

Full text: Xi's speech at the National University of Singapore

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11月7日,中國國家主席習近平在新加坡國立大學發表題為《深化合作伙伴關系 共建亞洲美好家園》的演講。[新華社 蘭紅光 攝]
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the National University of Singapore in Singapore, Nov. 7, 2015. [Lan Hongguang/Xinhua]
當地時間11月7日,國家主席習近平在新加坡國立大學發表題為《深化合作伙伴關系共建亞洲美好家園》的重要演講。演講全文如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the National University of Singapore in Singapore on Nov. 7, 2015. Following is the full text:

中華人民共和國主席 習近平

Forging a Strong Partnership to Enhance Prosperity of Asia
-- Speech at the National University of Singapore
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China
7 November 2015


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong,
Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean,
NUS President Mr. Tan Chorh Chuan,
Professor Wang Gungwu,
Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,

大家好!很高興來到新加坡國立大學,并利用“新加坡講座”這個平臺,同各位同學和各界朋友見面。今年是中新建交25周年,我很榮幸應陳慶炎總統邀請,對有著“花園國家”美譽的新加坡進行國事訪問。Good morning! I am delighted to come to the National University of Singapore and talk to you as a guest speaker of Singapore Lecture. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Singapore, and it gives me great pleasure to pay a state visit to the garden state of Singapore at the invitation of President Tan Keng Yam.
新加坡國立大學擁有110年悠久歷史,是亞洲乃至世界知名高校。李光耀先生、陳慶炎總統、納丹先生、吳作棟先生等新加坡領導人都是國大校友??梢哉f,這里桃李芬芳、人才輩出。貴校倡導“人才不設墻”、“觀念不設墻”、“思維不設墻”、“知識不設墻”的“無墻文化”,體現了新加坡創新進取和開放包容精神。這是貴校乃至貴國成功的一個重要原因。With a history of 110 years, the National University of Singapore is renowned both in Asia and internationally. Many Singaporean leaders such as Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, President Tan Keng Yam, Mr. S. R. Nathan and Mr. Goh Chok Tong, graduated from NUS. Indeed, NUS has produced a galaxy of talents and outstanding public leaders for Singapore. NUS champions the vision that there should be no walls around minds, no walls to ideas, no walls to talent and no walls between discovery. Such a no-walls culture embodies the creative, enterprising, open and inclusive spirit of Singapore, an important factor contributing to the success of NUS and Singapore.
今年是新加坡建國50周年。半個世紀以來,新加坡人民篳路藍縷、發憤圖強,憑借勤勞智慧把新加坡建設成了亞洲最發達的國家之一,成為世界上重要的經濟金融中心、航運中心、煉化中心,國家發展取得了舉世矚目的成就。新加坡取得的成就生動詮釋了“靠人糧滿倉,靠天空米缸”的道理。我們對新加坡人民的成功表示衷心祝賀。This year marks the 50th anniversary of the independence of Singapore. In the last 50 years, the hard-working and visionary people of Singapore have endured hardships and succeeded in building Singapore into one of the most advanced countries in Asia and a leading international economic, financial, shipping, and refining and petrochemicals center. Its achievements in national development are widely recognized. As the saying goes, when people only rely on heaven, their rice jars will be empty, but when people make efforts, their barn will be full of grain. This saying vividly reflects the spirit of Singapore, and we would like to express our sincere congratulations to the Singaporean people on their success.
老師們、同學們、女士們、先生們!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,
中國和新加坡是一衣帶水的友好鄰邦,友好交往源遠流長。15世紀初,中國著名航海家鄭和揚帆遠航,多次到訪新加坡。新加坡海事博物館里有一艘按原尺寸復制的鄭和寶船,以紀念這一偉大事件。明末清初,許多來自中國廣東、福建的民眾漂洋過海到南洋謀生,帶來了中華文化和技術,也播下了中新友好的種子。China and Singapore are friendly neighbors across the sea with a long history of amicable exchanges. In the early 15th century, China's great navigator, Zheng He, called Singapore several times on his ocean voyages. A full size replica of the treasure boat of Zheng He is on display in the maritime museum of Singapore to honor this historic event. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, many people from China's Guangdong and Fujian provinces migrated to Southeast Asia, bringing with them Chinese culture and skills, and sowing the seeds of China-Singapore friendship.
