中國人權研究會7月26日發表《美國根深蒂固的種族歧視問題凸顯“美式人權”的虛偽》文章。全文如下: | The China Society for Human Rights Studies on Friday issued an article titled "The Deep-Rooted Racial Discrimination in the US Highlights Its Hypocrisy on Human Rights." Following is the full text of the article: | |
美國根深蒂固的種族歧視問題凸顯“美式人權”的虛偽 中國人權研究會 2019年7月 | The Deep-Rooted Racial Discrimination in the US Highlights Its Hypocrisy on Human Rights China Society for Human Rights Studies July 2019 | |
美國是一個多種族國家,歷史上歐洲殖民擴張和非洲奴隸貿易,以及近代以來大量移民人口的不斷進入,形成了當今美國的種族結構和種族關系。 | The United States is a multi-racial country. Its present racial structure and race relations have their historical roots in European colonial expansion and African slave trade, and the influx of immigrants in modern times. | |
根據2010年人口普查數據,美國總人口約為3.08億。美國官方根據膚色、血統、來源地等對種族進行分類:白人占總人口比例的72.4%,其中非拉美裔白人占總人口比例為63.7%;非洲裔占總人口的比例為12.6%;亞裔占總人口的比例為4.8%;原住民占總人口的比例約為1.1%;其他種族占總人口比例為6.2%;混合種族約占總人口比例的2.9%。非拉美裔白人被視作美國的主體種族,而包含拉美裔白人在內的1.12億其他族裔都被稱為少數種族。 | The 2010 census showed that the US had a total population of 308 million. Based on their color, blood lineage, and places of origin, the US administration divides the population into: whites, 72.4 percent of the total population, including 63.7 percent non-Hispanic whites; African Americans, 12.6 percent; Asians, 4.8 percent; native Americans, 1.1 percent; other races, 6.2 percent; and mixed races, 2.9 percent. The non-Hispanic whites are deemed to be the majority racial group in the US, while the other 112 million people including the white Hispanic and Latino Americans are called minorities. | |
種族是美國重要的社會類別區分。美國學者托馬斯·索維爾在其《美國種族簡史》一書中指出,“膚色在決定美國人的命運方面,顯然具有舉足輕重的作用。”基于這種區分,美國不同種族之間逐步形成了一套在群體地位和群體權力上的層級系統。作為主體種族的歐洲裔白人對國家權力的根本性控制,以及對其他所有種族群體系統性的歧視,是美國種族層級系統的核心特征。美國的種族歧視事實上就是歐洲裔白人對所有其他少數種族的歧視。種族歧視既是這套種族層級系統的形成原因,也是這套種族層級系統的維持機制。 | Races are an important marker of US social division of category. Thomas Sowell, a US scholar, writes in his Ethnic America: A History, "Color has obviously played a major role in determining the fate of many Americans..." It is such differences that give rise to a hierarchy formed among different races that defines the status and power of each group. The fundamental control of state power by the European whites, the dominant race, and their systematic discrimination against all other races are the conspicuous feature of the American racial hierarchy. Racial discrimination in the US is in essence the discrimination of the European whites against all other racial minorities. Racial discrimination is the root cause and the supporting mechanism of the American racial hierarchy. | |
一、美國種族歧視的種種表現 | I. Forms of Racial Discrimination in the US | |
聯合國《消除一切形式種族歧視國際公約》要求各締約國采取積極行動,禁止并消除一切形式種族歧視,保證人人在法律上一律平等,不分種族、膚色或民族或人種得以平等享受公民權利、政治權利和經濟、社會及文化權利。作為這一國際公約的締約國,美國國內的種族歧視問題與此要求都相去甚遠。美國種族歧視體現在現實生活的方方面面,其中特別突出地體現在執法司法領域、經濟領域、社會領域。 | The UN "International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination" requires all state parties to take active measures to prohibit and eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms, and to guarantee the right of everyone to equality before the law, civil rights, political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights without distinction as to race, color, or national or ethnic origin. The United States, a signatory to the Convention, has failed miserably in meeting these requirements. Racial discrimination in the US is found in every aspect of people's lives, particularly in law enforcement, the judiciary, the economy and society. | |
(一)執法司法領域中的種族歧視 | 1. Racial discrimination in law enforcement and the judiciary | |
法律面前人人平等是國際人權憲章的基本原則。雖然美國的政治理念和法律制度也明確承認這一原則,但現實中美國的執法司法實踐卻與之背道而馳,相關領域中的種族歧視現象呈變本加厲之勢,少數種族的基本人權被肆意踐踏。 | Equality before the law for everyone is a basic principle in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; it is also recognized in America's political philosophy and legal system. In reality, however, many practices of US law enforcement and the judiciary run counter to this principle, with racial discrimination worsening in certain areas and the basic human rights of racial minorities willfully violated. | |
最為引人關注的是警察濫用職權槍殺非洲裔事件頻繁發生。2014年,美國密蘇里州弗格森鎮手無寸鐵的18歲非洲裔青年邁克爾·布朗遭白人警察6槍射殺。2015年,明尼蘇達州24歲非洲裔男子賈馬爾·克拉克在戴著手銬被制服的情況下被警察開槍殺害。美國聯邦統計數據分析顯示,非洲裔青年男性被警察射殺的風險比白人青年男性高21倍,15歲至19歲的非洲裔男性被射殺率高達百萬分之31.17,而同年齡段的白人男性被射殺率僅為百萬分之1.47。據“警察暴力地圖”網站統計,2013年美國至少有301名非洲裔遭警察槍殺,2014年為320人,2015年為351人,2016年為309人,2017年為282人,2018年為260人。《紐約時報》網站2018年6月7日報道,截至2017年,在輿論廣泛關注的15起警察槍殺非洲裔案件中,只有一名警察被判入獄。 | One of the most visible of these is the frequent shooting and killing of African Americans by the police in acts of abuse of power. In 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was unarmed and barehanded, was shot by a white police officer six times and killed in Ferguson, Missouri. In 2015, 24-year-old Jamar Clark was shot and killed by police when he was already handcuffed and subdued. US federal government statistics show that young African American males are 21 times more likely to be shot and killed by police than young white males. For African American males between 15 and 19 years old, the chance of getting shot and killed by police is 31.17 per million, while the figure for white males of the same age group stands at 1.47 per million. According to the Mapping Police Violence website, in 2013 at least 301 African Americans were shot and killed by the police; the figures were 320 in 2014, 351 in 2015, 309 in 2016, 282 in 2017, and 260 in 2018. A report on The New York Times website from June 7, 2018 says that by 2017, only one police officer had been sentenced to jail in 15 cases involving the killing of African Americans that had attracted wide public attention. | |
