱改造。推進大型風光電基地及其配套調節性電源規劃建設,加強抽水蓄能電站建設,提升電網對可再生能源發電的消納能力。支持生物質能發展。推進綠色低碳技術研發和推廣應用,建設綠色制造和服務體系,推進鋼鐵、有色、石化、化工、建材等行業節能降碳,強化交通和建筑節能。堅決遏制高耗能、高排放、低水平項目盲目發展。提升生態系統碳匯能力。推動能耗“雙控”向碳排放總量和強度“雙控”轉變,完善減污降碳激勵約束政策,發展綠色金融,加快形成綠色低碳生產生活方式。 | We will take well-ordered steps to achieve peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality. The action plan for peaking carbon emissions will be put into effect. To advance China's energy revolution and ensure energy supply, we will, based on our resource endowment, push forward the transformation toward low-carbon development, in accordance with overall planning and the principle of establishing the new before abolishing the old. We will work harder to make coal usage cleaner and more efficient, while reducing the use of coal and replacing it with alternative energy sources in a well-ordered way. We will work to upgrade coal-fired power plants to conserve resources, reduce carbon emissions, make operations more flexible, and upgrade heating facilities. We will advance the planning and construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic power bases with supporting power sources that are adjustable, develop pumped-storage hydroelectric plants, and boost the capacity of power grids to absorb electricity generated from renewable energy sources. We will support the development of biomass energy. We will promote R&D and application of green and low-carbon technology, and develop green manufacturing and services. We will encourage the steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals and building materials industries to enhance energy conservation and reduce carbon emissions, and improve energy efficiency in transportation and buildings. We are resolved to stop the blind development of energy-intensive projects with high emissions and backward production capacity. We will enhance the carbon absorption capacity of our ecosystems. We will transition from assessing the total amount and intensity of energy consumption to assessing the total amount and intensity of carbon emissions, improve policy incentives for reducing pollution and carbon emissions and policy constraints on such emissions, develop green finance, and promote faster development of green and low-carbon ways of working and living. | |
(九)切實保障和改善民生,加強和創新社會治理。堅持盡力而為、量力而行,不斷提升公共服務水平,著力解決人民群眾普遍關心關注的民生問題。 | 9. Ensuring and improving the people's wellbeing and promoting better and new ways of conducting social governance We will do everything within our capacity to keep enhancing public services and resolve issues that are of common concern to the people. | |
促進教育公平與質量提升。落實立德樹人根本任務。推動義務教育優質均衡發展和城鄉一體化,依據常住人口規模配置教育資源,保障適齡兒童就近入學,解決好進城務工人員子女就學問題。全面落實義務教育教師工資待遇,加強鄉村教師定向培養、在職培訓與待遇保障。繼續做好義務教育階段減負工作。多渠道增加普惠性學前教育資源。加強縣域普通高中建設。辦好特殊教育、繼續教育、專門教育,支持和規范民辦教育發展。提升國家通用語言文字普及程度和質量。發展現代職業教育,改善職業教育辦學條件,完善產教融合辦學體制,增強職業教育適應性。推進高等教育內涵式發展,優化高等教育布局,分類建設一流大學和一流學科,加快培養理工農醫類專業緊缺人才,支持中西部高等教育發展。高校招生繼續加大對中西部和農村地區傾斜力度。加強師德師風建設。健全學校家庭社會協同育人機制。發展在線教育。完善終身學習體系。倡導全社會尊師重教。我國有2.9億在校學生,要堅持把教育這個關乎千家萬戶和中華民族未來的大事辦好。 | We will improve the fairness and quality of education. We will ensure that education performs its fundamental mission of fostering virtue. We will promote high-quality, well-balanced development and urban-rural integration of compulsory education. We will allocate educational resources according to the size of residential population, see that school-age children can enroll in nearby schools, and ensure that all children of rural migrant workers in cities have access to education. We will ensure that compulsory education teachers receive their pay packages in full and strengthen targeted training programs, on-the-job training, and salary guarantees for rural teachers. We will continue our efforts to reduce the burden on students in compulsory education. We will increase resources for public-interest preschool education via multiple channels and promote the development of regular county high schools. We will provide quality special needs education, continuing education, and specialized education and support and regulate the development of private schools. We will promote general and proficient use of standard spoken and written Chinese. To develop modern vocational education, we will upgrade vocational schools, refine the mechanism for integrating vocational education with industry, and enhance the adaptability of vocational education.
