

Full text: Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2016-04-15

四、種族歧視變本加厲IV. Racial Discrimination Worse Than Ever
2015年,美國的種族關系持續惡化,執法司法領域依然是種族歧視的重災區,種族仇恨犯罪時有發生,反穆斯林言論甚囂塵上,少數族裔在經濟和社會生活中的弱勢地位難以扭轉。In 2015, racial relations in the United States kept deteriorating. Law enforcement and justice fields were heavily influenced by racial discrimination, and race-based hate crimes occurred occasionally. Anti-Muslim remarks caused a great clamor, and minority races were unable to change their vulnerable status in economic and social lives.
種族關系為近20年來最糟糕年份。美國哥倫比亞廣播公司與《紐約時報》2015年5月4日聯合發布的調查顯示,61%的美國人認為美國的種族關系差,這是1992年以來的最高點,大多數非洲裔和白人美國人均認為美國種族關系處于糟糕狀態。(注46)《華爾街日報》和美國全國廣播公司新聞網2015年12月的聯合調查顯示,認為美國的種族關系處于良好狀態的美國人從2009年1月的77%下降到34%。(注47)美國公共宗教研究所2015年11月發布的調查結果顯示,35%的被調查者認為自己居住的社區存在種族緊張問題,比2012年增長了18個百分點。(注48)皮尤中心2015年8月發布的數據顯示,50%的美國人認為種族主義是美國社會的嚴重問題;60%的美國人認為國家需要繼續努力促進種族平等,比一年前高出14個百分點。(注49)Americans' view of race relations was at a two-decade low. A poll jointly released by the CBS News and The New York Times on May 4, 2015 showed that 61 percent of Americans characterized race relations in the United States as "bad," including a majority of white and black respondents. The figure was the highest since 1992 (newyork.cbslocal.com, May 4, 2015). A Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll in December 2015 showed that only 34 percent of Americans believe race relations in the United States were fairly good or very good, down from a high of 77 percent in January 2009 (blogs.wsj.com, December 16, 2015). A survey released in November 2015 by the Public Religion Research Institute in the United States showed that 35 percent of Americans believed racial tensions were a major concern in their own communities, jumping 18 percentage points from 2012 (publicreligion.org, November 17, 2015). Figures released in August 2015 by Pew Research Center showed that 50 percent of Americans said that racism was a big problem in the U.S. society; 60 percent Americans said the country needed to continue making changes to achieve racial equality, up 14 percentage points from a year ago (www.people-press.org, August 5, 2015).
警察殺害非洲裔美國人的案件屢屢發生。2015年11月15日,明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯市24歲非洲裔男子賈馬爾·克拉克被白人警察開槍打死。事發時,兩名警察正試圖逮捕他。據目擊者稱,克拉克頭部中槍時雙手戴著手銬。一個名為 “黑人生命很重要” 的民權團體在全國多個城市組織抗議游行。活動組織者在社交網站上表示,“現在整個美國都彌漫著反對有色人種的白人至上恐怖主義。”(注50) 2015年4月12日,25歲的非洲裔男子弗雷迪·格雷在馬里蘭州西巴爾的摩地區遭警方逮捕時,被警察用膝蓋頂住背部和頭部、雙手反銬在背后、臉朝下拖進警車。在發現格雷呼吸困難并要求幫助后,警察并未理會。格雷隨后出現昏迷,直至送醫院后死亡,死因是脊柱嚴重受傷。事件引發巴爾的摩市居民大規模抗議示威。示威活動27日演變成暴力沖突,導致馬里蘭州宣布進入緊急狀態,并出動國民警衛隊維持秩序。這是繼2014年白人警察槍殺非洲裔少年布朗引發弗格森騷亂后,美國州政府6個月內第二次動用國民警衛隊維護秩序。《紐約時報》4月28日評論稱,“格雷成為這個國家警察暴行的最新象征”。(注51) 據《華盛頓郵報》網站統計,截至2015年12月24日,警察全年共射殺965人,其中36人是手無寸鐵的非洲裔美國人。(注52)美國哥倫比亞廣播公司與《紐約時報》2015年5月4日聯合發布的調查顯示,79%的非洲裔美國人認為警察更容易針對非洲裔使用致命性武器,非洲裔比白人更傾向于認為地方警察帶給他們的是焦慮感而不是安全感。(注53)全美律師協會公布的一項調查顯示,88%的非洲裔和59%的白人相信非洲裔美國人遭受到警察不公正的對待。(注54)Cases of African-Americans being killed by police occurred repeatedly. On November 15, 2015, the 24-year-old African-American Jamar Clark was shot dead by white police officers. The fatal shooting occurred when two police officers were trying to arrest him. Witnesses said that Clark was handcuffed when he was shot in the head. The civil rights organization "Black Lives Matter" organized protests in multiple cities across the country. In a Facebook post, Black Lives Matter activists noted "the era of white supremacist terrorism against people of color across the U.S.," (www.theatlantic.com, November 18, 2015; www.mprnews.org, November 20, 2015; www.huffingtonpost.com, November 24, 2015) On April 12, 2015, as 25-year-old African-American Freddie Gray was being arrested, police handcuffed him and had knees on his back and his head. Gray was dragged and thrown into the back of a police van with his face down. Gray requested medical attention while being transported in the van but the request was denied. Gray lapsed into a coma following the journey on April 12 and died a week later in a hospital. He died of a severe spinal cord injury. The incident sparked large-scale protests in Baltimore. The protests turned violent on April 27, and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard. It was the second time in six months that a state called out the National Guard to enforce order after a white police officer killed a black teenager, Michael Brown, in Ferguson in 2014. The New York Times said that Gray had become the nation's latest symbol of police brutality in an April 28 story. (edition.cnn.com, April 29, 2015; www.bbc.com, May 5, 2015; baltimore.cbslocal.com, April 27, 2015; www.nytimes.com, April 27 and 28, 2015) According to The Washington Post website, police fatally shot 965 people in 2015 as of December 24, 2015, including 36 unarmed African-Americans (www.washingtonpost.com, December 24, 2015). The CBS News-New York Times poll released on May 4, 2015 showed that 79 percent of African-Americans believed police were more likely to use deadly force against a black person than against a white person, and black respondents were more likely than white respondents to believe their local police made them feel anxious rather than safe (newyork.cbslocal.com, May 4, 2015). According to a poll released by the National Bar Association in the United States, 88 percent of blacks believed black people were treated unfairly by police, compared with 59 percent of whites who shared that view (www.usatoday.com, September 9, 2015).
刑事司法領域種族歧視嚴重。2015年蓋勒普公司的一項調查顯示,68%的非洲裔美國人和37%的白人認為美國的刑事司法體系存在種族歧視。(注55)公共宗教研究所的調查顯示,51%的美國人認為非洲裔和其他少數族裔在刑事司法體系中與白人相比受到了不平等對待,78%的非洲裔美國人認為他們在刑事司法體系中受到不平等待遇。(注56)在一些案件審判過程中,公訴人在選任陪審團成員時會刻意將符合條件的非洲裔陪審員排除出去。在美國南部地區,這種操縱陪審團種族構成的做法極為常見。(注57)Racial discrimination in the criminal justice system was severe. A Gallup survey in 2015 showed that 68 percent of African-Americans believed the American criminal justice system was racially biased, while 37 percent of whites said the same (www.usatoday.com, June 18, 2015). According to a survey released by the Public Religion Research Institute, 51 percent of Americans disagreed that blacks and other minorities received equal treatment as whites in the criminal justice system, and 78 percent of black Americans disagreed that blacks and other minorities received equal treatment to whites in the criminal justice system (publicreligion.org, May 7, 2015). Prosecutors intentionally struck black people from juries in trials of black defendants. In the South, the practice for prosecutors to strike jurors based on race remained common (www.newyorker.com, June 5, 2015).
種族仇恨犯罪時有發生。46歲的克雷格·斯蒂芬·希克斯于2015年2月10日在北卡羅萊納大學附近槍殺三名穆斯林學生,兇手此前時常在網絡上發表各種反宗教言論。(注58)21歲的白人男子戴倫·魯夫2015年6月17日晚在南卡羅萊納州查爾斯頓一個非洲裔美國人教堂內槍殺了包括牧師在內的9人。魯夫在行兇時對受害者大喊:“你們強奸我們的婦女,占領我們的國家,你們必須滾出去。”(注59)Race-related hate crimes occurred occasionally. Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, shot dead three Muslim students near the University of North Carolina on February 10, 2015. Hicks had frequently posted messages critical of various religions on the Internet (indianexpress.com, June 5, 2015). On June 17, 2015, Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old white man, opened fire and killed nine people, including a pastor, at an African-American church in Charleston in South Carolina. According to witnesses, Roof told the victims, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country, and you have to go (www.cbsnews.com, June 17, 2015; www.bbc.com, June 19, 2015)."
反穆斯林言論甚囂塵上。英國《衛報》網站2015年11月19日報道,一位共和黨總統參選人公開發表言論,稱會考慮對穆斯林實施未經授權的搜查,增加對清真寺的監控,并聲稱不排除建立追蹤美國穆斯林的數據庫,或給穆斯林頒發標明其宗教信仰的特殊身份證。(注60)12月7日,該參選人又聲稱“應全面禁止穆斯林進入美國”。(注61)近年來,美國人對伊斯蘭教的看法變得越來越負面。美國公共宗教研究所的調查發現,56%的美國民眾認為伊斯蘭教與美國基本價值相沖突,持此觀點的共和黨人高達76%。(注62)聯合國人權委員會對美國“執法人員對某些族裔群體特別是穆斯林的監視表示關切”。(注63)Anti-Muslim remarks caused a great clamor. The Guardian reported on November 19, 2015 that a Republican presidential candidate made public comments, saying that he would consider warrantless searches of Muslims and increased surveillance of mosques, and that he would not rule out tracking Muslim Americans in a database or giving them "a special form of identification that noted their religion (www.theguardian.com, November 19, 2015)." On December 7, the presidential candidate made a statement calling for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States (www.economist.com, December 8, 2015)." In recent years, Americans' view on Islam became more and more negative. According to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, 56 percent of Americans said that the values of Islam were "at odds" with America's values and way of life, and 76 percent of Republicans were especially likely to have the same opinion (www.washingtonpost.com, November 17, 2015). The Human Rights Committee remained concerned about the practice of racial profiling and surveillance by law enforcement officials targeting certain ethnic minorities, notably Muslims (daccess-dds-ny.un.org).
少數族裔處境艱難。美國勞工統計局數據顯示,2015年11月白人失業率為4.3%,非洲裔為9.4%,拉美裔為6.4%。非洲裔失業率是白人失業率的兩倍以上,拉美裔失業率比白人高出近50%。(注64)非洲裔大學生失業率與白人高中生失業率大致相當。(注65)在愛荷華州,33%的非洲裔家庭年收入低于2萬美元,而只有8%的白人家庭低于此數。超過20%的白人家庭年收入超過10萬美元,而只有8%的非洲裔家庭能達到同樣水平。(注66)在紐約無家可歸者收容所的受助者中,約57%是非洲裔,31%是拉美裔,8%是白人。(注67)據美國有線電視新聞網網站2015年2月18日報道,種族之間的收入不平等進一步擴大,白人擁有的財富是非洲裔的12倍,是拉美裔的近11倍,“對于很多非洲裔和拉美裔美國家庭而言,美國夢仍然遙不可及。”(注68)非洲裔美國人達內爾·沃克拍攝的名為《尋求避難》的紀錄片在互聯網上放映后,引起強烈反響。該片記錄了非洲裔美國人的困境。由于警察的野蠻執法等原因,一些非洲裔美國人在美國不再感到安全,希望轉到其他地方定居。針對美國連續發生的警察殺害非洲裔事件,2004年從美國移居法國的作家邁爾斯·馬歇爾·劉易斯在2014年出版了《黑人沒有國家》一書。(注69)Minority races were in a dire situation. According to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rates in November 2015 were 4.3 percent for whites, 9.4 percent for blacks and 6.4 percent for Hispanics. The unemployment rate for blacks more than doubled that for whites, and the figure for Hispanics was 50 percent higher than that for whites (www.bls.gov). The unemployment rate for black college graduates was roughly equal to the rate for white Americans with associate degrees (huffingtonpost.com, December 18, 2015). A third of Iowa's black households earned less than 20,000 U.S. dollars annually, compared with 8 percent of white households. More than one fifth of white households in Iowa earned 100,000 U.S. dollars or more in a year, but only eight percent of black households did (www.usatoday.com, October 31, 2015). Approximately 57 percent of New York City homeless shelter residents were African-American, 31 percent were Latino, 8 percent were white (www.coalitionforthehomeless.org, March 18, 2015). According to a CNN report on February 18, 2015, financial inequality was pervading the country and it was getting worse. Whites had 12 times the wealth of blacks and nearly 10 times more than Hispanics. "The American Dream remains out of reach for many African-American and Hispanic families." (money.cnn.com, February 18, 2015) The documentary Seeking Asylum by African-American Darnell Walker triggered heated responses after debuting online, chronicling the plight of black Americans who no longer felt safe in the United States due to rampant police brutality and were looking to settle elsewhere. Miles Marshall Lewis, who moved to France in 2004 from the United States, published his book "No Country for Black Men" in 2014, a response to the wave of police killings targeting blacks (www.thedailybeast.com, November 11, 2015).