警察在面對不同種族時所采取的差異性應對方式體現了執法中的雙重標準。2016年2月17日,非洲裔男子加斯頓在經歷嚴重車禍神志恍惚的狀態下被辛辛那提三名警察開槍擊斃,警方的解釋是他試圖去取腰帶上掛的槍,但事后證明那是一枝假槍。而僅在此前一天,一名白人男子甚至用這種假槍對準辛辛那提的警察,警方卻沒有開槍,毫發無損地將其逮捕后僅以威脅警方的罪名進行起訴。《紐約每日新聞》網站評論稱,這兩個相似事件的不同結果突出表明了警察對待非洲裔和白人態度完全不同,在美國的確存在著種族上的雙重標準。上述事件并非孤例。《華盛頓郵報》網站2016年12月6日報道,28歲的白人韋爾奇攜帶半自動步槍進入華盛頓西北部一家餐廳,之后放下武器從餐廳走出,背向警察雙手舉起,警察沒有開槍。與此形成鮮明對照的是,2016年9月16日,在俄克拉荷馬州塔爾薩市,手無寸鐵的非洲裔男子克拉徹在高舉雙手背向警察的情況下被白人警察開槍擊斃,他在被殺之前還遭遇了警方的電擊。 | The double standards of US police are very much reflected in the ways that law enforcement handles different ethnic groups. On February 17, 2016 Paul Gaston, an African American who had just crashed his car and was confused about his surroundings, was shot and killed by three police officers in Cincinnati. The police said that Gaston was reaching for a gun that was later proven to be a fake. Just a day earlier, the Cincinnati police chose not to open fire at a white male who had pointed the same kind of fake gun at the police, but instead arrested him without a scratch and charged him with threatening the police. An article on the New York Daily News website commented that the different results of two similar incidents provides clear evidence of the great disparity in police treatment of African Americans and white people, and that double standards on ethnicity do exist in the US. The incidents referred to above are not isolated cases. A report on The Washington Post website from December 6, 2016 says that Edgar Maddison Welch, a 28-year-old white male, entered a restaurant in Northwest Washington with a semiautomatic rifle. Welch surrendered and walked out of the place with his back facing the police, unarmed and with his hands up. Police did not shoot him. In sharp contrast, on September 16, 2016 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Terence Crutcher, an unarmed 40-year-old African American who had his hands up and his back turned to the police, was killed by white police officers who tasered him before shooting him. | |
美國執法領域存在著根深蒂固的種族偏見。首先,非洲裔的被捕率遠高于美國其他種族。全國至少有1581個警察局非洲裔被捕率高于其他種族3倍,超過70個警察局非洲裔被捕率高出其他種族10倍以上,最高的甚至達到26倍之多。其次,警察在執法中偏袒白人。全國各地警察部門的數據統計顯示,在實施“零容忍”街頭執法策略地區,警察逮捕的對象主要為貧困社區中的非洲裔,而對富裕白人社區的同樣行為則視而不見。再次,警察還針對少數種族實施圈套執法。在緝毒行動中,美國酒精、煙草、火器和爆炸物管理局使用執法圈套鎖定的犯罪嫌疑人中,91%是少數族裔。美國民權聯盟的報告揭示,非洲裔和白人吸食大麻的比例相當,但是前者因攜帶大麻被捕的可能性是后者的4倍。 | Law enforcement in the US is rife with racial discrimination. First, African Americans are much more likely to be arrested by police than any other ethnic group. Statistics from 1,581 police stations showed that African Americans were three times more likely to be arrested than people from other ethnic groups; data from at least 70 police stations showed that African Americans were ten times more likely to be arrested than people from other ethnic groups, and some of these stations had arrested 26 times more African Americans. Second, the police are in favor of white people in law enforcement. Data from police departments across the country show that in areas which practice "zero tolerance" in street-level law enforcement, police mainly arrested African Americans from poor neighborhoods while turning a blind eye to similar acts in affluent white neighborhoods. Third, police use entrapment strategies against minority groups. Of all the anti-narcotic operations by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 91 percent of the suspects detained using entrapment strategies are racial minorities. A report of the American Civil Liberties Union says that Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and Whites, yet Blacks are four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. | |
美國司法領域中存在系統性的種族歧視。美國公共宗教研究所的調查顯示,51%的美國人認為非洲裔和其他少數族裔在刑事司法體系中與白人相比受到了不平等對待,78%的非洲裔美國人認為他們在刑事司法體系中受到不平等對待。非洲裔男性的被監禁率比白人男性高5.9倍,非洲裔女性的被監禁率比白人女性高2.1倍;非洲裔僅占美國總人口的約13%,卻占聯邦和各州囚犯總數的36%。美國量刑委員會研究發現,針對同樣罪行,非洲裔男性犯人刑期平均比白人男性犯人高出19.1%。全國免罪記錄中心對1989年至2016年10月相關案例分析后得出結論,非洲裔美國人比白人更容易被錯誤判定為犯有謀殺罪、性侵犯、非法毒品活動等罪行。在1900名被宣判有罪但后來被改判無罪的被告人中,47%是非洲裔美國人。美國哈佛大學法學院教授安妮特·戈登說:“非洲裔還不是完全意義上的公民。非洲裔尤其是年輕非洲裔被假定為罪犯,隔離在充分享有公民權的邊界之外。” | Systemic racial discrimination plagues the judiciary of the US. A study by the Public Religion Research Institute shows that 51 percent Americans think that African Americans and other racial minorities suffer from unequal treatment in the criminal justice system, and 78 percent of African Americans think they are victims of unequal treatment of the judiciary. The incarceration rate for African American males is 5.9 times higher than the rate for white males, while the rate for African American females is 2.1 times higher than the rate for white females. African Americans only constitute about 13 percent of the US population, but they account for 36 percent of federal and state prisoners. The United States Sentencing Commission found that on average the terms for African American males were 19.1 percent longer than those for white males. The National Registry of Exonerations, analyzing relevant cases from 1989 to October 2016, concluded that African Americans are more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder, sexual assault, and drug-related crimes than white persons. Of the 1,900 defendants in known exoneration cases, 47 percent are African Americans. Annette Gordon-Reed, professor of American Legal History at Harvard University, once said that African Americans are not yet full citizens. Blacks, especially young African Americans, are presumed criminals and in practice they are denied full citizenship. | |
