

Full text: The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Declaration

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-11-21

 11月11日,亞太經合組織第二十二次領導人非正式會議在北京懷柔雁棲湖國際會議中心舉行。這是習近平同各經濟體領導人或代表步入會場。[新華社 蘭紅光 攝]
Chinese President Xi Jinping (front C) and other leaders and representatives from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies arrive at the venue for the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting at the Yanqi Lake International Convention Center in the northern suburb of Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 11, 2014. [Lan Hongguang/Xinhua]
中國 北京
Beijing Agenda for an Integrated, Innovative and Interconnected Asia-Pacific
Beijing, China
November 11, 2014
1. 我們,亞太經合組織各成員領導人聚首北京雁棲湖畔,舉行亞太經合組織第二十二次領導人非正式會議。我們圍繞“共建面向未來的亞太伙伴關系”主題,和“推動區域經濟一體化”,“促進經濟創新發展、改革與增長”,“加強全方位基礎設施與互聯互通建設”等重點議題,共商拓展和深化亞太區域經濟合作之大計,實現亞太和平、穩定、發展和共同繁榮。 1. We, the APEC Leaders, gathered by Yanqi Lake in Beijing for the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. Under the theme of "Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership", we held substantial discussions on the priorities of advancing regional economic integration, promoting innovative development, economic reform and growth, and strengthening comprehensive connectivity and infrastructure development with a view to expanding and deepening Asia-Pacific regional economic cooperation, and attaining peace, stability, development and common prosperity of the Asia-Pacific.
2. 亞太地區經歷了四分之一世紀的增長和發展,亞太經合組織不僅為本地區經濟發展、社會進步和民生改善作出重要貢獻,也見證了亞太地區的巨大變化和不斷提升的戰略地位。亞太經合組織以其自主自愿、協商一致、靈活務實的獨特方式,在具有顯著多樣性、處于不同發展階段的成員間成功構建起完善的區域經濟合作框架。我們團結互信,互敬互助,合作共贏,努力縮小各成員發展差距,穩步推進亞太和世界經濟強勁、可持續、平衡、包容、安全增長。 2. The Asia-Pacific region has experienced a quarter of a century's growth and development. APEC has not only made significant contributions to the region's economic development, social progress and improvement of people's livelihoods, but has also epitomized the great changes and rising strategic position of the Asia-Pacific. Through its unique approach featuring voluntary action, consensus, flexibility and pragmatism, APEC has successfully established a sound regional economic cooperation framework among member economies with remarkable diversity and at different stages of development. Adhering to the spirit of unity, mutual respect and trust, mutual assistance and win-win cooperation, we have been working to narrow the development gap among ourselves and have consistently promoted the robust, sustainable, balanced, inclusive and secure growth in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
3. 經過多年快速發展,亞太已成為世界上最具活力地區,在全球版圖上從未像今天這樣重要。當前亞太發展勢頭良好,潛力巨大,前景光明,同時也面臨風險和挑戰。 3. After years of rapid development, the Asia-Pacific has become the most dynamic region of the world, and has never been as important as it is today in the global landscape. At present, the Asia-Pacific maintains a strong momentum of growth; it possesses an enormous potential and has a bright future. Yet it is also faced with risks and challenges.
4. 值此承前啟后、繼往開來之重要歷史時刻,我們決心共建面向未來的亞太伙伴關系,打造發展創新、增長聯動、利益融合的開放型亞太經濟格局,鞏固亞太地區全球增長引擎地位,開創亞太未來合作新局面,實現亞太地區共同繁榮。 4. We are at an important historical moment of building on past achievements and striving for new progress. We are committed to working together to shape the future through Asia-Pacific partnership, building an open economy in the Asia-Pacific featuring innovative development, interconnected growth, and shared interests, and consolidating the leading role of the Asia-Pacific in the world economy, with a goal of opening up new prospects for future cooperation and achieving common prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.
5. 為實現上述目標,我們承諾在以下方面做出努力: 5. To achieve the above-mentioned goals, we pledge to take the following actions:
一、推動區域經濟一體化 I. Advancing Regional Economic Integration
推進自由開放貿易投資 Pursuing Free and Open Trade and Investment
6. 我們重申多邊貿易體制在推動貿易擴大、經濟增長、創造就業和可持續發展方面的價值及其中心和首要地位。我們堅定地加強世界貿易組織所代表的,基于規則、透明、非歧視、開放和包容的多邊貿易體制。 6. We reiterate the value, centrality and primacy of the multilateral trading system in promoting trade expansion, economic growth, job creation and sustainable development. We stand firmly together to strengthen the rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system as embodied in the WTO.
7. 我們對《貿易便利化協定》實施僵局表示嚴重關切,這已導致其他巴厘島決定相關工作停滯并給其帶來不確定性。這些狀況已影響了世界貿易組織談判功能的信譽。為尋找落實巴厘島決定解決方案,亞太經合組織將發揮創造性領導力和能量,與所有世界貿易組織成員一起打破目前僵局,將各項巴厘島決定重回正軌,并著手制定“后巴厘”工作計劃,為順利結束多哈回合打下堅實基礎。 7. We express our grave concern regarding the impasse in the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) which has resulted in stalemate and uncertainties over other Bali decisions. These developments have affected the credibility of the WTO negotiating function. In finding solutions to the implementation of the Bali decisions, APEC will exert creative leadership and energy together with all WTO members in unlocking this impasse, putting all Bali decisions back on track, and proceeding with the formulation of Post-Bali Work Program, as a key stepping stone to concluding the Doha Round.
8. 我們重申反對各種形式保護主義的承諾。我們將把不采取新的貿易投資限制措施的承諾延長至2018年底,同時重申取消保護主義和扭曲貿易措施的承諾。我們致力于最大限度地克制使用可能符合世界貿易組織規則但具有明顯保護主義效果的措施,并及時糾正這些措施。 8. We reaffirm our pledges against all forms of protectionism. We extend our standstill commitment through the end of 2018 and reaffirm our commitment to roll back protectionist and trade-distorting measures. We remain committed to exercise maximum restraint in implementing measures that may be consistent with WTO provisions but have a significant protectionist effect, and to promptly rectifying such measures, where implemented.
9. 我們認識到雙邊、區域和諸邊貿易協定能夠對全球貿易自由化發揮重要補充作用。我們將繼續協同工作,確保上述談判能夠加強多邊貿易體制。我們強調《信息技術協定》擴圍的重要性?!缎畔⒓夹g協定》擴圍談判的最終結果應是具有重要商業意義的、有信譽的、務實的和平衡的,應反映過去17年來信息技術產業的技術動態發展,并為多邊貿易體制作出貢獻。我們歡迎亞太經合組織為推動談判發揮引領作用,同時呼吁盡快恢復并結束日內瓦的諸邊談判。我們歡迎2014年7月在日內瓦啟動的《環境產品協定》談判。我們鼓勵上述談判參加方為擴大成員范圍開展工作。 9. We acknowledge that bilateral, regional and plurilateral trade agreements can play an important role in complementing global trade liberalization initiatives. We will continue to work together to ensure that they contribute to strengthening the multilateral trading system. We underscore the importance of the negotiations to expand the product coverage of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA). A final ITA expansion outcome should be commercially significant, credible, pragmatic, balanced, and reflective of the dynamic technological developments in the information technology sector over the last 17 years, and contribute to the multilateral trading system. We welcome APEC's leadership in advancing the negotiations and call for swift resumption and conclusion of plurilateral negotiations in Geneva. We welcome the launch of negotiations on Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) in July 2014 in Geneva. We encourage participants of the above initiatives to seek expanded memberships.
10. 我們歡迎亞太經合組織成員在實現茂物目標方面所取得的顯著進展,將為在2020年實現茂物目標付出全部努力。我們歡迎今年舉行的兩年一次的茂物目標評審,敦促所有經濟體特別是發達成員認真對照2010年、2012年、2014年亞太經合組織經濟體茂物目標進展報告的結論,朝著實現茂物目標采取更多具體措施。 10. We welcome the significant progress made toward achieving the Bogor Goals. We will make every effort to achieve the Bogor Goals by 2020. We also welcome the biennial Bogor Goals review this year. We urge all economies, particularly developed ones to deeply consider the conclusions of the Report on APEC's 2010 Economies' Progress towards the Bogor Goals and the 2012 and 2014 Bogor Goals Progress Report, and to take more concrete actions towards attaining the Bogor Goals.
11. 我們認識到亞太經合組織在塑造和推進區域經濟一體化中發揮的關鍵作用。我們一致認為亞太經合組織應發揮孵化器作用,做出更重要、更有意義的貢獻,把亞太自貿區從愿景變為現實。我們重申關于亞太自貿區是亞太經合組織推動區域經濟一體化主要手段的承諾。 11. Recognizing APEC has a critical role to play in shaping and nurturing regional economic integration, we agree that APEC should make more important and meaningful contributions as an incubator to translate the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) from a vision to reality. We reaffirm our commitment to the eventual FTAAP as a major instrument to further APEC's regional economic integration agenda.
12. 為此,我們決定啟動并全面、系統地推進亞太自貿區進程。我們批準《亞太經合組織推動實現亞太自貿區北京路線圖》(附件一)。我們決定通過實施路線圖,加快努力,在完成現有路徑基礎上建成亞太自貿區。我們申明在本地區現有自貿安排基礎上盡早建成亞太自貿區的目標。這將為亞太經濟一體化、可持續增長和共同繁榮作出重要貢獻。我們指示部長們和官員們實施具體行動,并報告成果和進展。 12. In this regard, we decide to kick off and advance the process in a comprehensive and systematic manner towards the eventual realization of the FTAAP, and endorse the Beijing Roadmap for APEC's Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP (Annex A). Through the implementation of this Roadmap, we decide to accelerate our efforts on realizing the FTAAP on the basis of the conclusion of the ongoing pathways, and affirm our commitment to the eventual realization of the FTAAP as early as possible by building on ongoing regional undertakings, which will contribute significantly to regional economic integration, sustained growth and common prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. We instruct Ministers and officials to undertake the specific actions and report the outcomes to track the achievements.
13. 我們歡迎貿易投資委員會建立關于加強區域經濟一體化和推動亞太自貿區建設的“主席之友”工作組,敦促“主席之友”工作組繼續開展工作。我們同意啟動“實現亞太自貿區有關問題的聯合戰略研究”,指示官員們進行研究,咨詢利益相關方,并在2016年底前報告研究成果。 13. We welcome the establishment of a Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) Friends of the Chair Group on Strengthening Regional Economic Integration (REI) and Advancing FTAAP, and urge the Friends of the Chair Group to continue its work. We agree to launch a collective strategic study on issues related to the realization of the FTAAP, and instruct officials to undertake the study, consult stakeholders and report the result by the end of 2016.
14. 我們批準建立亞太經合組織自貿區信息交流機制。我們高度贊賞實施《亞太自貿區能力建設行動計劃框架》所取得的進展,并批準《第二期亞太自貿區能力建設行動計劃框架》。我們指示官員們設計富有針對性、量身定制式的能力建設活動,縮小亞太經合組織成員間能力差距,加速建成亞太自貿區。 14. We endorse the establishment of an APEC Information Sharing Mechanism on RTAs/FTAs. We highly commend the work on the implementation of the Action Plan Framework on Capacity Building Needs Initiatives (CBNI), and endorse the Action Plan Framework of the 2nd CBNI. We instruct officials to design targeted and tailor-made capacity building activities to narrow the gap of the capacities of APEC economies to facilitate the eventual realization of the FTAAP.
15. 與此同時,我們重申亞太經合組織在解決下一代貿易投資議題和部門倡議方面發揮的作用,并同意加速“邊界上”貿易自由化便利化努力,改善“邊界后”商業環境,加強“跨邊界”區域聯接,為實現亞太自貿區添磚加瓦。為此,我們將: 15. In addition to the above, we reaffirm the role of APEC in addressing next generation trade and investment issues and sectoral initiatives, and agree to accelerate "at the border" trade liberalization and facilitation efforts, improve the business environment "behind the border", and enhance regional connectivity "across the border" to accumulate more building blocks for the realization of the FTAAP. Therefore, we:
——重申我們2012年在符拉迪沃斯托克達成的在2015年底前將亞太經合組織環境產品清單實施關稅降至5%或以下的承諾。我們呼吁各經濟體加倍努力,實現經濟和環境雙重利益。我們指示官員明年在菲律賓會議上向我們報告這一重要承諾的實施進展。我們歡迎各成員為實施環境產品承諾開展的能力建設工作。 -- reaffirm our commitment to reduce applied tariffs to five percent or less by the end of 2015 on the list of environmental goods that we endorsed in 2012 in Vladivostok. We call upon all economies to redouble their efforts in order to realize the economic and environmental benefits. We will instruct officials to report progress in achieving this ground-breaking commitment at our meeting next year in the Philippines. We welcome the work on capacity building on Environmental Goods (EGs) commitment implementation;
——歡迎亞太經合組織環境產品和服務公私伙伴關系(PPP)舉行以清潔和可再生能源為主題的首次會議,批準《亞太經合組織促進可再生和清潔能源貿易投資聲明》。 -- welcome the inaugural meeting of the APEC Public Private Partnership on Environmental Goods and Services (PPEGS) on renewable and clean energy trade and investment, and endorse the APEC Statement on Promoting Renewable and Clean Energy (RCE) Trade and Investment;
——歡迎在探索促進可持續、包容性增長產品工作中取得的進展,將其作為農村發展和減貧的具體舉措。 -- welcome the progress on exploring products which could contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth as part of our concrete commitment to rural development and poverty alleviation;
——批準《通過公私伙伴關系促進基礎設施投資行動計劃》,指示官員們采取切實舉措,加強在公私伙伴關系領域的合作,促進更具活力和可持續的亞太基礎設施投資和開發。 -- endorse the Action Agenda on Promoting Infrastructure Investment through Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and instruct officials to take concrete actions to strengthen cooperation on PPP to promote more robust and sustainable infrastructure investment and development in the APEC region;
——歡迎亞太地區可持續投資案例研究有關工作,鼓勵官員們審議已提名的案例并從中汲取經驗和良好實踐,促進可持續跨境投資。 -- welcome the Case Studies on Sustainable Investment in the APEC Region and encourage officials to consider and draw experience and good practices from the nominated cases to promote sustainable cross-border investment;
——批準《亞太經合組織跨境電子商務創新和發展倡議》,鼓勵各經濟體在自愿基礎上指定或設立跨境電子商務創新和發展研究中心。 -- endorse the APEC Cross Border E-Commerce Innovation and Development Initiative and encourage economies to designate or establish Research Centers of Cross-border E-commerce Innovation and Development on a voluntary basis;
——認識到對包括商業秘密在內的知識產權的有效保護和實施對創新與外商直接投資具有激勵和促進作用,也有利于通過許可和合伙形式促進技術傳播。 -- recognize that the effective protection and enforcement of IPR including trade secrets incentivizes and facilitates innovation and foreign direct investment and the dissemination of technology through licensing and partnerships;
——批準《亞太經合組織廣告標準制訂與實踐行動計劃》,加強廣告標準一致性,降低區內營商成本。 -- endorse the APEC Action Agenda on Advertising Standards and Practice Development to promote alignment of advertising standards and reduce the cost of doing business across the region;
——批準《亞太地區汽車產業可持續發展宣言》,歡迎2014年亞太經合組織電動汽車標準規制合作發展機制對話會成果。我們歡迎《亞太經合組織推動電動汽車廣泛使用的行動》。 -- endorse the Asia-Pacific Region Automotive Industry Sustainable Development Declaration and welcome the outcomes of the 2014 APEC Regulatory Cooperation Advancement Mechanism (ARCAM) Dialogue on Electric Vehicle Standards. We welcome the APEC Actions to Promote the Widespread Usage of Electric Vehicles.

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