

Full text: President Xi Jinping's speech at Boao Forum for Asia

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Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening plenary of the 2015 annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia in Boao, south China's Hainan Province, on March 28, 2015. [Xinhua]
2015年3月28日上午,博鰲亞洲論壇2015年年會在海南博鰲開幕,中國國家主席習近平出席開幕式并發表主旨演講。全文如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening plenary of the 2015 annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia in Boao, south China's Hainan Province, on March 28, 2015. Following is the full text of the speech:

邁向命運共同體 開創亞洲新未來
中華人民共和國主席 習近平

Towards a Community of Common Destiny and A New Future for Asia
Keynote Speech by?Chinese President?Xi Jinping
At the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2015
Boao, 28 March 2015

Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government,
Heads of International and Regional Organizations,
Members of the Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
今天的博鰲,海闊帆舞,天高風暖。在這個美好的季節里,各方嘉賓相聚一堂,共商亞洲和亞洲同世界各地區發展大計,具有十分重要的意義。Boao today greets us with vast ocean, high sky and warm breeze. In this beautiful season of spring, it is of great significance that so many distinguished guests gather here to discuss the development strategies for Asia and the world.
首先,我謹代表中國政府和中國人民,并以我個人的名義,對各位嘉賓出席博鰲亞洲論壇2015年年會,表示誠摯的歡迎!對年會的召開,表示熱烈的祝賀!At the outset, let me extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, heartfelt welcome to all the distinguished guests attending the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2015, and my warm congratulations on the opening of the conference.
本屆博鰲亞洲論壇年會以“亞洲新未來:邁向命運共同體”為主題,可謂恰逢其時,既有重要的現實意義,也有長遠的歷史意義。希望大家暢所欲言,為亞洲和世界和平與發展貢獻真知灼見。The theme of this year's conference is "Asia's New Future: Towards a Community of Common Destiny". The timing could not be better in that the theme has not only great immediate relevance but also long-term historical significance. And I am looking to all of you to express yourselves fully and contribute your insightful views to the cause of peace and development of Asia and beyond.
女士們、先生們、朋友們!Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
歷史,總是在一些重要時間節點上更能勾起人們的回憶和反思。今年是世界反法西斯戰爭暨中國人民抗日戰爭勝利70周年,聯合國成立70周年,萬隆會議召開60周年,東盟共同體建成之年。這是值得人們紀念的重要年份,也是激發人們銘記歷史、鑒往知來的重要時刻。There are certain historic occasions that are likely to remind people of what happened in the past and set people reflecting on them. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the World Anti-Fascist War, the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the founding of the United Nations. This year is also the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference and will witness the completion of the ASEAN Community. As such, it is an important year to be commemorated as well as a historic juncture to reflect on the past and look to the future.
70年來,世界發生了前所未有的深刻變化,歷史性地改變了人類的命運。全球殖民體系土崩瓦解,冷戰對峙不復存在,各國相互聯系、相互依存日益加深,和平、發展、合作、共贏的時代潮流滾滾向前,國際力量對比朝著有利于維護世界和平的方向發展,保持國際形勢總體穩定、促進各國共同發展具備更多有利條件。Over the past 70 years, the world has experienced profound changes as never before, making a difference to the destiny of mankind. With the days of global colonialism and the Cold War long gone, countries are now increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Peace, development and win-win cooperation have become the prevailing trend of our times. The international forces are shifting in a way that is more favorable to maintaining world peace. Countries are now in a better position to uphold general stability in the world and seek common development.