聯合國嚴重關切美國執法司法領域的種族歧視問題。聯合國人權理事會非洲裔問題專家工作組2016年的調查報告指出,美國政府未能履行保護非洲裔權利的責任,制度性和結構性種族主義的持續存在,對非洲裔美國人的公民權利、政治權利和經濟、社會及文化權利造成了負面的影響。報告重點批評了警察暴力以及刑事司法系統中的種族歧視行為,而這些行為大多被免予刑事處罰。“警察槍殺非洲裔及其帶來的心理創傷使人聯想起過去私刑處死的種族恐怖主義行為。對國家暴力行為免予刑罰已經造成了當前的人權危機,必須作為緊急事項予以處理。”報告稱,警察對手無寸鐵的非洲裔的殺戮,只是司法體系中普遍存在的種族偏見的冰山一角。 | The UN is gravely concerned about racial discrimination in law enforcement and the judiciary of the US. In its 2016 report, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent of the UN Human Rights Council pointed out that the American government has failed to fulfill its duty of protecting the rights of African Americans, and that continued institutional and structural racism adversely affects African Americans' civil rights, political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights. The report criticized police violence and racial discrimination in the criminal justice system, pointing out that most of such acts go unpunished. According to the report, "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for state violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency." The report also found that the killing of unarmed African Americans by the police is only the tip of the iceberg in what is pervasive racial bias in the judiciary system. | |
(二)經濟領域中的種族歧視 | 2. Racial discrimination in the economic sector | |
由于種族歧視的客觀存在,少數種族在就業、職業發展、工資收入、經濟狀況等方面處于全方位的劣勢地位。經濟領域中的種族歧視相對隱性,但其對于少數種族命運的影響卻是決定性的。 | Racial discrimination places racial minorities in a disadvantaged position in employment, career development, earnings, and general economic conditions. Racial discrimination in the economic sector tends to be implicit, but has a decisive impact on the life of racial minorities. | |
少數種族在就業市場中處于不利地位。從美國勞工統計局歷年的統計數據來看,非洲裔和拉美裔的失業率遠高于白人,且就業率上的種族差異并沒有因經濟形勢的變化而發生改變。非洲裔的失業率通常為白人的兩倍左右;拉美裔失業率通常比白人高出40%左右。 | Racial minorities are disadvantaged in the job market. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) from past years, people of African and Latin American ancestry have a much higher unemployment rate than those of Caucasian ancestry, and the racial differences as manifested in the employment rate have not changed with the changing economic situation. African Americans have an unemployment rate twice as high as white people, and Latinos about 40 percent higher than white people. | |
少數種族面臨薪酬歧視。美國勞工統計局2010年至2018年的數據顯示,非洲裔全職工作的周薪中位值平均比白人低近30%,拉美裔全職工作的周薪中位值平均比白人低近40%。《今日美國報》網站2014年10月9日報道,美國經濟研究所的研究顯示,同等工作職位中亞裔的收入明顯低于白人,例如在計算機編程和軟件開發等高科技職位中,亞裔的年收入與白人之間的差距平均高達8146美元。 | Racial minorities face wage discrimination. According to the BLS data from 2010 to 2018, in terms of the median weekly earnings for full-time employees, African Americans had average wages about 30 percent lower than those of white people, and those of Latinos about 40 percent lower. An October 9, 2014 report on the USA Today website stated that in the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make US$8,146 less than whites per year. | |
少數種族貧困狀況嚴重,社會保障堪憂。美國有線電視新聞網2015年報道,種族之間的收入不平等進一步擴大,白人擁有的財富是非洲裔的12倍,是拉美裔的近11倍。美國經濟政策研究所2017年2月13日發布的報告顯示,大部分非洲裔和拉美裔勞動人口家庭的養老金賬戶中沒有任何資產。超過四分之一的非洲裔家庭的凈資產為零或負數。美國4500萬貧困人口中28.1%為拉美裔。在美國1450萬貧困兒童中,有37%為拉美裔。26%的非洲裔人口處于貧困之中,12%的非洲裔生活在極度貧困之中。與在美國整體人口中所占比例相比,非洲裔無家可歸者的比例高出3倍。近60%的收容所居住者是少數種族。緊急避難所中5歲以下的非洲裔兒童是白人同類群體的29倍。 | Racial minorities live in poverty and lack access to social welfare. According to a 2015 report by Cable News Network (CNN), the income gap between various ethnicities had widened further – the wealth possessed by white people was 12 times higher than that of African Americans and nearly 11 times higher than that of Latinos. According to research published by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) on February 13, 2017, more than one in four black households have zero or negative net worth. Latinos made up 28.1 percent of the 45 million living in poverty among the total US population. 37 percent of 14.5 million children living in poverty were of Latin American ancestry. Some 26 percent of African Americans were living in poverty and 12 percent in extreme poverty. The proportion of those of African ancestry among all homeless people in the US was about four times the percentage of African Americans to the total population of the US. About 60 percent of shelter residents were racial minorities. In emergency shelter sites, the number of children of African ancestry under age five was 28 times higher than their counterparts of Caucasian ancestry. | |
(三)社會生活中的種族歧視 | 3. Racial discrimination in the social area | |
少數種族在教育機構中遭受普遍的歧視與欺凌。美國教育部2013年至2014年民權數據顯示,遭受離校停課處分的280萬學生中,有110萬是非洲裔學生,非洲裔學生遭受離校停課處分的可能性是白人學生的3.8倍。研究顯示,亞裔學生在校遭欺凌多于其他族裔,54%的亞裔青少年表示曾在校園遭遇欺凌,非洲裔、拉美裔的這一比例分別為38.4%和34.3%,亞裔學生在網絡上受到嘲諷或辱罵的比例是其他族裔的3倍。 | Racial minorities experience discrimination and bullying in educational institutions. According to civil rights data from the Department of Education for 2013 and 2014, of 2.8 million students who were suspended from school, 1.1 million were African Americans, and the likelihood of suspension for students of African ancestry was 2.8 times higher than that of white students. A study reveals that students of Asian ancestry are bullied at school more than those of other ethnicities. Some 54 percent teenagers of Asian ancestry reported that they had been bullied at school, while the proportions were 38.4 percent for those of African ancestry and 34.3 percent for those of Latin American ancestry. The likelihood of students of Asian ancestry being bullied on the internet is three times that of other ethnicities. | |