We will develop higher education to its full potential and optimize its layout. We will promote the development of world-class universities and academic disciplines on a categorized basis, move faster to train professionals we are badly lacking in the fields of science, engineering, agriculture and medicine, and support the development of higher education in central and western regions. Universities and colleges will continue to enroll greater numbers of students from central and western regions and rural areas. Steps will be taken to strengthen professional ethics among teachers. A mechanism will be established whereby our schools, families and whole society work together to advance education. We will promote online education, improve the lifelong learning system, and encourage public respect for teachers and public support for education. There are 290 million students in schools and universities in China. We must ensure that education, which is important to millions of families and the future of our nation, is well-run. | |
提高醫療衛生服務能力。居民醫保和基本公共衛生服務經費人均財政補助標準分別再提高30元和5元,推動基本醫保省級統籌。推進藥品和高值醫用耗材集中帶量采購,確保生產供應。強化藥品疫苗質量安全監管。深化醫保支付方式改革,加強醫保基金監管。完善跨省異地就醫直接結算辦法,實現全國醫保用藥范圍基本統一。堅持預防為主,加強健康教育和健康管理,深入推進健康中國行動。逐步提高心腦血管病、癌癥等慢性病和肺結核、肝炎等傳染病防治服務保障水平,加強罕見病研究和用藥保障。健全疾病預防控制網絡,促進醫防協同,加強公共衛生隊伍建設,提高重大疫情監測預警、流調溯源和應急處置能力。推動公立醫院綜合改革和高質量發展。規范醫療機構收費和服務,繼續幫扶因疫情遇困的醫療機構,補齊婦幼兒科、精神衛生、老年醫學等服務短板。堅持中西醫并重,加大中醫藥振興發展支持力度,推進中醫藥綜合改革。落實和完善鄉村醫生待遇保障與激勵政策。持續推進分級診療和優化就醫秩序,加快建設國家、省級區域醫療中心,推動優質醫療資源向市縣延伸,提升基層防病治病能力,使群眾就近得到更好醫療衛生服務。 | We will improve medical and health services. Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will be increased by an average of 30 yuan per person, and subsidies for basic public health services will be increased by an average of 5 yuan per person. The unified management of basic medical insurance funds will be advanced at the provincial level. We will carry out bulk government purchases for more medicines and high-value medical consumables and ensure both the production and supply of these items. We will intensify supervision over the quality and safety of drugs and vaccines. Reform of medical insurance payments under the medical insurance scheme will be deepened, and medical insurance funds will be placed under strict oversight. We will improve the policy on directly settling medical expenses incurred outside of a patient's home province, and ensure that the list of medicines covered by medical insurance is largely consistent nationwide. Taking prevention as a priority, we will strengthen health education and management and advance the Healthy China initiative. We will steadily enhance services for the prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer as well as infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis. We will also strengthen research of rare diseases and better ensure the supply of medicines for these. We will improve the disease prevention and control network, increase collaboration between disease control agencies and hospitals, make greater efforts to train public health personnel, and improve our capabilities for monitoring major epidemics and conducting early warning, epidemiological investigation and tracing, and emergency response. We will promote the comprehensive reform and high-quality development of public hospitals, see that the charges collected by medical institutions and the services they offer are well-regulated, continue to assist medical institutions hit by Covid-19, and shore up weak links in services such as maternal and child healthcare, pediatrics, mental health and medical care for the elderly. We will promote development of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and give greater support to initiatives for vitalizing and developing traditional Chinese medicine and advance its all-around reform. We will implement and refine policies for ensuring salary payments and providing incentives for rural doctors. We will continue to promote tiered diagnosis and treatment and sound medical treatment procedures, accelerate the development of regional medical centers at the national and provincial levels, channel more high-quality medical resources to the prefecture and county levels, enhance community-level disease prevention and treatment capacities, and ensure that people can access higher-quality medical and health services close to home. | |
