新年前夕,國家主席習近平通過中國國際廣播電臺、中央人民廣播電臺、中央電視臺,發表了二〇一五年新年賀詞。全文如下: | On New Year's Eve, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a New Year speech via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television. The full text is as follows:?? |
時間過得真快,2014年就要過去了,2015年正在向我們走來。在這辭舊迎新的時刻,我向全國各族人民,向香港特別行政區同胞和澳門特別行政區同胞,向臺灣同胞和海外僑胞,向世界各國和各地區的朋友們,致以新年的祝福! | Time flies. 2014 is coming to an end and 2015 is approaching. At this turn of the year, I wish to extend my best wishes to people of all ethnic groups in China, to our compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions, to our compatriots in Taiwan and overseas Chinese, as well as to friends in other countries and regions in the world. |
2014年是令人難忘的。這一年,我們銳意推進改革,啃下了不少硬骨頭,出臺了一系列重大改革舉措,許多改革舉措同老百姓的利益密切相關。我們適應經濟發展新常態,積極推動經濟社會發展,人民生活有了新的改善。12月12日,南水北調中線一期工程正式通水,沿線40多萬人移民搬遷,為這個工程作出了無私奉獻,我們要向他們表示敬意,希望他們在新的家園生活幸福。這一年,我們著力正風肅紀,重點反對形式主義、官僚主義、享樂主義和奢靡之風,情況有了很大改觀。我們加大反腐敗斗爭力度,以零容忍的態度嚴懲腐敗分子,顯示了反腐懲惡的堅定決心。這一年,我們加強同世界各國的合作交往,主辦了北京亞太經合組織領導人非正式會議,我國領導人多次出訪,外國領導人也大量來訪,這些活動讓世界更好認識了中國。 | 2014 is unforgettable. During the past year, we have pushed forward reform with strong determination, cracked many hard nuts, and introduced a string of major reform measures, many of which are closely related to the interests of the general public. We have adapted to the new normal of economic growth, actively promoted economic and social development, and brought about further improvement in people's lives. On 12 December, the first phase of the central route of the South-North Water Diversion Project went into operation. More than 400,000 people along the route have been relocated. We pay tribute to them for their selfless contribution, and wish them a happy life in their new homes. In the past year, we have endeavored to improve our work style and strengthen party and government discipline, with efforts focusing on fighting against formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. The situation has greatly improved. We have stepped up the fight against corruption and punished corrupt officials with a zero-tolerance attitude, which demonstrates our commitment to fighting against corruption and other evil forces. In the past year, we have enhanced our cooperation and exchanges with countries around the world. We hosted the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Beijing. Our leaders have visited many countries and received many foreign leaders. These exchanges of visits have helped the world understand China better. |
為了做好這些工作,我們的各級干部也是蠻拼的。當然,沒有人民支持,這些工作是難以做好的,我要為我們偉大的人民點贊。 | Officials at various levels have spared no efforts to perform their duty. Of course, those achievements would not have been possible without the support of the people. I would like to give a "thumbs up" to our great people. |
這一年,我們通過立法確定了中國人民抗日戰爭勝利紀念日、烈士紀念日、南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭日,舉行了隆重活動。對一切為國家、為民族、為和平付出寶貴生命的人們,不管時代怎樣變化,我們都要永遠銘記他們的犧牲和奉獻。 | During the past year, we have established the Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Martyrs' Day and the National Memorial Day for Victims of the Nanjing Massacre through legislation. These new memorial days included many solemn events. Despite the change of times, we would always remember the sacrifice and contribution of those who gave their lives for the Chinese nation and for peace. |
這一年,我們也經歷了一些令人悲傷的時刻。馬航MH370航班失蹤,150多名同胞下落不明,我們沒有忘記他們,我們一定要持續努力、想方設法找到他們。這一年,我國發生了一些重大自然災害和安全事故,不少同胞不幸離開了我們,云南魯甸地震就造成了600多人遇難,我們懷念他們,祝愿他們的親人們都安好。 | During the past year, we have also experienced some sad moments. Malaysia Airlines MH370 went missing. The whereabouts of more than 150 of our fellow countrymen remain unknown. We have not forgotten them. We will continue to make all possible efforts to find them. During the past year, our country has also suffered from a number of major natural disasters and work safety accidents, in which some compatriots lost their lives. The Ludian earthquake in Yunnan Province claimed more than 600 lives. Our hearts are with them and we wish their families well. |
新年的鐘聲即將敲響。我們要繼續努力,把人民的期待變成我們的行動,把人民的希望變成生活的現實。我們要繼續全面深化改革,開弓沒有回頭箭,改革關頭勇者勝。我們要全面推進依法治國,用法治保障人民權益、維護社會公平正義、促進國家發展。我們要讓全面深化改革、全面推進依法治國如鳥之兩翼、車之雙輪,推動全面建成小康社會的目標如期實現。 | The New Year bell is about to ring. We will continue our efforts to act upon people's expectations and turn their aspirations into reality. We will continue to deepen reform in an all-round way. An arrow that has been released makes no turning back. At this critical moment of our reform process, only those who brave hardships would prevail. We must advance the rule of law in an all-round way, and use the rule of law to guarantee people's rights and interests, uphold social equity and justice, and promote national development. For the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way to be completed in due course, comprehensively deepening reform and strengthening the rule of law must go forward hand in hand, like the two wings of a bird or the two wheels of a car. |
我國人民生活總體越來越好,但我們時刻都要想著那些生活中還有難處的群眾。我們要滿腔熱情做好民生工作,特別是要做好扶貧開發和基本生活保障工作,讓農村貧困人口、城市困難群眾等所有需要幫助的人們都能生活得到保障、心靈充滿溫暖。 | The living standards of the Chinese people are constantly improving, but we should always keep in mind those who are still living in hardships. We will work with passion to improve their well-being, with efforts focusing on poverty alleviation and guaranteeing basic living conditions. We will provide assistance to all those in need of help, including poverty-stricken farmers and urban residents with difficulties, so that their basic living conditions are guaranteed and their hearts are filled with warmth. |
我們要繼續全面推進從嚴治黨,毫不動搖轉變作風,高舉反腐的利劍,扎牢制度的籠子,在中國共產黨領導的社會主義國家里,腐敗分子發現一個就要查處一個,有腐必懲,有貪必肅。 | We will continue to comprehensively strengthen party discipline, and unswervingly improve our work style. We will always resort to anti-corruption as a sharp weapon, and consolidate mechanism-building as a cage to contain powers. In this socialist country led by the Communist Party of China, any corrupt official who is exposed must be dealt with. All those involved in corruption and embezzlement must be prosecuted and punished. |
我們正在從事的事業是偉大的,堅忍不拔才能勝利,半途而廢必將一事無成。我們的藍圖是宏偉的,我們的奮斗必將是艱巨的。全黨全國各族人民要團結一心,集思廣益用好機遇,眾志成城應對挑戰,立行立改破解難題,奮發有為進行創新,讓國家發展和人民生活一年比一年好。 | We are now pursuing a lofty mission. Only perseverance will lead to victory, while giving up halfway will lead us nowhere. Our blueprint is ambitious, but our task is arduous. All party members and people of all ethnic groups in the country must stand united. We must pool our wisdom to seize opportunities, work together to embrace challenges, tackle problems with quick action, and carry on innovation with determination, in order to make China a better country year by year and constantly improve people's living standards. |
中國人民關注自己國家的前途,也關注世界的前途。非洲發生了埃博拉疫情,我們給予幫助;馬爾代夫首都遭遇斷水,我們給予支援,許許多多這樣的行動展示了中國人民同各國人民同呼吸、共命運的情懷。當前世界仍很不安寧。我們呼喚和平,我真誠希望,世界各國人民共同努力,讓所有的人民免于饑寒的煎熬,讓所有的家庭免于戰火的威脅,讓所有的孩子都能在和平的陽光下茁壯成長。 | The Chinese people care greatly about the country's future and the future of the world. When Ebola emerged in Africa, we offered our help. When a water shortage occurred in the capital of the Maldives, we provided assistance. There are numerous examples like these which demonstrate the spirit of common destiny of the Chinese people and all humanity. The world is not yet a tranquil place. We long for peace and we sincerely hope that people of all countries can work together to ensure that all humanity will be free from the suffering of hunger and all families free from the threat of wars, and that all children can grow up in the sunshine of peace. |
謝謝大家。 | Thank you! |