1978年,鄧小平先生訪問新加坡,拉開了新時期中新友好合作的序幕。當時的中國正在開拓改革開放和社會主義現代化建設的新路,積極探索中國特色社會主義道路。在李光耀先生帶領下,新加坡兼具東方價值觀和國際視野,走出了一條符合新加坡國情的發展道路。在目睹新加坡創造的經濟成就后,鄧小平先生表示,中國要向新加坡學習。新加坡的實踐為中國破解改革發展中的一些難題提供了寶貴借鑒,中國發展也為新加坡帶來了巨大發展機遇。In 1978, Mr. Deng Xiaoping visited Singapore, opening the friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries in the new era. At that time, China was embarking on a path of reform, opening up and socialist modernization and exploring the building of socialism with distinctive Chinese features. Here in your country, under the leadership of Mr. Lee Kwan Yew, Singapore succeeded in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions by combining the Eastern values with an international vision. After seeing first-hand Singapore's economic achievements, Mr. Deng Xiaoping said that China needs to learn from Singapore. China has drawn on the Singaporean practices in addressing tough challenges encountered in its reform and development endeavors. On its part, China's development has also created tremendous opportunities for Singapore's development.
現在,中新兩國政治互信不斷加深,務實合作深入拓展。蘇州工業園區、天津生態城兩個政府間合作項目成功推進,以現代互聯互通和現代服務經濟為主題的第三個政府間合作項目即將在中國重慶落戶。中國是新加坡最大貿易伙伴,新加坡是中國最大投資來源國和重要投資目的地。兩國金融合作方興未艾,新加坡已經成為重要的人民幣離岸交易中心之一。雙方在科技環保、教育人文、社會治理等領域合作成果豐碩。中新關系25年來的發展,緊密契合兩國發展戰略,契合中國發展方向和新加坡獨特優勢,走出了一條與時俱進的合作之路。Today, there are increasing political mutual trust and deepening practical cooperation between the two countries. The Suzhou Industrial Park and the Tianjin Eco City, two cooperation projects launched by the Chinese and Singaporean governments, have achieved full success. The third China-Singapore government-to-government cooperation project, with focus on connectivity and a service economy, will soon be launched in Chongqing, China. China is now Singapore's biggest trading partner, and Singapore is the biggest source of foreign investment and an important investment destination for China. The financial cooperation between the two countries is booming, with Singapore being one of the key Renminbi offshore trading centers. In addition, cooperation in science and technology, environmental protection, education, people-to-people exchanges, and social governance has delivered fruitful outcomes. The 25 years of growth in China-Singapore relations has closely aligned the development strategies of the two countries as well as China's development goal and Singapore's unique strengths, thus creating a new way of cooperation that is in keeping with the times.
在中新建交25周年之際,我們一致同意將中國和新加坡關系定位確定為與時俱進的全方位合作伙伴關系。我相信,在中新兩國人民共同努力下,中新關系必將迎來新的更大的發展。On this occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Singapore have agreed to turn our relations into an all-round cooperative partnership progressing with the times. I am confident that with the concerted efforts of our two peoples, China-Singapore relationship will surely make new and even greater progress.
老師們、同學們、女士們、先生們!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,
中國和東南亞山水相連,血脈相通,有文字可考的交往史長達2000多年。中華文明和東南亞文明千年互鑒共生。中國自古講求和而不同、敦親睦鄰,同東南亞文化深度契合。中華文化追求的仁愛尚德、謙恭自省、敏而好學、止于至善,《三國演義》、《水滸傳》等中國文學作品中人物具備的忠義品質,也是東南亞人民所推崇的。東南亞的飲食、音樂、建筑、繪畫等也影響了中國民俗。China and many Southeast Asian countries are connected by mountains and rivers, and China shares close cultural bonds with all countries in Southeast Asia. We have a recorded history of interaction of more than 2,000 years. The Chinese and Southeast Asian civilizations have grown together through mutual enrichment over the millennia. Since the ancient times, we Chinese have valued harmony in diversity and good-neighborliness, which have much in common with the values of the people of Southeast Asia. The Chinese culture cherishes such values as benevolence, virtue, modesty, self-reflection, learning, and pursuit of excellence. In many Chinese literary classics such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and All Men Are Brothers, the protagonists are both loyal and righteous, and these are the qualities that are admired by the Southeast Asian people as well. Similarly, the cuisine, music, architecture, painting and religions of Southeast Asia have also influenced the Chinese culture.
