國務院新聞辦公室6月26日發表《2014年美國的人權紀錄》,回應美國政府發布的“國別人權報告”。全文如下: | The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a report titled "Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014" on Friday. Following is the report's full text: |
2014年美國的人權紀錄 中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室 2015年6月 | Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014 State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China |
目 錄 | Contents |
導 言 | Foreword |
一、關于公民權利 | I. On Civil Rights |
二、關于政治權利 | II. On Political Rights |
三、關于經濟和社會權利 | III. On Economic and Social Rights |
四、關于種族歧視 | IV. On Racial Discrimination |
五、關于婦女和兒童權利 | V. On Women and Children's Rights |
六、關于侵犯他國人權 | VI. On Violations of Human Rights in Other Countries |
導 言 | Foreword |
美國國務院于當地時間6月25日再次發布“國別人權報告”,對世界許多國家人權狀況評頭論足,而偏偏對自己糟糕的人權紀錄,毫無反省改進之意。大量事實證明,2014年,以“人權衛士”自居的美國,舊有人權問題未見改善,新的人權問題不斷出現,自身人權狀況更加堪憂,侵犯他國人權更加肆無忌憚,在國際人權場合被亮更多“紅牌”。 | On June 25 local time, the State Department of the United States released its country reports on human rights practices once again, making comments on the human rights situations in many countries while showing not a bit of regret for or intention to improve its own terrible human rights record. Plenty of facts show that, in 2014, the U.S., a self-proclaimed human rights defender, saw no improvements in its existent human rights issues, but reported numerous new problems. While its own human rights situation was increasingly grave, the U.S. violated human rights in other countries in a more brazen manner, and was given more "red cards" in the international human rights field. |
美國槍支泛濫,暴力犯罪猖獗,公民權利受到嚴重威脅。發生在美國的謀殺案件中有69.0%使用槍支,搶劫案件中有40.0%使用槍支,嚴重暴力襲擊案中有21.6%使用槍支。(1) 警察過度使用暴力造成多人死亡,引發民眾強烈抗議。密蘇里州弗格森鎮手無寸鐵的18歲非洲裔青年邁克爾·布朗遭白人警察達倫·威爾遜六槍射殺。密蘇里州大陪審團和紐約州大陪審團相繼作出白人警察無罪的判決后,引發全美超過170余座城市大規模的示威抗議運動。(2) | The U.S. was haunted by spreading guns, frequent occurrence of violent crimes, which threatened citizens' civil rights. Statistics showed that the use of firearms in the U.S. was behind 69 percent of murders, while for robberies, the figure was 40 percent, and for aggravated assaults, 21.6 percent (edition.cnn.com). The excessive use of force by police officers led to many deaths, sparking public outcry. An unarmed 18-year-old African-American Michael Brown was shot dead by a white police officer named Darren Wilson in Ferguson, a town in Missouri. After the grand jury of both Missouri and New York decided to bring no charges against the white police officer, massive protests broke out in more than 170 cities nationwide (cn.nytimes.com, November 25, 2014). |
美國濫用酷刑,中央情報局使用的酷刑手段令人觸目驚心。中情局為獲取情報對所抓獲的恐怖和極端組織嫌疑人實施酷刑,使用禁止睡覺、水刑、長期單獨幽禁、將囚犯頭部猛力撞墻和抽打乃至死亡威脅等審訊手段,甚至還有“直腸補液”等駭人手段。聯合國人權事務委員會和禁止酷刑委員會等聯合國人權條約機構,對美國包括死囚拘留條件惡劣、濫用酷刑、秘密關押、無限期任意拘留以及非法監聽侵犯公民隱私權等在內的諸多問題給予關切,并特別呼吁美國“對警察所有野蠻行為和濫用武力情況進行迅速、有效和公平的調查” (3)。 | The U.S. used cruel tortures indiscriminately, notably those carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). To acquire intelligence from suspects of terrorism and extremism, the CIA used brutal methods, such as sleep deprivation, waterboarding, long-term solitary confinement, slamming prisoners against the wall, lashing, death threat and even "rectal rehydration" or rectal feeding. United Nations human rights convention institutions such as the UN Human Rights Committee and the Committee Against Torture had raised their concerns over issues in the U.S., including terrible detention conditions for convicts awaiting execution, abuse of brutal methods, secret detention, indefinite arbitrary detention, and illegal wire-tapping which infringed citizens' privacy. These institutions called on the U.S. to conduct swift, effective and fair investigations into all brutal behaviors and abuse of forces of the police force (www.un.org). |
美國種族歧視極其嚴重,少數族裔繼續遭受系統性歧視。警察執法和司法中存在嚴重的種族偏向。少數群體和土著人在環境、選舉、醫療、住房、教育等方面遭受不公正待遇。2014年8月,聯合國消除種族歧視委員會審議美國履約報告時,對美國侵犯種族、土著、移民等少數群體權利,特別是少數族裔群體的成員更易受到逮捕、監禁并被判處嚴厲的刑罰等問題提出集中批評。(4) | The U.S. is a country with grim problems of racial discrimination, and institutional discrimination against ethnic minorities continued. Serious racial bias persisted in the police and justice systems. Minority groups and indigenous people are subject to unfairness in environment, election, health care, housing, education and other fields. In August 2014, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in its concluding observation on the periodic report of the U.S. on the latter's implementation of relevant convention, slammed the U.S. for violating the rights of ethnic minorities, indigenous people, immigrants and other minority groups. It criticized the fact that members of racial and ethnic minorities continued to be disproportionately arrested, incarcerated and subjected to harsher sentences (tbinternet.ohchr.org). |
金錢主導美國政治,公民政治權利難以保障。中期選舉花費創歷史新高,公民投票率創第二次世界大戰以來新低?!鞍靛X”涌入選舉,少數族裔等群體的投票權受到刻意壓制,少數有權勢的利益集團控制政府決策。有學者一針見血指出,美國的民主體制正在面臨嚴重的代表性危機。“普通公民感到民主成為了一個幌子,政府被各路精英們暗中操縱,不再真實地反映大眾的利益訴求?!?5) | Money is a deciding factor in the U.S. politics, and the U.S. citizens' political rights were not properly protected. Despite the highest midterm election spending in history, general election voter turnout for the 2014 midterms was the lowest since World War II. "Dark money" flowed into elections, and the voting rights of racial minorities and other groups were intentionally suppressed. A few interest groups with power were able to influence the government's decision-making. As a renowned scholar pointed out sharply, the U.S. democratic system was experiencing a crisis of representation. "Ordinary citizens feel that their supposedly democratic government no longer truly reflects their interests and is under the control of a variety of shadowy elites (Foreign Affairs, September/October 2014)." |
美國是世界上經濟最發達的國家,但公民的經濟和社會權利卻難以得到充分保障。在經濟復蘇過程中收入不平等繼續擴大,無家可歸者基本生存狀況惡化,醫療服務系統運轉糟糕,普通民眾的受教育權受到侵害。2014年10月,聯合國特別報告員批評美國底特律市規??涨暗臄嗨F象不成比例地影響最弱勢、最貧困人群,構成對享有飲用水和其他國際人權的侵犯。 | Although the U.S. is the most developed country in the world, it is hard for the economic and social rights of its citizens to be soundly ensured. In the process of economic recovery, the income inequality continued to be enlarged, the basic living conditions for the homeless people deteriorated, the health care system operated terribly and the education rights of average citizens were violated. In October 2014, the United Nations Special Rapporteurs criticized the unprecedented water shut-offs in Detroit disproportionately affected the most vulnerable and poorest people, violating their right of access to drinking water and other international human rights. |
美國婦女兒童的權利得不到充分保障。婦女在工作場合遭受歧視,家庭暴力情況經常發生。平均每年有約210萬名女性遭到男性攻擊,每天有3名女性被其伴侶殺害,有4名女性死于遭受虐待。女性在軍隊中遭受性侵的報告數量上升,告發后遭到報復的比例升高。美國有數百萬兒童無家可歸,每天有3名兒童死于遭受虐待,校園暴力和性侵廣泛存在,槍擊案頻發。 | American women and children's rights were not fully protected. Women were discriminated at workplaces, and domestic violence was prevalent. Each year, 2.1 million American women on average were assaulted by men. Three females were murdered by their partner each day, and four females died each day as a result of abuse. In the U.S. military, reports of female soldiers getting harassed were on the rise, and more faced repercussions for reporting assaults. Millions of American children were homeless. Three children died each day as a result of abuse. School violence and sex assaults were pervasive and gun shootings happened from time to time. |
美國國家安全局等情報機構長期大規模監聽他國領導人及普通民眾。美國仍不批準《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》、《兒童權利公約》等核心人權公約。對于聯合國人權理事會、人權事務高級專員辦公室、專門工作組、特別報告員等對美國的人權狀況提出的批評,美國政府經常采取拖延或不合作態度。 | National Security Agency and other intelligence-gathering apparatus of the U.S. for a long time have spied on world leaders and civilians. The U.S. has not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The U.S. government often takes an evasive or uncooperative attitude toward the criticism of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of UN, the council's working groups and special rapporteurs. |
注(1) 美國有線電視新聞網網站(edition.cnn.com),2014年9月24日。 注(2) 《紐約時報》網站(cn.nytimes.com),2014年11月25日。 注(3) 聯合國網站(www.un.org)。 注(4) 聯合國人權條約機構網站(tbinternet.ohchr.org)。 注(5) 《外交事務》,2014年(9月/10月)。 |