

Full text: Chinese president's signed article on Uzbek newspaper

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2016-06-23

6月22日,國家主席習近平在塔什干庫克薩萊國賓館同烏茲別克斯坦總統卡里莫夫舉行會談。 [新華社]

6月22日,國家主席習近平在塔什干庫克薩萊國賓館同烏茲別克斯坦總統卡里莫夫舉行會談。 [新華社]
Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) holds talks with Uzbek President Islam Karimov in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, June 22, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]
當地時間2016年6月21日,在對烏茲別克斯坦共和國進行國事訪問并出席上海合作組織成員國元首理事會第十六次會議前夕,國家主席習近平在烏茲別克斯坦《人民言論報》和“扎洪”通訊社網站發表題為《譜寫中烏友好新華章》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article on leading Uzbek newspaper Narodnoye Slove under the title of "A Glorious New Chapter in China-Uzbekistan Friendship" on June 21, ahead of his state visit to the Central Asian country. The English translated version of the article, also carried by the Jahon news agency, is as follows.

中華人民共和國主席 習近平

A Glorious New Chapter in China-Uzbekistan Friendship
By H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China

“綠野草鋪茵,空山雪積銀。”這是600多年前明代中國官員出使中亞后寫下的詩句。烏茲別克斯坦的壯美景色自古為中國人所熟知和向往。2013年9月,我第一次訪問美麗的烏茲別克斯坦,這里獨具特色的自然風光、積淀千年的歷史文化、勤勞智慧的人民給我留下深刻印象。"Grass-covered land is lush green and snow-clad mountains are translucent and silvery," to quote a poem written by a Chinese envoy in Ming Dynasty after his mission to Central Asia over 600 years ago. The magnificent landscape of Uzbekistan is familiar to and admired by the Chinese people since ancient times. I first visited your beautiful country in September 2013 and was deeply impressed by its distinct natural scenery, time-honored history and cultural heritage, and the hard-working and talented people.
在這草木蔥蘢的時節,應卡里莫夫總統邀請,我將再次訪問烏茲別克斯坦,并出席上海合作組織塔什干峰會。我對此行充滿期待。At this fascinating time of lush green, I will once again visit Uzbekistan and attend the Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent at the invitation of President Islam Karimov. This is a visit I am very much looking forward to.
中烏兩國人民勤勞勇敢、誠實守諾、重情重義,對家國天下有著相似的理解。2000多年前,古老的絲綢之路將中烏兩國和兩國人民連接在一起,拉開了雙方互通有無、互學互鑒的友誼大幕。中國西漢張騫、大唐玄奘、明代陳誠曾經出使或途經烏茲別克斯坦,納沃伊、兀魯伯、花拉子米等烏茲別克斯坦歷史文化名人的作品和思想在中國流傳。中西文化在中亞彼此交融,烏茲別克斯坦從中發揮了重要橋梁作用。千百年來,中國同烏茲別克斯坦保持密切聯系,形成相互交好的優良傳統,為今天中烏睦鄰友好關系打下了堅實基礎。The people of our two countries are diligent, courageous and honest. They cherish friendship and share similar views on personal dedication to the welfare of the nation and the world. Over 2,000 years ago, the ancient Silk Road connected China and Uzbekistan and has since witnessed the growth of two-way trade, mutual learning and people-to-people friendship. Zhang Qian in Western Han Dynasty, Xuan Zang in Tang Dynasty and Chen Cheng in Ming Dynasty traveled to Uzbekistan as an envoy or for a stopover. Renowned historical and cultural figures in Uzbekistan such as Alisher Navoi, Mirza Ulugbek and Muhammad Al Khwarizmi are known in China for their works and thoughts. Central Asia is the meeting place of Chinese and Western cultures, and Uzbekistan has played an important role as a bridge of communication. Over the centuries, China and Uzbekistan have maintained close contacts and fostered a fine tradition of friendly exchanges, thus laying a solid foundation for the good-neighborly relations we enjoy today.