工商業機構歧視少數種族事件頻發。《赫芬頓郵報》網站2013年10月23日報道,非洲裔大學生特雷因·克里斯汀在巴尼百貨公司購買了一條價值350美元的皮帶,店員懷疑交易涉嫌欺詐并報警,他在出示了購買憑證和身份證件的情況下,依然被警察戴上手銬帶到當地警局訊問。其辯護律師說:“他唯一的罪行就是身為一個年輕的非洲裔。”《洛杉磯時報》網站2018年5月27日報道,聯邦消費者金融保護局的數據顯示,在所有貸款類型中,非洲裔申請人被拒絕的比例是非拉美裔白人的2倍以上。非洲裔和拉美裔還被收取更高的貸款利率,他們通常要承擔比平均利率高出1.5個百分點的年利率。 | Racial discrimination occurs frequently in commercial and industrial establishments. According to an October 23, 2013 report by The Huffington Post, Trayon Christian, a college student of African ancestry, bought a US$350 belt at Barneys in New York City, yet was suspected of fraud, handcuffed and arrested by police for interrogation even though he had shown the purchase receipt and his ID. His attorney Michael Palillo said, "His only crime is being a young black man." According to a May 27, 2018 report by the Los Angeles Times, data from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) showed that black applicants were rejected at more than double the rate of non-Hispanic white applicants on all types of loans; black and Hispanic applicants were subject to annual percentage rates (APRs) that were at least 1.5 percentage points above the "average prime offer rate" for loans of a similar type. | |
工作場所中的種族歧視和種族隔離現象明顯。一項研究顯示,58個被調查行業中有19個呈現出明顯的種族隔離傾向。WFAA網站2018年12月11日報道,美國卓達飛機座椅制造公司的一名非洲裔員工,對公司存在種族歧視的工作環境提起訴訟。白人員工對他使用種族歧視性語言,稱他為“黑猴子”。他在向公司舉報后遭到報復,兩位白人女同事竟將絞索放在他的工作臺上。 | Racial discrimination and racial segregation in the workplace has been explicit. A study revealed that obvious racial segregation was found in 19 of 58 industries investigated. According to a December 11, 2018 report by, an African American employee from Zodiac Seats US sued his employer for racial discrimination and hostile work environment, saying that his white coworkers called him "a black monkey", and two female whites even left a noose in his workplace as retaliation after he had reported their use of racial slurs. | |
非洲裔在日常生活中面臨各種隱性和顯性歧視。《今日美國報》2016年報道,在西雅圖和波士頓等城市的調查顯示,在使用優步軟件叫車時,非洲裔乘客等待時間要比白人乘客大約長30%,且預約被取消率比白人乘客高出一倍。英國《金融時報》2016年11月16日報道,哈佛大學商學院的一項實驗研究證明,生活中處處體現出對非洲裔美國人的隱形歧視。研究者在使用虛擬個人資料訂房時發現,預訂者的姓名明顯像是非洲裔美國人的,其預訂被接受的可能性要低16%。使用虛擬簡歷來應聘工作的,非洲裔姓名的簡歷得到面試的幾率要顯著低于內容一樣但使用被認為可能是白人姓名的簡歷。 | African Americans have experienced various forms of implicit and explicit racial discrimination. According to an October 31, 2016 report by USA Today, research targeting Seattle and Boston on Uber taxi booking revealed that African Americans waited 30 percent longer than white people for Uber rides, and their appointments were canceled by drivers twice as frequently as those of the latter. According to a November 16, 2016 report by the Financial Times, an experiment conducted by Harvard Business School proved that implicit discrimination against African Americans is universal. When requesting accommodation, applicants with distinctively African-American names were 16 percent less likely to have their bookings accepted. This study also revealed that when the name used on a resume was distinctively African-American, job applicants were significantly less likely to get an interview than when identical applications with names that could be perceived as white. | |
(四)對印第安人等原住民的種族歧視 | 4. Racial discrimination against Native Americans and other indigenous peoples | |
原住民經濟狀況堪憂,健康問題突出。英國《每日郵報》2011年2月15日報道,2011年的統計數據顯示,主要由印第安人聚居的南達科他州齊巴克縣有超過六成居民生活在貧困線以下,冬季失業率高達90%。2013年,時任聯合國人權理事會原住民權利問題特別報告員詹姆斯·安娜亞的報告指出,美國原住民的貧困率是全國貧困率的兩倍,原住民的壽命比全國平均水平低5.2歲。 | Indigenous people experienced serious economic and health problems. According to a February 15, 2011 report in the Daily Mail, statistics showed that more than 60 percent of the residents of Ziebach County in South Dakota, a community mainly composed of Native Americans, lived on or below the poverty line, and unemployment rates hit 90 percent in the winter. In 2013, James Anaya, the then UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, pointed out that indigenous peoples in the US had a poverty rate twice as high as the national average, and that their average life expectancy was 5.2 years shorter than the national mean. | |
原住民婦女權利保障問題突出。2013年2月13日,時任聯合國人權理事會原住民權利問題特別報告員詹姆斯·安娜亞指出,美國原住民婦女遭到非原住民暴力侵害的案件多發。美國司法部估計,原住民婦女遭受暴力侵害的比例是全國平均值的兩倍多,原住民婦女遭受強暴的比例高達三分之一,80%的強奸案嫌犯不是原住民。聯合國消除種族歧視委員會對美國第七次至第九次合并履約報告的審議要求美國防止和打擊對原住民婦女的暴力行為,從法律上和實際上保障所有原住民婦女暴力受害者享有訴諸司法和得到賠償的權利。 | Conspicuous problems exist in protecting the rights of indigenous women. On February 13, 2013, James Anaya pointed out that violence against indigenous women by non-indigenous residents was commonplace. According to an estimate by the US Department of Justice, the ratio of indigenous women who had been victims of violence was more than double the national average. As many as one third of indigenous women had suffered violence, and 80 percent of rape suspects were not indigenous people. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in reviewing the United States' 7th-9th combined report on implementing the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, demanded that the country prevent and fight violence against indigenous women, and ensure that all indigenous women victims of violence have access to justice and compensation. | |
(五)對穆斯林群體的種族歧視 | 5. Racial discrimination against Muslims | |
美國政府對穆斯林群體大肆進行監控活動。2011年12月1日,美國公民自由聯合會稱,美國聯邦調查局違反聯邦法律,利用其廣泛的網絡越權秘密地收集穆斯林和一些其他組織的情報。皮尤研究中心的報告顯示,52%的美國穆斯林認為受到政府監視,28%的穆斯林認為曾有過被視為嫌疑犯的經歷,21%的穆斯林聲稱他們在機場過安檢時被單獨檢查。一項民意調查表明,超過半數的美國穆斯林認為政府的反恐政策單獨針對他們增加監控和檢查。 | The US government carried out large-scale surveillance on Muslims. On December 1, 2011, the American Civil Liberties Union asserted that the FBI, in violation of federal laws, used its pervasive unauthorized internet access to secretly collect intelligence on Muslims and some other organizations. A report by the Pew Research Center showed that 52 percent of US Muslims thought they were under government surveillance, 28 percent of Muslims claimed they had the experience of being mistaken for suspects, and 21 percent of Muslims said that they had to go through separate security checks at airports. A poll suggested that more than half of American Muslims believed that the government's counter-terrorism policies involved additional surveillance and checks targeted solely against them. | |
穆斯林群體遭遇日趨嚴重的歧視。2017年1月27日,美國政府發布一項行政命令,禁止伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、索馬里、蘇丹、敘利亞和也門等7個國家的公民進入美國。由于禁令所涉國家均以穆斯林人口為主,因此該行政令也被普遍解讀為“穆斯林禁令”。這一禁令在美國國內和世界各地都引發了廣泛抗議。皮尤研究中心2017年初的一項調查顯示,75%的美國成年穆斯林表示美國社會存在大量對穆斯林的歧視,69%的普通公眾也持相同觀點。50%的穆斯林表示,近年來在美國做一名穆斯林變得更加困難。 | Muslims suffered increasingly severe discrimination. On January 27, 2017, the US government issued an administrative order, banning citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering its territory. In view of the fact that Muslims form the majority of the population in all those countries, the order was widely interpreted as a "Muslim ban", and it sparked widespread protests in the US and many other places across the world. In a survey by the Pew Research Center in early 2017, 75 percent of adult Muslims in America believed that discrimination against Muslims was pervasive in the country, while 69 percent of the general public held the same view. Half of Muslims felt that it had become more and more difficult to be a Muslim in the US in recent years. | |
宗教歧視明顯上升,侮辱和攻擊穆斯林的事件增多。穆斯林人口不到美國總人口的1%,但是聯邦政府調查的宗教歧視案件中,14%涉及穆斯林;在職場宗教歧視案件中,25%涉及穆斯林。2012年9月,美國一名導演拍攝并在互聯網上播放侮辱伊斯蘭教先知的電影,引發全球穆斯林的抗議浪潮。皮尤研究中心對美國聯邦調查局仇恨犯罪統計數據的分析顯示,2015年至2016年,美國針對穆斯林的攻擊事件數量顯著增長,超過了2001年“9·11”事件后的峰值。英國《衛報》網站2018年10月22日報道,在2018年美國中期選舉中,反穆斯林言論大幅上升。調查顯示,針對穆斯林的陰謀論日益進入政治主流,“超過三分之一的候選人聲稱穆斯林天生暴力或構成迫在眉睫的威脅”,“將近三分之一的候選人呼吁剝奪穆斯林的基本權利或宣稱伊斯蘭教不是宗教”。 | Religious discrimination is on the rise as events involving insults and attacks against Muslims increased in number. Muslims make up less than one percent of the US population, but 14 percent of the religious discrimination cases investigated by the federal government have involved Muslims, as have one quarter of the religious discrimination cases in workplaces. In September 2012, an American director shot a film insulting the Islamic prophet and released it online, evoking waves of protest by Muslims across the globe. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of the FBI statistics on hate crime, attacks against Muslims in America grew significantly in number from 2015 to 2016, exceeding the peak level following the 9/11 attacks in 2001. According to an October 22, 2018 article on the website of The Guardian, the US midterm elections that year had seen a dramatic rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric. A report showed that conspiracy theories targeting Muslims had increasingly entered the political mainstream. More than a third of the candidates claimed that Muslims are inherently violent or pose an imminent threat, and just under a third of the candidates called for Muslims to be denied basic rights or declared that Islam is not a religion, the report found. | |
(六)對移民群體的種族歧視 | 6. Racial discrimination against immigrants | |
美國政府污蔑和暴力對待移民。《華盛頓郵報》2018年11月26日報道,美國當局多次在美國與墨西哥邊境使用催淚瓦斯,阻止來自中美洲的移民,導致多人受傷。2018年11月28日,聯合國人權理事會任意拘留問題工作組主席兼報告員、人權與國際團結問題獨立專家、健康權問題特別報告員、住房權問題特別報告員、“人權衛士”問題特別報告員、移民人權問題特別報告員、當代形式種族歧視問題特別報告員、酷刑問題特別報告員、販運人口問題特別報告員、消除對婦女歧視問題工作組主席發表聯合聲明,批評美國政府高層違反國際人權標準、發表種族主義和排外主義言論并采取相關行動,對移民和難民進行污名化,將其視為罪犯和“傳染病”,從而助長不容忍、種族仇恨和排外情緒,營造對非白人充滿敵意的社會環境等。 | The US government used slanders and violence against immigrants. The Washington Post reported on November 26, 2018 that the US authorities fired tear gas on multiple occasions at the US border with Mexico to stop immigrants from Central America, causing many injuries. On November 28, 2018, UN experts including Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity, Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children and Chair of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice, jointly issued letters to voice their concerns about the racist and xenophobic languages and practices used by US authorities, which fly in the face of international human rights standards. The letters said that the official response in that country stigmatises migrants and refugees, equating them with crime and epidemics, which also fuels a climate of intolerance, racial hatred and xenophobia against those perceived as non-white, creating hostile emotional environments. | |
移民政策致使兒童與父母骨肉分離。《紐約時報》網站2018年5月12日報道,美國政府2018年4月開始實施“零容忍”政策,邊境執法人員在逮捕非法入境者時,強制將其未成年子女另行安置,導致至少2000名兒童被迫與家人分離。該政策在美國國內及國際社會遭致潮水般的嚴厲批評與抗議。 | Immigration policies separating children from parents. The New York Times website reported on May 12, 2018 that the US government introduced a new "zero tolerance" policy, calling for criminal prosecution of everyone who enters the country illegally, in April. Minor children must be taken from the parents who are in custody in the process. As a result, more than 2,000 migrant children have been separated from their parents. This policy had drawn waves of strong criticism and protests from the US society and the international community. | |
