12月7日,中國外交部受權發表《中華人民共和國政府關于菲律賓共和國所提南海仲裁案管轄權問題的立場文件》。全文如下: |
The Chinese foreign ministry was authorized to release on Sunday a position paper of the government on the matter of jurisdiction in the South China Sea arbitration initiated by the Republic of the Philippines. The following is a translated version of the full text of the position paper: |
(2014年12月7日) |
Position Paper of the Government of the People' s Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines
7 December 2014 |
目 錄 |
Contents |
一、引言 |
I. Introduction |
二、菲律賓提請仲裁事項的實質是南海部分島礁的領土主權問題,不涉及《公約》的解釋或適用 |
II. The essence of the subject-matter of the arbitration is the territorial sovereignty over several maritime features in the South China Sea, which does not concern the interpretation or application of the Convention |
三、通過談判方式解決在南海的爭端是中菲兩國之間的協議,菲律賓無權單方面提起強制仲裁 |
III. There exists an agreement between China and the Philippines to settle their disputes in the South China Sea through negotiations, and the Philippines is debarred from unilaterally initiating compulsory arbitration |
四、即使菲律賓提出的仲裁事項涉及有關《公約》解釋或適用的問題,也構成海域劃界不可分割的組成部分,已被中國2006年聲明所排除,不得提交仲裁 |
IV. Even assuming, arguendo, that the subject-matter of the arbitration were concerned with the interpretation or application of the Convention, that subject-matter would still be an integral part of maritime delimitation and, having been excluded by the 2006 Declaration filed by China, could not be submitted for arbitration |
五、中國自主選擇爭端解決方式的權利應得到充分尊重,中國不接受、不參與菲律賓提起的仲裁具有充分的國際法依據 |
V. China's right to freely choose the means of dispute settlement must be fully respected, and its rejection of and non-participation in the present arbitration is solidly grounded in international law |
六、結論 |
VI. Conclusions |