70年來,亞洲形勢也發生了前所未有的變化。地區各國實現了民族獨立、掌握了自己的命運,壯大了維護地區和世界和平的力量。亞洲國家率先倡導和平共處五項原則,并同非洲國家一道,在萬隆會議上提出處理國家間關系的十項原則。冷戰結束后,亞洲國家在推進區域合作實踐中逐步形成了相互尊重、協商一致、照顧各方舒適度的亞洲方式。這些都為正確處理國家關系、推動建立新型國際關系作出了歷史性貢獻。Over the past 70 years, Asia has also gone through unprecedented changes. After gaining national independence, Asian countries took their destiny in their own hands and strengthened the force for regional and world peace. Asian countries were the first to advocate the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence and, together with African countries, put forward the Ten Principles on handling state-to-state relations at the Bandung Conference. Since the end of the Cold War, Asian countries have gradually come up with an Asian way of cooperation in the course of advancing regional cooperation, which features mutual respect, consensus-building and accommodation of each other's comfort levels. All this has contributed to a proper approach to state-to-state relations and to progress in building a new type of international relations.
70年來,越來越多的亞洲國家找到適合本國國情的發展道路,從貧窮落后走向發展振興,步入經濟發展快車道。區域和跨區域合作方興未艾,互聯互通建設加速推進,呈現千帆競發、百舸爭流的強勁勢頭。亞洲已經擁有世界三分之一的經濟總量,是當今世界最具發展活力和潛力的地區之一,在世界戰略全局中的地位進一步上升。Over the past 70 years, more and more Asian countries have found development paths that suit their own national conditions and embarked on a fast-track of economic growth. Having emerged from poverty and backwardness, they are on course to achieve development and prosperity. Regional and inter-regional cooperation is flourishing. Connectivity is pursued at a faster pace. As a result, there is a strong momentum in Asia with countries striving to outperform each other. Accounting for one third of the world economy, Asia is one of the most dynamic regions with the most potential and its global strategic importance has been rising.
70年來,亞洲國家逐步超越意識形態和社會制度差異,從相互封閉到開放包容,從猜忌隔閡到日益增多的互信認同,越來越成為你中有我、我中有你的命運共同體。在爭取民族獨立的偉大斗爭中,在應對亞洲金融危機和國際金融危機的艱難時刻,在抗擊印度洋海嘯和中國汶川特大地震等災害的緊要關頭,亞洲各國人民守望相助,克服和戰勝了一個又一個困難和挑戰,展現出同舟共濟、共克時艱的強大力量,正可謂患難見真情。同時,亞洲地區仍然存在一些歷史遺留問題和現實矛盾分歧,面臨各類傳統和非傳統安全威脅,地區國家發展經濟、改善民生、消除貧困的任務依然艱巨。Over the past 70 years, Asian countries have gradually transcended their differences in ideology and social system. No longer cut off from each other, they are now open and inclusive, with suspicion and estrangement giving way to growing trust and appreciation. The interests of Asian countries have become intertwined, and a community of common destiny has increasingly taken shape. Be it the arduous struggle for national independence, or the difficult periods of the Asian financial crisis and the international financial crisis, or the hard time in the wake of devastating disasters including the Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquake in Wenchuan, China, the people of Asian countries have always come to those in need with a helping hand and worked together to overcome one challenge after another, demonstrating the power of unity in face of difficulties and the spirit of sharing weal and woe. This said, Asia still faces numerous challenges. Some are the old issues left over from history and others are new ones associated with current disputes. Asia is also confronted with various traditional and non-traditional security threats. Hence it remains an uphill battle for Asian countries to grow the economy, improve people's livelihood and eliminate poverty.
回顧70年的歷程,今天亞洲取得的發展成就,是亞洲各國人民一代接一代持續奮斗的結果,是許多政治家和志士仁人艱辛努力的結果。明天,新加坡將為李光耀先生舉行國葬。李光耀先生是受到國際社會尊重的戰略家和政治家,為亞洲和平與發展以及亞洲同世界的交流合作作出了突出貢獻。借此機會,我向包括李光耀先生在內的所有為亞洲和平發展作出貢獻的先賢們,致以崇高的敬意。A review of the path traversed over the past 70 years shows that what has been accomplished in Asia today is attributable to the persistent efforts of several generations of people in Asian countries and to the hard work of many statesmen and people of great vision. Tomorrow, Singapore will hold a state funeral for Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Mr. Lee was a strategist and statesman respected across the world for his outstanding contribution to the peace and development of Asia and the exchanges and cooperation between Asia and the world. I want to take this opportunity to pay high tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and all those who made contribution to Asia's peace and development.