尋求庇護的婦女、兒童慘遭虐待和性侵。英國《獨立報》網站2018年5月23日報道,美國邊境執法人員虐待尋求庇護兒童的案件數量驚人增長。有116起虐待尋求庇護兒童的事件被披露,涉事人員被指控對5至17歲的兒童進行身體、性或心理上的虐待。美國移民委員會網站2018年8月30日報道,亞特蘭大移民拘留中心衛生條件糟糕,被拘留的移民經常受到“關禁閉”和“單獨囚禁”等懲罰。《紐約時報》網站2018年11月12日報道,得克薩斯州邊境巡邏隊的執法人員埃斯特班·曼扎納雷遇到3名尋求庇護的女性移民,其中有2名未成年人。他將3人驅趕到距邊境16英里的一個樹林,在那里性侵了一名女孩,毒打了另外兩人,之后把流血不止的她們扔在了灌木叢中。檢方提供的信息顯示,得克薩斯州南部過去4年至少有10人被邊境執法人員綁架、強奸或謀殺。美國有線電視新聞網2018年12月26日報道,7歲的危地馬拉女孩杰奎琳·卡奧12月8日在被美國海關及邊境保衛局拘留后不到48小時死亡。12月24日平安夜,又一名8歲的危地馬拉男孩費利佩·阿隆佐-戈麥斯在該機構監管下死亡。 | Women and children seeking asylum suffered from abuses and sexual assaults. The website of The Independent on May 23, 2018 said there has been a startling increase in the number of instances where US Border Patrol officers have abused children seeking shelter in the United States. It quoted a previous disclosure from the American Civil Liberties Union that detailed 116 incidents where officers were alleged to have physically, sexually, or psychologically abused children between the ages of five and 17. According to a report on the American Immigration Council website on August 30, the Atlanta City Detention Center, used by the US authorities to hold individuals in immigration proceedings, were found to have problems such as unsanitary environment and rampant use of lockdown and isolation. The New York Times website reported on November 12, 2018 that Esteban Manzanares, a Border Patrol agent in Texas, drove three women, including two teenagers, who crossed border to seek shelter, to an isolated, wooded area 16 miles outside the border city. There he sexually assaulted one girl and viciously attacked two others and left them, finally, to bleed in the brush. The report said that over the past four years, at least 10 people in South Texas have been victims of murder, kidnapping or rape by Border Patrol agents. According to a report by the CNN on December 26, 2018, Jakelin Caal Maquin, a 7-year-old girl from Guatemala, died December 8 in the custody of US Customs and Border Protection, fewer than 48 hours after CBP detained her. Another 8-year-old Guatemalan boy, Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, died late Christmas Eve in the agency's custody. | |
聯合國機構嚴厲譴責美國移民政策。2018年6月2日,聯合國人權與國際團結問題獨立專家依照聯合國人權理事會第35/3號決議提交報告指出,美國政府奉行民粹主義,使用帶有種族主義和仇外色彩的措辭污蔑和詆毀移民,并將兒童與其尋求庇護的父母強行分開,上述行徑嚴重危及移民的生命權、尊嚴和自由權等多項人權。聯合國消除種族歧視委員會第九十三屆會議報告,以及聯合國當代形式種族歧視問題特別報告員根據聯合國大會決議撰寫的報告指出,美國社會長期存在白人至上、煽動種族歧視和仇恨言論等現象。美國政府未能明確拒絕和遏制有關種族主義暴力事件和示威,包括總統在內的政府高官宣揚仇外的民族民粹主義言論,利用紙質媒體和社交媒體發表種族主義和仇外言論。 | Strong condemnation of the US immigration policies from UN institutions. A report of the UN Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity, submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 35/3, criticized the populism and the racist and xenophobic languages to describe immigrants used by the US administration as well as practices to separate children from their parents. It said these practices had imperiled the immigrants' human rights, including their rights to life, dignity and liberty (UN document A/73/206). According to the report of the ninety-third session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance prepared pursuant to a UN General Assembly resolution, the phenomena of promoting white supremacy and inciting racial discrimination and hatred have long existed in American society. The United States failed to unequivocally reject and contain racist violent events and demonstrations. High-level politicians and public officials, including the President, propagated nationalist and populist remarks, and published racist and xenophobic statements on print and social media (UN documents A/73/18, A/73/312, A/73/305). | |
二、美國種族歧視的社會后果 | II.Social Impact of Racial Discrimination in the US | |
美國種族歧視問題造成了嚴重的社會后果,它導致種族關系持續惡化,仇恨犯罪不斷增加,社會撕裂日益嚴重。 | Racial discrimination has a detrimental social impact in the US. It has led to worsening race relations, growing hate crimes, and increasing societal breakdown. | |
(一)種族關系持續惡化 | 1. Worsening race relations | |
2014年是美國《民權法案》頒布50周年,皮尤中心對美國種族關系現狀的調查顯示,僅有45%的受訪者認為美國在種族平等方面取得了進步。皮尤中心2015年8月發布的數據顯示,50%的美國人認為種族主義是美國社會的嚴重問題;60%的美國人認為國家需要繼續努力促進種族平等,比一年前高出14個百分點。美國全國廣播公司2016年的民意調查顯示,77%的美國民眾認為存在針對非洲裔的種族歧視問題,其中52%的人認為這種歧視非常嚴重。皮尤研究中心網站2018年2月22日報道,2017年的一項調查顯示,81%的非洲裔認為種族歧視仍是當今社會的嚴重問題,比8年前增長37個百分點。美國全國廣播公司新聞網2018年5月29日報道,一項問卷調查顯示,64%的受訪者認為種族主義是美國的一個重大社會問題,45%的受訪者認為美國的種族關系在惡化,30%的受訪者認為種族問題是當今美國社會分裂的最大根源。 | The year 2014 marked the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A survey by the Pew Research Center on current US race relations revealed that 45 percent of respondents thought that the US had made progress in racial equality. Statistics released by the Pew Research Center in August 2015 showed that 50 percent of Americans thought that racism was a serious social problem in the US, and 60 percent – 14 percentage points higher than the previous year – thought that the government should make more effort to promote racial equality. A National Broadcasting Company (NBC) poll in 2016 found 77 percent of the US public confirming the existence of racial discrimination against African-Americans, and 52 percent of them calling it a very serious problem. reported on February 22, 2018 that in 2017, about eight in ten African Americans (81 percent) said racism is a big problem in society today, an increase of 37 percentage points compared with 2009. NBC News reported on May 29, 2018 that a poll shows that 64 percent of its respondents said racism remains a major problem in American society; 45 percent believed race relations in the US are getting worse; and 30 percent thought race is the biggest source of division in America today. | |
(二)種族仇恨犯罪增多 | 2. Growing racial hate crimes | |
種族仇恨團體數量快速增長。美國南方貧困問題法律中心數據顯示,美國國內的仇恨團體數量在1999年為457個,到2000年增長到602個,在2010年前后突破1000個,其中不乏“三K黨、新納粹、光頭黨、反穆斯林團體”等種族仇恨團體。在2017年弗吉尼亞州夏洛茨維爾的白人至上主義者游行中,就出現了這些種族仇恨團體的身影。 | The number of racial hate groups keeps growing. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there were 457 hate groups in the US in 1999, 602 in 2000, and 1,000 by 2010. Among these were the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, Skinhead, and anti-Muslim groups. Their members were present at the white-supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. | |
種族仇恨犯罪數量居高不下。根據美國聯邦調查局仇恨犯罪年度統計報告,2010年至2015年美國仇恨犯罪數量年均在6000起左右。這些仇恨犯罪中,60%左右的案件涉及種族歧視因素,20%左右涉及宗教歧視因素。《洛杉磯時報》網站2018年11月13日報道,聯邦調查局發布的報告顯示,2017年美國的仇恨犯罪創2001年以來的最大年度漲幅,上升超過17%。在7175起仇恨犯罪案件中,約60%的犯罪涉種族歧視,近50%的受害者是非洲裔。 | The number of racial hate crimes remains high. According to the FBI yearly statistics for hate crimes, an annual average of 6,000 hate crimes were reported from 2010 to 2015. About 60 percent of such crimes involved racial discrimination and 20 percent involved religious discrimination. reported on November 13, 2018 that according to a report released by the FBI, hate crimes in the US rose by more than 17 percent in 2017 – the biggest annual increase since 2001. Among the 7,175 documented hate crimes in 2017, about 60 percent were motivated by racial discrimination and close to 50 percent victims were African Americans. | |
惡性種族仇恨犯罪案件時有發生。2014年4月,73歲的白人至上主義分子弗雷澤·格倫·克洛斯在堪薩斯城猶太人機構附近槍殺3人。他在被拘捕后大喊“希特勒萬歲”顯示其反猶太人立場。2015年,21歲的白人男子戴倫·魯夫在南卡羅來納州查爾斯頓一個非洲裔美國人的教堂內槍殺了包括牧師在內的9人,并在行兇時大喊:“你們必須滾出去!”2018年10月27日,46歲的白人男子羅伯特·鮑爾斯攜帶步槍、手槍等武器,闖入位于賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡市的猶太人教堂,高喊反猶太主義極端口號,向正在教堂內禮拜的教徒進行了20分鐘的掃射,致11人死亡、6人受傷。這是美國歷史上猶太人社區遭受的最為致命的攻擊。 | Vicious hate crimes are frequent. In April 2014, Frazier Glenn Cross, a 73-year-old white supremacist, shot dead three people at two Jewish sites in Kansas City. He shouted "Heil Hitler" when arrested. In 2015, 21-year-old white man Dylann Roof shot dead nine people including the pastor inside an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina. He shouted "You have to go" as he fired at his victims. On October 27, 2018, Robert Bowers, a 46-year-old white male, entered the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with an assault rifle and three handguns, and opened fire for 20 minutes during a Shabbat religious service while shouting anti-Semitic phrases, leaving 11 dead and 6 injured. This was the worst incident of anti-Semitic violence in recent US history. | |
(三)社會撕裂日益嚴重 | 3. Increasing societal breakdown | |
美國社會對種族歧視問題的認識存在嚴重分歧。美國公共宗教研究所2016年的調查表明,64%的非洲裔認為社區內存在警察施虐問題,僅有17%的白人認同這種觀點,前者是后者的近4倍。有83%的白人對警察執法較有信心,但僅有48%的非洲裔同意這種觀點。白人和非洲裔對警察殺害非洲裔美國人的看法截然不同,大約有65%的白人和15%的非洲裔認為警察殺害非洲裔美國人為孤立事件,但有81%的非洲裔認為該類事件廣泛存在。 | There are widely disparate views on racial discrimination in US society. A PRRI study in 2016 showed that 64 percent of African-Americans complained about police abuse of power in their communities, while only 17 percent of the white respondents shared this view – the former figure is nearly four times the latter. About 83 percent of white people had confidence in law enforcement by police, while only 48 percent of African-Americans held such views. White people and African-Americans held completely different views toward police killing of African-Americans. About 65 percent of white people and 15 percent of African-Americans thought such incidents were unrelated individual cases, but as many as 81 percent of African-Americans believed that such incidents were frequent in the US. | |
警察槍殺非洲裔事件引發不同種族之間的對立與仇恨。2015年11月,在明尼阿波利斯市,人權團體“黑人生命也珍貴”因非洲裔男子賈馬爾·克拉克被警方槍殺而組織的抗議游行活動遭到數名白人至上主義者槍擊,造成5人受傷。2016年7月,路易斯安那州、明尼蘇達州先后發生白人警察槍殺非洲裔案件,美國多地爆發抗議游行。在得克薩斯州達拉斯市中心的游行示威活動中,一名槍手開槍襲擊在現場維持秩序的警察,共造成5名警察死亡,9名警察受傷。槍手在與談判人員溝通時表示,他殺死白人警察只是為了抗議警方槍殺非洲裔的暴行。 | Incidents of police killing African-Americans have triggered racial hostility and hate. When the human rights organization "Black Lives Matter" took to the streets in Minneapolis in November 2015 to protest about the police killing of Jamar Clark, an African-American man, several white supremacists opened fire at them and five were injured. In July 2016, incidents of white police killing African-Americans in both Louisiana and Minnesota, which aroused public outcries in more than one place. During the protests in Dallas, Texas, a man shot at police officers, killing five and injuring nine. The shooter later explained that he had killed the white police officers only to protest police brutality against African-Americans. | |
白人至上主義游行引發暴力沖突。2017年8月,一些白人種族主義者和右翼抗議者聚集在弗吉尼亞州的夏洛茨維爾市游行示威,高喊著“鮮血與土地”的納粹戰斗口號。20歲的白人至上主義者詹姆斯·菲爾茨駕駛汽車高速撞向抗議白人至上主義游行的人群,致使1人死亡、19人受傷。英國《每日電訊報》網站2017年8月13日報道,白人至上主義游行及后續暴力事件共造成3人死亡,數十人受傷。美國民權團體將這次白人至上主義游行描述為“幾十年來最大的仇恨聚會”。針對這一事件,聯合國消除種族歧視委員會主席阿納斯塔西婭·克里科里指出:“我們對白人民族主義者、新納粹和三K黨以公開的種族主義口號和儀式進行的種族主義游行感到極度震驚,這種行為助長了白人至上主義并煽動種族歧視和仇恨。” | White supremacist demonstrations trigger violent conflict. In August 2017, white supremacists and rightists were heard yelling the Nazi slogan "Blood and soil!" at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. James Alex Fields Jr, a 20-year-old white supremacist, accelerated his car and slammed into the counter-protesters, killing one and injuring 19. According to a report on The Daily Telegraph website from August 13, 2017, the rally and subsequent violence resulted in three dead and dozens injured. One US human rights group said that this white supremacist rally may have been America's "largest hate gathering in decades". Anastasia Crickley, chairperson of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, commented: "We are alarmed by the racist demonstrations, with overtly racist slogans, chants and salutes by white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan, promoting white supremacy and inciting racial discrimination and hatred." | |
