7月20日,在對塞內加爾共和國進行國事訪問前夕,國家主席習近平在塞內加爾《太陽報》發表題為《中國和塞內加爾團結一致》的署名文章。文章如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday published a signed article titled "SUNU JAPPO, China and Senegal!" on mainstream Senegalese newspaper Le Soleil ahead of his state visit to the African country. The following is the full text of the article: | |
中國和塞內加爾團結一致 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | SUNU JAPPO, China and Senegal! Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China | |
提起塞內加爾,人們馬上會想到非洲足壇勁旅“特蘭加雄獅”隊,有世界最艱苦比賽之稱的達喀爾汽車拉力賽。這里還是歷史悠久、名人輩出的文化之邦。貴國開國總統桑戈爾就是著名詩人和作家,他1974年訪華時,同毛澤東主席討論過詩詞,他的著作積極倡導“黑人傳統精神”,提升了塞內加爾和非洲人民的民族自豪感和自信心。 | When talking about Senegal, the Lions of Teranga, its national football team and one of the best in Africa, and the Dakar Rally, the world's toughest rally, are the first things that come to people's mind. Senegal is also a country with a time-honored history and rich culture and home to many famous names. Leopold Sedar Senghor, the founding President, was a renowned poet and writer. During his visit to China in 1974, he had a conversation with Chairman Mao Zedong about poem. His works, which champion Negritude, have inspired the people of Senegal and Africa with a strong sense of national pride and confidence. | |
近年來,在薩勒總統領導下,塞內加爾成為發展熱土,正向“振興塞內加爾計劃”提出的宏偉目標邁進。我很高興應薩勒總統邀請對塞內加爾進行國事訪問。我期待通過這次訪問,加深了解,增進友誼,深化合作,推動中塞關系得到更大發展。 | In recent years, under the leadership of President Macky Sall, Senegal has become a land of robust growth, striding proudly toward the ambitious goals set out in the Plan for an Emerging Senegal. I am looking forward to my upcoming state visit to the country at the invitation of President Sall, an opportunity to enhance our mutual understanding and friendship, deepen cooperation and advance China-Senegal relations. | |
中塞關系已經走過47個年頭,其間,有過波折,走過彎路,但雙方相互支持、友好合作是主流,兩國人民的心始終相連。2005年中塞復交后,兩國關系翻開新的一頁。中方支持塞方走適合本國國情的發展道路,塞方在涉及中國核心利益問題上給予中方堅定支持。兩國政治互信水平不斷提升,互利合作成果實實在在,在重大國際和地區問題上保持密切協調。中塞關系實現了從長期友好合作伙伴關系到全面戰略合作伙伴關系的跨越。 | China-Senegal relations have traversed a journey of 47 years. Over the years, despite the ups and downs or even setbacks at times, the relationship is overwhelmingly defined by mutual support, friendly cooperation and affinity between our peoples. The restoration of diplomatic ties in 2005 opened up a new chapter in China-Senegal relations. China supports Senegal in choosing a development path in line with its national conditions and Senegal firmly supports China on issues concerning China's core interests. Our two countries now enjoy enhanced political mutual trust, fruitful practical cooperation that benefits both countries and close coordination on major international and regional issues. China-Senegal relationship has been elevated from a long-term friendly cooperative partnership to a comprehensive strategic partnership. | |
現在,中國是塞內加爾第二大貿易伙伴、第一大花生進口國,雙邊貿易額10余年間擴大了16倍。中國是塞內加爾第一大融資來源國,由中國融資建設的方久尼大橋、捷斯-圖巴高速公路等項目將有力促進塞內加爾經濟發展。中方提供融資實施的鄉村打井工程將建設251口水井和1800公里管線,解決塞內加爾七分之一人口的吃水用水問題,中方援建的國家大劇院、黑人文明博物館、競技摔跤場等為傳承和發揚塞內加爾文化傳統作出了重要貢獻。 | Today, China is Senegal's second largest trading partner and the top importer of Senegalese peanuts. Our trade volume grew by 16 times in just over a decade. China is also Senegal's biggest source of financing. The many China-funded projects, including the Foundiougne bridge and the Thies-Touba highway, will strongly boost Senegal's economic growth. The rural water supply project that includes 251 wells and 1800-kilometer pipelines funded by China will benefit one seventh of Senegal's population. The National Grand Theater, the Museum of Black Civilization and the National Wrestling Arena, built with Chinese assistance, stand as important venues to carry forward the culture and traditions of Senegal. | |
“路遙知馬力,日久見人心。”當年,桑戈爾總統看到中國援助塞內加爾的農業專家同當地人民一樣勞動、一樣滿手泥巴,非常感動。今天,中國專家仍在田間地頭,同塞內加爾兄弟姐妹一起切磋水稻和蔬菜種植技術。友誼在兩國人民心中扎下了根。2013年,65歲的塞內加爾老人比拉馬參加“感知中國”知識競賽。他從全球25萬名參賽者中脫穎而出,獲得了最高獎,并被邀請到中國旅游,實現了多年的訪華夙愿?,F在,每年有近800名塞內加爾留學生在中國學習,往來兩國經商、旅游人數以20%以上的速度遞增。每一通電話、每一封郵件、每一次握手都會多一分相知,人民友誼的涓涓細流正匯成江河海洋。 | A Chinese proverb has it that, "Just as distance tests a horse's strength, time will reveal a person's sincerity." Decades ago, President Senghor was deeply touched when he saw Chinese agricultural experts toiling in the field side by side with local Senegalese, mud on their hands. Today, Chinese experts are still out there, working with their Senegalese brothers and sisters on rice and vegetable farming technologies. That's how friendship has taken deep roots in the hearts of our two peoples. In 2013, Birama Diadji TOURE, a 65-year-old Senegalese, took part in the Experience China knowledge contest and emerged winning the top prize out of 250,000 contestants from all over the world. Birama was later invited to visit China, fulfilling his long-cherished dream. Right now, some 800 Senegalese students are studying in China. The number of business and tourist travels between the two countries have been increasing by over 20% annually. With every telephone call, every email and every handshake, our mutual understanding goes deeper and the bond of friendship becomes stronger. | |