加強社會保障和服務。穩步實施企業職工基本養老保險全國統籌,適當提高退休人員基本養老金和城鄉居民基礎養老金標準,確保按時足額發放。繼續規范發展第三支柱養老保險。加快推進工傷和失業保險省級統籌。做好軍人軍屬、退役軍人和其他優撫對象優待撫恤工作。積極應對人口老齡化,加快構建居家社區機構相協調、醫養康養相結合的養老服務體系。優化城鄉養老服務供給,支持社會力量提供日間照料、助餐助潔、康復護理等服務,穩步推進長期護理保險制度試點,鼓勵發展農村互助式養老服務,創新發展老年教育,推動老齡事業和產業高質量發展。完善三孩生育政策配套措施,將3歲以下嬰幼兒照護費用納入個人所得稅專項附加扣除,多渠道發展普惠托育服務,減輕家庭生育、養育、教育負擔。強化未成年人保護和心理健康教育。提升殘疾預防和康復服務水平。加強民生兜底保障和遇困群眾救助,努力做到應保盡保、應助盡助。 | We will improve social security and social services. We will work steadily toward national unified management of basic old-age insurance funds for enterprise employees, appropriately raise the basic pensions for retirees and basic old-age benefits for rural and non-working urban residents, and ensure that these payments are made on time and in full. We will continue to regulate development of third-pillar pension plans. We will move faster to promote unified management of workers' compensation funds and unemployment insurance funds at the provincial level. We will see that service members and their families, ex-service members, and other entitled groups receive the benefits and subsidies they are entitled to. We will proactively respond to population aging and worker faster to build a system of domestic, community and institutional elderly care services to meet different medical and health care needs. We will improve elderly care in urban and rural areas, support private entities in providing elderly care services such as day care, assistance with meals and cleaning, and rehabilitation care, steadily advance trials for long-term care insurance schemes, and encourage mutual-assistance elderly care in rural areas. We will explore new ways of developing senior citizen education, and promote high-quality development of both elderly care programs and the elderly care sector. We will improve the supporting measures for the three-child policy, make care expenses for children under three part of the special additional deductions for individual income tax, and develop public-interest childcare services through multiple channels, to reduce the costs of giving birth and raising and educating children. We will step up protection of minors and improve mental health education. We will strengthen disability prevention, and provide better rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. We will do more to meet the people's basic needs, strengthen assistance to people in difficulty, and ensure that our social safety net provides support and assistance to everyone who needs it. | |
繼續保障好群眾住房需求。堅持房子是用來住的、不是用來炒的定位,探索新的發展模式,堅持租購并舉,加快發展長租房市場,推進保障性住房建設,支持商品房市場更好滿足購房者的合理住房需求,穩地價、穩房價、穩預期,因城施策促進房地產業良性循環和健康發展。 | We will continue to meet people's housing needs. Guided by the principle that houses are for living in, not for speculation, we will explore new models for housing development and encourage both housing rentals and purchases. We will move faster to develop the long-term rental market, promote the construction of government-subsidized housing, and support the commodity housing market in better meeting the reasonable needs of homebuyers. We will keep land costs, housing prices and market expectations stable, and adopt city-specific measures to facilitate positive circulation and sound development in the real estate sector. | |
豐富人民群眾精神文化生活。培育和踐行社會主義核心價值觀,深化群眾性精神文明創建。繁榮新聞出版、廣播影視、文學藝術、哲學社會科學和檔案等事業。深入推進全民閱讀。加強和創新互聯網內容建設,深化網絡生態治理。推進公共文化數字化建設,促進基層文化設施布局優化和資源共享,擴大優質文化產品和服務供給,支持文化產業發展。傳承弘揚中華優秀傳統文化,加強文物古籍保護利用和非物質文化遺產保護傳承,推進國家文化公園建設。用好北京冬奧會、冬殘奧會遺產,發展冰雪運動和冰雪產業。建設群眾身邊的體育場地設施,促進全民健身蔚然成風。 | We will enrich people's intellectual and cultural lives. We will promote and observe the core socialist values and carry out public initiatives to promote cultural and ethical advancement. We will see that the press and publishing, radio, film and television, literature and art, philosophy, social sciences, and archiving all flourish. A love of reading will continue to be fostered among our people. We will develop new ways to strengthen the development of online content and improve cyberspace governance. We will develop digital public cultural services, improve the layout of cultural facilities and promote the sharing of cultural resources at the community level, increase the supply of quality cultural products and services, and support the development of cultural industries. We will carry forward fine traditional Chinese culture, protect and use cultural artifacts and ancient manuscripts more effectively, better preserve and pass on our intangible cultural heritage, and build national cultural parks. We will make the most of the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, and promote the development of ice and snow sports and the winter economy. We will see that more sports venues and facilities are built close to people's homes and promote extensive public fitness activities. | |
