

Assessment Report on the Implementation of the National Human
Rights Action Plan of China (2012-2015)

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2016-06-14

一、總體執行情況I. Overall Implementation
2012-2015年,是中國人權事業發展很不平凡的四年。在努力實現中華民族偉大復興中國夢的征程中,中國政府圍繞全面建成小康社會、全面深化改革、全面依法治國、全面從嚴治黨的戰略布局,將人權事業的發展與經濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會建設和生態文明建設相結合,不斷加大各項人權保障力度,努力完成《國家人權行動計劃(2012-2015年)》規定的主要目標和任務,中國人權事業又上了一個新臺階。hina's human rights cause saw extraordinary development during the four years from 2012 to 2015. While striving to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Chinese government combined its human rights endeavors with economic, political, cultural, social and ecological construction in accordance with its strategic blueprint to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, comprehensively deepen reform, advance the law-based governance and strengthen Party self-discipline. It has taken various steps to strengthen the protection of human rights and worked strenuously to achieve the main targets and tasks set by the National Human Rights Action Plan (2012-2015), advancing the cause of human rights in China to a new stage.
——堅持以人民為中心的發展思想,加快全面建成小康社會,保障人民的經濟、社會和文化權利。-- Sticking to the vision of people-centered development, speeding up the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and ensuring people's economic, social and cultural rights
2012-2015年,面對錯綜復雜的國際形勢和艱巨繁重的國內改革發展穩定任務,中國政府堅持創新、協調、綠色、開放、共享的新發展理念,主動適應和引領經濟發展新常態,不斷深化改革,擴大開放,堅持穩增長、促改革、調結構、惠民生、防風險,推動經濟更有效率、更加公平、更可持續發展,改革發展紅利惠及全體人民,使全體人民在共建共享中有更多獲得感。From 2012 to 2015, faced with a complex international situation and the challenging tasks of promoting reform and development while maintaining stability at home, the Chinese government stuck to the new vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, actively adapted to and promoted the 'new normal' in economic development, and made unceasing efforts to deepen reform and opening-up. It stuck to the policy of maintaining stable growth, promoting reform, making structural adjustments, improving people's lives and guarding against risks to push for more efficient, fairer and more sustainable growth. It also worked to ensure that all people can enjoy the dividend of reform and development and that they gain an increasingly greater sense of benefit.
2012-2015年,中國國內生產總值年均增長7.4%,城鎮居民人均可支配收入年均增長7.5%,農村居民人均純收入年均增長9.2%,城鎮登記失業率保持在4.1%以內,農村貧困人口減少6663萬人,常住人口城鎮化率上升到56.1%,全國城鎮保障性安居工程基本建成2428萬套。基本醫療保險參保率95%以上,基本養老保險參保率超過80%。公共服務體系基本建成,教育公平得到更好落實,全民健康狀況明顯改善,互聯網建設加快推進,為公民享受文化權利提供了更便捷條件。環境治理力度加大,生態文明建設取得新進展。少數民族、婦女、兒童、老年人和殘疾人權利得到進一步保障。From 2012 to 2015, China's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 7.4 percent. The per capita disposable income of urban residents increased by 7.5 percent annually while the per capita net income for rural residents increased by 9.2 percent annually. The registered urban unemployment rate was kept within 4.1 percent. 66.63 million people in rural areas were lifted out of poverty. The number of permanent urban residents has increased to account for 56.1 percent of the total population. 24.28 million government-subsidized housing units were basically completed in urban areas. Basic medical insurance was expanded to cover over 95 percent of the population and participation in basic old-age insurance plans exceeded 80 percent. A public service system was basically completed and equal access to education was better enforced. The overall health conditions of the population improved notably. Internet construction accelerated, allowing citizens easier access to enjoy their cultural rights. Greater efforts were made to improve the environment and new progress was achieved in ecological conservation. The rights and interests of ethnic minorities, women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities have been further guaranteed.
——堅持建設社會主義法治國家,努力實現國家治理體系和治理能力現代化,切實保障公民權利和政治權利。-- Building a socialist law-based country, striving to modernize the state governance system and governance capacity and guaranteeing citizens' civil and political rights

The socialist democracy was steadily moved forward. Efforts were accelerated to increase government transparency and expand the application of e-government and online administration. Citizens' rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard and to oversee were guaranteed. Further efforts were made to streamline administration and delegate powers. A power list system was established. From 2014 to 2015, the government delegated the power or canceled the requirement for government review for 557 items; canceled the requirement for verification or approval for 272 professional qualifications; and put a complete stop to the practice of non-administrative review and approval. It improved regulations governing the ruling party and punished corruption and job-related crimes, creating a sound political and legal environment for the protection of human rights.

Efforts were made to deepen the reform of the judicial system, to optimize the allocation of judicial powers, to improve the system of judicial responsibilities and to promote judicial transparency. The system of legal proceedings was revised and improved and the legal principles were strictly implemented to ensure legally prescribed punishment for a crime, innocence until proven guilty and the exclusion of illegal evidence. Stringent efforts were made to guarantee lawyers' rights to perform their duties and to guard against and rectify wrong or false convictions. Guarantees were in place to ensure that judicial organs can perform their duties independently and justly in accordance with the law. Citizens' rights of the person and rights to a fair trial were protected in accordance with the law to ensure that they can feel fairness and justice in every judicial case.

——堅持社會主義核心價值觀,推進人權理論研究和人權教育,努力提升全社會尊重和保障人權意識。-- Upholding core socialist values, promoting human rights theory research and human rights education, and striving to improve the public's awareness to respect and protect human rights
在全社會大力倡導富強、民主、文明、和諧,倡導自由、平等、公正、法治,倡導愛國、敬業、誠信、友善,積極培育和踐行社會主義核心價值觀。社會主義核心價值觀是中國人民的共同理想和精神支柱,規定了中國特色社會主義建設的本質要求和發展方向,也對中國人權事業發展起著重要的指導和引領作用。The ideas of prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendship were actively promoted for the whole society so as to nurture and practice core socialist values. These values are the common aspirations and spiritual prop of the Chinese people. They define the basic requirements and development direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and play an important role in guiding and leading the development of China's human rights cause.
開展多種形式的人權教育和培訓,傳播人權理念,普及人權知識。把人權法治教育融入全民普法、學校教育和專門教育工作中,人權教育大眾化、專業化水平不斷提高。加強領導干部、公職人員的人權法治教育,國務院新聞辦公室多次舉辦人權知識培訓班。支持高校人權相關專業建設和人才培養,新增5個“國家人權教育與培訓基地”,提前完成行動計劃確定的任務。積極開展人權學術研究,中國特色社會主義人權理論研究取得豐碩成果。Human rights education and training were conducted in various forms to promote the ideas about human rights and to spread the knowledge on human rights. Human rights and legal education were incorporated into the campaign to increase the public's knowledge of the law, school education and specialized education. The level of access and specialization of human rights education has been steadily raised. Human rights and legal education for leading officials and public office holders were enhanced, with the State Council Information Office holding multiple training sessions on human rights. Higher education institutions were encouraged to open human rights courses and to train personnel and five new "national-level human rights education and training bases" were set up, completing the tasks set by the Action Plan ahead of schedule. Academic research on human rights was actively conducted and fruitful results were achieved on the research on human rights theories with Chinese characteristics.
——堅持在平等和相互尊重的基礎上開展國際人權交流與合作,認真履行國際人權條約,推動國際人權事業健康發展。-- Conducting international exchanges and cooperation on human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect, faithfully fulfilling obligations under international human rights conventions, promoting the healthy development of international human rights endeavors
2012-2015年,中國繼續認真履行已加入的國際人權條約義務,與有關條約機構就中國執行《殘疾人權利公約》《兒童權利公約》《經濟、社會和文化權利國際公約》《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》情況開展建設性對話。順利接受聯合國人權理事會第二輪國別人權審查。深入參與聯合國大會第三委員會、聯合國人權理事會等多邊人權會議。同聯合國婦女署聯合舉辦全球婦女峰會。From 2012 to 2015, China continued to earnestly fulfill its obligations under the international human rights conventions to which it is a signatory and held constructive dialogue with relevant treaty bodies on China's implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. China participated and passed the second round of the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review. It took an active part in multilateral human rights meetings hosted by the Third Committee of UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council. China and UN Women jointly held the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment.
2012-2015年,中國同美國、歐盟、英國、德國、澳大利亞、瑞士等舉行20余次人權對話和交流,同俄羅斯、巴西、巴基斯坦、古巴等開展10余次人權磋商和交流。中國人權研究會和中國人權發展基金會聯合主辦了4屆“北京人權論壇”。From 2012 to 2015, China held over 20 human rights dialogues and exchanges with the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Switzerland and others. It conducted more than 10 human rights consultations and exchanges with countries including Russia, Brazil, Pakistan and Cuba. The China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development jointly hosted four meetings of the Beijing Forum on Human Rights.
