12月3日,在對葡萄牙共和國進行國事訪問前夕,國家主席習近平在葡萄牙《新聞日報》發表題為《跨越時空的友誼 面向未來的伙伴》的署名文章。文章如下: | A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "A Friendship across Time and Space, A Partnership for the Future" was published Monday on Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias ahead of his state visit to the European country. The full text of the article is as follows: | |
跨越時空的友誼 面向未來的伙伴 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | A Friendship across Time and Space, A Partnership for the Future Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China | |
“陸止于此,海始于斯”,葡萄牙“詩魂”卡蒙斯世代傳頌的名句生動描繪出他的祖國所處優越地理位置。20年前,我曾有機會到訪葡萄牙,2014年又過境特塞拉島。應德索薩總統邀請,我將再次踏上這片沃土,對貴國進行國事訪問,感到由衷的高興。 | "Aqui......Onde a terra se acaba E o mar comeca......" (Here, where the land ends and the sea begins.) This acclaimed quote from Luis de Camoes, the greatest poet of Portugal, vividly depicts the superb location of his motherland. Twenty years ago, I made my first visit to Portugal, and in 2014 I had a stopover in the Terceira Island. I am delighted to be coming back to your country for a state visit at the invitation of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. | |
近年來,葡萄牙成功應對歐洲主權債務危機挑戰,在發展國民經濟、弘揚民族文化、促進社會進步等方面取得重要成就,古老大地不斷煥發勃勃生機。作為葡萄牙人民的真誠朋友,中國人民對此表示欽佩。 | Over recent years, Portugal has effectively coped with the challenges brought by the European sovereign debt crisis, and made significant headway in economic and social development and in promoting its traditional culture, injecting new vitality into this ancient land. As a true friend of the Portuguese people, the Chinese nation has nothing but admiration for what you have accomplished. | |
中國和葡萄牙雖然分處亞歐大陸東西兩端,但兩國人民友誼源遠流長,歷久彌堅。幾百年前,中國青花瓷漂洋過海來到葡萄牙,同當地瓷器制作技術相融合,形成了獨具魅力的“葡萄牙藍”。葡萄牙東北部的弗雷索城很早就使用源于中國的桑蠶織造技術,享有“絲綢之鄉”的美譽。當代,兩國人民友好交往的佳話不斷涌現。一對中國老教師夫婦克服疾病困難,數十年如一日在葡萄牙教授中文、傳播中華文化;不少優秀的葡萄牙足球教練和球員到中國俱樂部執教或踢球,在中國足壇刮起“葡萄牙風”;中國廚師烘焙出的葡式蛋撻成為老百姓新的美食選擇。這樣的故事還有很多,見證了兩國人民跨越時空的友誼。 | Though our two countries are located at the east and west ends of the Eurasian continent, our peoples have forged an enduring friendship dating back to antiquity. China's blue and white porcelain, which was first shipped to Portugal centuries ago, inspired a fusion of Chinese and local techniques, producing a unique form of art Azulejo. The northeastern Portuguese city of Freixo de Espada a Cinta, known as the hometown of silk in Portugal, has been using sericulture and weaving techniques from China for centuries. Many more such episodes of friendly exchanges between our peoples can be found in the present day. An elderly couple from China, despite their age and illness, have spent decades teaching mandarin and spreading Chinese culture in Portugal. Top-class Portuguese football coaches and players have come to China to work or play for Chinese clubs, making Portuguese football even more popular in China. Portuguese custard tarts baked by Chinese pastry chefs have become a new delight for Chinese consumers. Stories like these bear witness to the friendship between our peoples that transcends time and space. | |
1979年2月中葡建立外交關系。再過2個月,兩國將喜迎建交40周年。40年間,中葡關系一直保持平穩快速發展,走過了不平凡的歷程。雙方始終相互信任、彼此尊重、相互幫助,成為世界上不同社會制度、歷史背景、幅員大小國家間合作共贏的典范。 | In about two months, we will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of our diplomatic ties, which were established in February 1979. With steady and fast growth every step of the way, our bilateral relations have traversed an extraordinary journey over the past four decades. We have always trusted, respected and helped each other, setting a fine example of win-win cooperation between countries of different social systems, historical backgrounds and contrasting sizes. | |