烏茲別克斯坦是中亞大國,中國始終從戰略高度和長遠角度看待中烏關系。在烏茲別克斯坦獨立之初,中國率先同烏茲別克斯坦建立外交關系。24年來,中烏關系經受住時間和國際風云變幻的考驗,保持健康穩定發展勢頭。雙方在涉及彼此核心利益問題上相互堅定支持,各領域合作取得豐碩成果。Uzbekistan is a major country in Central Asia. China views its relations with Uzbekistan from a strategic and long-term perspective. China was among the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with Uzbekistan shortly after its independence. Over the past 24 years, bilateral relations have stood the test of time and changes in the international landscape and kept a momentum of sound and steady growth. Our two sides have rendered each other firm support on issues concerning our respective core interests and achieved fruitful results in cooperation in various fields.
2013年以來,我同卡里莫夫總統以會晤、通話、互致信函等多種方式保持密切交往,建立起良好的工作關系和深厚的個人友誼。雙方簽署了《中烏友好合作條約》、《中烏2014年至2018年戰略伙伴關系發展規劃》等重要文件,雙邊關系的政治和法律基礎更加牢固。雙方共建“一帶一路”,加緊國家戰略對接,創新合作驅動,加強國際協作和安全合作。中烏合作領域越來越寬,合作質量越來越高,雙邊關系已經進入快速發展的黃金時期。Since 2013, President Karimov and I have stayed in close touch by way of meetings, phone calls and correspondence, and have developed good working relations and deep personal friendship. Our two sides have signed such important documents as the Treaty on Friendly Cooperation and the Development Plan for the Strategic Partnership (2014-2018), thus cementing the political and legal foundation of bilateral relations. We are jointly building the Belt and Road, synergizing our national strategies, seeking innovative drivers for cooperation, and enhancing international coordination and security cooperation. With bilateral cooperation growing in both breadth and depth, China-Uzbekistan relations have entered a golden era of rapid development.
當前,共建“一帶一路”是中烏合作的亮點和主線。政策溝通方面,中烏簽署了共建“一帶一路”合作文件,正在研究編制中烏合作規劃綱要。中方贊賞烏方率先成為亞洲基礎設施投資銀行創始成員國。Jointly building the Belt and Road is a highlight and priority in our bilateral cooperation. In policy communication, our two countries have signed the cooperation document on jointly building the Belt and Road and are working on an outline of cooperation plan. China appreciates that Uzbekistan was one of the first countries to express interest in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and has joined it as a founding member.
2015年,中烏雙邊貿易額35億美元,是建交初期的70多倍,中國連續3年成為烏茲別克斯坦第一大投資來源國和第二大貿易伙伴。中國-中亞天然氣管道4條管線全部過境烏茲別克斯坦。雙方今年2月建成了中亞第一長隧道“安格連-帕普”鐵路隧道,成為連接中國和中亞交通走廊的新樞紐。雙方都支持修建中吉烏鐵路,愿同有關國家共同推動商談工作。雙方共同實施了輪胎廠、聚氯乙烯廠、堿廠項目,開展了棉花加工合作,落戶中烏工業園的瓷磚、智能手機、制革、制鞋項目已經初具規模。可以說,雙方共建“一帶一路”合作已經取得重要早期收獲。In 2015, our two-way trade reached 3.5 billion U.S. dollars, up by more than 70-fold compared with the early days of our diplomatic relations. China has been Uzbekistan's biggest source of investment and second largest trading partner for three years. All four pipelines of the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline system run through Uzbekistan. In February this year, our two sides completed the construction of the Angren-Pap railway tunnel, the longest of its kind in Central Asia and a new link in the transportation corridor connecting China and Central Asia. Both sides support the building of a railway linking China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and will reach out to the relevant country to make progress in the project. Our two countries have jointly established plants for the production of tire, PVC and soda, carried out cooperation in cotton processing, and registered initial success in the production of ceramic tiles, smart phones, leather products and shoes in the China-Uzbekistan Industrial Park. It is fair to say that important "early harvests" have been achieved in our cooperation on the Belt and Road.
