國家主席習近平在金磚國家領導人約翰內斯堡會晤大范圍會議上的講話全文如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered on Thursday a speech titled "Turn Our Vision into a Reality" at the Plenary Session of the BRICS Johannesburg Summit. The following is the full text of the speech: | |
讓美好愿景變為現實 ——在金磚國家領導人約翰內斯堡會晤大范圍會議上的講話 (2018年7月26日,約翰內斯堡) 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | Turn Our Vision into a Reality Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the Plenary Session of the BRICS Johannesburg Summit Johannesburg, 26 July 2018 | |
尊敬的拉馬福薩總統, 尊敬的特梅爾總統, 尊敬的普京總統, 尊敬的莫迪總理: | Your Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa, Your Excellency President Michel Temer, Your Excellency President Vladimir Putin, Your Excellency Prime Minister Narendra Modi, | |
首先,我要再次感謝拉馬福薩總統和南非政府為這次會晤所作的熱情周到安排。闊別5年之后,金磚國家領導人會晤再次走進非洲,是一件值得慶祝的事情。 | Let me begin by thanking President Ramaphosa and the South African government for their warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements. The BRICS Summit is convened in Africa again after a lapse of five years. This is an occasion to celebrate. | |
這次會晤的主題是“金磚國家在非洲:在第四次工業革命中共謀包容增長和共同繁榮”,很有現實意義。從18世紀第一次工業革命的機械化,到19世紀第二次工業革命的電氣化,再到20世紀第三次工業革命的信息化,一次次顛覆性的科技革新,帶來社會生產力的大解放和生活水平的大躍升,從根本上改變了人類歷史的發展軌跡。 | The theme of this summit - "BRICS in Africa: Collaborating for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution" - is most fitting under the current circumstances. The previous three industrial revolutions were all characterized by transformative advancement in science and technology: the rise of mechanization in the 18th century, the harnessing of electricity in the 19th century, and the advent of the Information Age in the 20th century. Such breakthroughs have greatly unleashed social productivity and significantly improved people's living standards, thus profoundly reshaping the course of human history. | |
如今,我們正在經歷一場更大范圍、更深層次的科技革命和產業變革。大數據、人工智能等前沿技術不斷取得突破,新技術、新業態、新產業層出不窮。各國利益和命運緊密相連,深度交融。同時,世界經濟新舊動能轉換尚未完成,南北失衡等深層次、結構性問題還未消除。地緣政治沖突此起彼伏,保護主義和單邊主義愈演愈烈,直接影響到新興市場國家和發展中國家發展外部環境。 | Today, we are experiencing another revolution in science, technology and industry, which is greater in scope and depth. Breakthroughs are being made in quick succession in frontier technologies like big data and artificial intelligence. New technologies, business models and industries are emerging one after another. Countries around the world have found their interests and future tied together like never before. That said, we have yet to sustain global growth with new driving forces and to address the North-South imbalance and other deep-seated structural problems. What's more, constant flare-ups of geopolitical conflicts and the escalation of protectionism and unilateralism are directly affecting the external development environment of emerging markets and developing countries. | |
時代大潮奔騰不息,不以任何人的意志為轉移。金磚國家要把握歷史大勢,深化戰略伙伴關系,鞏固“三輪驅動”合作架構,讓第二個“金色十年”的美好愿景變為現實,攜手邁向人類命運共同體。 | History keeps surging forward independent of people's wish. We the BRICS countries must therefore have a keen grasp of the trend of our times, deepen our strategic partnership, and consolidate our cooperation framework underpinned by economic, political and security cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. This way, we will be able to turn our vision of a second "Golden Decade" into a reality, and together build a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
第一,釋放經濟合作巨大潛力。加強經濟合作、實現共同發展是金磚合作的初衷和主線,也是潛力最大、內容最豐富、成果最集中的領域。我們要加強貿易投資、財金、互聯互通等領域合作,把合作蛋糕做大做實。要在聯合國、二十國集團、世界貿易組織等框架內,堅定維護基于規則的多邊貿易體制,推動貿易和投資自由化便利化,旗幟鮮明反對保護主義。 | First, we must unlock the enormous potential of our economic cooperation. Closer economic cooperation for shared prosperity is the original purpose and priority of BRICS cooperation. It is also in the economic field that we enjoy the most promising, diverse and fruitful cooperation. We need to step up trade, investment, economic, financial, and connectivity cooperation to make this pie still bigger. At the same time, we must work together at the United Nations, the Group of 20, and the World Trade Organization to safeguard the rule-based multilateral trading regime, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and reject protectionism outright. | |
