2015年3月15日,國務院總理李克強在人民大會堂三樓金色大廳會見采訪十二屆全國人大三次會議的中外記者并回答記者提出的問題。[中國網(wǎng)] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at a press conference after the closing meeting of the third session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 15, 2015. [China.org.cn] |
彭博新聞社記者: 謝謝主持人。總理,您好。您多次提過需要有壯士斷腕的決心來進行改革,您也說過這個過程可能會很疼。中國經(jīng)濟在放緩的今天,您會繼續(xù)保持這樣的決心嗎?您認為中國經(jīng)濟會不會繼續(xù)放緩?未來會不會更疼?謝謝。 | Bloomberg News: You once said that the government needs to show utmost determination in reforming itself and this process could be a quite painful one. As the Chinese economy comes under increased downward pressure, do you still have as firm determination as before to carry out this reform, and will the Chinese economy continue to slide? Is more pain to come in the future? |
李克強: 你問到疼,確實很疼,而且在加深,面還會擴大。因為簡政放權是政府的自我革命,削權是要觸動利益的,它不是剪指甲,是割腕,忍痛也得下刀。因為簡政放權有利于厘清政府和市場的關系,激發(fā)市場活力,也可以用它去頂住經(jīng)濟下行的壓力。去年我國經(jīng)濟速度放緩,但是就業(yè)不減反增,簡政放權起了很重要的支撐作用。 | Li Keqiang: You asked about the pain caused by the government's self-imposed reform to streamline administration and delegate powers. Let me tell you that the pain is still there. Actually the pain is becoming more acute and is being felt in more places. This is a reform targeted at the government itself. As the government sheds its own powers, vested interests will be upset. This is not nail-clipping, but taking knife to one's own flesh. But however painful it may be, we are determined to keep going until our job is done. The reform of streamlining administration and delegating government powers helps us get the relationship right between the government and the market. It helps boost market vitality, and puts us in a stronger position to cope with downward pressures on economic growth. Last year, in spite of economic slowdown, we managed to add more urban jobs. Much is attributable to this reform. |
本屆政府兩年內(nèi)下很大力氣完成了當初提出的五年內(nèi)砍掉三分之一行政審批事項的目標,其中有的是取消,有的是下放。我們推進商事制度改革后,每天就有上萬家企業(yè)登記,比上年增加了50%。可見,活力來自民間,而簡政放權的減法可以對應對經(jīng)濟放緩發(fā)揮支撐的力量。 | We have completed the five-year task of canceling and delegating State Council review items by one third within just two years. With the reform of the business system, on average, up to 10,000 new businesses get registered each day, an increase of 50%. This fully shows that our people represents the largest source of vitality for economic growth, and this reform, by reducing the powers held in the hands of the government, has actually helped us to tackle the downward pressures on economic growth. |
當然,在這方面還有很多不落實的情況存在,推進中還發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些新的問題。前兩天,我看到兩會上有提案說,原來批個項目要一百多個章,雖然現(xiàn)在審批砍了一些了,但還有五六十道關卡,還會增加創(chuàng)業(yè)的成本,抑制了創(chuàng)造的熱情。所以我們必須繼續(xù)下更大力氣來推進簡政放權。 | We also recognize that some measures have yet to be fully implemented, and new problems have surfaced. A couple of days ago, I came across a proposal during the two sessions which said that although government review items have been slashed, to get one project approved, which needed up to 100 stamps from different government departments, still requires some 50 to 60 steps nowadays. The long procedures have driven up the cost of business start-up and dampened people's enthusiasm for making innovations. That is why the government must step up its efforts to streamline administration and delegate more powers. |