中烏都有著悠久歷史和燦爛文化。人文交往一直是中烏關系的重要組成部分。近年來,雙方在互派留學生、漢語教學、地方交往、聯合考古、互譯文學作品方面合作取得新進展,兩國民眾友好感情日益深厚。人文合作成為凝聚兩國人民情感的紐帶。雙方合作辦學的塔什干孔子學院是中亞第一所孔子學院,11年來培養了3000多名中烏友好使者。中國國家文物局、中國社會科學院、中國西北大學等單位積極同烏方開展聯合考古和古跡修復工作,為恢復絲綢之路歷史風貌作出了重要努力。前不久,烏茲別克斯坦漢學家將中國著名作家老舍的《貓城記》翻譯成烏茲別克語出版發行,相信它會為烏茲別克斯坦人民了解中國文學打開一扇窗戶。Both China and Uzbekistan have a long history and splendid culture. People-to-people and cultural exchanges have been part and parcel of our bilateral relations. In recent years, the two sides have made fresh progress in student exchange programs, Chinese language training, sub-national exchanges, joint archaeological projects and translation of literary works. As a result of these, the friendship between our peoples has deepened. Cultural cooperation has brought our peoples closer. Thanks to our good collaboration, the first Confucius Institute in Central Asia was opened in Tashkent 11 years ago and has since produced more than 3,000 "ambassadors" promoting China-Uzbekistan friendship. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Northwest University of China have worked actively with Uzbekistan on joint archaeological research and restoration, making important contributions to restoring the historical sites of the Silk Road. Just recently, the Uzbek edition of the Cat Country, a novel written by renowned Chinese writer Lao She and translated by a Uzbek sinologist, has been published. I trust it will open another window for people in Uzbekistan to know more about Chinese literature.
中烏是平等互利、安危與共、合作共贏的利益共同體和命運共同體。當前,實現國家發展和民族復興是中烏兩國人民孜孜以求的夢想。在當前國際格局深刻演變、世界經濟復蘇放緩、各國仍然面臨發展重任的背景下,中烏加強全面合作順應歷史潮流,符合兩國和兩國人民根本利益。我們希望中烏共同發展繁榮之路越走越寬、越走越順。China and Uzbekistan are a community of common interest and shared future featuring equality, solidarity and win-win cooperation. To pursue development and national renewal is the dream of both our peoples. Given the deep changes in the international landscape, slow recovery in the world economy and daunting tasks of development for all countries, to enhance our bilateral cooperation in all respects meets the trend of history and serves the fundamental interest of our two countries and peoples. We hope that China and Uzbekistan will make greater achievements in the pursuit of common development and prosperity.
——我們要增強政治互信、加大相互支持。中國古代思想家孔子說:“與朋友交,言而有信。”政治互信是中烏關系健康發展的重要保障。雙方將繼續在涉及彼此國家主權、安全、發展等核心利益問題上相互堅定支持。中方堅定支持烏茲別克斯坦根據本國國情自主選擇的發展道路,理解和尊重烏茲別克斯坦政府為保持國內穩定、促進經濟社會發展所采取的措施,反對外部勢力干涉烏茲別克斯坦內政。-- We need to enhance political mutual trust and mutual support. The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius said, "In his dealings with friends, one should be trustworthy in what he says." Political mutual trust is an important basis for the sound growth of China-Uzbekistan relations. We will continue to extend each other firm support on issues concerning each other's core interests such as sovereignty, security and development. China firmly supports Uzbekistan in its independent choice of a development path that suits its national conditions, understands and respects the measures taken by the Uzbek government for national stability and economic and social development, and opposes interference by external forces in Uzbekistan's internal affairs.