40年間,雙方堅持從戰略高度和長遠角度看待兩國關系。1999年,兩國通過和平協商,妥善解決了歷史遺留的澳門問題,開辟了澳門發展新紀元和中葡關系新時代。2005年,兩國建立全面戰略伙伴關系。雙方高層交往頻繁,政治互信不斷加深,各領域務實合作成果豐碩,中葡友好和合作駛入發展的快車道。 | In the past four decades, we have consistently approached bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective. In 1999, through peaceful consultations, we properly resolved the question of Macao, an issue left over from the past, and ushered in a new era in the development of Macao and in China-Portugal relations. In 2005, a comprehensive strategic partnership was established between our two countries. With frequent high-level exchanges, deepening political mutual trust, and fruitful outcomes in all areas, China-Portugal friendship and cooperation have embarked on a fast lane of development. | |
40年間,雙方堅持平等互利、合作共贏精神開展務實合作。2008年國際金融危機和歐洲主權債務危機發生后,中國政府同葡萄牙政府同舟共濟,共同抵御風險,應對挑戰。中國企業踴躍赴葡萄牙投資興業,在為當地創造就業、為葡萄牙經濟社會發展提供助力的同時也拓展了自身海外業務。 | In the past four decades, we have stayed committed to advancing practical cooperation in the spirit of equality and mutual benefit. In the wake of the international financial crisis of 2008 and the European sovereign debt crisis, our two governments worked closely together to defuse risks and address challenges. Chinese companies came to Portugal in large numbers to seek investment opportunities. While expanding their own businesses overseas, they have also contributed to job creation for the local communities and to Portugal's economic and social development as a whole. | |
40年間,雙方堅持交流互鑒、共同進步的理念促進人民交往。建交之初,兩國每年互訪人數屈指可數,當前每年雙向人員往來超過30萬人次。目前,中國有17所高校設立了葡萄牙語課程;葡萄牙開辦了4家孔子學院,多所院校設立了漢語課程。雙方在影視傳媒、演出展覽、地方民間等領域的密切交流為雙方關系長遠發展打下民意基礎。 | In the past four decades, we have made consistent efforts to strengthen people-to-people ties in the spirit of mutual learning and common progress. In the early days of our diplomatic relations, there were few mutual visits between the two countries. Now over 300,000 visits are exchanged between us every year. Today, 17 Chinese universities offer Portuguese courses, and in Portugal, four Confucius Institutes have been opened and the Chinese language is taught in several schools and universities. Our close exchanges in film, media, cultural performance, exhibition and at the sub-national level have enhanced popular support for the long-term development of our relations. | |
當前,中國和葡萄牙都處在各自發展的關鍵階段。中國正在全面深化改革,擴大對外開放。葡萄牙也在勵精圖治,尋求更大發展。中方愿同葡方一道,繼續深化相互了解和信任,不斷擴大務實合作的深度和廣度,進一步豐富中葡全面戰略伙伴關系內涵,共同創造中葡關系更加美好的明天。 | China and Portugal both stand at a critical juncture of development. China is comprehensively deepening reform and expanding opening-up, while Portugal is committed to faster development and national renewal. China will join hands with Portugal to further enhance mutual understanding and trust, expand and deepen practical cooperation, and substantiate our comprehensive strategic partnership. By working together, we will create an even brighter future for China-Portugal relations. | |
第一,加強高層交往,做互尊互信的朋友。我們支持兩國政府、議會、政黨保持經常性交流和政策溝通。雙方要始終理解和尊重彼此核心利益和重大關切,為雙邊關系長遠發展提供牢固政治保障。中方希望并相信葡方將繼續在歐盟內發揮積極作用,推動中歐打造和平、增長、改革、文明四大伙伴關系。 | First, we need to strengthen high-level exchanges and build a friendship based on mutual respect and mutual trust. We support regular exchanges and policy communication between our governments, parliaments and political parties. We should always give each other understanding and respect on matters of core interests and major concerns in order to provide a strong political underpinning for the sustained development of bilateral relations. China hopes and trusts that Portugal will continue to play a positive role in the EU and contribute to the building of China-EU partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization. | |
第二,共建“一帶一路”,做攜手發展的伙伴。葡萄牙是連接陸上絲綢之路和海上絲綢之路的重要樞紐,中葡開展“一帶一路”合作具有天然優勢。雙方要以共建“一帶一路”為契機,繼續做大做強現有項目,用好中國國際進口博覽會等平臺,擴大雙邊貿易往來,在港口建設、汽車、新能源、金融等領域營造更多合作增長點,加強第三方市場合作,在更大范圍實現互利共贏。 | Second, we need to jointly take forward the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and build a partnership of common development. As Portugal lies at an important intersection of the land and maritime silk roads, our two countries are naturally positioned to cooperate under the BRI. We should seize the opportunities provided by the BRI to expand and strengthen cooperation on existing projects, make good use of the China International Import Expo and other platforms to increase two-way trade, explore more cooperation opportunities in port development, automobiles, new energy, finance and other fields, and step up third-party cooperation to seek mutual benefit in a wider scope. | |