今年政府要有新作為,重點要抓三個方面的工作:一是全面取消非行政許可,不能法外施權。另外,還發(fā)現(xiàn)國家部門授權地方政府審批的事項1200多項,今年要砍掉200多項,不能像開車一樣,松了手剎,還踩著腳剎,明放暗不放。二是要推進權力清單、責任清單,今年是在省一級公布,明年推向市縣一級,晾曬清單,讓社會監(jiān)督,也讓老百姓明白,權力不能濫用。三是要探索事中事后監(jiān)管的新模式,包括擴大綜合執(zhí)法試點,對假冒偽劣、坑蒙拐騙、食品安全方面以及侵犯知識產(chǎn)權等行為要有有效的監(jiān)管方式。 | New steps will be taken this year and our focus is on the following three areas. First, all non-governmental review items will be canceled. We must ensure that government power will not be exercised when it is not stipulated by the law. There are currently over 1,200 review items at the local governments' level, mandated by the central governmental departments. Our goal is to cut this number by over 200 this year. The government must not secretly hold on to powers that should be delegated, just like releasing the hand brake but still keeping the foot brake on. Second, all provincial-level governments will be required to release their list of powers and list of responsibilities this year. And this task will be assigned to governments in cities and city-level counties next year. We must keep our people well-informed of what powers their governments hold and put government power under public oversight to prevent the abuse of office. And third, we will explore new models for strengthening ongoing and ex-post regulation. We will expand the trials for integrated law-enforcement and we will establish effective models for exercising regulation over such acts as cheating and swindling of marketplace, violating intellectual property rights, making and selling fake and substandard goods, and cases involving food safety. |
人們不是常說,穿鞋要合腳,施政也要利民惠民。謝謝! | Just as shoes must suit the feet, our administration must meet people's needs and deliver real benefits. |
中央人民廣播電臺記者: 總理您好。我的問題是,2014年中國的反腐行動已經(jīng)使多只“大老虎”落網(wǎng)了,那么您認為如何從制度建設這方面入手,進一步推動反腐?另外,總理您還說過懶政怠政也是一種腐敗,究竟怎么樣才能解決官員的不作為問題?謝謝。 | China National Radio: China's anti-corruption campaign in 2014 brought down several "big tigers" or high-ranking corrupt officials. I would like to know what more steps will be taken to enhance institution building in fighting corruption? You once said that it is also corruption for government officials to be indolent or sloppy in performing their duties. So what steps should we take to resolve the problem involving those "do-nothing" officials? |
李克強: 中國黨和政府一貫堅持反腐倡廉的方針。黨的十八大以來,以習近平同志為總書記的黨中央堅持有腐必反、有貪必懲。一些所謂位高權重的人被依法調(diào)查和處理,成效是明顯的,人民群眾也是擁護的。 | Li Keqiang: The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government are committed to combating corruption and upholding integrity. Since the 18th National Party Congress, the Central Committee of the CPC with comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has been taking strong efforts to ensure that all acts of corruption will be brought to account. In this process, a number of high-ranking corrupt officials have been investigated and dealt with. Our efforts have yielded good results and won people's support. |
所以,推進制度反腐和標本兼治是一致的。首先還是要依法治國。法律面前人人平等,不論是誰都不能在法外用權。二是要推進體制改革。比如簡政放權很重要的一個目的就是堅決打掉尋租的空間,鏟除腐敗的土壤,因為很多腐敗分子一個共同的特征就是尋租。三是要加強監(jiān)督和教育。讓權力在陽光下運行,受到社會的監(jiān)督,公職人員要提高自律意識,以權謀公而不能謀私。在這個過程當中,我們既要懲治亂作為,也反對不作為,庸政懶政是不允許的。門好進了、臉好看了,就是不辦事,這是為官不為啊,必須嚴肅問責。謝謝! | To enhance institution building in fighting corruption helps us to address both the symptom and root cause of corruption. First, we must run the country in accordance with the law, and ensure that every one is equal before the law and no one is above the law. Second, we need to press ahead with the reform of the administrative system. Just now I mentioned the reform of the government to streamline administration and delegate powers. This is to eliminate room for rent-seeking to remove the breeding ground for corruption, as rent seeking is a common feature of various kinds of corruption. Third, supervision and educational campaigns will be strengthened. We must make sure that government power is exercised in a transparent way and subject to public oversight. All civil servants must enhance their self-discipline and government power can only be used for public good, not personal gains. There must be no irresponsible action or inaction on the part of government officials, and there is no room for incompetence or indolence either. No government official should be half-hearted in doing their jobs. Such officials will be held accountable. |