近代以來,中國和東南亞國家在國家獨立和民族解放的進程中彼此激勵、相互支持,在經濟社會發展的歷程中相互啟迪、通力合作,在應對亞洲金融危機、國際金融危機和抗擊印度洋海嘯、中國汶川特大地震中守望相助、和衷共濟。時至今日,中國正同東南亞國家一道,書寫著自身發展的歷史新篇章。In modern times, China and Southeast Asian countries encouraged and supported each other in the cause of independence and liberation, and we have inspired and worked with each other in economic and social development. We assisted each other in overcoming the Asian financial crisis, the international financial crisis, the Indian Ocean tsunami and the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, China. Today, China and Southeast Asian countries are making new progress in our respective development endeavors.
上世紀60年代起,東南亞國家創建東盟,走上了聯合自強之路,并在近半個世紀中風雨兼程,實現了從動蕩貧弱到穩定發展的跨越,成為地區和國際舞臺上維護和平、促進發展、深化合作的一支重要力量。東盟在自身發展和對外交往中,形成了獨具特色的“東盟方式”,強調相互尊重、協商一致、照顧各方舒適度,為地區國家發展關系、深化合作、推進一體化提供了有益借鑒。今年年底,東盟即將建成共同體,這是亞洲地區第一個次區域共同體。中國將堅定發展同東盟的友好合作,堅定支持東盟發展壯大,堅定支持東盟共同體建設,堅定支持東盟在東亞區域合作中發揮主導作用。The Southeast Asian countries established the ASEAN in the 1960s in an effort to enhance development through unity. For nearly half a century, the Southeast Asian countries have addressed instability and underdevelopment and achieved stability and development, becoming an important force of peace, development and cooperation in regional and international arena. ASEAN has developed a distinctive ASEAN approach to both its own development and external affairs featuring mutual respect, consensus building and accommodating the comfort level of all parties. This has served the countries in the region well in their efforts to develop their relations, deepen cooperation and enhance integration. By the end of this year, the building of the ASEAN Community is expected to be completed, which will be the very first sub-regional community in Asia. China is committed to developing friendly relations and cooperation with ASEAN. We support ASEAN's development and growth, its community building endeavor as well as ASEAN centrality in East Asia regional cooperation.
老師們、同學們、女士們、先生們!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,
中國始終將周邊置于外交全局的首要位置,視促進周邊和平、穩定、發展為己任。中國推動全球治理體系朝著更加公正合理方向發展,推動國際關系民主化,推動建立以合作共贏為核心的新型國際關系,推動建設人類命運共同體,都是從周邊先行起步。China's neighborhood occupies a top priority on its diplomatic agenda, and China has the unshirkable responsibility to ensure peace, stability and development in its neighborhood. China is dedicated to promoting a more just and equitable global governance system, enhancing democracy in international relations as well as the building of a new type of international relations based on win-win cooperation and a community of shared future for mankind. Efforts to reach this goal should naturally start in its neighborhood.
中國堅持與鄰為善、以鄰為伴,堅持奉行睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰的周邊外交政策,堅持踐行親誠惠容的周邊外交理念,堅持共同、綜合、合作、可持續的亞洲安全觀,致力于構建更為緊密的中國-東盟命運共同體,推動建設亞洲命運共同體。China is committed to pursuing partnership with its neighbors and a neighborhood diplomacy of amity, sincerity, mutual-benefit and inclusiveness and fostering a harmonious, secure and prosperous neighborhood. China champions a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia. China endeavors to build a close community of shared future with ASEAN, and a community of shared future with all countries in Asia.
和平發展思想是中華文化的內在基因,講信修睦、協和萬邦是中國周邊外交的基本內涵。近代以來,外敵入侵、內部戰亂曾給中國人民帶來巨大災難。中國人民深知和平的寶貴,絕不會放棄維護和平的決心和愿望,絕不會把自身曾經遭遇的苦難強加于他人。中國繁榮昌盛是趨勢所在,但國強必霸不是歷史定律。中國自古倡導“強不執弱,富不侮貧”,深知“國雖大,好戰必亡”的道理。一些人渲染“中國威脅論”,這或者是對中國歷史文化和現實政策不了解,或者是出于一種誤解和偏見,或者是有著某種不可告人的目的。中國堅持走和平發展道路,堅持獨立自主的和平外交政策,不是權宜之計,而是我們的戰略選擇和鄭重承諾。The belief in peaceful development is deeply rooted in the Chinese mind, and the vision of harmony and peaceful co-existence underpins China's neighborhood diplomacy. The Chinese people, having suffered so much from foreign aggression and internal turmoil in modern times, cherish peace. We will never waver in our determination to uphold peace, and we will never want to see others suffer what happened to us. China is now on the road to development and prosperity, but we reject the logic that a country which grows strong is bound to pursue hegemony. What we in China believe, starting with our forefathers, is that the strong and rich should not bully the weak and poor. And we see great truth in the saying that "a warlike country, however big it might be, is bound to perish." Some people are fanning up the so-called China threat. They may do so out of ignorance about China's past and present as well as its culture and policies, or they may do so out of misunderstanding of and bias against China. Some may even have some kind of hidden agenda in doing so. Let me be clear: China is committed to peaceful development and pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. This is not an expediency. It is a strategic decision made by China as well as a solemn pledge it has made to the world.
近代以來,中國經歷了長達一個多世紀的積貧積弱、風雨飄搖的年代,我們比誰都懂得發展的重要、穩定的可貴。中國的發展進程得到周邊國家幫助和支持,中國發展成果也為周邊國家所分享。中國愿意把自身發展同周邊國家發展更緊密地結合起來,歡迎周邊國家搭乘中國發展“快車”、“便車”,讓中國發展成果更多惠及周邊,讓大家一起過上好日子。Having gone through poverty and turmoil for over a century, China knows full well the importance of development and stability. China has received support from its neighbors in its development endeavors, and China's development, in turn, has benefitted its neighbors. China hopes that its own development and that of its neighbors will complement each other, and China welcomes its neighbors to board the fast train of China's development so that they can share more from China's development.
兩年前,我在訪問中亞和東南亞時,提出建設“一帶一路”的設想。這是發展的倡議、合作的倡議、開放的倡議,強調的是共商、共建、共享的平等互利方式。目前,這個倡議已經形成勢頭。中國發布了愿景與行動的綱領性文件,60多個國家和國際組織表達積極參與的態度,中國同很多國家達成了合作協議,亞洲基礎設施投資銀行協定已經簽署,絲路基金已經著手實施具體項目,一批多邊或雙邊大項目合作正穩步推進。“一帶一路”倡議的首要合作伙伴是周邊國家,首要受益對象也是周邊國家。我們歡迎周邊國家參與到合作中來,共同推進“一帶一路”建設,攜手實現和平、發展、合作的愿景。Two years ago, during my visit to Central Asia and Southeast Asia, I put forward the initiative of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Belt and Road Initiative, as it is now called, is about openness, development and cooperation, and it calls for pursuing joint development and sharing benefits on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The initiative has gained momentum. China has released the Vision and Actions of the "Belt and Road", a comprehensive document about the Initiative. Over 60 countries and international organizations have expressed interest to become part of the Initiative, and China has reached cooperation agreements with many of them. The Articles of Agreement of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been signed, the Silk Road Fund has started implementing specific projects. And a number of major multilateral and bilateral projects are well underway. The main partners of the Belt and Road Initiative are China's neighbors, and they will be the first to benefit from it. China welcomes its neighbors to get involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. Together, we can surely translate the vision of peace, development and win-win cooperation into reality.
老師們、同學們、女士們、先生們!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,
時代潮流,浩浩蕩蕩。當前,中國同周邊國家關系站在了新的歷史起點上。亞洲是世界經濟發展高地,宏觀經濟基本面穩定向好,同時受內外因素影響,承受了較大下行壓力。亞洲政通人和、社會穩定,是全球格局中的穩定板塊,同時安全問題十分復雜,恐怖主義、極端主義、跨國犯罪、網絡安全、重大自然災害等非傳統安全挑戰增多。亞洲絕大多數國家的政策取向是通過協商談判處理矛盾分歧,同時一些國家互信不足、時有紛爭。亞洲國家相互依存日益加深,地區一體化進程不斷加速,同時區域合作路徑不一,安全合作長期滯后于經濟合作。這些問題都需要我們共同應對和破解。The tide of history moves on and we must follow it. We have now reached a new historical starting point to grow China's relations with its neighbors. The fundamentals of Asia's economy are sound, and Asia remains an engine driving world economic growth. On the other hand, the Asian economy also faces significant downward pressure caused by both internal and external factors. Asia's political and social stability contributes to global stability. Yet, the region also faces a host of intricate security issues, particularly the rising non-traditional challenges such as terrorism, extremism, cross-border crimes, cyber security and major natural disasters. In response, most Asian countries have sought to settle differences through consultation and negotiation. But lack of mutual trust has given rise to disputes from time to time. The Asian countries are more interconnected than ever before thanks to the accelerated process of regional integration, but they may take different approaches to regional cooperation and security cooperation in the region is out of step with economic cooperation. All these are challenges that we should meet.
我一直在思考新形勢下中國同包括東南亞在內的周邊國家深化合作、共謀發展的大計,愿在此提出一些想法和主張。I have been thinking about how China's cooperation with the Southeastern Asian countries and its other neighbors can be deepened under the new circumstances to boost our common development. And the following is what I believe we should do together:
——共同維護和平安寧。維護亞洲和平是中國同周邊國家的歷史責任和共同擔當。亞洲各國人民要永不為敵、增進互信,共同守護亞洲和平安寧,為亞洲各國發展和人民安居樂業創造良好條件。-- We should work together to uphold peace and stability. Upholding peace in Asia is the shared historical responsibility of both China and its neighbors. We Asians should never allow animosity to divide us. We should increase mutual trust, work together to uphold peace and stability in Asia and foster a sound environment that enables us to achieve development and prosperity.
——深入對接發展戰略。亞洲各國人民要聚精會神推動發展、改善民生,互幫互助,從各自發展戰略中發掘新的合作動力,規劃新的合作愿景,鎖定新的合作成果,做大互利合作的“蛋糕”,為彼此經濟增長提供更多動能。-- We should form synergy between our respective development strategies. We Asian countries should give priority to development to make life better for our peoples. We should tap into our respective development strategies and engage in mutual assistance to create new drivers of cooperation. We should draw up new cooperation plans and lock in new outcomes such mutually beneficial cooperation delivers. As the pie of cooperation grows bigger, it will lend more momentum to growth in our respective countries.
——積極開展安全合作?!皢谓z不線,孤掌難鳴?!眮喼薷鲊嗣褚`行亞洲安全觀,協調推進地區安全治理,共同擔當和應對傳統和非傳統安全問題,堅持以和平方式通過友好協商解決矛盾分歧,堅持發展和安全并重,共謀互尊互信、聚同化異、開放包容、合作共贏的鄰國相處之道。-- We should actively pursue security cooperation. As a Chinese saying goes, a single line of silk doesn't make a thread, and one hand cannot clap. We Asian countries should foster a vision of security suited to Asia and take a holistic approach to handling security issues in the region. We should jointly address both traditional and non-traditional security issues. We should stay committed to peaceful settlement of differences and disputes through friendly consultation, and we should give equal emphasis to both development and security. Together, we can achieve open, inclusive and win-win cooperation among neighbors that is based on mutual respect and mutual trust, and achieved by expanding common ground and narrowing differences.
——不斷鞏固人緣相親。亞洲各國人民要從悠久的歷史文明中汲取養分,凝聚對亞洲價值的集體認同,拓展人文交流合作,夯實睦鄰友好的社會民意基礎,把“和”、“合”的傳統理念付諸彼此相處之道,把修睦合作的薪火世代傳承下去。-- We should strengthen the close bonds among our peoples. Asia is home to time-honored civilizations which have nurtured the collective Asian values and an Asian identity. We should draw on this valuable asset and encourage people-to-people exchanges to strengthen the popular support for good neighborly relations. The traditional Asian value of peace and harmony should continue to guide our exchanges. By doing so, we can ensure long-term harmony and cooperation among the Asian countries.

