國家主席習近平11月30日出席在布宜諾斯艾利斯舉行的二十國集團領導人第十三次峰會第一階段會議,并發表題為《登高望遠,牢牢把握世界經濟正確方向》的重要講話。全文如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled "Look Beyond the Horizon and Steer the World Economy in the Right Direction" here Friday at the first session of the 13th summit of the Group of 20 (G20). The following is the full text of the speech: | |
登高望遠,牢牢把握世界經濟正確方向 ——在二十國集團領導人峰會第一階段會議上的發言 (2018年11月30日,布宜諾斯艾利斯) 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | Look Beyond the Horizon and Steer the World Economy in the Right Direction Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At Session I of the G20 Summit Buenos Aires, 30 November 2018 | |
尊敬的馬克里總統, 各位同事: | President Mauricio Macri, Dear Colleagues, | |
今年是國際金融危機發生10周年,也是二十國集團領導人峰會10周年。盡管世界經濟整體保持增長,但危機的深層次影響仍未消除,經濟增長新舊動能轉換尚未完成,各類風險加快積聚。新一輪科技革命和產業變革引發深刻變化,貧富差距和社會矛盾壓力不斷增加。世界經濟再一次面臨歷史性的選擇。 | It's been ten years since the global financial crisis broke out and the first G20 Summit was convened. Today, the global economy, while maintaining growth on the whole, is still not free from the underlying impacts of the crisis. Old growth drivers are yet to be replaced by new ones. Various risks are rapidly building up. The new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation are triggering profound changes, the wealth gap keeps widening, and social contradictions are growing. The world economy is facing another historical choice. | |
“以史為鑒,可以知興替。”二十國集團要從歷史大勢中把握規律,引領方向。人類發展進步大潮滾滾向前,世界經濟時有波折起伏,但各國走向開放、走向融合的大趨勢沒有改變。產業鏈、價值鏈、供應鏈不斷延伸和拓展,帶動了生產要素全球流動,助力數十億人口脫貧致富。各國相互協作、優勢互補是生產力發展的客觀要求,也代表著生產關系演變的前進方向。在這一進程中,各國逐漸形成利益共同體、責任共同體、命運共同體。無論前途是晴是雨,攜手合作、互利共贏是唯一正確選擇。這既是經濟規律使然,也符合人類社會發展的歷史邏輯。面對重重挑戰,我們既要增強緊迫感,也要保持理性,登高望遠,以負責任態度把握世界經濟大方向。 | An ancient Chinese philosopher observed that "Reviewing the past enables us to learn about the law governing the evolution of history." We G20 members must closely follow the underlying historical trend so as to chart the course for the future. In mankind's relentless quest for development and progress, the trend toward openness and integration among countries is unstoppable despite ups and downs in the global economy. The ever growing and expanding industrial chain, value chain and supply chain have boosted the flow of production factors across the world and led several billion people out of poverty and toward prosperity. Greater coordination and complementarity among countries meet the need of productivity growth. They will also shape the future of relations of production. In this process, countries are increasingly becoming a community with shared interests, shared responsibilities and a shared future. Going forward, win-win cooperation is the only choice for us, be it in good times or bad. This is dictated by the law of economics, and it is in keeping with the development of human history. Facing various challenges, we must have a stronger sense of urgency, be rational in approach and look beyond the horizon. We must fulfill our responsibility and steer the global economy in the right direction. | |
保持世界經濟穩定發展的共同需要催生了二十國集團。10年來,我們同舟共濟、勠力同心,推動世界經濟走出衰退深淵,走上了復蘇增長的軌道。10年后,我們應該再次拿出勇氣,展示戰略視野,引領世界經濟沿著正確軌道向前發展。 | The G20 was born out of the international community's need to maintain stable growth of the global economy. Over the past decade, we have braced difficulties together, navigated the global economy out of recession and brought it back to the track of recovery and growth. Ten years later, let us work with the same courage and strategic vision and ensure that the global economy grows on the right track. | |
第一,堅持開放合作,維護多邊貿易體制。5年前,我第一次出席二十國集團領導人峰會,呼吁共同維護和建設開放型世界經濟。現在看,這一任務更加迫切。二十國集團成員間月均新增貿易限制措施比半年前翻了一番,2018年全球貨物貿易量增速可能下滑0.3%。我們應該堅定維護自由貿易和基于規則的多邊貿易體制。中方贊成對世界貿易組織進行必要改革,關鍵是要維護開放、包容、非歧視等世界貿易組織核心價值和基本原則,保障發展中國家發展利益和政策空間。要堅持各方廣泛協商,循序推進,不搞“一言堂”。 | First, we should stay committed to openness and cooperation and uphold the multilateral trading system. Five years ago when I attended the G20 Summit for the first time, I called for joint efforts to uphold and build an open world economy. Five years on, this has obviously become an even more urgent task for us. The number of new trade restrictive measures applied on a monthly basis among G20 members has doubled compared with six months ago. In 2018, the growth of trade in goods may decline by 0.3 percent globally. We should firmly uphold free trade and the rules-based multilateral trading system. China supports necessary reform of the World Trade Organization, and believes that it is critical to uphold the WTO's core values and fundamental principles such as openness, inclusiveness and non-discrimination and ensure the development interests and policy space of developing countries. We need to conduct extensive consultation to achieve gradual progress instead of imposing one's position on others. | |