女士們、先生們、朋友們!Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
亞洲是世界的亞洲。亞洲要邁向命運共同體、開創亞洲新未來,必須在世界前進的步伐中前進、在世界發展的潮流中發展。Asia belongs to the world. For Asia to move towards a community of common destiny and embrace a new future, it has to follow the world trend and seek progress and development in tandem with that of the world.
當前,國際形勢繼續發生深刻復雜變化,世界多極化、經濟全球化深入發展,文化多樣化、社會信息化持續推進,國際格局和國際秩序加速調整演變。世界各國正抓緊調整各自發展戰略,推動變革創新,轉變經濟發展方式,調整經濟結構,開拓新的發展空間。同時,世界經濟仍處于深度調整期,低增長、低通脹、低需求同高失業、高債務、高泡沫等風險交織,主要經濟體走勢和政策取向繼續分化,經濟環境的不確定性依然突出;地緣政治因素更加突出,局部動蕩此起彼伏;恐怖主義、網絡安全、能源安全、糧食安全、氣候變化、重大傳染性疾病等非傳統安全和全球性挑戰不斷增多,南北發展差距依然很大。推進人類和平與發展的崇高事業依然任重而道遠。The international situation continues to experience profound and complex changes, with significant development in multipolarization and economic globalization. Cultural diversity and IT application are making constant progress while readjustment is accelerating in international landscape and order. Countries around the world are losing no time in adjusting their development strategies, pursuing transformation and innovation, changing their economic development models, improving economic structures and opening up new horizons for further development. At the same time, however, the world economy is still in a period of profound adjustment, with risks of low growth, low inflation and low demand interwoven with risks of high unemployment, high debt and high level of bubbles. The performance and policies of major economies continue to diverge, and uncertainties in the economic climate remain prominent. Geopolitical factors are more at play and local turmoils keep cropping up. Non-traditional security threats and global challenges including terrorism, cyber security, energy security, food security, climate change and major infectious diseases are on the rise, and the North-South gap is still wide. The noble cause of peace and development remains a long and arduous journey for mankind.
人類只有一個地球,各國共處一個世界。世界好,亞洲才能好;亞洲好,世界才能好。面對風云變幻的國際和地區形勢,我們要把握好世界大勢,跟上時代潮流,共同營造對亞洲、對世界都更為有利的地區秩序,通過邁向亞洲命運共同體,推動建設人類命運共同體。借此機會,我愿就此談一談看法,同各位嘉賓交流。We have only one planet, and countries share one world. To do well, Asia and the world could not do without each other. Facing the fast changing international and regional landscapes, we must see the whole picture, follow the trend of our times and jointly build a regional order that is more favorable to Asia and the world. We should, through efforts towards such a community for Asia, promote a community of common interest for all mankind. I wish to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on this vision.
——邁向命運共同體,必須堅持各國相互尊重、平等相待。各國體量有大小、國力有強弱、發展有先后,但都是國際社會平等的一員,都有平等參與地區和國際事務的權利。涉及大家的事情要由各國共同商量來辦。作為大國,意味著對地區和世界和平與發展的更大責任,而不是對地區和國際事務的更大壟斷。-- To build a community of common destiny, we need to make sure that all countries respect one another and treat each other as equals. Countries may differ in size, strength or level of development, but they are all equal members of the international community with equal rights to participate in regional and international affairs. On matters that involve us all, we should discuss and look for a solution together. Being a big country means shouldering greater responsibilities for regional and world peace and development, as opposed to seeking greater monopoly over regional and world affairs.