——我們要做好共建“一帶一路”這篇大文章,在互利共贏基礎上開辟更廣闊合作空間。在加強能源資源合作的同時,拓展非資源領域合作,努力構建結構優化、條件便利的中烏經貿新格局。尋找利益契合點,因地制宜深化產能合作,將經濟互補優勢轉化為更多實實在在的合作成果。-- We need to work together to ensure the success of the major initiative of the Belt and Road and explore broader space for cooperation based on mutual benefit. While strengthening cooperation in the energy and resources sector, we also need to explore other areas of cooperation, facilitate bilateral trade and make it better-structured. We should seek converging interests, deepen production capacity cooperation in light of local conditions and translate our economic complementarity into more tangible outcomes of cooperation.
——我們要精心打造中烏民心相通工程,通過深化文化、教育、旅游、考古、地方合作提升中烏作為絲綢之路古國的自豪感和自信心。發揮兩所孔子學院紐帶作用,加強青年學生交流,培養更多中烏友好事業接班人。支持中國“歡樂春節”和烏茲別克斯坦“東方韻律”訪演活動,鼓勵品牌節目和優秀文藝作品深入民間。-- We need to increase understanding between our peoples and deepen cultural, education, tourism, archaeological and sub-national cooperation to foster a greater sense of pride and confidence in China and Uzbekistan, both ancient civilizations along the Silk Road. We should leverage the two Confucius Institutes in Uzbekistan as bridges between our youth and nurture China-Uzbekistan friendship among future generations. We need to support cultural events such as the Chinese "Happy Spring Festival" and the Uzbek "Oriental Charm" staged in each other's country and bring well-received performances and fine artistic works to more people.
——我們要踐行共同、綜合、合作、可持續安全觀,深化中烏執法安全合作。加強形勢研判和信息交流,嚴厲打擊“三股勢力”和販毒等跨國有組織犯罪,共同營造地區和平發展的安全環境,維護兩國人民生命財產安全。-- We need to implement the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and deepen China-Uzbekistan law enforcement and security cooperation. It is important that we have a keen understanding of the security situation, step up information sharing, combat the "three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism," drug-trafficking and other forms of transnational organized crime so that we can jointly foster a secure environment for peaceful development of the region and ensure the safety of our peoples and their property.
——我們要加強在國際事務中的戰略協作,深化在聯合國、上海合作組織等多邊舞臺上的協調和配合。堅定支持對方提出的建設性國際倡議,及時就全球經濟治理、能源安全、水資源等全球性問題和阿富汗、西亞北非局勢等地區和熱點問題交換意見,共同維護好兩國戰略利益。中方支持烏方在國際事務中發揮更大作用。-- We need to enhance strategic coordination in international affairs and deepen our coordination in multilateral fora such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). We should give firm support to each other's constructive international initiatives, exchange views in a timely manner on global issues such as global economic governance, energy security and water resources, and on regional and hot-spot issues such as Afghanistan and the situation in West Asia and North Africa to jointly uphold our strategic interests. China supports Uzbekistan in playing a bigger role in international affairs.
我這次在烏茲別克斯坦的另一項重要日程是出席上海合作組織塔什干峰會。今年是上海合作組織成立15周年,本次峰會對總結上海合作組織發展經驗、規劃未來合作方向具有重要意義。15年來,上海合作組織弘揚互信、互利、平等、協商、尊重多樣文明、謀求共同發展的“上海精神”,積極倡導開放包容、合作共贏的新型國際關系,為促進地區穩定和繁榮作出重要貢獻。Another important part of my agenda in Uzbekistan is to attend the SCO summit in Tashkent. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the SCO, and this summit will be an important occasion for us to review past experience and plan for future cooperation. Over the past 15 years, the SCO, guided by the "Shanghai Spirit" featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations and pursuit of common development, has actively advocated a new type of international relations featuring openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation and contributed significantly to regional stability and prosperity.