第二,堅持伙伴精神,加強宏觀政策協調。伙伴精神是二十國集團最寶貴的財富。無論遇到什么困難,二十國集團成員都應該團結一致,共克時艱。各方應該堅持財政、貨幣、結構性改革“三位一體”的政策工具,努力推動世界經濟強勁、平衡、可持續、包容增長。加強政策協調,既是世界經濟增長的客觀需要,也是主要經濟體理應擔負的責任。發達經濟體在采取貨幣和財政政策時,應該更加關注并努力減少對新興市場國家和發展中國家的沖擊。國際貨幣基金組織第十五輪份額總檢查應該按期完成,國際貨幣體系應該繼續朝著多元化方向邁進,要構筑更加牢固的全球金融安全網。 | Second, we should forge strong partnership and step up macro policy coordination. Partnership is the most valuable asset of the G20. We G20 members should work together to surmount whatever difficulty that lies ahead. We should employ the three tools of fiscal and monetary policies and structural reform in a holistic way to ensure strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth of the global economy. Strengthening policy coordination, which is essential for global growth, is also the due responsibility of major economies. Developed economies, when adopting monetary and fiscal policies, should give more consideration to and work to minimize the impact such policies may exert on emerging markets and developing economies. The IMF's 15th General Quota Review should be concluded on schedule. The international monetary system should become more diversified, and the global financial safety net should continue to be strengthened. | |
第三,堅持創新引領,挖掘經濟增長動力。世界經濟數字化轉型是大勢所趨,新的工業革命將深刻重塑人類社會。我們既要鼓勵創新,促進數字經濟和實體經濟深度融合,也要關注新技術應用帶來的風險挑戰,加強制度和法律體系建設,重視教育和就業培訓。我們既要立足自身發展,充分發掘創新潛力,也要敞開大門,鼓勵新技術、新知識傳播,讓創新造福更多國家和人民。為更好引領和適應技術創新,建議二十國集團將“新技術應用及其影響”作為一項重點工作深入研究,認真探索合作思路和舉措。 | Third, we should stay committed to innovation and create new momentum for growth. The global economy is embracing the trend of digital transformation, and the new round of industrial revolution will reshape human society in profound ways. We should encourage innovation and leverage the role of the digital economy in growing the real economy. We need to watch out for risks and challenges brought by the application of new technologies, and strengthen the legal and regulatory framework. And we need to do more to boost education and vocational training. We should give priority to achieving development through fully tapping our innovation potential. At the same time, we also need to keep our doors open and encourage the spread of new technologies and knowledge so that innovation will benefit more countries and peoples. To better adapt to and guide technological innovation, I propose that the G20 carry out an in-depth study on the application and impact of new technologies on a priority basis to explore new thinking and new ways of cooperation in this area. | |
第四,堅持普惠共贏,促進全球包容發展。當今世界面臨的很多問題,歸根結底都和發展問題相關。發展也是實現公平公正的強有力支撐。我們要堅持以人民為中心的發展思想,將人民的獲得感、幸福感、安全感作為工作出發點和落腳點。要繼續把發展問題置于全球宏觀政策協調的突出位置,落實好2030年可持續發展議程,為聯合國框架內有關工作提供有力支持。要維護發展中國家發展利益和空間,支持世界經濟真正公平發展。要繼續支持非洲發展,幫助非洲加強基礎設施建設和互聯互通,推進新工業化進程。 | Fourth, we should stay committed to win-win cooperation to promote inclusive global development. Development holds the key to many problems facing the world today. Development also provides a strong guarantee for greater equity and justice. We need to continue to follow a people-centered development philosophy and endeavor to deliver a sense of fulfillment, happiness and security to our people. We need to continue to prioritize development in global macro-policy coordination, implement in real earnest the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and give strong support to work in this area under the UN framework. We should protect the development interests and space of developing countries so as to ensure global growth that is truly equitable. We should continue to support Africa's development by helping Africa with its infrastructure and connectivity building and new industrialization. | |
各位同事! | Dear Colleagues, | |
今年是中國改革開放40周年。40年來,在國際社會支持下,中國人民通過不懈奮斗,取得了歷史性發展成就。國際金融危機發生以來,中國經濟對世界經濟增長貢獻率超過30%。中國下決心將減貧進行到底,到2020年徹底消除現行標準下的絕對貧困,這個目標一定會實現。中國得益于改革開放,中國將堅定不移沿著這條路走下去。前不久,中國成功舉辦首屆國際進口博覽會,贏得國際社會廣泛贊譽。中國將繼續深化市場化改革,保護產權和知識產權,鼓勵公平競爭,主動擴大進口。今后,我們將每年舉辦中國國際進口博覽會,向世界進一步敞開中國市場。在世界銀行最新《營商環境報告》中,中國排名較前一年上升32位。我們將繼續朝著這一方向不懈努力。中方希望各國共同營造自由、開放、包容、有序的國際經濟大環境。 | This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. During the past 40 years, with the support of the international community, we in China have forged ahead with perseverance and made historic achievements in development. In the years since the global financial crisis, China has contributed over 30 percent of global growth. China is firm in its resolve to eradicate poverty. Our goal is to eliminate absolute poverty as currently defined by 2020, and we have every confidence to meet this target. China owes its progress to reform and opening-up, and will continue to advance on this path. Earlier this month, the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) was successfully held, which was warmly received by the international community. China will continue to deepen market-oriented reform, protect property rights and IPR, encourage fair competition and do more to expand imports. The CIIE will be held annually as a way to further open China's market. In the latest World Bank Doing Business report, China moved up 32 places in the ease of doing business ranking from last year. China will continue to improve its business environment, and hopes that all countries will work together for a free, open, inclusive and orderly international economic environment. | |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |