7月21日,在對盧旺達共和國進行國事訪問前夕,國家主席習近平在盧旺達《新時代報》發表題為《中盧友誼情比山高》的署名文章。文章如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday published a signed article titled "China and Rwanda: A Friendship Higher than Mountains" on mainstream Rwandan newspaper The New Times ahead of his state visit to the African country. The following is the full text of the article: | |
中盧友誼情比山高 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | China and Rwanda: A Friendship Higher than Mountains Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China | |
應保羅·卡加梅總統邀請,我將于7月22日至23日對盧旺達進行國事訪問。這是我首次訪問貴國,也是中國國家主席首次到訪盧旺達,我對此行充滿期待。 | At the invitation of President Paul Kagame, I will pay a state visit to Rwanda from 22 to 23 July. It will be not only my first visit to Rwanda but also the very first visit to Rwanda by any Chinese President. I am full of expectation for this visit. | |
盧旺達有“千丘之國”美譽。這里風景秀麗、四季如春、物產豐饒,這里人民勤勞勇敢、自強不息,是非洲大陸上一片充滿生機的土地。 | Known as the "land of a thousand hills", Rwanda is blessed with picturesque sceneries, a spring-like weather all year round, and rich endowment of natural resources. Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the brave and hard-working Rwandan people, this country has remained a vibrant land on the African continent. | |
近年來,在卡加梅總統領導下,盧旺達政府和人民勵精圖治、奮發圖強,成功走出了一條符合本國國情的發展道路。當前,盧旺達政通人和、百廢俱興,社會長期穩定,經濟持續快速增長,國際和地區影響力不斷提升,給非洲乃至世界上面臨發展振興重任的國家樹立了榜樣。我為此感到高興,衷心祝愿盧旺達在發展振興道路上不斷取得新的更大成就。 | In recent years, under the leadership of President Kagame, the government and people of Rwanda have made pioneering efforts to blaze a development path that suits its national conditions. Enjoying good governance and social harmony, Rwanda is making progress on every front of development. With sustained stability and robust economic growth, Rwanda has seen a continued rise in its regional and global influence, and has set an example for countries who face the similar tasks of national development and rejuvenation in Africa and beyond. I am heartened to see these accomplishments and sincerely wish Rwanda still greater success on its way forward. | |
“相知無遠近,萬里尚為鄰。”中盧兩國雖然相距遙遠,國家大小、制度、文化不盡相同,但兩國人民有著深厚傳統友誼。中盧在歷史上都曾遭受深重災難,因此都倍加珍惜當前國家穩定、民族團結、經濟發展的局面,都為自己取得的發展成就感到自豪。 | As a Chinese poem reads, "Good friends feel close to each other even when they are thousands of miles away." Despite the vast geographic distance and differences in size, system and culture between China and Rwanda, our peoples enjoy a deep traditional friendship. Both our two countries endured great sufferings in history. That is why we cherish the national stability, ethnic unity and economic development we now enjoy, and take pride in what we have accomplished along the way. | |
1971年中國同盧旺達建立外交關系。47年來,雙方始終堅持真誠友好、平等相待,中盧兩國人民友誼經受住了國際風云變幻的考驗。兩國人民彼此信賴、互幫互助,中盧友好深入人心。近年來,在雙方共同努力下,中盧關系快速發展,各領域合作成果豐碩,不斷煥發新的活力。中國已成為盧旺達第一大貿易伙伴和第一大工程承包方。我們高興地看到,中國援建的阿馬霍羅國家體育場里上演了多場精彩賽事,成為盧旺達民眾休閑娛樂的重要場所。穆桑澤職業技術學校已成為盧旺達北方省最大的職業技術培訓中心。即將實施的打井200口項目將有效緩解11萬多民眾飲水困難。中國企業家積極響應卡加梅總統提出的“盧旺達制造”發展戰略,創辦的服裝公司為盧旺達發展本國制造業作出了積極貢獻。中國公司修建的公路占盧旺達國家公路總里程70%,已成為家喻戶曉的明星企業。 | China and Rwanda established diplomatic relations in 1971. Over the past 47 years, our two countries have treated each other as equals with sincerity and friendship. Based on mutual trust and assistance, our friendship has stood the test of the changing international landscape and taken root in our people's hearts. In recent years, thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides, our bilateral ties have achieved fast expansion and demonstrated fresh vitality with fruitful cooperation in all areas. China has become Rwanda's biggest trading partner and project contractor. We are glad to see that the Amahoro National Stadium built by China has hosted many spectacular sports games and become a popular recreation and entertainment venue for the Rwandan people. The Musanze Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleague has grown into the biggest professional training center in the Northern Province. The project of drilling 200 wells, soon to be delivered, will help ease water shortages for over 110,000 people. The garment factory that a Chinese entrepreneur has set up in response to President Kagame's "Made in Rwanda" development initiative is playing a positive role in growing Rwanda's manufacturing sector. Another Chinese company has made itself a household name in Rwanda as it undertakes 70% of Rwanda's national highway construction. | |
“國之交在于民相親。”中盧人文交流豐富多彩,越來越多的盧旺達民眾對中國和中國文化產生濃厚興趣。每年有數百名優秀的盧旺達學子獲得中國政府獎學金赴華留學。盧旺達大學孔子學院注冊學員已近5000人,盧旺達武術協會有2000多名學員。在為盧旺達援建的馬薩卡醫院、基本戈醫院里,中國醫療隊用他們的醫術和仁心救死扶傷,兩所醫院為60多萬民眾提供醫療服務。正在實施的“萬村通”衛星電視項目將為盧旺達300個村莊配備數字電視,極大豐富15萬多農村百姓的精神文化生活。 | People-to-people friendship holds the key to good state-to-state relations. The rich and diverse people-to-people exchanges between our two sides have led to a growing interest in China and Chinese culture among the Rwandan people. Each year, several hundred talented young Rwandan students go to study in China on Chinese government scholarships. The number of registered students in the Confucius Institute at the University of Rwanda is approaching 5,000. The Rwanda Kung Fu/Wushu Federation has over 2,000 participants. At the Masaka Hospital and the Kibungo Hospital, two hospitals built by China, caring and highly-skilled members of the Chinese medical teams are providing much needed services to more than 600,000 local people. Digital TV services will soon be brought to 300 villages in Rwanda under an ongoing project of providing access to satellite TV to a total of 10,000 Rwandan villages, enriching the cultural life of over 150,000 rural residents. | |
當前,盧旺達正在積極致力于實施“2020遠景”發展規劃,中國正在為實現“兩個一百年”奮斗目標不懈努力。中盧合作發展面臨歷史性機遇。去年3月,卡加梅總統成功訪華,我同他就新形勢下深化兩國各領域合作達成重要共識,為中盧關系未來發展作出了全面規劃。我期待通過這次訪問,為中盧傳統友好和各領域合作注入新動力,推動兩國關系邁上新臺階,蒂結新碩果,更好造福兩國人民。 | With Rwanda actively implementing its Vision 2020 Umurenge Program and China working toward its centenary goals, historic opportunities beckon for our cooperation. During his visit to China in March 2017, President Kagame and I reached important consensus on deepening cooperation in various fields under the new circumstances and made overall plans for the future growth of relations between our two countries. I hope my upcoming visit will inject new impetus to our traditional friendship and all-round cooperation, take bilateral relations to a new level, and produce fruitful results to the benefit of our peoples. | |
——堅持相互尊重,深化政治互信。雙方要從戰略高度和長遠角度看待和發展雙邊關系,密切各層級交流合作,共享發展經驗,為兩國關系長期健康穩定發展筑牢政治基礎。中方堅定支持盧方走自主選擇的發展道路。 | -- We need to uphold mutual respect and deepen political mutual trust. We should view and grow our relations with a strategic and long-term perspective. By way of enhancing exchanges and cooperation at all levels and sharing development experience, we will be able to cement the political foundation for the sound, steady and sustained growth of our relations. China firmly supports Rwanda in following the development path it has independently chosen. | |
