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2014年6月21日,清華大學,國務委員楊潔篪在第三屆世界和平論壇開幕式上發表主旨演講。 |
攜手促進亞洲和世界的和平與安全 ——在第三屆世界和平論壇開幕式上的講話 2014年6月21日,清華大學 中華人民共和國國務委員 楊潔篪 |
Join hands in working for peace and security in Asia and the world Speech by State Councilor Yang Jiechi At Opening of the Third World Peace Forum Tsinghua University, 21 June 2014 |
尊敬的世界和平論壇主席唐家璇先生,尊敬的巴達維先生、阿齊茲先生、德維爾潘先生、鳩山由紀夫先生,尊敬的陳吉寧校長和楊文昌會長,尊敬的各位嘉賓,女士們,先生們,朋友們: |
The Honorable Mr. Tang Jiaxuan, Chairman of the World Peace Forum, The Honorable Mr. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, The Honorable Mr. Shaukat Aziz, The Honorable Mr. Dominique de Villepin, The Honorable Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, The Honorable President Chen Jining, The Honorable President Yang Wenchang, Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, |
很高興來到中國著名學府清華大學出席第三屆世界和平論壇開幕式。感謝清華大學和中國人民外交學會為前兩屆論壇的成功舉辦以及本屆論壇順利召開所作的努力。 | It gives me great pleasure to attend the opening ceremony of the Third World Peace Forum (WPF) in the famous Tsinghua University. I wish to thank the Tsinghua University and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs for the efforts they have made for the success of the previous two forums and the convening of the forum this year. |
自2012年創立以來,世界和平論壇致力于增進互信、凝聚共識、擴大合作,知名度和影響力不斷上升,為維護世界和平與安全作出了積極貢獻。本屆論壇以“追求共同安全:和平、互信、責任”為主題,符合世界大勢和各國人民共同期待,具有重要現實和長遠意義。眾多世界知名的政治家、戰略家和專家學者會聚一堂,我相信大家一定會用好論壇這個平臺,緊扣論壇主題進行交流探討,共同為促進亞洲和世界的和平與安全獻計獻策。 | Since its inception in 2012, the WPF has committed itself to increasing mutual trust, building consensus and expanding cooperation, acquiring a growing popularity and influence while making a due contribution to world peace and security. The choice of the theme for the current forum, In Pursuit of Common Security: Peace, Mutual Trust and Responsibility, best reflects the world trend of development and meets the common aspirations of the people of all countries. As such, it gives both practical and far-reaching significance to the WPF. With so many world-renowned political leaders, strategists, experts and scholars coming to the forum, I am confident that you will make the most of the WPF platform, exchange views on the theme of the forum, and come up with good proposals and suggestions for peace and security in Asia and the world as a whole. |
明年,我們將迎來聯合國成立和世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年。70年滄桑巨變,和平、發展、合作、共贏的時代潮流更加強勁,世界多極化、經濟全球化、文化多樣化和社會信息化趨勢深入發展,人類社會展現出更加光明的發展前景。 | Next year, we will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the victory of the world anti-fascist war. With 70 years of stupendous changes in the international landscape, the trend of the times featuring peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit has become increasingly powerful. World multipolarization, economic globalization, cultural diversity and application of IT in every aspect of social life are gaining momentum, and the human society is embracing an even brighter prospect of development. |
當前,國際形勢正在發生著極為深刻復雜的變化。世界經濟企穩復蘇,呈現出新興市場國家和發達國家雙引擎驅動的增長格局,新興市場國家和發展中國家增速雖然有所回落,但總體上仍明顯快于發達國家,國際力量對比繼續朝著相對均衡的方向發展。各國相互聯系、相互依存更為緊密,越來越成為一榮俱榮、一損俱損的命運共同體。各國普遍期待國際體系演變和國際關系民主化不斷取得新進展,推動建立更加公正合理的國際秩序。與此同時,世界仍然很不安寧,可以說是一波未平、一波又起,傳統安全問題與非傳統安全問題相互交織、相互影響,南北差距依然突出,全球性挑戰層出不窮。維護世界和平、促進共同發展依然任重而道遠。 | At present, the international situation is undergoing extremely profound and complex changes. The world economy is steadily recovering, and emerging markets and developed countries have become two major engines driving economic growth. Despite a relative slowdown in their growth, it is evident that the emerging markets and developing countries are still by and large growing faster than the developed countries, bringing about greater balance in international power. As countries become more closely interconnected and interdependent, the world has increasingly become a community of common destiny in which different countries will swim or sink together. They share a common aspiration for continuous progress in the evolution of the international system and greater democracy in international relations, and they all strive for the establishment of a more just and equitable international order. At the same time, the world is still far from tranquil. Regional turbulences keep flaring up, and traditional and non-traditional security issues are intertwined and affect each other. There is still a big gap between the North and the South, and global challenges crop up one after another. We still face an uphill battle to uphold peace and promote common development in the world. |
亞洲的和平發展同人類的前途命運息息相關,亞洲穩定是世界和平之幸,亞洲振興是世界發展之福。今天的亞洲,正站在新的歷史起點上,呈現出和平發展的新氣象。 | Peaceful development in Asia is intricately tied to the future of mankind. A stable and revitalized Asia is a blessing for world peace and development. Today's Asia is standing at a new historic point of departure and holding out a promising new look for peaceful development. |
亞洲發展日新月異,和平的基礎更加堅實。長期以來,亞洲經濟保持了持續快速增長的局面。國際金融危機爆發后,亞洲更加成為拉動世界經濟復蘇的主要引擎。根據國際貨幣基金組織統計,2013年亞洲經濟增長率為6.5%,是世界平均水平的兩倍多。中國是促進亞洲發展的重要力量,已成為許多國家最大貿易伙伴、最大出口市場和重要投資來源地,對亞洲經濟增長貢獻率已達50%。今后,隨著中國的進一步發展,還將給亞洲帶來更多的發展機遇。當前,亞洲經濟總量已占世界三分之一,國際權威機構預計到本世紀中葉將達到二分之一。亞洲作為當今世界最具發展活力和潛力的地區之一,正展現出更加廣闊的發展前景。求和平、謀發展已成為亞洲各國人民的共同愿望,這將為促進本地區和世界的和平與穩定提供強有力的保障和支撐。 | With fast and tectonic changes in development, Asia's foundation for peace has become more solid. Asia is known for keeping economic growth on fast track for decades. Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, Asia has become a key engine for global economic recovery. According to the IMF statistics, Asia's economy registered a 6.5% growth in 2013, more than doubling the world average. China is an important force for Asia's development. By being the largest trading partner, the largest export market and a major source of investment for many Asian countries, China has accounted for 50% of Asia's total economic growth. China's continuous growth will present even more development opportunities to Asia. Asia now accounts for one third of the global economy and will, according to authoritative international agencies, make up half of the global economy by the middle of the century. As one of the world's most vibrant and most promising regions, Asia is holding out a broader prospect of development. The pursuit of peace and development has become the common aspiration of all Asian peoples, which provides a strong guarantee and support for peace and stability in the region and the world as a whole. |
亞洲合作持續推進,利益的紐帶更加緊密。亞洲國家之間的貿易投資、互聯互通更為密切,區域內貿易已超過地區貿易總額的50%,已簽署和正在商談的各類自貿協定有250多個,中國—東盟自貿區已成為世界上最大的發展中國家自貿區。亞洲安全合作方興未艾,亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議、上海合作組織、東盟地區論壇、東盟防長擴大會等機制在地區安全事務中發揮著重要作用,各國在反恐、網絡安全、防災減災等非傳統安全領域的合作不斷擴大。馬來西亞航空公司MH370客機失聯事件發生后,域內外26個國家紛紛伸出援手,參加搜救行動,展現了同舟共濟的合作精神。作為亞洲大家庭的一員,中國積極參與區域合作進程,不久前成功舉辦了亞信第四次峰會和中阿合作論壇第六屆部長級會議,下周中國、印度、緬甸三國將共同紀念和平共處五項原則發表60周年,年底中國還將舉辦亞太經合組織領導人非正式會議,繼續為推動地區合作作出不懈努力。 | With sustained progress in cooperation, Asia's bonds of common interests have become stronger. Trade, investment and connectivity among Asian countries has made significant headway. Currently, more than half of Asia's total trade takes place within the region. There are more than 250 free trade agreements of various kinds concluded or under negotiation in Asia, and the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has emerged as the largest in the developing world. Security cooperation in Asia is on the upswing. Such mechanisms as the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN Regional Forum and ADMM+ are playing an important role in the security affairs of the region, and cooperation among Asian countries in counter-terrorism, cyber security, disaster prevention and reduction and other non-traditional security fields is expanding in scope. After the missing