第三,深化人文交往,做傳承友誼的使者。雙方商定于明年互辦文化節,加強展覽、演出、影視、傳媒等方面合作。雙方要不斷深化語言教學合作,擴大留學生交流規模。雙方要繼續支持兩國航空企業合作,為雙向人員往來創造便利條件。 | Third, we need to carry forward traditional friendship by deepening people-to-people exchanges. As agreed, we will hold cultural festivals in each other's countries next year, and enhance cooperation on exhibition, cultural performance, film and media. We need to deepen cooperation on language teaching, and increase the number of students studying in each other's countries. We will continue to support cooperation between our airlines in an effort to facilitate personnel exchanges. | |
第四,開展海洋合作,做“藍色經濟”的先鋒。葡萄牙被譽為“航海之鄉”,擁有悠久的海洋文化和豐富的開發利用海洋資源的經驗。我們要積極發展“藍色伙伴關系”,鼓勵雙方加強海洋科研、海洋開發和保護、港口物流建設等方面合作,發展“藍色經濟”,讓浩瀚海洋造福子孫后代。 | Fourth, we need to lead the way in growing the blue economy by promoting maritime cooperation. Portugal, known for its tradition of maritime expedition, has a time-honored maritime culture and rich experience in the exploitation of marine resources. We need to strengthen our Blue Partnership, facilitate cooperation in marine research, ocean development and protection, port logistics and other areas, and grow blue economy together to better harness the vast ocean to the benefit of our future generations. | |
第五,密切多邊協調,做國際體系的建設者和維護者。雙方在許多重大國際和地區問題中有著相似和相同的立場。中方愿在聯合國、世界貿易組織等框架內,同葡方加強全球治理、氣候變化、聯合國安理會改革等方面的溝通和協調。雙方要堅持開放包容的共同理念,支持多邊主義和自由貿易,共同促進世界和平、穩定、繁榮。 | Fifth, we need to build and uphold the international system by enhancing multilateral coordination. China and Portugal share the same or similar positions on many major international and regional issues. China stands ready to step up communication and coordination with Portugal within the UN, the WTO and other frameworks on issues such as global governance, climate change and Security Council reform. It is important that we uphold our shared values of openness and inclusiveness, support multilateralism and free trade, and jointly contribute to peace, stability and prosperity of the world. | |
葡萄牙是我這次出訪歐洲、拉丁美洲并出席二十國集團領導人布宜諾斯艾利斯峰會行程的最后一站。這次出訪,我跨越亞歐大陸,到訪大西洋兩岸,感受到國際社會希望順應時代潮流、堅持多邊主義、改善全球治理的強烈呼聲,各國人民期盼和平安寧、追求發展進步、過上幸福生活的美好愿望。面對當今世界各種問題和挑戰,中方堅信,只有遵循相互尊重、平等協商,堅持和平發展、合作共贏,才能實現世界長治久安和人類共同發展。 | Portugal is the last stop of my trip, which has taken me across the Eurasian continent and the Atlantic Ocean to destinations in Europe and Latin America and to Buenos Aires for the G20 Summit. What impressed me most during this visit are the strong international call for a firm commitment to multilateralism and more effective global governance in keeping with the times, and the ardent aspirations of people around the world for peace, tranquility, development, progress and a happier life. In the face of difficulties and challenges in today's world, China remains convinced that mutual respect, equal consultations, peaceful development and win-win cooperation are the only way leading to durable peace and stability of the world and common development of mankind. | |
中葡關系今非昔比,中葡合作前景廣闊。相信在雙方共同努力下,新時期中葡關系的航船將鼓起風帆、開足馬力,駛向更加輝煌的未來,不僅為兩國人民帶來更多福祉,也定能為構建人類命運共同體作出更大貢獻。 | China-Portugal relations are now stronger than ever before, and China-Portugal cooperation promises broad prospects. We have every reason to believe that with the joint efforts of both countries, China-Portugal relations in the new era will gather full speed and sail toward an even brighter future, delivering greater benefits to our peoples, and contributing even more to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |