六、婦女與環境 | VI. Women and the Environment |
中國重視營造促進性別平等的社會文化環境,創造健康安全的自然環境,倡導平等和諧的文明家風,為婦女的生存發展創造良好條件。婦女在社會文化培育、生態環境保護和家庭建設中的獨特作用日益凸顯。 | China attaches great importance to creating a social and cultural environment conducive to boosting gender equality; through building a healthy and safe natural environment and fostering equal and harmonious family traditions, sound conditions have been created for women's development. Women are playing an increasingly prominent unique role in the fostering of social culture, protection of the ecological environment and family management. |
營造尊重婦女和兩性平等發展的社會環境。各級黨政部門、婦聯組織及其他社會組織通過宣傳倡導、教育培訓、座談研討等多種形式,全方位、多渠道宣傳男女平等基本國策,提升全社會性別平等意識。各級黨政領導帶頭宣講國策,發表署名文章,作專題報告,表明促進性別平等的意愿和行動。制定促進兩性和諧發展的文化和傳媒政策,禁止性別歧視。加強對傳媒的正面引導和管理,培訓媒體從業者,增強性別平等意識。完善傳媒監管機制,監督新聞媒體和廣告經營者嚴格自律,禁止在媒體中出現貶抑、否定婦女獨立人格的歧視現象。大力宣傳婦女在經濟社會發展中的積極貢獻。婦女在媒體領域發揮了重要作用,截至2014年底,持有新聞記者證的女性采編人員比例為44.1%。 | Creating a social environment in which women are respected and gender equality is upheld. The Party and government departments, women's federations and other social organizations at various levels promote the basic national policy of gender equality through various means, such as publicity campaigns, training courses and seminars. Leading Party and government officials at various levels have taken the lead in writing and publishing articles and making speeches to promote gender equality. China has developed cultural and media policies aimed to boost harmonious development between men and women and prohibit gender discrimination. The state has enhanced guidance and management of the media and has trained media workers to enhance their awareness of gender equality. China has improved supervision to ensure news media and advertising agents exercise strict self-discipline and avoid any discrimination against women in the media by depreciating or denying their independent personality. China has vigorously publicized the positive contribution made by women to economic and social development. Women are playing an important role in the media. By the end of 2014, female journalists and editors had made up 44.1 percent of qualified staff in this area. |
婦女的精神文化生活日益豐富。公共文化服務體系建設注重面向婦女群體,滿足婦女的精神文化需求。全國范圍內免費開放博物館、美術館、公共圖書館、文化館和文化站等文化場所,不斷發展數字圖書館,婦女的文化生活資源更加豐富。大力推動信息通信技術發展,為婦女文化交流與創新提供了新平臺,截至2014年12月,中國女性網民共有2.83億,占網民總數的43.6%。婦女休閑方式和內容更加多元。開展“億萬婦女健身活動”,婦女健身活動規模不斷擴大。最新一期中國婦女社會地位調查顯示,有55.2%的女性主動參加體育鍛煉。 | Women's cultural life is being enriched. Public cultural services target women with the intention of satisfying their cultural demands. Museums, galleries, libraries and cultural centers nationwide are open to the public for free, and digital libraries are being developed, thus increasing women's access to culture. Major efforts have been made to boost the development of information technology, providing women with new platforms for cultural communication and innovation. By December 2014, Chinese women netizens numbered 283 million, accounting for 43.6 percent of the total netizens. Women have ever-increasing leisure opportunities. Fitness campaigns have been directed at hundreds of millions of women, and such activities are still gaining momentum. According to a recent survey of Chinese women' s social status, 55.2 percent of women are taking an active part in physical exercises. |
婦女生活環境得到明顯改善。《中國婦女發展綱要(2011-2020年)》提出改水改廁等與婦女生產生活密切相關的主要目標。目前,全國農村衛生廁所普及率由2000年的40.3%提高到2013年的74.1%,農村改水受益人數累計達9億,改水累計受益率達95.6%,農村自來水普及率由2000年的55.2%提高到2013年的76.4%,改善了婦女生產生活環境,減輕了生產生活負擔。重視發揮婦女在生態文明建設中的作用。更多婦女進入環保領域,為保護生態環境、應對氣候變化、維護能源資源安全作出了積極貢獻。全國人大環境與資源保護委員會的女委員、各級政府分管環境的女市長和女環保局長人數不斷增加。截至2014年底,環境保護部機關女干部比例為31.2%。倡導婦女參與節能減排,踐行低碳生活。婦女積極參與環境保護,以女性為主導的環保組織日益增多。 | The everyday environment for women is being markedly improved. The Program for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020) set goals for improving water supply services and toilets that have a positive impact on women' s daily and working life. Access to sanitary toilets in rural areas increased from 40.3 percent in 2000 to 74.1 percent in 2013. Improved water supply in rural areas has benefitted a total of 900 million people, with accumulative benefit rate of 95.6 percent. Access to tap water in rural areas increased from 55.2 percent in 2000 to 76.4 percent in 2013. All these changes have helped improve the living environment of women and reduced their daily burden. China sets store by highlighting the role of women in building a conservation culture. More and more women are involved in environmental protection, making their contribution to protecting the ecological environment, addressing climate change and maintaining energy and resource security. The number of female members in the NPC Environment Protection and Resources Conservation Committee, female mayors in charge of environmental protection and female heads of environmental protection bureaus has kept increasing. By the end of 2014, female officials working at the Ministry of Environmental Protection accounted for 31.2 percent of the total. Women are encouraged to participate in energy conservation and emission reduction efforts, and to adopt low-carbon lifestyle. Women take part in environmental protection with enthusiasm, and environmental protection organizations with women playing a dominant role are on the rise. |
營造和諧、平等的家庭環境。國家人口發展“十二五”規劃將促進性別平等、家庭和諧、倡導婚姻自由平等作為主要任務,促進家庭成員的平等發展。一些地方法規對女職工產假、男職工護理假及津貼作出明確規定,支持男女平衡工作與家庭、夫妻共擔家庭責任。探索開展婦女與婚姻家庭社會工作,完善婦女社會支持系統。實施“關愛女孩行動”,改變傳統男孩偏好的文化習俗。建立健全社會養老服務體系,老年婦女的生活條件得到改善,生活質量不斷提高,貧困、喪偶和獨居老年婦女得到特殊關照。積極開展“五好文明家庭”和“尋找最美家庭”等家庭文化建設活動,宣傳倡導文明家風。20年來,婚姻家庭中的性別平等狀況明顯改善。最新一期中國婦女社會地位調查顯示,夫妻共同決策家庭事務成為趨勢,70%以上的婦女參與家庭重大事務決策。越來越多的婦女能夠平等分享家庭資源,男女共同分擔家務的觀念得到更多認同,兩性家務勞動時間差距由10年前的150分鐘縮短到74分鐘。 | Building a harmonious and equal family environment. The 12th five-year plan for population development takes gender equality, family harmony and freedom and equality in marriage as its major goals. Some local regulations contain explicit provisions on maternity leave for female employees and nursing leave and subsidies for male employees, to support husbands and wives in balancing work and family and jointly sharing family responsibilities. China has conducted social studies of the relationship between women, marriage and family to improve the social support system for women. It has initiated "Care for Girls Action" to challenge the tradition of favoring boys. China has set up and improved systems of services for the elderly to ensure that elderly women' s living conditions and quality of life are improved, and that impoverished, widowed and elderly women living alone are given special care. China actively launches campaigns to find "Model Family" and "The Most Harmonious Family" to foster the best family traditions. Over the past 20 years, a marked improvement has been seen in gender equality in marriages and families. The recent survey of Chinese women's social status shows that it has become the norm for husbands and wives to make family decisions jointly, and that more than 70 percent of women have taken part in making major family decisions. More and more women can share family resources on an equal basis with men, and the concept of men and women sharing housework is now accepted, with the housework time gap between men and women shortened from 150 minutes 10 years ago to 74 minutes now. |
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