of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, 26 Asian and non-Asian countries offered assistance and joined in search and rescue operations, which demonstrated the spirit of cooperation as passengers in the same boat. As a member of the big Asian family, China has taken an active part in regional cooperation. Not long ago, China successfully hosted the fourth CICA Summit and the sixth Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Next week, China will join India and Myanmar in commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. China will also host the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting later this year and keep on working tirelessly to promote cooperation in Asia and the Asia-Pacific. |
亞洲文明交流互鑒,和諧包容的理念更加深入人心。亞洲人民自古崇尚和而不同、開放包容,組成了一個文化多元、和睦共處的大家庭。中華文明素有推己及人、立己達人的優良傳統,在互尊互鑒中與其他文明共同進步。各國人民之間的友好感情,是維護亞洲和平的重要社會基礎。新形勢下,不同文明之間的交流互鑒更加活躍,為增進亞洲各國人民之間的了解與友誼搭建了橋梁,為國家間和平解決分歧和矛盾提供了思想支撐,為不同社會制度、不同發展水平的國家和諧共處、共同發展創造了有利條件。 | With interaction and mutual learning among Asian cultures, the values of harmony and inclusiveness have resonated even more with the Asian people. The people of Asia have long cherished such values as harmony without uniformity, openness and inclusiveness, and formed a big and culturally diverse family in which they live side by side in peace and harmony. The Chinese civilization, long been known for its fine tradition of putting oneself in others' position and helping others to succeed while seeking one's own success, has made common progress with other civilizations amid mutual respect and mutual learning. Amity among Asian peoples provides the crucial social foundation for peace in Asia. Dynamic exchanges among different Asian civilizations in the new circumstances have built a bridge for people of different countries to enhance understanding and friendship, produced thoughts and ideas that prompt countries to peacefully resolve their differences and disputes, and created favorable conditions for countries differing in social system and development level to co-exist peacefully and work for common development. |
亞洲的良好局面來之不易,這是亞洲各國人民共同努力的結果,中國也為此作出了積極貢獻。同時,亞洲的發展進步也得到了國際上各界人士的支持和幫助。 | Such a sound situation in Asia has not come by easily. It is the result of the concerted efforts of all Asian peoples, including the positive contribution made by China. In the meantime, Asia's development and progress is also attributed to the support and assistance of people from all sectors in the international community. |
當然,亞洲前進道路上仍面臨不少風險和挑戰。但總的看,亞洲實現持久和平面臨的機遇遠比挑戰大,解決難題的辦法遠比困難多。我們堅信,亞洲的明天一定會更加美好。 | Having said that, we must not overlook the numerous risks and challenges that lie ahead on our road to progress. But, all in all, Asia faces far more opportunities to achieve lasting peace than challenges, and has far more solutions for overcoming problems than difficulties. We have every confidence in a far better future of Asia. |
建設一個更加美好的亞洲,需要為地區安全與合作開辟新思路、探索新辦法、推出新舉措。前不久,習近平主席在亞信峰會上倡導共同、綜合、合作、可持續的亞洲安全觀。共同,就是要尊重和保障每一個國家安全;綜合,就是要統籌維護傳統領域和非傳統領域安全;合作,就是要通過對話合作促進各國和本地區安全;可持續,就是要發展和安全并重以實現持久安全。與會各方對習主席所倡導的亞洲安全觀紛紛表示贊同,經亞信成員國協商一致,亞洲安全觀主要內容寫入了本次亞信峰會發表的《上海宣言》。亞洲安全觀對增進地區國家互信與協作、實現本地區乃至世界的持久和平與共同發展,意義重大,影響深遠。 | A better Asia requires that we employ new ways, new measures and new lines of thinking to build a secure and cooperative region. Not long ago, President Xi Jinping put forth, at the CICA summit, an initiative for common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia. By common, we mean that the security of each and every country must be respected and safeguarded. By comprehensive, we mean that the security in both traditional and non-traditional fields must be upheld in a coordinated way. By cooperative, we mean that the security of all the countries and that of the region as a whole should be promoted through dialogue and cooperation. And by sustainable, we mean that development and security should be given equal emphasis so as to ensure a lasting security. This Asian security concept was well received among the participants to the summit, and, by consensus, its main elements were written into the Shanghai Declaration issued by the summit. The concept has a major and far-reaching significance for enhancing mutual trust and cooperation among the countries and bringing about lasting peace and common prosperity in the region and the world at large. |
一是凝聚了亞洲國家共識。亞洲安全觀體現了亞洲智慧,照顧到亞洲的多樣性和差異性,順應了地區國家人民維護和平穩定的共同愿望。亞洲各國安全利益不盡相同,安全關切存在差異。要處理好地區安全問題,需要發揚求同存異精神,尋求各國安全訴求的最大公約數。亞洲安全觀不僅凝聚了地區國家共識,而且推動地區國家將這些共識轉化為相互合作的動力,心往一處想,勁往一處使,共同為亞洲安全添磚加瓦。 | First, it has reflected consensus among Asian countries. This concept gives expression to the wisdom of Asia, as it accommodates Asia's diversity and difference and echoes the common desire of all Asian people for peace and stability in the region. Countries in Asia may differ in their security interests and security concerns. An appropriate solution to the regional security issues requires that we display a spirit of seeking common ground while shelving differences and look for the greatest common denominator in the security needs of all countries. The concept has not only embodied the consensus among regional countries, but also encouraged them to turn such consensus into a driving force for cooperation, think and act in unison, and contribute to Asian security. |
二是豐富發展了安全合作理念。新形勢下,安全問題的內涵和外延都在進一步拓展,需要與時俱進地解放思想、創新理念,更好應對各種風險和挑戰。亞洲安全觀強調,不能身體已經進入21世紀,而腦袋還停留在冷戰思維、零和博弈的舊時代,要努力走出一條共建、共享、共贏的亞洲安全之路。不能一個國家安全而其他國家不安全,一部分國家安全而另一部分國家不安全,更不能犧牲別國安全謀求自身所謂絕對安全。要尊重各國自主選擇社會制度和發展道路的權利,尊重并照顧各方合理安全關切。 | Second, it has enriched ideas on security cooperation. Under the new circumstances, the content and scope of security issues have further expanded, which requires us to keep pace with the times by emancipating the mind and thinking innovatively so as to better cope with various risks and challenges. As this concept stresses, one cannot live in the 21st century with the outdated thinking from the age of Cold War and zero-sum game. Instead, we should strive to jointly build a road for Asian security that is shared by and win-win to all. We cannot just have the security of one or some countries while leaving the rest insecure, still less should one seek the so-called absolute security for itself at the expense of the security of others. We should respect the right of all countries to freely choose their social systems and development paths. We should respect and give due consideration to the reasonable security concerns of various sides. |
三是增添了亞洲及世界安全合作的動力。亞洲安全觀的倡導和實踐向世界表明,亞洲國家有智慧、有能力通過加強合作促進地區安全與繁榮,推動各方擴大合作領域、創新合作方式、完善合作機制,把共同利益的蛋糕做大。亞洲安全觀還強調,亞洲國家在加強自身合作的同時,還要堅定致力于同其他地區國家、其他地區和國際組織的合作,歡迎各方為亞洲安全和合作發揮積極和建設性作用。同時,域外國家也應充分考慮本地區的實際情況,尊重地區國家的合理關切,共同來做地區安全與發展的加法,而不是做減法。要充分發揮跨區域機制的橋梁和紐帶作用,進一步促進亞洲與世界其他地區的交流與合作。 | Third, it has increased dynamism for security cooperation in Asia and the world. The formulation and implementation of the Asian security concept shows to the world that Asian countries have the wisdom and capability to promote peace and prosperity in the region through enhanced cooperation, such as encouraging the various sides to expand cooperation scope, adopt new approaches of cooperation and improve cooperation mechanisms with a view to making their pie of common interests still bigger. The concept has also highlighted the need for Asian countries, while enhancing cooperation among themselves, to firmly commit to working with countries from other regions and with other regional and international organizations. All parties are welcome to play a positive and constructive role in promoting Asian security and cooperation. At the same time, countries outside the region should take into full account the real conditions of the region, respect the reasonable concerns of the regional countries, and join us in working to enhance rather than compromise regional security and development. Regional and transregional mechanisms should be allowed to fully play their roles as bridges and vital links for greater exchanges and cooperation between Asia and the rest of the world. |
女士們,先生們,朋友們: | Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, |
隨著中國不斷發展壯大,國際上不少朋友關心中國將如何踐行亞洲安全觀,如何在地區和世界事務中發揮影響。在這里,我愿談幾點看法。 | As China keeps growing, there are many in the world who want to know how China will practice this Asian security concept and play its role in regional and international affairs. Here are some of my observations. |
第一,中國堅定不移走和平發展道路,既通過維護世界和平發展自己,又通過自身發展維護世界和平。中國走和平發展道路不是權宜之計或外交辭令,而是基于歷史、現實和發展目標的自覺選擇,是一條把中國利益同世界利益緊密相連的道路。從1840年鴉片戰爭到1949年新中國成立前的100多年間,中國飽受列強侵略欺凌之苦,最懂得獨立、和平之珍貴。“己所不欲,勿施于人。”中國決不會將自己經歷過的痛苦強加給其他國家。和平發展道路對中國有利、對世界有利。同時,和平發展是世界各國共同的事業,我們真誠希望其他國家和我們共同走和平發展道路,這將造福于各國人民和世界人民。 | First, China is committed to peaceful development, a path that enables it to develop itself through maintaining world peace and to maintain world peace through its own development. China's choice for peaceful development is by no means expediency or diplomatic rhetoric. It is a determined choice that China has made on the basis of its history, reality and development goals. It is a path that links China's interests intricately to the interests of the world. For more than a century from the Opium War of 1840 to the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, China suffered immensely from the aggression and bullying by Western powers. Independence and peace are what the Chinese cherish the most. As the Chinese saying goes, do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you. The Chinese will not inflict the agony they have gone through on other countries. Peaceful development is a path that serves China and the world. At the same time, peaceful development ought to be the common cause for all nations. It is our sincere hope that other countries will join us in the common pursuit of peaceful development, as this will benefit people from all countries in the world. |
第二,中國堅持在和平共處五項原則基礎上深化同世界各國的友好合作。中國是和平共處五項原則的積極倡導者,也是堅定實踐者。親望親好,鄰望鄰好。中國最希望周邊安寧,最反對導致周邊動蕩、破壞睦鄰互信的行為。中國堅持踐行親、誠、惠、容的周邊外交理念,積極發展與周邊國家以及東盟、南盟等地區組織的合作。中國今后5年將進口超過10萬億美元的商品,對外直接投資將超過5000億美元,出境旅游將超過5億人次,中國的發展將更多更好地惠及周邊國家和世界各國。 | Second, China is committed to deepening its friendly cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. China actively champions and staunchly implements the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Neighbors wish each other well just as family members do. Peace and tranquillity in its neighborhood is what China most welcomes, and any action that causes chaos and undermines mutual trust is the last thing China wants. China adheres to a neighborhood diplomacy concept featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, and goes vigorously for cooperation with its neighbors as well as such regional organizations as ASEAN and SAARC. In the coming five years, China is expected to import over 10 trillion US dollars worth of commodities, invest over 500 billion US dollars overseas and have more than 500 million outbound tourists. China's development will bring even greater benefit to its neighbors and beyond. |
中國高度重視加強與俄羅斯的戰略協作。今年以來,習近平主席赴俄羅斯出席索契冬奧會開幕式,普京總統訪華并出席亞信峰會,中俄關系提升到全面戰略協作伙伴關系新階段,這不但有利于兩國合作,也有利于世界和平與發展。 | China attaches great importance to enhancing its strategic cooperation with Russia. This year, President Xi Jinping attended the opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia, and President Putin visited China and attended the CICA summit. As a result, the China-Russia comprehensive and strategic partnership of coordination has been elevated to a new level, which is conducive not just to bilateral cooperation but also to peace and development in the world. |
今年是中美建交35周年。35年來,中美關系取得長足進展。習近平主席和奧巴馬總統就構建不沖突不對抗、相互尊重、合作共贏的中美新型大國關系達成重要共識。這是一項前無古人、后啟來者的事業。我們注意到,越來越多的美國有識之士表示愿為推動構建中美新型大國關系做出努力。只要中美兩國始終秉持上述精神不斷共同努力,就能夠開創大國關系史的新篇章。 | This year marks the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. The relations have progressed significantly in those 35 years. President Xi Jinping and President Obama reached important agreement on building a new model of major-country relationship featuring non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. This is an unprecedented undertaking that is inspirational to future generations. We have noticed that more and more American people with vision have expressed willingness to work for this new model of major-country relationship. As long as the two countries continue to work together in the above spirit, they will be able to write a new chapter in major-country relations. |
中歐互為重要合作伙伴。2013年,中歐貿易額達到5591億美元,人員往來超過500萬人次。今年以來,習近平主席訪問了荷蘭、法國、德國、比利時和歐盟總部,李克強總理正在訪問歐洲國家。中歐和平、增長、改革、文明四大伙伴關系不斷發展。 | China and Europe are important partners. In 2013, China-EU trade reached 559.1 billion US dollars and up to 5 million visits were made in personnel exchange. Since the beginning of the year, President Xi Jinping has visited the Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium and the EU headquarters. As we speak, Premier Li Keqiang is visiting European countries. China-EU partnerships for promoting peace, growth, reform and inter-civilization exchange are steadily moving forward. |
中國高度重視同印度、巴西、南非等新興市場國家合作,推動金磚國家完善合作機制,提升國際影響。中方愿同印度新政府一道,推動中印關系不斷向前發展。發展中國家是中國外交的基礎,我們將加強同廣大發展中國家的團結合作,提供力所能及的各方面援助,永遠做發展中國家的可靠朋友和真誠伙伴。 | China attaches great importance to its cooperation with emerging market countries, such as India, Brazil and South Africa. It is reaching out to other BRICS members to improve cooperation mechanism and enhance the group's international influence. China is ready to work with the new government of India in promoting the continued progress of China-India relations. The developing countries are the foundation of China's diplomacy. We will step up our solidarity and cooperation with fellow developing countries, provide assistance in various fields to the best of our capability, and always be their reliable friend and sincere partner. |
關于中日關系,中方一貫主張在中日四個政治文件的基礎上本著以史為鑒、面向未來的精神,推動兩國關系健康穩定發展。我們希望日方同中方相向而行,為改善中日關系作出切實努力。 | On China-Japan relations, China has consistently called for sound and steady growth of the relationship in the spirit of taking history as a mirror and looking towards the future and on the basis of the four political documents between the two countries. We hope Japan will work with us in the same direction and make concrete efforts to improve China-Japan relations. |
第三,中國堅持弘揚絲綢之路精神,積極推動絲綢之路經濟帶和21世紀海上絲綢之路建設。千百年來,絲綢之路承載的和平合作、開放包容、互學互鑒、互利共贏精神薪火相傳。去年秋天,習近平主席在訪問中亞和東南亞國家時,分別提出建設絲綢之路經濟帶和21世紀海上絲綢之路兩大倡議,賦予了古老的絲綢之路以嶄新的時代內涵。東南亞、南亞、中亞、中東、歐洲等地區許多國家和俄羅斯都表示歡迎和支持“一帶一路”合作倡議,并愿參與建設進程。中國將同各方攜手推進“一帶一路”建設,推動沿線國家共同發展。 | Third, China will carry forward the spirit of the ancient Silk Road, and work actively to build the Silk Road economic belt and the 21st century maritime silk road. Throughout the past centuries, the Silk Road has been a synonym for peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit. This spirit has been passed on from generation to generation. President Xi Jinping, during his visit to Central and Southeast Asian countries last fall, put forward the two initiatives of building an economic belt along the ancient Silk Road and a 21st century maritime silk road respectively, thus breathing new life into the time-honored wonder. Many countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe as well as Russia have welcomed and voiced their support for the initiatives and expressed readiness to get a piece of the action. China will work with all parties on the project with a view to achieving common development for countries along the routes. |
第四,中國堅持通過和平方式解決國家間的分歧和爭端,堅持為解決地區熱點問題發揮建設性作用。中國堅定維護國家主權和領土完整,不會拿自己的核心利益做交易,不會吞下損害中國主權、安全、發展利益的苦果。中國一貫致力于通過和平方式處理同有關國家的領土主權和海洋權益爭端,愿以最大誠意和耐心,推動對話談判解決問題。中國已通過友好協商與14個鄰國中的12個徹底解決了陸地邊界問題。中國主張東海、南海有關爭議應由直接有關的當事國在尊重歷史事實和國際法的基礎上,通過友好協商和談判解決。 | Fourth, China is committed to settling its differences and disputes with other countries through peaceful means and to playing a constructive role in solving regional hotspot issues. China is firm in upholding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will never trade with our core interests, or swallow the bitter fruits that undermine our sovereignty, security and development interests. China is committed to settling its disputes with relevant countries over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests through peaceful means. We are ready to seek solutions through dialogue and negotiation with utmost sincerity and patience. China has completely resolved, through friendly consultation, the issue of land boundary with 12 out of its 14 neighbors. China believes disputes in the East and South China Seas should be settled through friendly consultation and negotiation between countries directly concerned and on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law. |
中國堅持實現朝鮮半島無核化,堅持維護半島和平穩定,堅持通過對話協商解決問題。中方主張有關各方應從大局出發,共同為重啟六方會談創造條件,為實現朝鮮半島及東北亞地區的長治久安作出不懈努力。 | China is committed to achieving denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, to keeping the Peninsula peaceful and stable, and to solving the relevant issues through dialogue and consultation. China calls on all parties to proceed from the larger picture, work together to create conditions for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks, and make unremitting efforts to achieve durable peace and security in the Peninsula and the Northeast Asian region. |
中國堅定支持阿富汗和平重建,將在今年8月主辦阿富汗問題伊斯坦布爾進程第四次外長會,并以此為契機推動國際合作,支持幫助阿富汗實現政治、經濟和安全的三重過渡。 | China firmly supports peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan. In the coming August, China will host the Fourth Foreign Ministers' Conference of the Istanbul Process. We will take the opportunity to promote international cooperation and facilitate Afghanistan's political, economic and security transition. |
中國參加了近30項聯合國維和行動,累計派出維和人員約2.7萬人次,是安理會常任理事國中派出維和人員最多的國家。 | Having participated in nearly 30 UN peacekeeping missions and dispatched a total of some 27,000 peacekeepers, China is the top contributor of UN peacekeepers among all permanent members of the Security Council. |
恐怖主義是人類的公敵。中國是恐怖主義的受害者,面臨“東突”恐怖勢力的現實直接威脅。中方堅決反對一切形式的恐怖主義,反對在反恐問題上搞雙重標準。中方愿繼續加強同各國的反恐合作,堅決打擊暴力恐怖活動和“三股勢力”。 | Terrorism is the common enemy of all mankind. A victim of terrorism, China faces a real, direct threat posed by the terrorist group of the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement". China is resolutely opposed to terrorism of all kinds and the practice of double standards on the question of fighting terrorism. We are ready to keep up our counter-terrorism cooperation with all countries in an effort to crack down on terrorist violence and the three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism. |
女士們、先生們,朋友們: | Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, |
中國始終是促進亞洲和世界和平與發展的堅定力量。中國的發展離不開亞洲和世界,亞洲和世界的和平與發展也離不開中國。我們愿與各國一道,把握機遇,應對挑戰,同舟共濟,行穩致遠,繼續為亞洲與世界的持久和平與共同繁榮作出更大貢獻。 | China has always been a staunch force dedicated to peace and development in Asia and the world as a whole. China cannot achieve development in isolation from Asia and the world, and neither can peace and development in Asia and the world be secured without the contribution of China. We are ready to join all countries in making persistent efforts to seize the opportunities, take on the challenges and achieve our objectives. Hand in hand, let us make even greater contribution to the pursuit of lasting peace and common prosperity in Asia and the world at large. |
預祝第三屆世界和平論壇取得圓滿成功! | I wish the Third World Peace Forum a complete success. |
謝謝大家! | Thank you. |