在中國政府和全國各族人民的共同努力下,到2015年年底,如期完成了計劃預定的主要目標任務,其中約48%的約束性指標、50%以上的涉民生指標提前或超額完成,《行動計劃》得到全面落實。With the joint efforts of the Chinese government and its people from all ethnic groups, major targets and tasks set by the Action Plan had been fulfilled as scheduled by the end of 2015. Of these, about 48 percent of the binding targets and over 50 percent of the targets concerning the people's livelihood had been met ahead of time or exceeded, thus realizing the comprehensive implementation of the Action Plan.
在《行動計劃》規定的約束性指標之外,中國政府積極回應社會熱點和民眾訴求,做了大量促進人權保障的工作。自2012年起,異地高考逐步開放,受教育權得到更加充分的落實;2013年12月,勞動教養制度被廢止;2015年8月,對四類服刑罪犯予以特赦;審議通過刑法修正案(九),在立法上取消了9個罪名的死刑,適用死刑的罪名從原來的55個減少至46個,等等。Besides the binding targets stipulated in the Action Plan, the Chinese government actively responded to hot issues and peoples' complaints and made extra efforts to strengthen the protection of human rights. Starting in 2012, restrictions on students taking national college entrance exams in places where their parents work and live were gradually lifted and their rights to education were further enhanced. In December 2013, the reeducation through labor system was abolished. In August 2015, four categories of criminals serving their prison terms were pardoned under an amnesty and Amendment IX to the Criminal Law was deliberated and passed. The amendment abolished the death penalty for 9 crimes, reducing the number of crimes where the death penalty is applicable from 55 to 46.
中國共產黨和中國政府堅持把人權的普遍性原則同中國實際相結合,顯著提高了人民生存權、發展權的保障水平,促進了經濟、社會和文化權利、公民權利和政治權利全面協調發展,成功走出了一條適合中國國情的人權發展道路。《行動計劃》的如期完成,充分表現出中國共產黨和中國政府全面有序推進人權事業發展的決心和信心,顯示了中國特色社會主義制度的巨大優越性。The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government incorporated the principle of universality of human rights into China's national conditions and substantially improved protection of people's rights to subsistence and development, promoted the coordinated development of economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights, successfully charting a path of human rights development suiting China's national conditions. The fulfilling of the Action Plan as scheduled fully demonstrates the commitment and confidence of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government to promote the development of the human rights cause in a coordinated and orderly way and the huge advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.
人權保障沒有最好,只有更好。中國政府清醒地認識到,雖然中國人權事業的發展取得巨大成就,但還面臨諸多挑戰。經濟發展方式粗放,不平衡、不協調、不可持續的問題仍然突出,城鄉區域發展差距仍然較大,與人民群眾切身利益相關的醫療、教育、養老、食品藥品安全、收入分配、環境等方面還有一些困難要解決,一些領域的不正之風和腐敗形勢不容忽視。在中國,實現更高水平的人權保障任重道遠,依然要付出艱巨努力。There is no best, only better human rights protection. The Chinese government is keenly aware it still faces many challenges despite China's tremendous achievements in the development of human rights. Its economic development mode is still crude and it is still fraught with problems from unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development. There is still a big gap between urban and rural development. There are still problems of immediate concern to the people remaining to be solved, including medical care, education, old age care, food and drug safety, income distribution and the environment. The corruption and misconduct in some sectors cannot be ignored. There is still a long way to go to realize higher-level protection of human rights in China and hard efforts must be made.
2015年9月,中國國家主席習近平在致北京人權論壇的賀信中指出,中國人民歷經苦難,深知人的價值、基本人權、人格尊嚴對社會發展進步的重大意義。實現人民充分享有人權是人類社會的共同奮斗目標,中國將堅定不移地推進中國人權事業和世界人權事業的共同發展,不斷為人類文明進步事業作出更大貢獻。In a congratulatory letter to the Beijing Forum on Human Rights in September 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that the Chinese people have gone through much suffering and know very well the great significance of human value, basic human rights and human dignity to social development and progress. It is a common objective of the human society for people to fully enjoy human rights. China will steadfastly advance the human rights cause both in China and the rest of the world and work to make greater contribution to the advancement of human civilization.
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