有句沃洛夫諺語說,“每個人都是他人的慰藉”。這同中國人常說的“我為人人,人人為我”是同樣的意思。中國同包括塞內加爾在內的廣大非洲國家從來都是休戚與共的命運共同體,有著相同的歷史遭遇,面臨共同的發展任務,懷揣對美好生活的共同追求。我們應該攜起手來構建更加緊密的中非命運共同體,實現共同發展、共同繁榮。 | "Nit, nit ay garabam (Man is the remedy of man)", says a Wolof proverb. Similarly, there is a Chinese saying to the effect of "one for all, all for one". Having gone through thick and thin together, China, Senegal and the vast African countries are bound by similar historical experience, same development tasks and shared aspiration for a better life. To achieve common development and prosperity, we need to join hands to build an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future. | |
我在2013年提出共建“一帶一路”倡議,目的是促進基礎設施建設和互聯互通,對接各國發展戰略,實現共同發展。包括塞內加爾在內的許多非洲國家高度認同“一帶一路”合作理念,愿積極參與“一帶一路”建設。今年9月,中非合作論壇北京峰會將隆重召開。這次會議將把共建“一帶一路”倡議、聯合國2030年可持續發展議程、非盟《2063年議程》以及非洲各國發展戰略結合起來,為中非合作開辟新天地。我們愿以此為契機,推動中塞關系實現更大發展。 | In 2013, I put forward the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a pathway to common development through improved infrastructure and connectivity and greater synergy of development strategies. It has been warmly welcomed by Senegal and many other African countries, who have since shown great interest in joining the BRI cooperation. This September, a Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing. By bringing together the BRI, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and African countries' national development plans, the summit will break new grounds for China-Africa cooperation. It also presents us with an opportunity to elevate China-Senegal relations to a higher level. | |
——我們要堅持平等互信。雙方要從長遠角度把握兩國關系,在事關對方核心利益和重大關切問題上堅定相互支持,做真誠相待、互信互助的好朋友、好伙伴。 | We need to uphold equality and mutual trust. As good friends and partners who trust and help each other with sincerity, China and Senegal need to adopt a long-term approach in growing our bilateral relationship and firmly support each other on issues of core interests and major concern. | |
——我們要加強戰略對接。塞內加爾處在經濟發展的重要階段。中國正在推動經濟實現高質量發展。中方愿同塞方加強治國理政經驗交流,分享中國改革開放40年來在工業發展、鄉村振興、脫貧攻堅等領域的成功經驗,促進兩國實現更好發展。 | We need to foster greater synergy between our strategies. Senegal's economy is at a crucial juncture. And China is seeking high-quality development. As such, China stands ready to increase exchange on governance with Senegal and share China's experience from four decades of reform and opening up, including industrial development, rural vitalization and poverty alleviation, which will be beneficial to both of our countries. | |
——我們要深化務實合作。中方愿以共建“一帶一路”倡議為牽引,以中非合作論壇為平臺,同塞方發揮優勢互補,重點加強農漁產品貿易加工、基礎設施建設、產能、工業園區、人力資源開發等領域合作,幫助塞方提高自主發展能力。中方愿在科學規劃、經濟可行、循序漸進基礎上,同塞方加強溝通和合作,確保融資可持續。 | We need to deepen practical cooperation. Leveraging the BRI and the platform of FOCAC, China will work with Senegal to tap our respective strengths in the trade and processing of agricultural and aquatic products, infrastructure, production capacity, industrial parks and human resources development, all of which are important for Senegal's capability to achieve home-grown development. China also wishes to have closer discussions and cooperation with Senegal to see to it that financing arrangements are based on sound planning, economically feasible and done in a step-by-step manner, thus ensuring their sustainability. | |
——我們要擴大民心相通。雙方要繼續加強教育科研機構、文藝團體、新聞傳媒、青年組織友好交流,讓雙方合作快車跑得更穩更遠。 | We need to strengthen people-to-people ties. It's important to further friendly exchange between our education and research institutions, cultural and art groups, media and youth organizations so that the express train of China-Senegal cooperation will speed ahead smoothly. | |
——我們要加強國際和地區事務合作。中方愿同塞方就聯合國事務、維護多邊貿易體制、氣候變化、非洲和平與發展等重大議題加強溝通和協調,愿同塞方加強在中非合作論壇框架內合作,促進論壇機制和中非關系實現更大發展。 | We need to enhance cooperation on regional and international affairs. China will step up communication and coordination with Senegal on major issues relating to the UN, upholding the multilateral trading regime, climate change and peace and development of Africa. We also look forward to working with Senegal under FOCAC to strengthen mechanisms of the forum and more broadly, the relationship between China and African countries. | |
中塞人民夢想相通,命運相連。讓我們共同努力,推動中塞合作沿著互利共贏道路不斷前進!中國和塞內加爾團結一致! | Similar dreams and shared destiny have brought the Chinese and Senegalese people together. It is thus our shared mission to join hands and bring our mutually beneficial cooperation to greater fruition. Sunu Jappo, China and Senegal! | |
(Source: Xinhua) |