相互尊重、平等相待,首先要尊重各國自主選擇的社會制度和發展道路,尊重彼此核心利益和重大關切,客觀理性看待別國發展壯大和政策理念,努力求同存異、聚同化異。要共同維護亞洲來之不易的和平穩定局面和良好發展勢頭,反對干涉別國內政,反對為一己之私搞亂地區形勢。To respect one another and treat each other as equals, countries need to, first and foremost, respect other countries' social systems and development paths of their own choice, respect each other's core interests and major concerns and have objective and rational perception of other countries' growing strength, policies and visions. Efforts should be made to seek common ground while shelving differences, and better still to increase common interests and dissolve differences. The hard-won peace and stability in Asia and the sound momentum for development should be upheld by all. All of us must oppose interference in other countries' internal affairs and reject attempts to destablize the region out of selfish motives.
——邁向命運共同體,必須堅持合作共贏、共同發展。東南亞朋友講“水漲荷花高”,非洲朋友講“獨行快,眾行遠”,歐洲朋友講“一棵樹擋不住寒風”,中國人講“大河有水小河滿,小河有水大河滿”。這些說的都是一個道理,只有合作共贏才能辦大事、辦好事、辦長久之事。要摒棄零和游戲、你輸我贏的舊思維,樹立雙贏、共贏的新理念,在追求自身利益時兼顧他方利益,在尋求自身發展時促進共同發展。合作共贏的理念不僅適用于經濟領域,也適用于政治、安全、文化等廣泛領域;不僅適用于地區國家之間,也適用于同域外國家開展合作。要加強宏觀經濟政策協調,防范不同經濟體經濟政策變動可能帶來的負面外溢效應,積極推動全球經濟治理變革,維護開放型世界經濟體制,共同應對世界經濟中的風險和挑戰。-- To build a community of common destiny, we need to seek win-win cooperation and common development. Our friends in Southeast Asia say that the lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises. Our friends in Africa say that if you want to go fast, walk alone; and if you want to go far, walk together. Our friends in Europe say that a single tree cannot block the chilly wind. And Chinese people say that when big rivers have water, the small ones are filled; and when small rivers have water, the big ones are filled. All these sayings speak to one same truth, that is, only through win-win cooperation can we make big and sustainable achievements that are beneficial to all. The old mindset of zero-sum game should give way to a new approach of win-win and all-win cooperation. The interests of others must be accommodated while pursuing one's own interests, and common development must be promoted while seeking one's own development. The vision of win-win cooperation not only applies to the economic field, but also to the political, security, cultural and many other fields. It not only applies to countries within the region, but also to cooperation with countries from outside the region. We should enhance coordination of macroeconomic policies to prevent negative spill-over effects that may arise from economic policy changes in individual economies. We should actively promote reform of global economic governance, uphold an open world economy, and jointly respond to risks and challenges in the world economy.
中國和東盟國家將攜手建設更為緊密的中國—東盟命運共同體,東盟和中國、日本、韓國致力于2020年建成東亞經濟共同體。我們要積極構建亞洲自由貿易網絡,爭取在2015年完成中國—東盟自由貿易區升級談判和區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定談判。在推進亞洲經濟一體化的同時,我們要堅持開放的區域主義,協調推進包括亞太經合組織在內的跨區域合作。China and ASEAN countries will join hands in building an even closer China-ASEAN community of common destiny. The building of an East Asia economic community for ASEAN, China, Japan and ROK will be completed in 2020. We should actively build a free trade cooperation network in Asia and strive to conclude negotiations on an upgraded China-ASEAN FTA and on Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2015. In advancing economic integration in Asia, we need to stay committed to open regionalism and move forward trans-regional cooperation, including APEC, in a coordinated manner.
我們要積極推動構建地區金融合作體系,探討搭建亞洲金融機構交流合作平臺,推動亞洲基礎設施投資銀行同亞洲開發銀行、世界銀行等多邊金融機構互補共進、協調發展。要加強在貨幣穩定、投融資、信用評級等領域務實合作,推進清邁倡議多邊化機制建設,建設地區金融安全網。要推進建設亞洲能源資源合作機制,保障能源資源安全。We will vigorously promote a system of regional financial cooperation, explore a platform for exchanges and cooperation among Asian financial institutions, and advance complementary and coordinated development between the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and such multilateral financial institutions as the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. We will strengthen practical cooperation in currency stability, investment and financing, and credit rating, make progress in institution building for the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization and build a regional financial security network. We will work towards an energy and resources cooperation mechanism in Asia to ensure energy and resources security.