——加強發展戰略對接,擴大各領域合作。雙方要發揮互補優勢,拓展合作領域和途徑,加強兩國在基礎設施建設、礦業、貿易投資等領域務實合作,將中盧友好更多更好轉化為實實在在的合作成果,更好惠及兩國人民。 | -- We need to connect our development strategies and expand cooperation in all areas. By leveraging our complementarities and broadening the scope and channels of cooperation, we will be able to advance practical cooperation in infrastructure, mining, trade and investment, translating our friendship into concrete outcomes and delivering more benefits to our peoples. | |
——推動文明互鑒,豐富人文交流。雙方要加強教育、文化、衛生、旅游、航空、人力資源培訓等領域交流合作,夯實兩國關系發展的社會和民意基礎,讓中盧友好更加深入民心。 | -- We need to promote mutual learning between civilizations and further enhance people-to-people exchanges. Deeper exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, health, tourism, aviation and human resources training will help cement the social foundation for bilateral relations and gain increasing public support for our friendship. | |
——密切溝通協調,加強國際事務協作。中方贊賞并支持盧旺達作為非盟輪值主席國為維護非洲團結、促進非洲發展發揮更大作用。雙方要繼續在國際和地區事務中密切溝通協調,堅定維護廣大發展中國家共同利益。 | -- We need to strengthen collaboration in international affairs through closer communication and coordination. China commends and supports the efforts of Rwanda, the rotating chair of the African Union (AU), to play a bigger role in preserving Africa's unity and promoting its development. Our two countries will continue to firmly uphold the common interests of developing countries through close communication and coordination in regional and international affairs. | |
中盧友好是中非友好的縮影。幾十年來,中非始終真誠友好、團結合作,是休戚與共的命運共同體和合作共贏的利益共同體。中國將秉持真實親誠理念和正確義利觀,同包括盧旺達在內的廣大非洲友好國家一道,加強交流,增進互信,擴大合作。一個多月后,中非合作論壇峰會將在北京召開。我歡迎卡加梅總統以盧旺達總統和非盟輪值主席雙重身份赴華與會,期待著同他會面,并同論壇其他成員方領導人一道,共商中非友好合作大計,共繪中非發展美好藍圖。 | The friendship between our two countries is an epitome of the friendship between China and Africa. For decades, China and Africa have treated each other with sincerity and friendship. We are a community with a shared future and common interests, featuring solidarity and win-win cooperation. Going forward, China will continue to deepen communication, mutual trust and cooperation with Rwanda and with other friendly African countries, based on the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith and the approach of upholding justice and pursuing shared interests. In just over a month's time, China will host a summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing. I will welcome President Kagame to the summit in his capacity as President of Rwanda and as the rotating AU chair. I look forward to meeting with him and other leaders of FOCAC members to draw up a blueprint for furthering China-Africa friendship and cooperation and promoting our future development. | |
盧旺達有悠久的“烏姆干達”文化,強調大家通過互幫互助、共同參與來實現共同目標。中國有一句類似的諺語叫做“人心齊,泰山移”。當今世界,各國相互聯系和依存日益加深,同時也面臨許多共同挑戰。中盧兩國應該同心協力、同舟共濟,為實現互利共贏、共同發展,構建中盧、中非命運共同體攜手前行。我深信,在兩國政府和人民共同努力下,中盧關系必將迎來更加美好的明天。 | The decades-old Umuganda culture in Rwanda encourages joint efforts and mutual help for common goals. A Chinese saying contains a similar message, "People with one mind and heart have the power to move a mountain." In a world of increasing inter-connection and inter-dependence, countries are faced with many common challenges. It is important for China and Rwanda to join hands for mutual benefit and common development and for a community with a shared future between our two countries and between China and Africa as a whole. I am convinced that with the joint efforts of our two governments and peoples, China-Rwanda relations will embrace an even brighter future. | |
(Source: Xinhua) |