推進社會治理共建共治共享。促進人民安居樂業、社會安定有序。創新和完善基層社會治理,強化社區服務功能,加強社會動員體系建設,提升基層治理能力。健全社會信用體系。發展社會工作,支持社會組織、人道救助、志愿服務、公益慈善等健康發展。嚴厲打擊拐賣、收買婦女兒童犯罪行為,堅決保障婦女兒童合法權益。健全老年人、殘疾人關愛服務體系。完善信訪制度,加強矛盾糾紛排查化解,依法及時解決群眾合理訴求。重視社會心理服務。強化公共法律服務和法律援助。提高防災減災救災和應急救援能力,做好洪澇干旱、森林草原火災、地質災害、地震等防御和氣象服務。嚴格食品全鏈條質量安全監管。落實安全生產責任和管理制度,深入開展安全生產專項整治三年行動,有效遏制重特大事故發生。推進國家安全體系和能力建設。強化網絡安全、數據安全和個人信息保護。加強社會治安綜合治理,推動掃黑除惡常態化,堅決防范和打擊各類違法犯罪,建設更高水平的平安中國、法治中國。 | We will advance social governance based on collaboration, participation, and common gains. We will work to ensure that our people enjoy peace and contentment in work and life and that there is stability and order in society. We will develop new approaches to improving social governance at the primary level, strengthen the service provision functions of communities, develop a system for mobilizing all sectors of society, and enhance primary-level governance capacity. We will further improve the social credit system. We will develop social work, and support the healthy development of social organizations, humanitarian assistance, volunteer services, public welfare and charitable initiatives, and other related activities. We will crack down hard on the trafficking and buying of women and children and protect their lawful rights and interests. The system for supporting and caring for senior citizens and people with disabilities will also be improved. We will improve the system for handling public complaints, identify and defuse social problems, and see that the justified demands of the public are promptly addressed in accordance with the law. We will attach great importance to public psychological and counseling services. Better public legal services and legal aid will be provided. We will enhance disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities, as well as emergency rescue capacity, better protect against floods, droughts, forest and grassland fires, geological disasters and earthquakes, and provide quality meteorological services. We will tighten supervision over quality and safety across the entire food chain. We will implement the responsibility and management systems for workplace safety, carry out a three-year drive to promote workplace safety, and take effective steps to prevent major and serious accidents. We will advance the building of our national security system and capacity, and strengthen cyber security, data security and protection of personal information. We will take a full range of steps to maintain law and order, continue the ongoing efforts to combat organized crime and root out local criminal gangs, and firmly prevent and crack down on illegal and criminal activities of all types, so as to reach a higher level in building a peaceful China and advancing the rule of law in China. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
面對新的形勢和任務,各級政府要全面貫徹落實黨的十九大和十九屆歷次全會精神,深刻認識“兩個確立”的決定性意義,增強“四個意識”、堅定“四個自信”、做到“兩個維護”,自覺在思想上政治上行動上同以習近平同志為核心的黨中央保持高度一致。堅持依法行政,深化政務公開,加強法治政府建設。依法接受同級人大及其常委會的監督,自覺接受人民政協的民主監督,主動接受社會和輿論監督。加強審計監督、統計監督。支持工會、共青團、婦聯等群團組織更好發揮作用。堅持不懈推進全面從嚴治黨,深入開展黨風廉政建設和反腐敗斗爭。加強廉潔政府建設。鞏固黨史學習教育成果。政府工作人員要自覺接受法律監督、監察監督和人民監督,始終把人民放在心中最高位置,無愧于人民公仆稱號。 | Facing new developments and tasks, we in government at all levels must fully act on the guiding principles from the Party's 19th National Congress and the plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee. We should acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and boost our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We should stay confident in the path, the theory, the system, and the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We should closely follow the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core in thinking, stance, and action. We remain committed to law-based government administration, to making the affairs of government more transparent, and to building a government based on the rule of law. Our government will, in compliance with the law, accept the oversight of people's congresses and their standing committees at the corresponding level. We will consciously accept democratic oversight from the CPPCC. And we will readily commit ourselves to public oversight and oversight through public opinion. Audit-based and statistics-based oversight will also be strengthened. We will support trade unions, Communist Youth League organizations, women's federations, and other people's organizations in better fulfilling their roles. We will keep working tirelessly to ensure full and strict Party self-governance and do more to improve Party conduct, build integrity and prevent corruption. We will work harder to build a government of integrity. What we have gained from the initiatives to study the history of the CPC will be consolidated. All of us in government must readily accept the oversight of the law, supervisory bodies and the people, always regard the people's interests as our highest concern, and truly serve as public servants of the people. | |