(注46) 美國哥倫比亞廣播公司紐約分支機構網站(newyork.cbslocal.com),2015年5月4日。

(注47) 《華爾街日報》博客網(blogs.wsj.com),2015年12月16日。

(注48) 美國公共宗教研究所網站(publicreligion.org),2015年11月17日。

(注49) people-press 網站(www.people-press.org),2015年8月5日;《華盛頓郵報》網站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年8月5日。

(注50) 美國《大西洋》月刊網站(www.theatlantic.com),2015年11月18日;明尼蘇達州公共廣播電臺新聞網站(www.mprnews.org),2015年11月20日;《赫芬頓郵報》網站(www.huffingtonpost.com),2015年11月24日。

(注51) 美國有線電視新聞網網站(edition.cnn.com),2015年4月29日;英國廣播公司網站(www.bbc.com),2015年5月5日;美國哥倫比亞廣播公司巴爾的摩分支機構網站(baltimore.cbslocal.com),2015年4月27日;《紐約時報》網站(www.nytimes.com),2015年4月27日,4月28日。

(注52) 《華盛頓郵報》網站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年12月24日。

(注53) 美國哥倫比亞廣播公司紐約分支機構網站(newyork.cbslocal.com),2015年5月4日。

(注54) 《今日美國》網站(www.usatoday.com),2015年9月9日。

(注55) 《今日美國》網站(www.usatoday.com),2015年6月18日。

(注56) 美國公共宗教研究所網站(publicreligion.org),2015年5月7日。

(注57) 《紐約客》網站(www.newyorker.com),2015年6月5日。

(注58) 印度《印度快報》網站(indianexpress.com),2015年6月5日。

(注59) 美國哥倫比亞廣播公司網站(www.cbsnews.com),2015年6月17日;英國廣播公司網站(www.bbc.com),2015年6月19日。

(注60) 英國《衛報》網站(www.theguardian.com),2015年11月19日。

(注61) 英國《經濟學人》網站(www.economist.com),2015年12月8日。

(注62) 《華盛頓郵報》網站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年11月17日。

(注63) 聯合國報告A/70/255,見daccess-dds-ny.un.org。

(注64) 美國勞工統計局2015年12月4日報告,見www.bls.gov。

(注65) 《赫芬頓郵報》網站(huffingtonpost.com),2015年12月18日。

(注66) 《今日美國》網站(www.usatoday.com),2015年10月31日。

(注67) 無家可歸者聯盟網站(www.coalitionforthehomeless.org),2015年3月18日。

(注68) 美國有線電視新聞網網站(money.cnn.com),2015年2月18日。

(注69) thedailybeast網站(www.thedailybeast.com),2015年11月11日。

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