中華人民共和國政府和印度尼西亞共和國政府聯合聲明,全文如下: | The following is the full text of the joint statement released by China and Indonesia on Monday: | |
中華人民共和國政府和印度尼西亞共和國政府聯合聲明 | Joint Statement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia | |
一、應印度尼西亞共和國總統佐科·維多多邀請,中華人民共和國國務院總理李克強于2018年5月6日至8日對印尼進行正式訪問。 | 1. Upon the invitation of H.E. Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, paid an Official Visit to Indonesia from 6 to 8 May 2018. | |
訪問期間,李克強總理同佐科總統舉行會談,會見卡拉副總統。兩國領導人就雙邊關系以及地區和國際問題深入交換意見,達成重要共識。 | During the visit, Premier Li Keqiang held a bilateral meeting with President Joko Widodo, and met with H.E. Vice President Jusuf Kalla. The leaders exchanged views on China-Indonesia relations as well as regional and international issues, with important consensus reached. | |
二、雙方祝賀對方在本國領導人帶領下,國家發展取得卓越成就,對兩國實現更大發展以及兩國關系更加美好的未來充滿信心。 | 2. The two sides congratulate each other for the outstanding achievements made in respective national development under the current leadership and are optimistic about further accomplishments in the two countries' national development and brighter future of China-Indonesia bilateral ties. | |
三、雙方充分肯定兩國建立全面戰略伙伴關系5年來雙邊關系取得的重要進展,特別是積極對接“21世紀海上絲綢之路”倡議和“全球海洋支點”構想、深化務實合作取得的顯著成效,同意在全面戰略伙伴關系框架下加強雙邊、地區及國際層面三個支柱合作。 | 3. The two sides fully recognize the progress made over the past 5 years since the establishment of China-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, particularly in synergizing China's 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative and Indonesia's Vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum, which further deepens bilateral practical cooperation in various fields. The two sides agree to strengthen 3 pillars of cooperation in bilateral, regional and international levels under the framework of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. | |
四、雙方重申相互尊重對方國家的獨立、主權和領土完整,在涉及彼此核心利益與重大關切問題上相互理解和支持。印尼方重申堅持一個中國政策。 | 4. The two sides reaffirm their respect for each other's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and agree to keep mutual understanding and support on issues of each other's core interests and major concerns. Indonesia reaffirms its adherence to the One-China policy. | |
五、雙方同意保持高層交往勢頭,發揮好兩國副總理級對話及雙邊合作聯委會等機制的重要作用,更好地統籌推進各領域合作。 | 5. The two sides agree to maintain the current momentum of high-level exchanges and give the important role to the mechanisms including Vice Premier level dialogue and the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation in coordinating bilateral cooperation in various fields. | |
六、雙方樂見兩國不斷加強在基礎設施互聯互通方面合作,特別是在“一帶一路”倡議和“全球海洋支點”構想框架內繼續推進雅加達-萬隆高速鐵路建設,并就“區域綜合經濟走廊”建設合作進行探討。雙方同意共同努力,加速推動有關項目取得成功。 | 6. The two sides are pleased to witness the increasing infrastructure connectivity development cooperation in recent years reflected by the ongoing construction of Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway Project and the discussion on the planned joint development of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor within the Belt and Road Initiative cooperation and the Global Maritime Fulcrum framework. Both sides are determined to step up efforts to push forward the success of said projects. | |
七、雙方將不斷深化貿易、基礎設施、產能、工業、投融資等經貿重點領域合作,支持電子商務和互聯網經濟等新興領域合作。中方鼓勵企業根據市場原則增加進口印尼棕櫚油等產品,歡迎印尼方參加將于今年11月在上海舉行的第一屆中國國際進口博覽會。雙方將推動雙邊貿易和投資更多使用本幣結算,促進經貿合作便利化。 | 7. Both sides agree to press ahead with cooperation in key areas of trade, infrastructure, production capacity, investment, industry, and financing, as well as in emerging areas like e-commerce and internet economy. China agrees to encourage its enterprises to increase import of palm oil and other Indonesian products in accordance with market rules. China welcomes Indonesia to participate in the First China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai this November. The two sides agree to promote bilateral trade and investment settlements denominated in local currencies, to further facilitate economic and trade cooperation. | |
八、雙方同意提升防務、執法、禁毒、反恐、反腐、司法協助、引渡、網絡安全等領域合作,維護兩國及本地區共同安全,同意盡快簽署預防和打擊跨國犯罪及能力建設合作協議。 | 8. With a view to jointly promoting the security of the two countries and the region as a whole, both sides agreed to advance cooperation in such areas including defense, law enforcement, anti-narcotics, anti-terrorism, anti-corruption, mutual legal assistance, extradition and cyber security, etc. Both sides agree to finalize the Agreement on Cooperation in Preventing, Combating Transnational Crime and Capacity Building. | |
九、雙方將進一步發揮好海上、航天、科技等聯委會作用,推動上述領域戰略性合作取得更多成果。 | 9. The two sides agree to give further role to the joint committees on, including but not limited to, maritime cooperation, aerospace, as well science and technology, in delivering more cooperation fruits in relevant strategic areas. | |
十、雙方同意年內舉行第6屆中印尼能源論壇,加強電力、油氣、煤炭、新能源和可再生能源合作,愿共同推動盡早簽署關于在和平利用核能研發領域開展合作的協定。 | 10. The two sides agree to hold the 6th China-Indonesia Energy Forum within this year, and enhance cooperation in the areas of electricity, oil and gas, coal as well as new and renewable energy. Both sides agree to push forward the finalization of the Agreement for Cooperation in Research and Development of Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy at an early date. | |
十一、雙方同意續簽農業合作諒解備忘錄,早日召開農業合作聯委會以加強農業互利合作。 | 11. The two sides agree to renew the MoU on Agricultural Cooperation and reactivate the Joint Committee on Agriculture at an early date with a view to enhancing mutually beneficial practical cooperation. | |
十二、雙方同意加強教育、文化、旅游、媒體、體育、宗教、青年、地方、文化遺產地等領域交流與合作,充分發揮各界、各地方積極性,打造人文合作新亮點。中方愿支持并派團參加2018年在印尼舉行的第18屆亞運會,加強辦會經驗交流。 | 12. The two sides agree to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in areas of education, culture, tourism, media, sports, religion and youth, as well as among local authorities and cultural heritage sites. The two sides will give full play to the initiatives of all walks of the society and local governments for making new highlights in people-to-people and cultural cooperation. The Chinese side expresses willingness to support and participate in the 18th Asian Games to be held in Indonesia in 2018, as well as share its experience in hosting such events with Indonesia. | |
十三、雙方對今年共同慶祝中國-東盟建立戰略伙伴關系15周年和舉辦中國-東盟創新年表示歡迎,回顧了中國和東盟有關承諾,歡迎并共同制定《中國-東盟戰略伙伴關系2030年愿景》,提交今年第21次中國-東盟領導人會議期間通過。印尼方注意到中方宣布通過“3+X合作框架”推進中國-東盟合作。 | 13. The two sides welcome the 15th Anniversary of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership and the designation of 2018 as China-ASEAN Year of Innovation. The two sides recall China and ASEAN's commitment to welcome and engage in the formulation of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030 which will be adopted at the 21st China-ASEAN Summit this year. Indonesia also notes China's announcement on China-ASEAN "3+X Cooperation Framework" to advance China-ASEAN cooperation. | |
十四、雙方將努力推動早日達成《區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定》。鼓勵中國和東盟開展更多人文交流合作,共同打造更加美好的未來。印尼方歡迎中方提升與東盟東部增長區合作,為東盟共同體建設和中國-東盟合作注入新動力。 | 14. The two sides will work intensively for the early conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The two sides also encourage people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between ASEAN and China for a better future. The Indonesian side welcomes China's proposal on enhancing cooperation with Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), which will inject new impetus to ASEAN Community Building and China-ASEAN cooperation. | |
十五、雙方強調在促進包括南海在內的本地區和平穩定方面擁有廣泛共同利益,將致力于全面有效落實《南海各方行為宣言》,支持“南海行為準則”磋商工作進展,將同其他東盟國家共同努力,爭取在協商一致基礎上早日達成“準則”。 | 15. The two sides stress that peace and stability in the region including the South China Sea serve the shared interests of the two countries, and fulfill their commitments to the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). The two sides support the positive progress made in the consultation of Code of Conduct (COC), and agree to make joint efforts with other ASEAN member states towards the conclusion of the COC on the basis of consensus at an early date. | |
十六、雙方重申就地區熱點和全球性議題保持戰略溝通與協作,共同應對區域性和全球性挑戰。雙方將共同促進貿易和投資自由化便利化,支持多邊貿易體制,推動經濟全球化朝著開放、包容、普惠、平衡、共贏方向發展。 | 16. The two sides reaffirm commitments to maintaining strategic communication and coordination on regional and international hotspot issues, and jointly addressing regional and global challenges. The two sides will jointly promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, support the multilateral trading system and promote an open, inclusive and balanced economic globalization that benefits all. | |
十七、雙方將切實維護廣大發展中國家利益,攜手應對全球性問題。根據包括《聯合國憲章》宗旨和原則在內的國際法,不使用或威脅使用武力,通過友好協商處理分歧,維護并促進亞洲及世界和平發展。 | 17. Both sides will safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and promote cooperation in addressing global problems facing the world where states shall refrain from the threat or use of force, and manage differences through friendly consultations in accordance with international law including the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, with a view to maintaining peace and advancing development of Asia and the world. | |
十八、訪問期間,雙方簽署了一系列協議和合作諒解備忘錄。 | 18. The two sides welcome the signing of various agreements and memoranda of understanding (MOU) during the visit, as listed in the Annex. | |
十九、雙方一致認為李克強總理此訪對兩國在新形勢下深化全面戰略伙伴關系具有重要意義。李克強總理對佐科總統以及印尼政府和人民的熱情友好接待表示感謝。 | 19. The two sides agree that the successful visit of Premier Li Keqiang will significantly contribute to the deepening of China-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in the new era. Premier Li Keqiang appreciates the warm and friendly hospitality accorded by President Joko Widodo and the Indonesian government and people. | |
簽署合作文件清單 | ANNEX List of Signed Cooperation Documents | |
一、《中華人民共和國國家發展和改革委員會與印度尼西亞共和國海洋統籌部關于推進區域綜合經濟走廊建設合作的諒解備忘錄》 | Memorandum of Understanding between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China and the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime of the Republic of Indonesia on Promoting Cooperation on the Development of Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridors | |
二、《中華人民共和國國家發展和改革委員會與印度尼西亞共和國國有企業部關于對雅加達-萬隆高速鐵路項目持續順利實施提供支持的諒解備忘錄》 | Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia on providing support for the continuous and smooth implementation of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail Project | |
三、《中華人民共和國國家國際發展合作署與印度尼西亞共和國公共工程和住房部關于杰納拉塔水壩工程可行性研究的立項換文》 | The Exchange of Letter on Design Review for the Construction of Jenelata Dam Project between the China International Development Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia | |
四、《中華人民共和國國家國際發展合作署與印度尼西亞共和國公共工程和住房部關于里阿克瓦水壩工程可行性研究的立項換文》 | The Exchange of Letter on Design Review for the Construction of Riam Kiwa Dam Project between the China International Development Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia | |
五、《中國國家開發銀行與印度尼西亞投資協調委員會投資促進合作諒解備忘錄》 | Memorandum of Understanding between China development Bank and the Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia on Investment Promotion Cooperation | |
六、《中國進出口銀行和印度尼西亞共和國財政部關于萬隆高速公路三期項目優買貸款協議》 | Preferential Buyer Credit Loan Agreement on Cisumdawu Toll Road Phase III Project between the Export-Import Bank of China and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Represented by the Ministry of Finance | |
七、《中國進出口銀行、印度尼西亞共和國財政部和印度尼西亞共和國國家發展計劃部關于基礎設施融資合作實施協議》 | Implementation Arrangement on Infrastructure Financing Cooperation By and Among the Export-Import Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia | |
(Source: Xinhua) |