當地時間5月31日下午,國務院總理李克強在柏林總理府同德國總理默克爾舉行中德總理年度會晤。會晤前,默克爾在總理府廣場為李克強舉行隆重歡迎儀式。[新華社 張鐸 攝] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) attends a welcome ceremony held by German chancellor Angela Merkel before an annual meeting between Chinese and German heads of government in Berlin, Germany, May 31, 2017. (Xinhua/Zhang Duo) |
國務院總理李克強當地時間6月1日上午在柏林出席“中德論壇——共塑創新”,并發表題為《做創新合作的“黃金搭檔”》的演講。演講全文如下: | The following is the full text of the speech given by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the China-Germany Forum: Shaping Innovation Together: |
做創新合作的“黃金搭檔” | China and Germany: Building a Golden Partnership on Innovation |
尊敬的默克爾總理, 女士們、先生們、朋友們: | Chancellor Merkel, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, |
很高興與大家相聚在美麗的柏林。柏林既有悠久歷史、又具現代活力,享有“歐洲創新之都”的美譽。在這里舉辦以“共塑創新”為主題的中德論壇,一定會給人更多新啟迪,催生更多新創意、新商機。我謹代表中國政府,對論壇的成功舉辦表示熱烈祝賀,向長期致力于中德友好合作的各界人士致以崇高敬意! | It is a great pleasure to meet you in the beautiful city of Berlin. Boasting a time-honored history, the dynamism of a modern metropolis and the reputation as the European capital of innovation, Berlin provides a fitting venue for the China-Germany Forum on innovation. I am sure our discussions here will trigger and foster new inspirations, new ideas and new business opportunities. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to congratulate you on the success of the forum and pay tribute to all those who have worked for friendship and cooperation between our countries. |
三年前,我訪問德國期間,兩國發表以“共塑創新”為主題的《中德合作行動綱要》,這是迄今為止中德之間內容最為豐富的一份共同文件,也是指導兩國中長期創新合作的管總規劃。中國人常說,三年有成。三年來,在兩國各界人士共同努力下,中德創新合作邁出堅實步伐。兩國有關部門分別發表《中國戰略》、《德國戰略》,開創了大國科技合作的先例。兩國合作建設的首條“工業4.0”示范線在沈陽落地,這是“中國制造2025”與德國“工業4.0”對接的果實。中車集團與西門子公司聯袂生產的地鐵機車出口到美國、巴西等國,展現出三方合作的生命力。兩國科研機構和企業開創“2+2”合作模式,搭起了科研成果與市場應用之間的“高架橋”。沈陽、青島、蕪湖、揭陽、太倉等各具特色的中德產業園區蓬勃發展,正在成為中德創新合作的高地。 | During my visit to Germany three years ago, our two countries issued a joint program of action on cooperation, with the theme of shaping innovation together. It is so far the most substantial joint document and the master plan on mid- to long-term innovation cooperation between our two countries. We Chinese often say, three years is a natural cycle for making real progress. Over the past three years, with the concerted efforts of people from all sectors, China-Germany innovation cooperation has taken solid steps. The competent departments of our two countries respectively issued the China Strategy and Germany Strategy, which is the first of its kind for science and technology cooperation between major countries. We jointly built the first "Industry 4.0" demonstration production line in Shenyang, a concrete result of cooperation between "Made in China 2025" and "Industry 4.0." Metro trains jointly developed by CRRC and Siemens are sold to the United States, Brazil and other countries, showing the dynamism of China-Germany cooperation in third countries. Our research institutes and companies have created the "2+2" cooperation model, building a bridge connecting research findings with market application. Sino-German industrial parks in Shenyang, Qingdao, Wuhu, Jieyang and Taicang, each with its distinctive features, have emerged as the front-runners of our innovation cooperation. |
強有力的創新伙伴關系,為中德務實合作裝上了大功率“引擎”。這些年,全球貿易持續低迷,而中德雙邊貿易總體保持穩定。據德方統計,去年雙邊貿易額達1700億歐元,中國首次成為德國最大的貿易伙伴國,雙邊貿易占中歐貿易的30%。兩國貿易的技術含量和附加值逐漸提高,德國對華出口中機電產品和化工產品約占80%,自華進口中機電產品約占2/3。兩國投資合作由“單行道”進入“雙向道”。德國企業仍視中國為海外投資重要目的地,2016年對華投資增長74%。中國企業對德投資方興未艾,累計直接投資超過百億美元。兩國人才交流日趨活躍,超過4.5萬名中國學生在德深造,在華德國專家達3萬人、留學生超過8000人。中德創新合作堪稱發展中國家與發達國家合作的典范,在中歐創新合作中發揮引領作用。 | Strong partnership for innovation has provided a powerful engine for China-Germany practical cooperation. In recent years, despite sluggish global trade, trade between China and Germany has been stable overall. According to German statistics, our two-way trade reached 170 billion euros last year. For the first time, China has become Germany's largest trading partner, and Germany now accounts for 30 percent of total China-EU trade. The technological content and added value in our trade have been steadily increasing. About 80 percent of German exports to China are mechanical and electrical products and chemical products, and two thirds of German imports from China are mechanical and electrical products. Investment cooperation between the two countries has moved from a one-way street onto a two-way lane. German companies still see China as a key destination for investment, with their investment in China growing by 74 percent in 2016. Investment by Chinese companies in Germany has been fast expanding, exceeding 10 billion U.S. dollars in accumulative terms. Our personnel exchange has increased. There are more than 45,000 Chinese students in Germany, and over 30,000 experts and 8,000 students from Germany in China. It is fair to say that China-Germany innovation cooperation has become an example of cooperation between a developing country and a developed country, playing a pivotal role in China-EU cooperation on innovation. |
當前,全球經濟格局面臨深刻調整,新一輪世界科技革命和產業變革孕育興起,為各國創新合作帶來了前所未有的機遇。德國基礎研究領先,科技實力雄厚,發明創造眾多,工匠精神蜚聲世界,是公認的創新強國。中國市場規模巨大,人力資源豐富,產業體系齊全,互聯網經濟快速發展,在創新方面擁有得天獨厚的優勢。中德創新資源稟賦高度互補,可謂創新合作的“黃金搭檔”。中方愿同德方打造更緊密的創新伙伴關系,在創新合作中實現知識和價值的倍增、創新效率的倍增,以創新升級促進中德全方位合作升級。 | The global economic landscape has been undergoing deep readjustment. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are in the making. This has presented unprecedented opportunities for innovation cooperation among countries. Germany excels in basic research, technology, invention and workmanship, and is well-known for being an innovation powerhouse. China, on its part, has a big market, abundant human resources, full-fledged industrial system and fast-growing Internet economy, which provide unique advantages in innovation. Such a strong complementarity in innovation resources has made our two countries natural partners. China is ready to enhance its golden partnership on innovation with Germany to multiply knowledge, added value and innovation efficiency through cooperation and boost our all-round cooperation with an upgraded innovation partnership. |
我們要加強戰略引領,握牢創新合作的“方向盤”。中德創新合作不局限于科技,而是貫穿經貿、社會、人文、生態、安全等各個領域。要保持高層密切交往,鞏固政治互信,發揮好中德政府磋商等高層對話機制的引領作用,使兩國創新合作始終沿著正確方向前進。下個月,習近平主席將訪問德國并出席二十國集團領導人漢堡峰會,這是深化中德全方位戰略伙伴關系、全面提升兩國創新合作的重要契機。要加快推進中國創新驅動發展戰略、“中國制造2025”、“互聯網+”和德國“工業4.0”、“高技術戰略”等戰略對接,推出更多示范性項目。加強“一帶一路”倡議和德國國際化發展倡議的戰略協同,共享重大發展機遇,共同應對全球性挑戰。 | We need to strengthen strategic guidance and steer our innovation cooperation along the right course. China-Germany innovation cooperation is not limited to science and technology, but also runs through cooperation in economic, social, cultural, ecological and security fields. We need to maintain close high-level exchanges, cement political mutual trust, and fully leverage the leading role of our inter-governmental consultation and other high-level dialogue mechanisms to ensure that our innovation cooperation continues to move in the right direction. Next month, President Xi Jinping will visit Germany and attend the G20 Hamburg Summit. This will be an important opportunity to deepen our all-round strategic partnership and elevate innovation cooperation. We should speed up efforts to synergize our development strategies, namely, China's innovation-driven development strategy, "Made in China 2025" and "Internet plus" and Germany's "Industry 4.0" and High-Tech Strategy, and roll out more pilot projects. We should also enhance strategic coordination between China's Belt and Road Initiative and Germany's global development initiative, share major development opportunities and jointly tackle global challenges. |
我們要突出市場導向,明確創新合作的“路線圖”。創新只有面向市場、適應多樣化需求,才會擁有廣闊的空間。中方愿與德方進一步完善電動汽車、清潔水、未來城市、半導體照明等合作平臺,創新商業開發模式,更好滿足消費升級的需求;在人工智能、生物技術、物聯網、新一代信息技術等新興領域,鼓勵采用“2+2”國際合作模式,加快應用研究和技術轉移轉化,更好適應產業升級的需要;在汽車、軌道交通、基礎設施、農業等各具優勢的領域,加強技術研發和生產制造合作,推進標準對接互認,共同開拓第三方市場。基礎研究是應用研究的根基。中方愿學習借鑒德國基礎研究的經驗,鼓勵兩國高校、科研機構深化合作,在前沿領域催生一批重量級的研究成果。 | We need to follow a market-oriented approach and lay out a roadmap for innovation cooperation. Only when innovation is geared toward diverse market needs can it enjoy vast possibilities. China is ready to work with Germany to strengthen cooperation platforms in such areas as electric vehicles, clean water, future city and semiconductor illumination, and introduce new models for business development to better respond to ever higher consumer demands. In emerging sectors such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, the Internet of Things and new-generation information technologies, we will encourage the "2+2" model for international cooperation and speed up the efforts of applied research, and the transfer and application of technologies to better serve the needs of industrial upgrading. In areas where we each have our comparative strengths, such as automobile, rail transport, infrastructure and agriculture, we need to enhance cooperation in R&D, production and manufacturing, promote the harmonization and mutual recognition of standards and jointly explore third-party markets. Basic research is the foundation of applied research. China is ready to learn from Germany's experience in basic research and encourage greater cooperation among universities and research institutes of our two countries with a view to producing a number of research outcomes with visible impact in frontier areas. |
我們要推動大中小企業融通創新,重塑創新合作的“生態圈”。中德創新合作既包括大企業間的合作,也包括中小企業間的合作,還要重視大中小企業融通創新合作。中德既有不少“頂天立地”的企業“航母”,也有“鋪天蓋地”的中小企業。德國“隱形冠軍”企業多達1300家,占全球近一半。中國也有數十萬家科技型中小企業,大眾創業、萬眾創新蓬勃興起。大中小企業在創新方面各具優勢,科技力量、資金實力、規模化生產等是大企業的強項,而奇思妙想多、經營機制活、市場反應快則是中小企業的優勢。過去的創新合作中,大企業居主導地位,中小企業主要為大企業生產零部件、提供專業化服務等,是從屬式的協作配套關系。現在的創新合作中,中小企業與大企業是雙向的、平等的。許多中小企業依托互聯網等信息平臺,為大企業提供研發、生產、管理等全產業鏈支持,是嵌合式的融通創新關系,這種創新合作的新模式、新趨勢前景廣闊。中方愿同德方一道,成立中小企業合作政府層面的機制,推動形成網絡式、集群式合作。搭建更多融通創新服務平臺,提供政策咨詢、人才培訓、項目落地、供需對接、資金扶持等全方位服務。加快各類中德產業聚集區建設,打造一批大中小企業融通創新的示范基地。 | We need to promote integrated innovation of large, medium-sized and small enterprises and reshape the "ecosystem" for innovation cooperation. We should not just focus on innovation cooperation among large companies but also endeavor to promote cooperation among SMEs and integrated innovation among companies of different sizes. China and Germany both have "flagship" companies that are the backbone of their industries, but also countless SMEs spread across all sectors. Germany has some 1,300 "hidden champion" companies, which account for almost half of the world's total. China also has hundreds of thousands of high-tech SMEs, and a booming nationwide campaign of entrepreneurship and innovation. Companies of different sizes each have their unique advantages for innovation. While big companies are strong in technology, capital and scaled production, the strengths of SMEs come from their innovative ideas, flexible business operation and sensitivity to the market. In the past, innovation cooperation was mostly conducted between big companies, and SMEs were mainly responsible for providing components or specialized services for big companies. This is a model of subordinate collaboration. Now, SMEs and big companies are engaged in two-way and equal cooperation on innovation. Through the Internet and other information platforms, many SMEs can now provide big companies with services covering the whole industrial chain, from R&D, production to management. This is a relationship of interconnected and integrated innovation. This new model and new trend of cooperation promises broad prospect. China is ready to work with Germany to set up a government mechanism for SME cooperation, and promote networked and clustered innovation cooperation. We will build more service platforms for integrated innovation, and provide all-round services in policy consulting, training of professionals, project implementation, supply-demand matching and funding support. We will speed up the building of various types of Sino-German industrial clusters, and set up demonstration bases for integrated innovation of large, medium-sized and small enterprises. |
我們要營造自由開放的貿易投資環境,掛上創新合作的“加速擋”。當今世界的創新,是開放的創新。貿易自由化、投資便利化之于創新,就好比新鮮空氣對人一樣重要。中德都是經濟全球化的積極參與者,也是受益者,都堅定支持自由貿易。中國歷來從大局和長遠看待和處理貿易問題。中國對德貨物貿易和服務貿易長期存在逆差,我們希望雙邊貿易趨于平衡,但我們認為不應通過貿易保護實現貿易平衡,而要通過相互開放市場、擴大貿易規模,在發展中逐步解決貿易不平衡問題。中國鼓勵進口德國優質產品,歡迎德國企業到中國投資,愿同包括德國在內的歐盟國家推進雙向開放、平等開放,為兩國創新合作營造更加便利、公平的環境。我們也希望德國等歐盟國家放寬對華高技術產品出口管制,在投資審查方面公正對待中國企業,在簽證等方面給予更多便利。 | We need to foster a free and open environment for trade and investment, and gear up innovation cooperation. Innovation of our age is open in nature. Trade liberalization and investment facilitation are as important to innovation as fresh air is to human beings. China and Germany have both contributed to and benefited from economic globalization. We both stand for free trade. China has always approached trade issues from an overall and long-term perspective. China has a long-standing trade deficit in both goods and services with Germany, and we hope to see more balanced trade between the two countries. Yet, we don't think this shall be achieved through trade protectionism. Rather, we should expand our trade by opening our markets to each other, and address the issue of trade imbalance in the course of development. We encourage more imports of quality German goods and welcome German investment in China. We want to promote mutual openness on an equal footing with Germany and all other EU members and create a more friendly and fair environment for bilateral cooperation on innovation. We also hope that Germany and other EU members will loosen restrictions on high-tech exports to China, and provide Chinese companies with equal treatment in investment review and greater visa facilitation. |
我們要完善政策支撐體系,為中德創新合作添加“助燃劑”。創新之火,需要政策之油“助燃”。中方愿與德方一道,整合外交、經濟、產業、科技等資源,加大公共資源投入,健全雙邊資助機制。中國國家開發銀行將設立第二期中德中小企業專項貸款。中方支持兩國各類創新主體共建智能制造聯盟、科技創新聯盟、職教合作聯盟。深化人文交流,鼓勵兩國留學生和青年科學家加強交流,推動落實兩國實習生交流計劃,辦好首個中德青年創新創業合作周。在創新合作中,中方嚴格保護企業知識產權,不要求強制轉讓技術。中方歡迎德國企業開拓中國新能源汽車市場。三方合作是中德創新合作的重要方向。兩國在阿富汗礦業人才培訓項目積累了有益經驗,雙方可在非洲等發展中國家推廣相關合作模式。 | We need to strengthen policy support to boost China-Germany innovation cooperation. The flame of innovation needs to be fueled by sound policies. China stands ready to work with Germany to consolidate diplomatic, economic, industrial and scientific resources, step up input from public sources and improve bilateral funding mechanisms. The China Development Bank will launch the second phase of the special loan scheme for Chinese and German SMEs. China supports innovation entities from both countries in forging alliances on smart manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation and vocational education. We should deepen cultural and people-to-people exchanges by encouraging interactions between our students and young scientists, implementing the intern exchange program and ensuring the success of the first youth innovation and entrepreneurship week. In the process of innovation cooperation, China strictly protects IPRs of enterprises and does not require compulsory transfer of technology. We welcome German companies to explore business opportunities in China's new energy vehicle market. Cooperation in third countries is an important area of China-Germany innovation cooperation. Our joint training program for mining professionals in Afghanistan can offer useful experience for our cooperation in Africa and other developing countries. |
女士們、先生們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
大家關心中國經濟形勢,我愿作簡單介紹。今年以來,中國經濟保持穩中向好的發展態勢,主要經濟指標好于預期。一季度,國內生產總值增長6.9%。前4個月,財政收入增長11.8%,為2013年以來同期最高增速,工業企業利潤增長24.4%,反映出經濟增長效益提高。特別是就業穩定增長,城鎮新增就業465萬人,4月份大城市調查失業率在5%左右。5月份,貨運量、發電量、港口吞吐量等實物指標繼續增長,制造業采購經理指數(PMI)連續10個月位于榮枯線以上,尤其是小型制造企業PMI連續3個月上升,反映出傳統動能持續回升好轉。新技術、新產業、新業態、新模式蓬勃發展,高技術產業和服務業持續快于一般工業,非制造業商務活動指數接近3年來的峰值,網上商品和服務零售額同比增長30%以上。中國經濟出現這些可喜變化,根本原因是改革創新發了力,特別是推進供給側結構性改革取得重要進展。 | Now, let me give an update on the Chinese economy, which may be of interest to you. This year, the Chinese economy has posted stable performance and moved in a positive direction, with major economic indicators surpassing expectations. In the first quarter of this year, China's GDP expanded by 6.9 percent. In the first four months, fiscal revenue increased by 11.8 percent, the fastest growth in the same period since 2013. Corporate profits in the industrial sector rose by 24.4 percent, reflecting greater efficiency in economic growth. In particular, employment is steadily rising. A total of 4.65 million new jobs were created in the cities, and the surveyed unemployment rate of major cities was around 5 percent in April. Economic indicators such as cargo volume, electricity generation, and port throughput continued to increase in May. For 10 months in a row, PMI has stood above the 50-point mark indicating economic expansion. Most notably, PMI of small manufacturing companies has increased for the third consecutive month, which is a sign of continued improvement in the performance of traditional drivers. New technologies, industries, businesses and models are thriving. High-tech and service industries continue to outperform general industries in growth. The non-manufacturing business activity index is approaching a three-year high. Online retail sales of goods and services have increased by over 30 percent year-on-year. All these encouraging changes in the Chinese economy have been the result of deepened reform and innovation, especially major progress in advancing supply-side structural reform. |
我們創新宏觀調控方式。面對經濟增長下行壓力,中國政府沒有搞“大水漫灌”式強刺激,而是依靠改革創新來穩增長、調結構、防風險。我們保持宏觀政策基本取向的連續性和穩定性,堅持實施積極的財政政策和穩健的貨幣政策。財政赤字率一直控制在3%以內,去年政府負債率為36.7%,低于歐盟60%的警戒線,在世界主要經濟體中也是較低的,而且近兩年保持平穩。地方政府債務主要用于公益性項目投資,都是資產性債務,為今后償債提供了堅實保障,風險總體可控。2013年以來,廣義貨幣(M2)增速總體呈下降趨勢,今年4月末增速降至10.5%。中國非金融類企業杠桿率較高,與居民儲蓄率高、以信貸為主的融資結構有關。目前,銀行業不良貸款率趨于穩定,在全球處于較低水平;商業銀行資本充足率、撥備覆蓋率較高;居民儲蓄率接近5O%,是世界主要經濟體的兩倍左右。年初以來,國際貨幣基金組織兩次調高中國經濟增長預期,并多次表示中國金融風險可控,人民幣幣值與經濟基本面相符。我們創新宏觀調控工具箱里有很多“工具”,完全有能力守住不發生系統性、區域性風險的底線。 | We have readjusted macro regulation in an innovative way. Despite downward economic pressure, the Chinese government did not resort to massive stimulus measures, but relied on reform and innovation to stabilize growth, restructure the economy and fend off risks. We have maintained the continuity and consistency of our macro-control policies, and continued to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. The fiscal deficit ratio has been kept below 3 percent. The government debt-to-GDP ratio last year was 36.7 percent, lower than the 60 percent alarm level of the EU and among the lowest in the world's major economies. Moreover, it has been kept stable over the last two years. As for local government debts, they are mostly used to support investment in public projects. These are asset-backed debts with sound guarantee for repayment. The risks are by and large under control. M2 growth has been on a downward trajectory since 2013, and fell to 10.5 percent at the end of April this year. The relatively high leverage ratio in non-financial companies has to do with China's high household savings and credit-dominated financing structure. Non-performing loan ratio of the banking sector is stabilizing and relatively low compared to other countries. Commercial banks have relatively high capital adequacy ratio and provision coverage ratio. Household savings rate is close to 50 percent, which is about twice the average of major economies. Since the beginning of this year, the IMF has twice revised its growth forecast upward for China, and suggested on several occasions that China's financial risks are controllable and that the value of the RMB is broadly in line with China's economic fundamentals. We still have plenty of "tools" in our toolbox for innovation in macro regulation, and we are fully capable of defending the bottom line of no outbreak of systemic or regional risks. |
我們創新行政管理模式。持續推進簡政放權、放管結合、優化服務改革,本屆政府減少了40%的國務院部門行政審批事項,加大減稅降費力度,降低了制度性交易成本和企業負擔,激發了微觀主體的活力。過去三年平均每天新增企業1.2萬戶,今年前4個月平均每天新增超過1.5萬戶,企業活躍度保持在70%左右。眾創空間數量超過4 000家,與3000多家科技企業孵化器和400多家加速器一道,構成創業孵化服務的鏈條。新興產業蓬勃興起,不少傳統產業通過改造提升煥發生機,新動能在穩增長、促就業中發揮越來越重要的作用。雖然新動能現在還不能與傳統動能等量齊觀,但假以時日,一定會撐起中國經濟發展更加廣闊的天地。 | We have innovated the model of administrative management. We have continued with the reform to streamline administration, delegate powers, enhance regulation where necessary and provide better services. This government has removed 40 percent of the items that previously required administrative approval of State Council departments, and stepped up efforts to cut taxes and fees. These measures have reduced the institutional transaction costs and burdens on companies, and stimulated the dynamism of market players at the micro level. In the past three years, 12,000 new companies got registered each day in China. In the first four months of this year, the number has exceeded 15,000, and about 70 percent of the companies are active in operation. There are now more than 4,000 maker spaces in China. Together with some 3,000 high-tech incubators and over 400 start-up accelerators, they form a complete chain of start-up incubation services. New industries are thriving, and traditional industries are brimming with new vigor through transformation and upgrading. The new drivers are playing an increasingly important role in stabilizing growth and boosting employment. Although they cannot yet compare with traditional drivers in size, given time, they will open up broader space for China's economic development. |
我們創新開放型經濟體制。主動實施新一輪高水平對外開放,以開放促發展。2015年,我們第6次修訂外商投資產業指導目錄,限制類條目縮減一半。今年我們再次修訂目錄,限定制類條目又縮減1/3。2013年我們在上海設立第一個自貿試驗區,目前增加到11個。負面清單的外資管理模式已在全國范圍內推廣,除極少數領域外,外商投資企業設立和變更一律由審批改為備案。去年全球跨國直接投資下降13%,但中國實際使用外資保持平穩增長,規模達到1337億美元,繼續居世界前三,充分說明中國仍是具有競爭力和吸引力的外商投資熱土。 | We have innovated the open economic system. We have initiated a new round of high-standard opening-up with the goal of promoting development through openness. In 2015, we amended the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries for the sixth time, cutting the number of restricted industries by half. In the latest amendment this year, the number of restricted industries has been reduced by another one third. In 2013, China's first pilot free trade zone was set up in Shanghai, and now the total number has reached 11. The negative list model of foreign investment management is being rolled out nationwide. With the exception of a few sectors, the establishment and major adjustments of foreign-invested companies are now only subject to a simple filing process with the relevant authorities, rather than review and approval. Even with a 13 percent fall in global cross-border direct investment last year, paid-in foreign investment in China has maintained its steady growth, reaching 133.7 billion U.S. dollars in total, still ranking China among the top three in the world. All this fully shows that China remains a competitive and appealing destination for foreign investment. |
女士們、先生們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
今天是“六一”國際兒童節,兒童代表著希望與未來。中德創新伙伴關系起步良好,如同朝氣蓬勃的兒童,前途不可限量。我相信,在雙方精心培育下,中德創新合作一定會茁壯成長,挑起兩國未來發展與合作的“大梁”! | Today is the International Children's Day. Children represent hope and the future. China-Germany innovation partnership, which is now off to a good start, is like a child filled with the energy of life and a promising future. I am confident that with the careful nurturing of both sides, China-Germany innovation cooperation will grow into a strong pillar for the development and cooperation of our two countries. |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you. |
(Source: Xinhua) |