我們要堅持創新引領,通過建設新工業革命伙伴關系,加強宏觀經濟政策協調,實現發展戰略深度對接,在相互砥礪中加速新舊動能轉換和經濟結構轉型升級。下階段,中方將實施10期人力資源開發合作項目,邀請五國專家共同規劃新工業革命合作藍圖,提升金磚國家及廣大新興市場國家和發展中國家競爭力。 | It is important that we continue to pursue innovation-driven development and build a Partnership on New Industrial Revolution to strengthen coordination on macroeconomic policies, find more complementarities in our development strategies, and reinforce each other's efforts in renewing economic driving forces and upgrading economic structure. In this context, China will host ten human resources development programs during which experts of our five countries will be invited to draw up a blueprint for our cooperation in the new industrial revolution. By so doing, we hope to enhance the competitiveness of not only BRICS countries but also other emerging markets and developing countries. | |
第二,堅定維護國際和平安全。政治安全合作是金磚戰略伙伴關系的重要內容。我們要繼續高舉多邊主義旗幟,維護聯合國憲章宗旨和原則,敦促各方遵守國際法和國際關系基本準則,以對話解爭端,以協商化分歧。要充分發揮外長會晤、安全事務高級代表會議、常駐聯合國代表會晤等機制作用,發出金磚聲音,提出金磚方案,共同構建相互尊重、公平正義、合作共贏的新型國際關系。 | Second, we must safeguard global peace and security. Political and security cooperation is an important component of BRICS strategic partnership. We should stay committed to multilateralism and to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We should call on all parties to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations and to settle disputes through dialogue and differences through consultation. By fully leveraging the role of BRICS meetings of foreign ministers, national security advisers and permanent representatives to the United Nations, we can make our voice heard, put forth our solutions, and jointly work for a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, equality, justice and win-win cooperation. | |
第三,深入拓展人文交流合作。金磚五國孕育出各自燦爛文明,彼此交相輝映,人文交流合作大有可為。去年和今年,金磚人文交流明顯提速。我們要繼續以民心相通為宗旨,廣泛開展文化、教育、衛生、體育、旅游等各領域人文大交流,筑牢金磚合作民意基礎。中方建議舉行金磚博物館、美術館、圖書館聯盟聯合巡展等活動,加強文化創意產業、旅游、地方城市等領域合作,講述更多精彩動人的金磚故事,不斷增進五國人民相互了解和傳統友誼。 | Third, we must expand people-to-people exchanges. We the BRICS countries boast great civilizations. When it comes to cultural and people-to-people exchanges, there is a lot we can do together. As a matter of fact, such exchanges have notably gained momentum over the last year or two. We should aim at greater people-to-people connectivity and more popular support for BRICS cooperation through extensive exchanges in cultural, educational, health, sports, tourism and other areas. China would therefore like to suggest joint touring exhibitions by the BRICS alliances of museums, art museums, national galleries, and libraries and closer cooperation in the cultural, creative and tourism industries and at the sub-national level. This way, we can spread the BRICS story far and wide to further enhance the mutual understanding and traditional friendship among our people. | |
第四,構建緊密伙伴關系網絡。金磚機制成立伊始,我們就共同確定了走開放包容之路的正確方向。廈門會晤更確立了“金磚+”合作理念,其要義是在不斷強化五國團結協作內核,提升金磚向心力、凝聚力的同時,持續擴大金磚“朋友圈”,同廣大新興市場國家和發展中國家實現共同發展繁榮。我們要在聯合國、二十國集團等框架內拓展“金磚+”合作,擴大新興市場國家和發展中國家共同利益和發展空間,推動構建廣泛伙伴關系,為世界和平與發展作出更大貢獻。 | Fourth, we must build a network of closer partnerships. Since the inception of the BRICS mechanism, openness and inclusiveness have remained our abiding commitment. The "BRICS Plus" approach we adopted at the Xiamen Summit is designed to strengthen the unity and coordination among BRICS members for greater cohesion and, at the same time, to keep broadening the BRICS "circle of friends" in a joint pursuit of shared development and prosperity for all emerging markets and developing countries. We may explore "BRICS Plus" cooperation within the United Nations, the G20, and other frameworks to advance the common interests and boost the development space for emerging markets and developing countries, thus contributing more to world peace and development through broader partnerships. | |
各位同事! | Colleagues, | |
金磚的未來掌握在五國人民自己手中。讓我們同國際社會一道,共同建設一個持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界。 | The future of BRICS is in the hands of our people. Let us work together with the rest of the international community for an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. | |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. | |
(Source: Xinhua) |