應對困難和挑戰,各級政府及其工作人員必須恪盡職守、勤政為民,凝心聚力抓發展、保民生。堅持發展是第一要務,必須全面落實新發展理念,推動高質量發展。要鍥而不舍落實中央八項規定精神,馳而不息糾治“四風”特別是形式主義、官僚主義,堅決反對敷衍應付、推諉扯皮,堅決糾治任性用權、工作方法簡單粗暴。要始終把人民群眾安危冷暖放在心上,察實情、辦實事、求實效,及時回應民生關切,堅決嚴肅處理漠視群眾合法權益的嚴重失職失責問題。要充分發揮中央和地方兩個積極性,尊重人民群眾首創精神,防止政策執行“一刀切”、層層加碼,持續為基層減負。健全激勵和保護機制,支持廣大干部敢擔當、善作為。全國上下畢力同心、苦干實干,就一定能創造新的發展業績。 | In the face of difficulties and challenges, it is vital that all of us in governments at all levels perform our duties, work diligently for the people, and make concerted efforts to promote development and ensure the public wellbeing. Development remains the top priority for China, and we must fully act on the new development philosophy to pursue high-quality development. We will continue to steadfastly implement the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on improving conduct and work ceaselessly to oppose pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, with a particular focus on the first two problems. We will firmly oppose perfunctory attitudes and buck passing in government, and take strong steps to correct any abuse of power and any simplistic or unmannerly way of conducting work. We must always keep in mind the people's security and wellbeing. We will work to understand the realities, take specific steps, and deliver solid outcomes to promptly respond to the people's concerns. And we will take strong measures against any dereliction of duty owing to disregard for the people's legitimate rights and interests. We will keep the central and local governments fully motivated and respect the pioneering spirit of the people. We will avoid a one-size-fits-all approach, refrain from making local governments take excessive policy steps, and continue easing the burdens on those working on the ground. We will improve the mechanisms for providing incentives and protections to support officials who readily take responsibility and ably perform their duties. As long as all of us throughout the country are working as one to the best of our abilities, we will undoubtedly accomplish new achievements in pursuing development. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
我們要堅持和完善民族區域自治制度,以鑄牢中華民族共同體意識為主線,促進各民族交往交流交融,推動民族地區加快現代化建設步伐。堅持黨的宗教工作基本方針,堅持我國宗教的中國化方向,積極引導宗教與社會主義社會相適應。全面貫徹黨的僑務政策,維護海外僑胞和歸僑僑眷合法權益,激勵海內外中華兒女攜手共創新的輝煌。 | We will continue to practice and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, focus on forging a strong sense of community among the Chinese people, promote interactions, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, and speed up the modernization drive in ethnic minority regions. We will adhere to the Party's basic policy on religious affairs, follow the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, and provide active guidance to religions so they can adapt themselves to socialist society. We will fully implement the Party's policy on overseas Chinese affairs, protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals residing abroad, returned Chinese, and relatives of overseas Chinese nationals residing in China, and encourage all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, both at home and abroad, to work together in creating new glories for our nation. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
過去一年,國防和軍隊建設取得重大進展,實現“十四五”良好開局。新的一年,要深入貫徹習近平強軍思想,貫徹新時代軍事戰略方針,扣牢建軍一百年奮斗目標,全面加強黨的領導和黨的建設,全面深化練兵備戰,堅定靈活開展軍事斗爭,捍衛國家主權、安全、發展利益。加快現代軍事物流體系、軍隊現代資產管理體系建設,構建武器裝備現代化管理體系,持續深化國防和軍隊改革,加強國防科技創新,深入實施新時代人才強軍戰略,推進依法治軍、從嚴治軍,推動軍隊高質量發展。優化國防科技工業布局。完成國防動員體制改革,加強全民國防教育。各級政府要大力支持國防和軍隊建設,深入開展“雙擁”活動,讓軍政軍民團結堅如磐石。 | Last year, we made major strides in strengthening national defense and the armed forces, getting off to a good start in this endeavor in the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This year, we will fully implement Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the armed forces and the military strategy for the new era, work toward the goals for the centenary of the People's Liberation Army in 2027, and strengthen Party leadership and Party building in all aspects of the military. We will enhance military training and combat readiness, stay firm and flexible in carrying out military struggle, and safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests. We will move faster to modernize the military's logistics and asset management systems, and build a modern weaponry and equipment management system. We will continue the reform of national defense and the military and step up innovations in defense science and technology. We will implement the strategy of strengthening the military by training competent personnel in the new era, run the military in accordance with the law and strict discipline, and promote high-quality development of the military. We will improve the layout of defense science, technology and industry. We will finish reforming the defense mobilization system and raise public awareness of national defense. Government at all levels must give strong support to the development of national defense and the armed forces, and conduct extensive activities to promote mutual support between civilian sectors and the military, so that the unity between the military and government and between the military and the people will remain rock solid. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
我們要繼續全面準確、堅定不移貫徹“一國兩制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方針,落實中央對特別行政區全面管治權,堅定落實“愛國者治港”、“愛國者治澳”。全力支持特別行政區政府依法施政。支持港澳防控疫情、發展經濟、改善民生,更好融入國家發展大局,保持香港、澳門長期繁榮穩定。 | We will maintain our firm commitment to the letter and spirit of the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. We will ensure that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over the two special administrative regions, and firmly uphold the principle that Hong Kong and Macao should be governed by patriots. We will fully support the governments of these two special administrative regions in exercising law-based governance. We will help Hong Kong and Macao respond to Covid-19, develop their economies, and improve the wellbeing of their people, see that these two regions better integrate themselves into the country's overall development, and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao. | |
我們要堅持對臺工作大政方針,貫徹新時代黨解決臺灣問題的總體方略,堅持一個中國原則和“九二共識”,推進兩岸關系和平發展和祖國統一。堅決反對“臺獨”分裂行徑,堅決反對外部勢力干涉。兩岸同胞要和衷共濟,共創民族復興的光榮偉業。 | We remain committed to the major principles and policies on work related to Taiwan, to the Party's overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era, and to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. We will advance the peaceful growth of relations across the Taiwan Strait and the reunification of China. We firmly oppose any separatist activities seeking "Taiwan independence" and firmly oppose foreign interference. All of us, Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, should come together to advance the great and glorious cause of China's rejuvenation. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
我們要堅持獨立自主的和平外交政策,堅定不移走和平發展道路,推動建設新型國際關系,推動構建人類命運共同體。推進落實全球發展倡議,弘揚全人類共同價值。中國始終是世界和平的建設者、全球發展的貢獻者、國際秩序的維護者,愿同國際社會一道,為促進世界和平穩定與發展繁榮作出新的更大貢獻! | China will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, stay on the path of peaceful development, work for a new type of international relations, and endeavor to build a human community with a shared future. We will pursue the Global Development Initiative and promote the shared values of all humanity. China will always work to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and preserve international order. We stand ready to work with all others in the international community to make new and greater contributions to promoting world peace, stability, development and prosperity. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
中國的發展從來都是在應對挑戰中前進的,中國人民有戰勝任何艱難險阻的勇氣、智慧和力量。我們要更加緊密地團結在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央周圍,高舉中國特色社會主義偉大旗幟,以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,攻堅克難,砥礪奮進,努力完成全年目標任務,以實際行動迎接黨的二十大勝利召開,為把我國建設成為富強民主文明和諧美麗的社會主義現代化強國、實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢不懈奮斗! | It has always been in the course of meeting challenges that China has advanced its development. We the Chinese people have the courage, vision and strength to overcome any obstacle or difficulty. We must rally more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will meet challenges squarely, forge ahead determinedly, work hard to fulfill this year's goals and tasks, set the stage for the 20th National Congress of the CPC with concrete actions, and continue working tirelessly to build our country into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful, and to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |