

Full text: President Xi's speech at the State Great Khural of Mongolia

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-08-28

2014年8月22日,國家主席習近平在蒙古國國家大呼拉爾發表題為《守望相助,共創中蒙關系發展新時代》的重要演講。演講全文如下: Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the State Great Khural of Mongolia, August 22, 2014. Following is the full text of Xi's speech:


Open up New Horizons for China-Mongolia Relations Through Mutual Assistance
Speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping
At the State Great Khural of Mongolia
Ulan Bator, August 22, 2014

Your Excellency President Elbegdorj and Mrs. Elbegdorj,
Your Excellency Chairman Enkhbold,
Your Excellency Prime Minister Altankhuyag,
Distinguished Members of the State Great Khural,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
大家好!今天,有機會來到蒙古國國家大呼拉爾,同各位朋友們見面,我感到十分高興。首先,我謹代表中國政府和中國人民,并以我個人的名義,向在座各位,并通過你們向全體蒙古國人民,致以誠摯的問候和良好的祝愿! Good Morning! It is a great pleasure to meet you here at the State Great Khural of Mongolia. At the outset, please allow me to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, sincere greetings and best wishes to all of you and, through you, to the entire people of Mongolia!
2008年,我擔任國家副主席時首次出訪就選擇了蒙古國。踏上這塊美麗的土地,我深深感到這里是物華天寶的好地方。貴國著名文學家那楚克道爾吉在他的詩作《我的故鄉》中曾寫到:“肯特、杭愛、薩彥嶺的巍峨群山,是點綴北國的層巒疊嶂;漠南、沙爾克、諾敏的無邊戈壁,是橫亙南疆的沙漠瀚海。這就是我生長的地方,美麗的蒙古大地!” Mongolia was the first country I visited as Vice President of China in 2008. As soon as I set foot on the beautiful land of Mongolia, I was deeply impressed by its naturally endowed abundance. Natsagdorj, a well-known Mongolian writer, depicted a poetic and beautiful scene of Mongolia in his poem My Native Land: High stately mountains of Khentei, Khangai and Soyon; Forests and thick-wooded ridges-the beauty of the North; The Great Gobi desert-the spaces of Menen, Sharga and Nomin; And the oceans of sand deserts that dominate the South; This, this is my native land, The lovely country-my Mongolia.
時隔6年,我再次來到蒙古國,看到這里是一片欣欣向榮的景象,充滿生機活力,感到由衷的高興,我對勤勞勇敢的蒙古國人民取得的發展成就,表示衷心的祝賀! Six years later, I am here again. What I see is a thriving country dynamic and full of vitality. With heartfelt joy, I wish to extend our sincere congratulation to you, the brave and hardworking people of Mongolia, on your achievements.
昨天,我同額勒貝格道爾吉總統舉行了會談,剛才又分別會見了恩赫包勒德主席、阿勒坦呼亞格總理。我同蒙古國領導人就中蒙關系和共同關心的問題深入交換意見,達成廣泛共識。雙方一致決定,將中蒙關系提升為全面戰略伙伴關系并發表聯合宣言,還簽署了涉及政治、經貿、人文等各個領域的20多項合作文件。我對這次訪問的成果感到滿意,對中蒙關系更加充滿信心。 Yesterday, I had talks with President Elbegdorj. Before I came here, I met with both Chairman Enkhbold and Prime Minister Altankhuyag. Mongolian leaders and I have had an in-depth exchange of views on our bilateral ties as well as issues of shared interest. We have reached broad consensus. The two sides have agreed to elevate China-Mongolia relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership and issue a joint statement. We have signed more than 20 cooperation documents covering political, economic, trade and cultural fields. I am happy with the outcomes of my visit. And I have greater confidence in the relations between China and Mongolia.
女士們、先生們、朋友們! Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
“路遙知馬力,日久見人心。”65年前,中蒙正式建立外交關系。蒙古國是最早承認新中國的國家之一。我們不會忘記貴國對新中國給予的支持。我愿再次重申:無論國際和地區形勢如何變化,中國都將始終按照中蒙友好合作關系條約精神,尊重蒙古國獨立、主權、領土完整,尊重蒙古國人民自主選擇的發展道路。這是我們將長期堅持的一項基本政策。 Just as distance tests a horse's strength, time will reveal a person's sincerity. China and Mongolia officially established diplomatic relations 65 years ago. Mongolia was one of the first countries to recognize New China and we will always remember the support you have rendered us. Let me reiterate that no matter how the international and regional situation may evolve, China will always follow the spirit enshrined in the the friendship and cooperation treaty between China and Mongolia, respect Mongolia's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and the Mongolian people's independent choice of development path. This is a basic and long-term policy that we will uphold. Sixty years are a cycle according to the Chinese zodiac.
我們高興地看到,進入第二個甲子的中蒙關系正朝著更高水平不斷發展。特別是過去20年間,中蒙高層交往頻繁,政治互信不斷加深。兩國經貿務實合作快速發展,中國連續多年保持貴國最大貿易伙伴國和最大投資來源國地位。2013年,中蒙人員往來130多萬人次,其中蒙古國公民赴華超過100萬人次。應該說,中蒙全面戰略伙伴關系的建立恰逢其時、水到渠成,標志著中蒙關系進入歷史最好的發展時期。 We are pleased to see that China-Mongolia ties, now in their second cycle, are moving further ahead. The past two decades, in particular, have witnessed frequent exchange of high-level visits and increased political mutual trust. Practical business ties have grown fast. China has, for many years in a row, remained Mongolia's largest trading partner and source of investment. In the year 2013 alone, more than 1.3 million visits were made between China and Mongolia, with more than 1 million from Mongolia to China. No doubt, the establishment of China-Mongolia comprehensive strategic partnership, a natural development at a most opportune time, has ushered the bilateral ties into the best development period in history.
中蒙是山水相連的友好鄰邦,同為本地區重要國家。今年是中蒙建交65周年、中蒙友好合作關系條約修訂20周年和中蒙友好交流年,雙方應該以建立全面戰略伙伴關系為契機,推動中蒙關系不斷邁上更高臺階。 China and Mongolia are friendly neighbours sharing common mountains and rivers and both are important countries in the region. This year marks the 65th anniversary of China-Mongolia diplomatic ties, 20th anniversary of the amendment to the friendship and cooperation treaty between the two countries, and the year of China-Mongolia friendship and exchanges. The two sides should take the advantage of the establishment of our comprehensive strategic partnership and work together to bring China-Mongolia ties to an even higher level.
第一,中蒙要做守望相助的好鄰居。不論國際風云如何變幻,雙方都要牢牢把握兩國關系大方向,站在戰略伙伴的角度多為對方著想,在涉及彼此主權、安全、領土完整等重大核心利益和重大關切問題上相互予以堅定支持。 First, China and Mongolia should be good neighbors that support each other. Whatever changes may take place in the international landscape, our two countries should always keep in mind the overall interests of the bilateral relations. We should think more for each other from the perspective of strategic partners and firmly support each other on issues involving our respective core interests or major concerns, such as sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.
兩國要保持高層交往勢頭,兩國領導人可以通過各種渠道保持經常性會晤,加強戰略溝通,深化政治互信。我邀請額勒貝格道爾吉總統今年11月赴華出席亞太經合組織領導人非正式會議期間舉行的互聯互通伙伴對話會,中方歡迎恩赫包勒德主席今年赴華進行正式訪問。雙方已經決定建立中蒙立法機關定期交流機制和中蒙外交部門戰略對話機制,雙方將在防務安全磋商框架內,繼續加強兩國國防合作。 Our two countries should maintain the momentum of exchanging high-level visits. It is beneficial for leaders of the two countries to keep regular contacts through various channels so as to enhance strategic communication and political mutual trust. I would like to invite President Elbegdorj to a dialogue meeting on connectivity to be held during the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in China in the coming November. China looks forward to Chairman Enkhbold's official visit to China this year. Our two countries have agreed to put in place a regular exchange mechanism between our legislatures and a strategic dialogue program between the two foreign ministries, and enhance our cooperation in national defense within the framework of defense security consultation.
中方支持蒙方加入亞太經合組織,支持蒙方積極參與東亞合作,支持蒙方以適當方式參與東亞峰會和中日韓合作,支持蒙方提出的東北亞安全烏蘭巴托對話倡議,愿在聯合國、亞歐會議、亞信會議、上海合作組織等框架內同蒙方加強合作。 China supports Mongolia in joining the APEC and actively participating in East Asia cooperation. We support Mongolia in engaging in the East Asia Summit and China-Japan-ROK cooperation in an appropriate manner and Mongolia's initiative of Ulaanbaatar Dialogue on Northeast Asian Security. We are ready for closer cooperation with Mongolia in the United Nations, Asia-Europe Meeting, Conference on Interactions and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
中方愿同蒙方加強在絲綢之路經濟帶倡議下合作,對蒙方提出的草原之路倡議持積極和開放態度。雙方可以在亞洲基礎設施投資銀行等新的平臺上加強合作,共同發展,共同受益。 China is also ready to increase cooperation with Mongolia in matters covered by the Silk Road Economic Belt project. China is positive and open to Mongolia's initiative for passage to grassland. Our two countries may step up cooperation for common development and mutual benefit through new platforms such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
第二,中蒙要做互利共贏的好伙伴。“近水樓臺先得月。”中蒙地理相鄰、經濟互補,中方的市場、資金、技術、通道和蒙方的資源富集優勢互補性很強,有許多合作機遇。去年,中國商品進出口總額達到4.16萬億美元。未來5年,中國預計將進口超過10萬億美元商品,對外投資規模預計超過5000億美元。去年,中國公民出境旅游近1億人次,估計到2020年這一數字將超過每年1.5億人次。中國持續發展將為包括蒙古國在內的合作伙伴帶來巨大市場和機遇。 Second, China and Mongolia should become good partners in win-win cooperation. Just as we say in China "one gets a better view of the rising moon at a waterfront pavilion or a favorable position", the geographical proximity and economic complementarity between our two countries - China's market, capital, technology and transportation corridors and Mongolia's rich natural endowment, promise great opportunities for closer cooperation between us. Last year, China's imports and exports totaled US$4.16 trillion. For the coming five years, China will import over US$10 trillion of goods and make outbound investment worth over US$500 billion. Last year, about 100 million Chinese tourists travelled abroad, and the number is estimated to top 150 million annually by 2020. Sustained development in China will offer Mongolia and other cooperation partners a big market and enormous opportunities.
我這次訪問期間,蒙方長期關心的過境運輸、出海口等問題都得到了妥善解決。雙方成立了礦能和互聯互通合作委員會,簽署了《中蒙經貿合作中期發展綱要》,確定了到2020年雙邊貿易額達到100億美元的目標。雙方就加強口岸、鐵路合作等進行了深入探討,達成了共識。雙方決定將雙邊本幣互換規模擴大至150億元人民幣,雙方同意研究在中國二連浩特-蒙古國扎門烏德等地建立跨境經濟合作區。雙方還將在礦產品深加工、新能源、電力、農牧業、環保等領域開展全方位合作。這些新的合作必將增進兩國人民福祉,給兩國人民帶來實實在在的利益。 During my current visit, the issues of transit transport and sea access that Mongolia had long sought to solve have been properly resolved. Our two countries have established a cooperation committee on minerals, energy and connectivity, and signed an Outline for Midterm Development of China-Mongolia Economic Cooperation, whose goal is to increase the two-way trade to US$10 billion by 2020. We have had an in-depth discussion and reached consensus on port and railway cooperation. We have decided to expand bilateral currency swap to RMB15 billion and agreed to study the possibility of establishing a cross-border economic cooperation zone spanning China's Erenhot and Mongolia's Zamyn-Uud. We will conduct full cooperation in the deep-processing of minerals and development of new energy, electricity, agriculture and animal husbandry, environmental protection and other areas. These new cooperation programs will surely deliver real benefits to our two peoples and enhance their well-being.
第三,中蒙要做常來常往的好朋友。路熟了走起來容易,人熟了聊起來容易。昨天,我同額勒貝格道爾吉總統會談時,雙方商定將進一步活躍人員往來,相互給予更加便利的簽證政策,繼續加強青年、媒體等領域機制性交流,營造更加有利的社會氛圍,大力宣傳中蒙友好。 Third, China and Mongolia should be good friends who will visit each other frequently. Travel is easy on familiar roads, and conversation is easy between friends. In my talks with President Elbegdorj yesterday, we agreed to encourage more people-to-people exchanges through greater visa facilitations, and increase exchanges between the youth, media and other sectors of the two countries so as to create a more favorable social environment and foster a culture of China-Mongolia friendship.
中方歡迎更多蒙方公民赴華留學、旅游、經商、就醫。今后5年內,中方將向蒙方提供1000個培訓名額,增加提供1000個中國政府全額獎學金名額,為蒙軍培訓500名留學生,邀請500名蒙方青年訪華,邀請250名蒙方記者訪華,并向蒙方免費提供25部中國優秀影視劇譯作。相信這將對增進兩國人民的相互了解和友好感情發揮重要促進作用。 China welcomes more Mongolian citizens to China for purposes of study, travel, business or medical treatment. In the coming five years, China will offer training opportunities for 1,000 Mongolians, provide an extra 1,000 full government scholarships to Mongolia, and train 500 Mongolian officers and soldiers. We will invite 500 Mongolian youth and 250 Mongolian journalists to China and offer free of charge 25 popular Chinese movies and TV plays that have been translated into Mongolian language. I believe all these will help boost the mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

At present, the Chinese people are working towards the "two centennial goals", which is to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 and build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious by the middle of the century. These two goals together make up the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation. At the same time, the people of Mongolia are also committing themselves to advancing reform and achieving economic and social development. In other words, there is also a Mongolian dream in the hearts of the Mongolian people.

China's ongoing reform, opening-up and modernization process will provide catalyst and impetus for the growth of Mongolia and other neighboring countries. This makes it possible for us to effectively align our respective development strategies for the benefit of common development and prosperity.

On the other hand, we are soberly aware that it is not easy to realize the "two centennial goals" in China, a country with a population of over 1.3 billion and uneven development. It is going to be a long and arduous process that requires a long-term commitment. In the meantime, to realize these two goals, we need a sound neighboring environment. Without a peaceful neighborhood, we will not be able to keep our mind on our goals and manage our own affairs well.

As China grows, some people in the world have begun to doubt how China would go about. They are worried that a stronger China might become a threat to them. This is either a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of China's intention.

中國多次公開聲明,中國將堅定不移走和平發展道路,同時也將推動各國共同堅持和平發展。中國將積極承擔更多國際責任,同世界各國一道維護人類良知和國際公理,在世界和地區事務中主持公道、伸張正義。中國將繼續以最大誠意和耐心,堅持通過對話協商以和平方式解決分歧和爭端。 China has publicly stated on numerous occasions that it will stick to the path of peaceful development and encourage all countries to pursue peaceful development. China will take up more international responsibilities, work with other countries to uphold human conscience and international justice, and stand for justice in regional and international affairs. China will continue to handle differences and disputes peacefully through dialogues and consultations with utmost sincerity and patience.
中國也多次公開聲明,中國尊重各國人民自主選擇發展道路的權利,絕不把自己的意志強加于人,也絕不允許任何人把他們的意志強加于中國人民。我們主張以和平方式解決國際爭端,反對各種形式的霸權主義和強權政治,永遠不稱霸,永遠不搞擴張。 China has also publicly stated on numerous occasions that it respects the right of people of all countries to independently choose their path of development, and that it will never impose its will on others, nor will it allow others to impose their will on the Chinese people. China stands for peaceful solutions to international disputes, opposes hegemonism and power politics in all forms, and will never seek hegemony or expansion.
中華民族歷來是愛好和平的民族,中華文化崇尚和諧。在5000多年的文明發展中,中華民族一直追求和傳承著和平、和睦、和諧的堅定理念。以和為貴,與人為善,己所不欲、勿施于人等觀念和傳統在中國代代相傳,深深植根于中國人的精神中,深深體現在中國人的行為上。自古以來,中華民族就積極開展對外交往通商,而不是對外侵略擴張;執著于保家衛國的愛國主義,而不是開疆拓土的殖民主義。中國近代史,是一部充滿災難的悲慘屈辱史,是一部中華民族抵抗外來侵略、實現民族獨立的偉大斗爭史。歷經苦難的中國人民珍惜和平,絕不會將自己曾經遭受過的悲慘經歷強加給其他民族。中國人民愿意同世界各國人民和睦相處、和諧發展,共謀和平、共護和平、共享和平。 The Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation, and the Chinese culture values harmony. For over 5,000 years of its civilization, the Chinese nation has unswervingly advocated and promoted the ideas of peace, amity and harmony. For generations, the Chinese people have strongly believed in the traditional ideas that peace is the most precious, that one should be friendly to others and that one should not do onto others what he does not want others do unto him. All these ideas have taken deep root in the heart of the Chinese people and shaped their character and behavior. Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has actively engaged itself in exchanges and trade with foreign countries, instead of external aggression or expansion. We have committed ourselves to the patriotic cause of defending our homeland, instead of colonialist pursuit of territorial expansion. The modern history of China is a humiliating and tragic record of miserable sufferings, and at the same time, it also captures the epic struggle of the Chinese people to resist foreign aggression and realize national independence. Emerging from untold suffering, the Chinese people cherish the value of peace, and will never want to see other nations go through the same pains it endured in the past. The Chinese people want, more than anything else, to live in peace and harmony with the people of other countries, and work with them to promote, defend and share peace together.
中國改革開放30多年的歷史已經證明,和平發展是中國基于自身國情、社會制度、文化傳統作出的戰略抉擇,順應時代潮流,符合中國根本利益,符合周邊國家利益,符合世界各國利益,我們沒有理由去改變它。 The experience of China's reform and opening-up over the past 30 years and more has proved that peaceful development is a strategic choice that suits China's own national conditions, social system and cultural traditions. It conforms to the trend of the times, and serves the fundamental interests of China. It also meets the interests of China's neighboring countries and those of all countries in the world. So there is no reason whatsoever to change this policy.
中國始終把包括蒙古國在內的周邊鄰國視作促進共同發展的合作伙伴、維護和平穩定的真誠朋友,同絕大多數鄰國建立了不同形式的伙伴關系。我們將繼續堅持與鄰為善、以鄰為伴的方針,堅持睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰的政策,在同鄰國相處時秉持親、誠、惠、容的理念。 China has always regarded Mongolia and other neighboring countries as partners for pursuing common development and sincere friends for maintaining peace and stability. We have established partnerships with most of our neighbors in one form or another. We will continue the policy of enhancing good-neighborliness and partnership with neighbors, remain committed to living in harmony and security with neighbors for common prosperity, and uphold the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness in our relations with neighbors.
“眾人拾柴火焰高。”中國愿意為包括蒙古國在內的周邊國家提供共同發展的機遇和空間,歡迎大家搭乘中國發展的列車,搭快車也好,搭便車也好,我們都歡迎,正所謂“獨行快,眾行遠”。我多次講,中國開展對發展中國家的合作,將堅持正確義利觀,不搞我贏你輸、我多你少,在一些具體項目上將照顧對方利益。中國人講求言必信、行必果。中國說到的話、承諾的事,一定會做到、一定會兌現。 "Many hands make light work." China wishes to provide Mongolia and other neighboring countries with both opportunities and space for common development. All countries are welcome to get on board the express train of China's development. As a saying goes, "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." I have said many times that in our cooperation with other developing countries, China will set store by upholding moral principles while pursuing its interests. China will not subscribe to the zero-sum approach. When it comes to specific projects, China will give more consideration to the interests of our cooperation partners. We Chinese people attach great importance to taking action to keep promises. We will do whatever it takes to honor our commitment.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

蒙古國有“鄰里心靈相通,命運與共”的諺語。中國人講“好鄰居金不換。”中國是世界上鄰國最多的國家,我們把這當作寶貴財富。 As a Mongolian saying goes, "Neighbors are connected at heart and share a common destiny." In the same vein, we often say in China, "Good neighbors are more precious than gold." China has more neighbors than any other country in the world. And this we take as a precious gift.
當今世界,亞洲是經濟發展最具活力的地區,同時也是熱點敏感問題較多的地區,亞洲國家如何正確處理同鄰國關系,實現鄰國和睦相處、共同發展,妥善解決彼此爭議和矛盾,是一個重大課題。我認為,要破解這一課題,關鍵在于要順應時代潮流和民心所向,堅持相互尊重、求同存異、面向未來、合作共贏的原則,更多用東方智慧來解決問題、化解矛盾、促進和諧。 Although, in the world today, Asia is the most dynamic region for economic development, it is also a region with more hotspot and sensitive issues than other regions. How to properly manage relations with neighbors, live in harmony with each other for common development, and properly handle disputes and differences remains a major issue for Asian countries. I believe that to find a solution, it is essential to follow the trend of the times and the will of the people. We should uphold the principle of mutual respect, seek common ground while reserving differences, adopt a forward-looking approach and seek win-win cooperation. Above all, we should rely more on our oriental wisdom to solve problems, diffuse tension and advance harmony.
60年前,中國、印度、緬甸共同倡導和平共處五項原則,成為指導國與國關系的基本準則,是亞洲國家為促進國際關系發展作出的重要貢獻。在推進區域合作進程中,亞洲國家交流互鑒,堅持相互尊重、協商一致、照顧各方舒適度的亞洲方式,這是符合本地區特點的處理相互關系的傳統。這個傳統體現著亞洲的鄰國相處之道,在今天應該繼續發揚光大,為亞洲國家以及整個地區和平、發展、合作激發出源源不斷的內生動力。堅持和實踐這一傳統,要做到以下幾點。 The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, jointly initiated by China, India and Myanmar sixty years ago, have become basic norms governing state-to-state relations and thus represent an important contribution that Asian countries have made to the development of international relations. While moving forward with regional cooperation, Asian countries have embraced the Asian approach that features learning from each other through exchanges, mutual respect, consensus-building, and accommodating each other's comfort level. This approach to state-to-state relations fits in well with the specific conditions in Asia. Embodying the Asian tradition of handling relations with neighbors, this approach should be carried forward in order to unleash the endless inherent strength for peace, development and cooperation in Asian countries and the region as a whole. To uphold and practice this approach, we need to do the following:
——互尊互信。歷史上,許多亞洲國家飽受外來欺凌之苦,深感國家獨立自主之可貴。尊重獨立、主權、領土完整,尊重各國自主選擇社會制度和發展道路,互不干涉內政,照顧彼此重大關切,這是亞洲各國友好相處的重要基礎。亞洲多樣性突出,具有開放包容的傳統,各國應該在平等基礎上,促進不同文明交流對話,加深相互理解和彼此認同,為亞洲穩定和繁榮構筑堅實依托。 Respect and trust each other. Many Asian countries had the agonizing experience of being bullied and humiliated by foreign powers, and know full well the value of national independence. Mutual respect for each other's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual respect for each other's independent choice of social system and development path, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, mutual accommodation of each other's major concerns are an important foundation on which Asian countries have lived with each other in amity. A region of great diversity, Asia has a tradition of openness and inclusiveness. Countries in this region should increase inter-civilization exchanges and dialogue on an equal footing for better mutual understanding and trust and lay a solid foundation for stability and prosperity in Asia.
——聚同化異。在亞洲各國交往史上,友好合作是主流,但也不乏一些遺留問題。鄰國之間磕磕碰碰在所難免,關鍵是如何對待和處理。只有以對話和合作凝聚共識、化解分歧,才是地區長治久安最有效的保障。我們應該著眼大局、友好協商,共同參與國際和地區治理,為促進國際政治經濟秩序朝著更加公正合理的方向發展發揮積極作用。 Seek common ground while resolving differences. Although friendship and cooperation have been the mainstream in the history of relations among Asian countries, there are still numerous issues left over from history yet to be resolved. Differences and frictions are hardly avoidable among neighboring countries. What is important is how to handle and manage them properly. The most effective way to ensure long-term peace and stability in the region is to build consensus and resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation. We, Asian countries, should bear in mind the overall interests of the world, engage in friendly consultations, jointly participate in regional and international governance and contribute to the building of a more fair and equitable international political and economic order.
——合作共贏。發展經濟、改善民生是亞洲各國面臨的首要任務,加強互利合作是促進亞洲和睦相處的重要粘合劑。亞洲各國應該秉持聯合自強、守望相助的亞洲意識,互幫互助,優勢互補,擴大利益交融,合力推進自由貿易區和互聯互通建設,深化區域經濟一體化,實現共同發展,做大共同利益的蛋糕,增進亞洲各國人民福祉。 Pursue win-win cooperation. It is a task of primary importance for Asian countries to grow economy and improve their people's well-being. Efforts to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation among them provide a strong adhesive for Asian countries to live in harmony with one another. Asian countries should, in the Asian spirit of strength through unity and mutual assistance, help each other and complement each other's strengths to expand converging interests. We should work in concert to make progress in building free trade areas, promote greater connectivity and deepen regional economic integration for the benefit of common development. Together, we should make a bigger pie of common interests and bring more benefits to all the people in Asia.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

我這次訪問蒙古國,深深感到中蒙友好已經植根于兩國人民心中,這是中蒙關系發展最大的信心和動力源泉。我相信,在兩國人民支持下,中蒙關系的明天一定會更加美好。 This trip has made me feel even more strongly that China-Mongolia friendship has already taken deep root in the hearts of our peoples. This is the biggest source of confidence and strength for the continued growth of our bilateral relations. I am confident that with the support of the people in both countries, China-Mongolia relationship will usher in an even brighter future.
今年是中國和蒙古國的馬年。馬是力量和進取的象征,深受中蒙兩國人民喜愛。我衷心祝愿蒙古國國家建設龍馬精神、萬馬奔騰,衷心祝愿中蒙全面戰略伙伴關系快馬加鞭、馬到功成。讓我們攜手努力,讓中蒙世代友好的種子廣泛播撒在兩國人民心中。 This year marks the Year of Horse in both China and Mongolia. Horse symbolizes strength and progress, and it is therefore very popular among people in both countries. It is my sincere wish that Mongolia will make great strides forward in its national development just like ten thousand horses galloping ahead with full vitality. I also sincerely hope that China-Mongolia comprehensive strategic partnership will advance at fast speed and achieve resounding success. Let us work hand in hand to sow the seed of lasting friendship in the hearts of our two peoples.
巴耶里拉!謝謝! Bayarlalaa! Thank you!


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