I know that people have been closely following China's policy on the South China Sea. Let me make this clear: The South China Sea islands have been China's territory since ancient times. It is the bounden duty of the Chinese government to uphold China's territorial sovereignty and legitimate maritime rights and interests. The starting point and ultimate purpose of China's policy toward the South China Sea is to maintain peace and stability there.

Thanks to the joint efforts of China and other littoral states, the situation in the South China Sea is generally peaceful. There has never been any problem with the freedom of navigation and overflight; nor will there ever be any in the future, for China needs unimpeded commerce through these waters more than anyone else.

Although some of the islands over which China has sovereignty have been occupied by others, we have all along advocated a resolution of these issues through peaceful negotiation. China will continue to seek resolution of the disputes through negotiation and consultation with countries directly involved on the basis of respecting historical facts and in accordance with the international law. China has every capacity and confidence to work with ASEAN countries to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

We welcome non-Asian countries to make a positive contribution to peace and development in Asia. At present, the most important task facing all Asian governments is to ensure robust and sustained development, which requires a peaceful and stable environment. This is the biggest common interest of Asian countries. Non-Asian countries should understand and respect this and play a constructive role.

老師們、同學們、女士們、先生們!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,
大家關心中國的發展走向。中共十八屆五中全會剛剛閉幕,會議審議通過了關于制定國民經濟和社會發展第十三個五年規劃的建議,描繪了中國未來5年發展藍圖。按照我們的規劃,到2020年,中國將全面建成小康社會,國內生產總值和城鄉居民人均收入比2010年翻一番,實現我們確定的“兩個一百年”奮斗目標的第一個百年奮斗目標。I understand you are quite interested in China's future development. The Communist Party of China has just concluded the fifth Plenum of its 18th Central Committee. This plenum adopted a proposal for the 13th Five-Year Plan for national economic and social development, which is a blueprint for China's development in the next five years. Our goal is to finish the building of a society of initial prosperity in all respects and double China's 2010 GDP and per capita income for urban and rural residents by 2020. This is the first of our two centenary goals.
——為了實現這個目標,我們將堅持全面建成小康社會、全面深化改革、全面依法治國、全面從嚴治黨的戰略布局,堅持發展是第一要務,以提高發展質量和效益為中心,加快形成引領經濟發展新常態的體制機制和發展方式,保持戰略定力,堅持穩中求進,統籌推進經濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會建設、生態文明建設和黨的建設。To achieve this goal, we will pursue a four-pronged strategy of deepening reform, advancing law-based governance and improving Party conduct in an all-round way with the goal of finishing building a society of initial prosperity in all respects. We will pursue development as a top priority, with emphasis on its quality and efficiency. We will accelerate efforts to put in place systems, institutions and development models that boost economic development under new conditions. We will maintain strategic resolve, pursue progress while ensuring stability, and promote coordinated development of China's economy, political system, the cultural sector, society, the environment and the Party.

To achieve this goal, we will follow the principles of innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development.

To pursue innovative development is to place innovation at the core of our national development endeavor and enable it to underpin all endeavors of the country and become a trend in the country.

Coordinated development requires us to promote balanced development between urban and rural areas and between economic and social development, and ensure balanced progress in promoting a new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization. It also means strengthening China's soft power as well as hard power and overall national development.

To achieve green development, we will follow the basic state policy of resource conservation and environmental protection, pursue sustainable development, and promote modernization in a new way that enhances harmony between human development and the preservation of nature. By doing so, we will contribute more to global ecological security.

Open development demonstrates China's commitment to pursue the win-win strategy of opening-up, develop a high standard open economy, take an active part in global economic governance and the provision of public goods, and build a community of extensive common interests.

Inclusive development means development for the people, by the people and its fruits shared by the people. It means we must work hard to make all of our people benefit more from such development and eventually achieve common prosperity.

——為了實現這個目標,中國要加強同世界各國特別是周邊鄰國的合作。同樣,中國發展也將為世界特別是周邊國家帶來更多發展機遇。我們愿意也期待同各國分享發展機遇,共創亞洲美好未來。To achieve this goal, China will increase cooperation with all other countries, especially its neighbors, and China's development will bring greater opportunities for the world, particularly its neighbors. We are ready to share these development opportunities with other countries in Asia and work with them to create a better future for Asia.
老師們、同學們、女士們、先生們!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,
歲月如梭,光陰荏苒。回顧中新關系發展歷程,我們倍加懷念締造中新關系的兩位偉人,鄧小平先生、李光耀先生。5年前我訪問新加坡時,同李光耀先生一起在新加坡河畔為鄧小平先生紀念碑揭幕。如今斯人已逝,他們的豐功偉績永遠值得我們緬懷。How time flies! As we look back on the history of China-Singapore relations, we cherish all the more the memory of two great statesmen who forged this relationship, Mr. Deng Xiaoping and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Five years ago on another visit to Singapore, I joined Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in unveiling a commemorative marker in honor of Mr. Deng Xiaoping on the bank of the Singapore River. Even though both of them are no longer with us, their great achievements will always be remembered by us.
青年代表著希望、代表著未來。令人欣慰的是,中新老一輩領導人精心培育的中新友好合作之樹如今已經枝繁葉茂、碩果累累。中新友好合作事業需要青年一代傳承發揚,兩國友誼的接力棒需要兩國年輕一代接過來、跑下去。今年7月,幾名新加坡“90后”大學生參加了2015“看中國·外國青年影像計劃”,他們來到中國西北,用鏡頭記錄現代中國,通過秦腔、蘭州牛肉面、羊皮筏子等元素了解和傳遞中華文化。從中國來到新加坡國立大學深造的兩名大學生則用一年時間拍攝了50個新加坡當地人物的夢想故事。相信在座的同學們身邊還有很多這樣的事例。The youth represent hope and the future. I am glad to see that the saplings of friendship and cooperation between China and Singapore so carefully nurtured by past generations of leaders of the two countries have grown into luxuriant trees laden with fruits. The baton of China-Singapore friendship needs to be passed on to you, the younger generation of the two countries, and it is you who will carry forward this friendship. Last July, several Singaporean college students in their early 20s joined a "Looking China" program to learn about China through taking photographs, a program that took them to Northwest China. There, they captured images of modern China through camera lens and experienced and shared the Chinese culture with others by watching the local Qinqiang Opera, eating Lanzhou hand-pulled noodle and taking a river trip on sheepskin rafts. Two Chinese students studying at the National University of Singapore spent an entire year filming the personal stories and dreams of 50 Singaporeans. I am sure you know many similar anecdotes of such people-to-people exchanges.
希望中新兩國青年發揚“不患人之不己知,患不知人也”的精神,加深對彼此國家歷史文化的了解,加深對彼此人生追求的了解,互學互鑒,增進友誼,共當中新友誼的忠實繼承者、積極參與者、熱心奉獻者,成為中新關系發展的生力軍。As a Chinese saying goes, instead of complaining that one's talents go unrecognized, one should learn to appreciate the wisdom of others. I hope the young people in both China and Singapore will learn more about the history and culture of both countries as well as each other's personal aspirations. Learn from each other, deepen your friendship, carry forward China-Singapore friendship, and be a new force driving the growth of China-Singapore relations. This is my hope for you.
老師們、同學們、女士們、先生們!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,
展望未來,亞洲再次站到了引領歷史發展的前列。我們生于斯、長于斯,前途命運維系于斯。中國愿同新加坡一道,愿同周邊國家一道,愿同世界各國一道,攜手開創全方位合作新局面,共建亞洲美好家園。Looking ahead, I believe that Asia is once again taking the lead in promoting the development of history. Asia is our homeland, and is where our future lies. China stands ready to work with Singapore and other neighbors as well as all the other countries in the world to usher in a new era of all-round cooperation and turn Asia into our beautiful homeland.
謝謝各位。Thank you!


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