尊敬的巴赫主席, 尊敬的各位同事, 女士們,先生們,朋友們: | IOC President Thomas Bach, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
在中國人民歡度新春佳節的喜慶日子里,同各位新老朋友在北京相聚,我感到十分高興。首先,我代表中國政府和中國人民,代表我的夫人,并以我個人的名義,對來華出席北京冬奧會的各位嘉賓,表示熱烈的歡迎!向所有關心和支持北京冬奧會的各國政府、各國人民及國際組織表示衷心的感謝!我還要特別感謝在座的各位朋友克服新冠肺炎疫情帶來的困難和不便,不遠萬里來到北京,為冬奧喝彩、為中國加油。 | It gives me great pleasure to meet so many old and new friends in Beijing as the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival, the start of the lunar new year. Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, and in the name of my wife and myself, a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests travelling to China and attending the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. I sincerely thank all governments, peoples and international organizations that care about and support the Beijing Olympic Winter Games. In particular, I wish to express my appreciation to all the friends present here who have overcome difficulties and inconveniences caused by COVID-19 and come all the way to Beijing to cheer for the Olympic Winter Games and for China. | |
昨晚,北京冬奧會在國家體育場正式開幕。時隔14年,奧林匹克圣火再次在北京燃起,北京成為全球首個“雙奧之城”。中國秉持綠色、共享、開放、廉潔的辦奧理念,全力克服新冠肺炎疫情影響,認真兌現對國際社會的莊嚴承諾,確保了北京冬奧會如期順利舉行。 | Last night, the Beijing Olympic Winter Games officially opened at China's National Stadium. After 14 years, the Olympic cauldron has been lit once again in Beijing, making the city the world's first to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Committed to organizing a green, inclusive, open and clean Games, China has made every effort to counter the impact of COVID-19, earnestly fulfilled its solemn pledge to the international community, and ensured the smooth opening of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games as scheduled. | |
讓更多人參與到冰雪運動中來,是奧林匹克運動的題中之義。中國通過籌辦冬奧會和推廣冬奧運動,讓冰雪運動進入尋常百姓家,實現了帶動3億人參與冰雪運動的目標,為全球奧林匹克事業作出了新的貢獻。 | Greater public participation in winter sport contributes to the Olympic Movement. By preparing for and organizing the Olympic Winter Games and promoting Olympic winter sport, China has popularized winter sport among the ordinary people, achieved the goal of engaging 300 million Chinese in sport on snow and ice, and made new contribution to the cause of Olympism worldwide. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
自古以來,奧林匹克運動承載著人類對和平、團結、進步的美好追求。 | Since ancient times, the Olympic Movement has carried humanity's aspirations for peace, solidarity and progress. | |
——我們應該牢記奧林匹克運動初心,共同維護世界和平。奧林匹克運動為和平而生,因和平而興。去年12月,聯合國大會協商一致通過奧林匹克休戰決議,呼吁通過體育促進和平,代表了國際社會的共同心聲。要堅持相互尊重、平等相待、對話協商,努力化解分歧,消弭沖突,共同建設一個持久和平的世界。 | - We shall keep in mind the original aspiration of the Olympic Movement and jointly uphold world peace. The Olympic Movement was born for the sake of peace and has thrived thanks to peace. The Olympic Truce Resolution adopted last December by consensus at the United Nations General Assembly, calling for promoting peace through sport, represents the common aspiration of the international community. We need to uphold mutual respect, equality, dialogue and consultation, strive to bridge differences and eliminate conflict, and work together for a world of durable peace. | |
——我們應該弘揚奧林匹克運動精神,團結應對國際社會共同挑戰。新冠肺炎疫情仍在肆虐,氣候變化、恐怖主義等全球性問題層出不窮。國際社會應當“更團結”。各國唯有團結合作,一起向未來,才能有效加以應對。要踐行真正的多邊主義,維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系,維護以國際法為基礎的國際秩序,共同建設和諧合作的國際大家庭。 | - We shall promote the spirit of the Olympic Movement and meet the common challenges facing the international community through solidarity. The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging, while global issues including climate change and terrorism keep emerging. The international community should stand closer together. The only way for all countries to address the various challenges effectively is to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and work together for a shared future. We need to practice true multilateralism, uphold the international system centered on the United Nations and the international order underpinned by international law, and work together to build an international family of harmony and cooperation. | |
——我們應該踐行奧林匹克運動宗旨,持續推動人類進步事業。奧林匹克運動的目標是實現人的全面發展。要順應時代潮流,堅守和平、發展、公平、正義、民主、自由的全人類共同價值,促進不同文明交流互鑒,共同構建人類命運共同體。 | - We shall act on the purpose of the Olympic Movement and continuously pursue human progress. The Olympic Movement aims to achieve well-rounded human development. We need to follow the trend of the times, stay true to humanity's common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, promote exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
“爆竹聲中一歲除,春風送暖入屠蘇。”中國剛剛迎來農歷虎年。虎象征著力量、勇敢、無畏,祝愿奧運健兒像虎一樣充滿力量、創造佳績。我相信,在大家共同努力下,北京冬奧會一定會成為簡約、安全、精彩的奧運盛會而載入史冊。 | To borrow a Chinese poetic line, "Out goes the old year with the sound of firecrackers; in comes the new with the warmth of wine and spring breeze." China has just entered the Year of the Tiger according to the lunar calendar. Tiger is a symbol of strength, courage and fearlessness. I wish all Olympic athletes excellent performance with the strength of the tiger. I am confident that with the joint efforts of us all, Beijing 2022 will surely go down in history as a streamlined, safe and splendid Olympic Games. | |
最后,我提議,大家共同舉杯, | To conclude, I propose a toast: | |
為國際奧林匹克運動蓬勃發展, | To the dynamic development of the Olympic Movement; | |
為人類和平與發展的崇高事業, | To humanity's noble cause of peace and development; and | |
為各位嘉賓和家人的健康, | To the health of all distinguished guests and your families. | |
干杯! | Cheers! | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |