七月是門源最美的季節,整個門源盆地在高原深藍的天空下,一望無際的油菜花海(亦稱黃花),景色極為壯觀,吸引了眾多游客到此觀賞。今年門源縣在百里花海植株了“愛你一萬年”大地藝術景觀,借花海魅力,打造出一個獨特的浪漫品牌。[中國網 李京榮 攝]
The rapeseed flowers appear especially magnificent in Menyuan Hui Autonomous County, Qinghai Province, in July when visitors feel overwhelmed by the vast areas of beautiful and fascinating flowers. The local government designed and introduced a unique landscape for tourists -- "Love You Ten Thousand Years" -- “愛你一萬年, ” pictured here (which means "Love You Ten Thousand Years") -- five huge artistic characters in the fields made up of rapeseed flowers and green highland barley. [Photo by Li Jingrong/China.org.cn]