上海合作組織簽署和執行打擊“三股勢力”上海公約、成員國邊防合作協定等文件,定期舉行聯合反恐演習,有力遏制了本地區跨國犯罪和恐怖極端組織活動,有效抵御了成員國共同面臨的安全風險。上海合作組織在經貿、交通、能源、基礎設施建設、農業、人文等領域不斷深化務實合作,推動了成員國經濟社會發展,使睦鄰友好和互利共贏的理念深植人心。隨著擴員進程啟動,上海合作組織朋友圈不斷擴大,地域涵蓋中亞、南亞、西亞、東南亞,組織合作潛力大大增強,國際地位和影響力持續提升。The SCO members have signed and implemented a number of agreements including the Shanghai Convention on combating the "three forces" and the border control cooperation agreement, and held joint counter-terrorism drills on a regular basis. These efforts have effectively deterred transnational crime and terrorist and extremist activities in this region and diffused security risks for all member states. In areas such as economy and trade, transportation, energy, infrastructure, agriculture and people-to-people exchange, deeper cooperation under the SCO framework has advanced the members states' economic and social development and taken to people's heart the concept of good-neighborly friendship and mutual benefit. As the SCO starts to admit new members, its circle of friends is expanding to countries in Central Asia, South Asia, West Asia and Southeast Asia. As a result, the SCO's cooperation potential will go up significantly and its international standing and influence will also be on the rise.
烏茲別克斯坦作為上海合作組織輪值主席國,為推動組織各領域合作取得實際成果作出了積極貢獻。中方愿同烏方及其他成員國一道努力,以塔什干峰會為新起點,全面提高合作水平,使上海合作組織更好造福地區和各國人民。As the rotating chair of the SCO this year, Uzbekistan has done a lot to secure tangible outcomes of cooperation in various fields. China stands ready to work with Uzbekistan and other member states and take the Tashkent summit as a new starting point to further enhance cooperation across the board so that the SCO will bring more benefits to this region and its people.
今年是烏茲別克斯坦獨立25周年。我對此表示祝賀。在卡里莫夫總統領導下,烏茲別克斯坦國家建設事業取得令人矚目的成就,國際影響力不斷增強。烏茲別克斯坦政府奉行發展服務人民的宗旨,將經濟增長成果更多惠及普通民眾,先后實施“青年人年”、“兒童健康年”、“關愛老人年”、“母嬰健康年”等國家特別方案,形成了民生不斷改善、城鄉均衡發展的良好局面。烏方已經成功探索出符合本國國情的烏茲別克斯坦模式。中方祝愿烏茲別克斯坦國家建設事業取得更大成果。This year marks the 25th anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan, and I wish to congratulate Uzbekistan on that. Under the leadership of President Karimov, Uzbekistan has made remarkable achievements in its national development and gained greater international influence. The Uzbek government has adopted a people-centered approach to ensure that economic growth will truly benefit the people. A number of national programs have been adopted such as the "Year of Youth," "Year of Healthy Child," "Year of Attention and Care for the Elderly" and "Year of Healthy Mother and Child." As a result, people's livelihood has been improving steadily and there is balanced development between urban and rural areas. Uzbekistan has embarked on a path of development that suits its national reality, and China wishes Uzbekistan even greater success in national development.
烏茲別克斯坦諺語說:“只有結滿果實的大樹才會引人注意。”中烏全方位合作已經結出累累碩果,造福兩國人民,也得到兩國人民擁護和支持。我相信,在實現各自國家發展振興的征途上,中烏兩國一定能夠攜手同行,譜寫中烏友好新華章。A Uzbek proverb goes, "A tree gets attention only when it bears fruits." China-Uzbekistan cooperation across the board has yielded fruitful results, and has benefited and won the support of our two peoples. I believe that in realizing our respective national development and rejuvenation, our two countries will join hands and write a glorious new chapter of China-Uzbekistan friendship.


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