中方倡議加快制定東亞和亞洲互聯互通規劃,促進基礎設施、政策規劃、人員往來全面融合。要加強海上互聯互通建設,推進亞洲海洋合作機制建設,促進海洋經濟、環保、災害管理、漁業等各領域合作,使海洋成為連接亞洲國家的和平、友好、合作之海。China proposes that plans be formulated regarding connectivity building in East Asia and Asia at large to advance full integration in infrastructure, policies and institutions and personnel flow. We may increase maritime connectivity, speed up institution building for marine cooperation in Asia, and step up cooperation in marine economy, environmental protection, disaster management and fishery. This way, we could turn the seas of Asia into seas of peace, friendship and cooperation for Asian countries.
——邁向命運共同體,必須堅持實現共同、綜合、合作、可持續的安全。當今世界,安全的內涵和外延更加豐富,時空領域更加寬廣,各種因素更加錯綜復雜。各國人民命運與共、唇齒相依。當今世界,沒有一個國家能實現脫離世界安全的自身安全,也沒有建立在其他國家不安全基礎上的安全。我們要摒棄冷戰思維,創新安全理念,努力走出一條共建、共享、共贏的亞洲安全之路。-- To build a community of common destiny, we need to pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. In today's world, security means much more than before and its implications go well beyond a single region or time frame. All sorts of factors could have a bearing on a country's security. As people of all countries share common destiny and become increasingly interdependent, no country could have its own security ensured without the security of other countries or of the wider world. The Cold War mentality should truly be discarded and new security concepts be nurtured as we explore a path for Asia that ensures security for all, by all and of all.
各國都有平等參與地區安全事務的權利,也都有維護地區安全的責任,每一個國家的合理安全關切都應該得到尊重和保障。要通盤考慮亞洲安全問題的歷史經緯和現實狀況,多管齊下、綜合施策,協調推進地區安全治理,統籌維護傳統和非傳統領域安全。要通過對話合作促進各國和本地區安全,以合作謀和平、以合作促安全,堅持以和平方式解決爭端,反對動輒使用武力或以武力相威脅。要堅持發展和安全并重,以可持續發展促進可持續安全。亞洲國家要加強同其他地區國家和有關組織合作,歡迎各方為亞洲發展和安全發揮積極和建設性作用。We believe that countries are all entitled to take an equal part in regional security affairs and all are obliged to work to ensure security for the region. The legitimate security concerns of each country need to be respected and addressed. At the same time, in handling security issues in Asia, it is important to bear in mind both the history and reality of Asia, take a multi-pronged and holistic approach, improve coordinated regional security governance, and safeguard security in both the traditional and non-traditional realms. It is important to conduct dialogue and cooperation to enhance security at national and regional levels, and to increase cooperation as the way to safeguard peace and security. It is important to resolve disputes through peaceful means, and oppose the willful use or threat of force. Security should be given equal emphasis as development, and sustainable development surely provides a way to sustainable security. Countries in Asia need to step up cooperation with countries and organizations outside the region and all parties are welcome to play a positive and constructive role in upholding development and security in Asia.
——邁向命運共同體,必須堅持不同文明兼容并蓄、交流互鑒。在漫長歷史長河中,如亞洲的黃河和長江流域、印度河和恒河流域、幼發拉底河和底格里斯河流域以及東南亞等地區孕育了眾多古老文明,彼此交相輝映、相得益彰,為人類文明進步作出了重要貢獻。今天的亞洲,多樣性的特點仍十分突出,不同文明、不同民族、不同宗教匯聚交融,共同組成多彩多姿的亞洲大家庭。-- To build a community of common destiny, we need to ensure inclusiveness and mutual learning among civilizations. History, over the past millennia, has witnessed ancient civilizations appear and thrive along the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, the Indus, the Ganges, the Euphrates, and the Tigris River as well as in Southeast Asia, each adding its own splendour to the progress of human civilization. Today, Asia has proudly maintained its distinct diversity and still nurtures all the civilizations, ethnic groups and religions in this big Asian family.
中國古代思想家孟子說過:“夫物之不齊,物之情也。”不同文明沒有優劣之分,只有特色之別。要促進不同文明不同發展模式交流對話,在競爭比較中取長補短,在交流互鑒中共同發展,讓文明交流互鑒成為增進各國人民友誼的橋梁、推動人類社會進步的動力、維護世界和平的紐帶。Mencius, the great philosopher in ancient China, said, "Things are born to be different." Civilizations are only unique, and no one is superior to the other. There need to be more exchange and dialogue among civilizations and development models, so that each could draw on the strength of the other and all could thrive and prosper by way of mutual learning and common development. Let us promote inter-civilization exchanges to build bridges of friendship for our people, drive human development and safeguard peace of the world.
中方倡議召開亞洲文明對話大會,加強青少年、民間團體、地方、媒體等各界交流,打造智庫交流合作網絡,讓亞洲人民享受更富內涵的精神生活,讓地區發展合作更加活力四射。China proposes that a conference of dialogue among Asian civilizations be held to provide a platform upon which to enhance interactions among the youth, people's groups, local communities and the media and to form a network of think-tank cooperation, so as to add to Asian people's rich cultural life and contribute to more vibrant regional cooperation and development.
女士們、先生們、朋友們!Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
中國人民正在按照全面建成小康社會、全面深化改革、全面依法治國、全面從嚴治黨的戰略布局,齊心協力為實現“兩個一百年”奮斗目標、實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而奮斗。借此機會,我愿重申,在前進的道路上,中國堅持和平發展,決心不會動搖;堅持共同發展,理念不會動搖;堅持亞太合作發展,政策不會動搖。Right now, the Chinese people are working in unison under the strategic plans to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and to comprehensively deepen reform, advance law-based governance, and enforce strict Party conduct. Our objective is to realize the "two centenary" goals for China's development and for realizing the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation. I wish to use this opportunity to reaffirm China's commitment to the path of peaceful development, and to promoting cooperation and common development in the Asia-Pacific. China will be firm in its determination and resolve and all its policies will be designed to achieve such a purpose.
中國經濟發展進入新常態,正從高速增長轉向中高速增長,從規模速度型粗放增長轉向質量效率型集約增長,從要素投資驅動轉向創新驅動。2014年,中國經濟實現了7.4%的增長,勞動生產率提高了7%,單位國內生產總值能耗下降了4.8%,國內消費貢獻度上升,服務業發展加快,發展質量和效益不斷提高。我們看中國經濟,不能只看增長率,中國經濟體量不斷增大,現在增長7%左右的經濟增量已相當可觀,聚集的動能是過去兩位數的增長都達不到的。中國經濟體量大、韌性好、潛力足、回旋空間大、政策工具多。中國將主動適應和引領經濟發展新常態,堅持以提高經濟發展質量和效益為中心,把轉方式調結構放到更加重要位置,更加扎實地推進經濟發展,更加堅定地深化改革開放,更加充分地激發創造活力,更加有效地維護公平正義,更加有力地保障和改善民生,促進經濟社會平穩健康發展。Now, the Chinese economy has entered a state of new normal. It is shifting gear from high speed to medium-to-high speed growth, from an extensive model that emphasized scale and speed to a more intensive one emphasizing quality and efficiency, and from being driven by investment in production factors to being driven by innovation. China's economy grew by 7.4% in 2014, with 7% increase in labor productivity and 4.8% decrease in energy intensity. The share of domestic consumption in GDP rose, the services sector expanded at a faster pace, and the economy's efficiency and quality continued to improve. When looking at China's economy, one should not focus on growth rate only. As the economy continues to grow in size, around 7% growth would be quite impressive, and the momentum it generates would be larger than growth at double digits in previous years. It is fair to say that the Chinese economy is highly resilient and has much potential, which gives us enough room to leverage a host of policy tools. Having said that, China will continue to be responsive to the new trend and take initiatives to shape the new normal in our favor. We will focus on improving quality and efficiency, and give even greater priority to shifting the growth model and adjusting the structure of development. We will make more solid efforts to boost economic development and deepen reform and opening-up. We will take more initiatives to unleash the creativity and ingenuity of the people, be more effective in safeguarding equity and social justice, raise people's living standards and make sure that China's economic and social development are both sound and stable.
中國經濟發展進入新常態,將繼續給包括亞洲國家在內的世界各國提供更多市場、增長、投資、合作機遇。未來5年,中國進口商品將超過10萬億美元,對外投資將超過5000億美元,出境旅游人數將超過5億人次。中國將堅持對外開放的基本國策,不斷完善國內投資環境,保護投資者合法權益,同大家一起,共同驅動亞洲發展的列車,不斷駛向更加光明的未來。This new normal of the Chinese economy will continue to bring more opportunities of trade, growth, investment and cooperation for other countries in Asia and beyond. In the coming five years, China will import more than US$10 trillion of goods, Chinese investment abroad will exceed US$500 billion, and more than 500 million outbound visits will be made by Chinese tourists. China will stick to its basic state policy of opening up, improve its investment climate, and protect the lawful rights and interests of investors. I believe that together, the people of Asian countries could drive this train of Asia's development to take Asia to an even brighter future.
中國最需要和諧穩定的國內環境與和平安寧的國際環境,任何動蕩和戰爭都不符合中國人民根本利益。中華民族歷來愛好和平,自古就崇尚“以和為貴”、“協和萬邦”、“四海之內皆兄弟也”等思想。中國近代以后遭遇了100多年的動蕩和戰火,中國人民絕不會將自己曾經遭受過的悲慘經歷強加給其他國家和民族。縱觀歷史,任何國家試圖通過武力實現自己的發展目標,最終都是要失敗的。中國將毫不動搖堅持獨立自主的和平外交政策,堅持走和平發展道路,堅持互利共贏的開放戰略,秉持正確義利觀,推動建立以合作共贏為核心的新型國際關系,始終做維護世界和平、促進共同發展的堅定力量。What China needs most is a harmonious and stable domestic environment and a peaceful and tranquil international environment. Turbulence or war runs against the fundamental interests of the Chinese people. The Chinese nation loves peace and has, since ancient times, held high such philosophies that "harmony is the most valuable", "peace and harmony should prevail" and "all men under heaven are brothers". China has suffered from turbulence and war for more than a century since modern times, and the Chinese people would never want to inflict the same tragedy on other countries or peoples. History has taught us that no country who tried to achieve its goal with force ever succeeded. China will be steadfast in pursuing the independent foreign policy of peace, the path of peaceful development, the win-win strategy of opening-up, and the approach of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests. China will work to promote a new type of international relations of win-win cooperation and will always remain a staunch force for world peace and common development.
“遠親不如近鄰。”這是中國人很早就認識到的一個樸素的生活道理。中國堅持與鄰為善、以鄰為伴,堅持睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰,秉持親誠惠容的理念,不斷深化同周邊國家的互利合作和互聯互通,努力使自身發展更好惠及周邊國家。中國已經同8個周邊國家簽署睦鄰友好合作條約,正在商談簽署中國—東盟睦鄰友好合作條約,并愿同所有周邊國家商簽睦鄰友好合作條約,為雙邊關系發展和地區繁榮穩定提供有力保障。Close neighbors are better than distant relatives. This is a simple truth that the Chinese people got to know in ancient times. That explains China's firm commitment to building friendship and partnership with its neighbors to foster an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood. Under the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, China is working actively to deepen win-win cooperation and connectivity with its neighbors to bring them even more benefit with its own development. China has signed treaties of good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation with eight of its neighbors and is holding discussion to sign a same treaty with ASEAN. China stands ready to sigh such a treaty with all its neighbors to provide strong support for the development of bilateral relations as well as prosperity and stability in the region.
2013年我訪問哈薩克斯坦和印度尼西亞時,分別提出建設絲綢之路經濟帶和21世紀海上絲綢之路合作倡議。“一帶一路”合作倡議契合中國、沿線國家和本地區發展需要,符合有關各方共同利益,順應了地區和全球合作潮流。In 2013, during my visit to Kazakhstan and Indonesia, I put forward the initiatives of building a Silk Road economic belt and a 21st century maritime Silk Road. The "Belt and Road" initiative, meeting the development needs of China, countries along the routes and the region at large, will serve the common interests of relevant parties and answer the call of our time for regional and global cooperation.
“一帶一路”建設秉持的是共商、共建、共享原則,不是封閉的,而是開放包容的;不是中國一家的獨奏,而是沿線國家的合唱。“一帶一路”建設不是要替代現有地區合作機制和倡議,而是要在已有基礎上,推動沿線國家實現發展戰略相互對接、優勢互補。目前,已經有60多個沿線國家和國際組織對參與“一帶一路”建設表達了積極態度。“一帶一路”建設、亞洲基礎設施投資銀行都是開放的,我們歡迎沿線國家和亞洲國家積極參與,也張開臂膀歡迎五大洲朋友共襄盛舉。In promoting this initiative, China will follow the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. The programs of development will be open and inclusive, not exclusive. They will be a real chorus comprising all countries along the routes, not a solo for China itself. To develop the Belt and Road is not to replace existing mechanisms or initiatives for regional cooperation. Much to the contrary, we will build on the existing basis to help countries align their development strategies and form complementarity. Currently, more than 60 countries along the routes and international organizations have shown interest in taking part in the development of the Belt and the Road. The "Belt and Road" and the AIIB are both open initiatives. We welcome all countries along the routes and in Asia, as well as our friends and partners around the world, to take an active part in these endeavors.
“一帶一路”建設不是空洞的口號,而是看得見、摸得著的實際舉措,將給地區國家帶來實實在在的利益。在有關各方共同努力下,“一帶一路”建設的愿景與行動文件已經制定,亞洲基礎設施投資銀行籌建工作邁出實質性步伐,絲路基金已經順利啟動,一批基礎設施互聯互通項目已經在穩步推進。這些早期收獲向我們展現了“一帶一路”的廣闊前景。The "Belt and Road" initiative is not meant as rhetoric. It represents real work that could be seen and felt to bring real benefits to countries in the region. Thanks to the concerted efforts of relevant parties, the vision and action paper of the initiative has been developed. Substantive progress has been made in the establishment of the AIIB. The Silk Road Fund has been launched, and constructions of a number of infrastructure connectivity projects are moving forward. These early harvests have truly pointed to the broad prospects the "Belt and Road" initiative will bring.
女士們、先生們、朋友們!Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
人類和平與發展的事業是崇高的事業,也是充滿挑戰的事業。前進的道路上不會一帆風順,期望的成果不會唾手可得。不管征程多么曲折、多么漫長,勝利總是屬于那些永不放棄、百折不撓、攜手前行的人們。我相信,只要我們大家認準目標、鍥而不舍,就一定能夠攜手邁向命運共同體、開創亞洲新未來!The cause of peace and development of mankind is as lofty as its is challenging. The journey ahead will not be smooth sailing, and success may not come easily. No matter how long and difficult the journey may be, those who work together and never give up will eventually prevail. I believe that as long as we keep to our goals and make hard efforts, we will together bring about a community of common destiny and usher in a new future for Asia.
最后,預祝年會取得圓滿成功!I wish the Annual Conference a complete success.
謝謝大家。Thank you very much.


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