The new normal | 新常態 |
In Beijing last week, Premier Li Keqiang presented his annual work report to the National People's Congress. | 上周,國務院總理李克強在北京全國人民代表大會作年度工作報告。 |
He spoke of China's economic development as having entered a new normal of slower growth, describing how consumption and services are displacing investment and manufacturing as the main engines of growth. | 他表示中國的經濟發展進入了一個新的緩慢增長期,并指出消費和服務業如何取代投資和制造業成為經濟增長的主要動力。 |
Last year more urban jobs were created than ever before, despite the slowest growth for 24 years. | 去年城市的就業崗位比以往任何時候都多,雖然增速是24年以來最慢的。 |
Of course, as Premier Li clearly described, there are big challenges ahead. | 當然,正如李總理所說,在提高就業率方面存在很大的挑戰。 |
But crucially in both China and the UK the authorities have set out clear long-term economic plans to address these challenges. | 值得慶幸的是,中國和英國政府已經制定十分清晰的長期經濟發展計劃來應對這些挑戰。 |
This should deliver tremendous opportunities for the UK-China trade and investment relationship. | 這也將會為中英之間的貿易提供巨大的機會。 |
So while I am delighted by the progress made in recent years, I am most excited about the potential for further growth in the years ahead. | 因此,我很高興看到中英合作在近年來取得的進展,并對中英未來進一步的發展充滿信心。 |
Conclusion | 結論 |
In his foreword to last year's event programme, the Prime Minister described China's re-emergence as a global economic power as one of the defining facts of our time. | 卡梅倫在去年的會議致辭中稱,中國作為全球經濟大國重新崛起是我們這個時代特征之一。 |
Whatever the outcome of the general election in May, the new Government will inherit a stronger, more inter-connected and more important bilateral relationship with China than at any time in our recent history. | 不論英國五月大選結果如何,新政府與中國的雙邊關系將會比歷史上任何時候都要更牢固、更緊密。 |
It is a relationship that has been transformed in the past five years. You have been part of that story. | 這種牢固的關系在過去五年得到加強,諸位也都參與其中。 |
The Government took a big calculated gamble on China. | 英國政府經過計算,愿意把更大賭注壓在中國。 |
It invested heavily in the CBBC and UKTI as well as increasing the FCO's diplomatic footprint. | 英國政府在英中貿易協會、英國貿易投資總署以及增加英國外交機構上進行了大量投資。 |
That investment is paying off. | 這些投資正在產生回報。 |
The UK has out-performed the competition on trade and investment. | 英國在貿易和投資競爭中表現突出。 |
But we can and should be doing even more business together. | 我們可以一起進行更多的商業合作。 |
Every UK business should ask whether they could export their goods or services to China. | 每一個英國企業應該考慮他們是否可以向中國出口自己的商品或服務。 |
Every UK business should consider whether they could benefit from Chinese investment. | 每一個英國企業應該思考如何從來自中國的投資中獲利。 |
Every UK business should be looking for opportunities to partner with China, at home, in China or in third markets. | 每一個英國企業應該尋找與中國合作的機會,不管是在本地市場,中國市場,還是第三方市場。 |
I hope you will be inspired by what you heard today, and by the example of the GREAT Festival of Creativity, to form new partnerships and new collaborations to take our relationship with China to the next level. | 我希望諸位能從今天的演講中受到啟發,就像創意英倫盛典的例子那樣,在接下來的日子里,與中國形成新的合作伙伴關系、更多合作,把我們與中國的關系提升到新高度 |
Thank you very much. | 謝謝! |