三、美國種族問題難解 | III. Systemic Racial Problems in the US | |
種族歧視深深植根于美國的歷史與現實之中。這對少數種族權利和地位的平等實現構成了結構性的障礙,也成為美國社會撕裂的深層原因。 | Deeply rooted in the history and realities of the United States, racial discrimination is a structural obstacle to the realization of equal rights and status for racial minorities, and also a profound cause of societal breakdown in the country. | |
美國的種族歧視現象貫穿其歷史。在北美殖民地創建和西部開發時期,就一直存在對印第安原住民的屠殺、驅趕問題。從北美殖民地的建立到美國南北戰爭數百年間,非洲奴隸貿易在這塊土地上盛行,大量非洲奴隸被勞役虐待致死,而針對非洲裔的種族隔離制度也直到20世紀中期之后才逐步得到廢止。在美國立國及發展過程中,出現了對亞洲勞工移民的嚴重排斥與歧視問題——如臭名昭著的《排華法案》。諸如此類的種族歧視以不同的形式存在,伴隨著美國的發展歷史并延續至今。 | The problem has existed since the US history began. Slaughter and displacement of Native Americans occurred throughout the colonial period and the Western Movement period. Over a period of several hundred years from the establishment of the North American colonies to the Civil War, the slave trade flourished, and numerous African slaves died from labor and abuse. The gradual abolition of racial segregation against African Americans did not begin until the mid-20th century. In the past Asian laborers too suffered serious discrimination, with the infamous Chinese Exclusion Act as an example. Such racial discrimination has persisted in various forms throughout the country's history. | |
美國的國家機構和社會制度未能消除種族歧視。執法機構針對少數種族的暴力執法、致命槍擊、圈套執法、街頭攔截檢查已經成為一種常態。大型企業機構針對少數種族的就業歧視、晉升歧視、薪酬歧視已經成為一種潛規則。金融機構和房產中介通過合謀的方式維持種族居住隔離已經成為一種傳統。正是由于社會制度的內在支撐與國家機構的不作為,使得少數種族在美國的政治、經濟、文化、社會生活等諸多層面不可避免地遭受著全方位的歧視。 | The US state institutions and its social system have failed in eliminating racial discrimination. Violent law enforcement, deadly shootings, entrapment, stop-and-frisk search have been commonplace. Discrimination against racial minorities in employment, promotion and pay is a hidden practice in large companies and institutions. Financial institutions and housing agencies collaborate to maintain residential separation between different races. The social system's underpinning role and the state institutions' dereliction of duties have subjected US minorities to inevitable discrimination in many respects including politics, economy, culture, and social life. | |
美國所有少數種族都面臨著不同程度的種族歧視。美國在骨子里依然是一個白人盎格魯-撒克遜新教徒的國家,所有不符合這些特性的種族、族群和宗教文化群體都不可避免地遭受到或多或少的歧視,其各項人權受到或明或暗的侵害。非洲裔、拉美裔、亞裔、原住民概莫能外,甚至拉美裔中的白人群體同樣也無法避免受到種族歧視的傷害。 | All racial minorities in the US suffer racial discrimination to various extents. In essence, the United States is still a country of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. All other races, ethnic groups, and religious and cultural communities endure levels of discrimination, and either overt or covert infringements of their human rights. Even white Latino people cannot avoid the impact of racial discrimination. | |
2008年身為非洲裔美國人的奧巴馬當選美國總統之時,包括一些主流媒體在內的不少人都為之歡呼,將其視作美國種族主義的終結以及美國徹底根除種族歧視的新起點。然而八年之間,警察槍殺非洲裔的事件依然頻繁發生,“黑人生命也珍貴”運動風起云涌,種族關系處于二十余年來最糟糕的階段,就連奧巴馬本人都表示他在總統任期內絕對面臨著種族歧視:“歧視幾乎仍存在于我們生活的各個制度中,影響深遠,仍是我們基因的一部分”。消除種族歧視依然如同馬丁·路德·金所言還是一個夢想。 | In 2008, many groups in the US, including the mainstream media, cheered for the election of African American Barack Obama as president, regarding the event as the end of American racism and a new beginning for the eradication of racial discrimination in the country. However, over the following eight years race relations deteriorated to their worst in over two decades, as police shootings of African Americans still occurred frequently and the "Black Lives Matter" campaign surged in response. Even Obama himself acknowledged that he suffered discrimination during his tenure as president. "What is also true is that … discrimination in almost every institution of our lives … casts a long shadow. And that's still part of our DNA that's passed on," the president said. The end of racial discrimination still remains no more than the "dream" expressed by Martin Luther King. | |
2016年以來,美國的白人至上主義呈現回潮之勢。2017年夏洛茨維爾右翼極端勢力游行及其后發生的種族主義恐怖行為使得美國的種族關系蒙上了一層厚厚的陰影。 | Since 2016, white supremacy has been renascent in the United States. The extreme right-wing rally in Charlottesville in 2017, and the racist violence that ensued, cast a shadow over race relations in the country. | |
美國的種族歧視背后有著深刻而復雜的根源。種族問題將成為美國難以破解的社會難題,甚至成為社會沖突的爆發點。 | Racial discrimination in the US has deep and profound causes. It has become a grievous social problem for the country, and is now a flashpoint for social conflict. | |
美國自詡為“人權衛士”,卻無意亦無力解決本國存在的嚴重種族歧視問題,暴露了其制度性結構性缺陷,凸顯了“美式人權”的虛偽本質。美國種族關系的現狀受制于其國內的政治架構、歷史傳統和意識形態,不在這些方面進行改革,就無法改變美國種族關系和種族歧視的惡性循環,少數族裔人權保障也就無從談起。 | For all its self-styled positioning as a defender of human rights, the United States has neither the will nor the ability to solve the severe problem of racial discrimination on its own territory. This exposes the institutional and structural defects of the US, and the hypocrisy of its discourse on human rights. The status of race relations in the US is determined by the country's political structure, historical traditions and ideology. Without reform of these, there can be no way to break through the impasse in racial discrimination and end the resulting vicious circle in race relations, and the proper protection of the human rights of racial minorities cannot happen. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |