

Full Text: The United States' Global Surveillance Record

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三、美國秘密監聽不擇手段 III. The United States' unscrupulous secret surveillance programs
“棱鏡”等項目的披露,凸現了美國在互聯網時代監聽項目多、投入大、范圍廣、時間長,情報機構、政府和私營企業間在監控上“無縫合作”,其大數據處理能力使得網絡監聽的廣度和深度極大拓展。 The revelations about PRISM and other programs demonstrate that the U.S. has mounted the most wide-ranging, costly, long-term surveillance operation in the history of the Internet. The seamless cooperation among the intelligence agencies, government and the private sector, with their big-data processing capabilities, allows the surveillance to extend in scope, seemingly without limit.
1. 項目之多、投入之大、范圍之廣、時間之長,無不是世界之最。 1. The world's largest, longest, most costly and wide-ranging surveillance operation
美國情報機構設立的與互聯網監控直接相關的項目近十個,涵蓋互聯網、電信網,不僅有語音電話,也包括各種互聯網信息,主要的互聯網服務商都囊括在內。 U.S. intelligence has set up a number of programs that are directly linked to cyberspace surveillance, covering both the Internet and telecommunications networks, targeting telephone calls and Internet information, and including the major Internet service providers.
由美國國家安全局興建的猶他州大數據中心,是目前世界上最大的數據中心,投入20億美元,其主要任務是通過秘密監控系統收集數據,然后由密碼破譯專家、數據挖掘人員、情報分析員進行深度處理后分析運用,以獲取有價值的情報。 The Utah Data Center set up by the NSA is the world's largest data center, costing 2 billion U.S. dollars to build. It uses secret surveillance systems to collect vast amounts of data which is then processed by code-breaking experts, data-mining professionals and intelligence analysts to obtain useful information.
2013年8月30日《華盛頓郵報》披露的《2013財年國會預算論證》卷1——《國家情報項目摘要》顯示:2013年美國情報預算翻番,高達 526億美元;網絡行動預算占43億美元,約占8%,任務顯著側重。自2007年9月11日開始從微軟搜集信息算起,直到2012年10月開始從蘋果搜集 信息,此類美國情報機構與私營機構尤其是主要互聯網服務提供商的監控合作,從來沒有中斷過,迄今已持續6年多時間。 An article in the Washington Post on Aug. 30, 2013, reported that the budget request of the National Intelligence Program for fiscal 2013 had doubled to 52.6 billion U.S. dollars, of which spending on cyber operations accounted for 4.3 billion U.S. dollars, nearly 8 percent of the total. Surveillance cooperation between U.S. intelligence and private companies, especially Internet service providers, has never stopped. Microsoft was the first to sign up to collect data on Sept. 11, 2007, and Apple the most recent in October, 2012.
德國《明鏡》周刊報道了代號為“特等艙”的情報項目:美國、英國、澳大利亞和加拿大的駐外大使館秘密安裝了監控設備,用于截聽電子通訊信息。這四個國家和新西蘭共同簽署了一份情報共享協議。 German newspaper Der Spiegel reported on a surveillance program codenamed Stateroom, in which the United States, the U.K., Australia and Canada installed surveillance facilities in their embassies to intercept information. The four nations have also signed an intelligence sharing agreement with New Zealand.
2. 情報機構、政府、私營企業之間的秘密合作極其深入且愈演愈烈。 2. Secret cooperation among intelligence agencies, government and the private sector is increasing
美國互聯網主要的九大軟硬件供應商都提供了很核心的技術支持,特別是微軟最早與美國國家安全局合作,開放outlook、hotmail內部接 口,甚至在outlook.com的加密系統正式發布之間就已將其提供給美國情報部門。曾聲稱其加密技術和P2P架構無法被政府“搭線接聽”的 Skype,在被微軟收購后,主動為“搭線竊聽”打開“后門”。微軟還與情報部門合作,幫助其破解大公司編碼,以便能夠監控用戶;微軟經常在漏洞發布前告 知情報機構,使他們能夠利用時間差發起遠程漏洞攻擊。 The nine major U.S. software and hardware providers offer core technology support to U.S. intelligence. Microsoft, the earliest to work with the NSA, opened its Outlook and Hotmail systems to the agency, going so far as to show intelligence agencies how to circumvent encryption of Outlook chat messages before the product was officially launched. Skype, which used to claim that its encryption technology and P2P system could prevent governments from eavesdropping, offered a "backdoor" to the NSA after being bought by Microsoft. Microsoft also worked with U.S. intelligence to help crack the security systems of major companies in order to keep a watch on their customers. It also informed intelligence agencies before publishing details of bugs, so as to give them the opportunity to launch remote attacks.
3. 利用強大的大數據處理和運用能力大幅提升監控范圍和深度。 3. Ramping up the range and depth of surveillance through big-data processing capabilities
2012年3月,奧巴馬政府將大數據戰略上升為最高國策,認為大數據是“未來的新石油”,將對數據的占有和控制,作為陸權、海權、空權之外的另 一種國家核心能力。而“棱鏡”項目與美國大數據戰略有著必然聯系。美國國家安全局擁有一種名為“無邊界情報員”系統,這套系統以30天為周期,可以從全球 網絡系統中接收到970億條信息,再通過比對信用卡或通訊紀錄等方式,能幾近真實地還原個人的實時狀況。 The Obama administration made big data strategy a national priority in March 2012. It argued that "big data is the new oil", and that domination and control of data would become a national core capacity, alongside land, sea and air power. The PRISM project is closely associated with big data. The NSA also has a system codenamed Boundless Informant, which can track anyone's activity almost in real time by collecting 97 billion Internet data records during each 30-day period and matching them against credit card and communication records.
4. 美國情報機構一直致力于或明或暗地尋找其國內法律漏洞,突破法律限制,謀求從源頭和根本上控制網絡信息。 4. U.S. intelligence is seeking legal loopholes to overcome legal restraints and take full control of Internet information
“9·11”事件后,美國為了彌補通信情報收集的不足,開始建立監控項目的總統授權。2001年10月4日,布什總統頒布授權備忘錄,“在一定 時期內開展特定電子監控行動”。此后,總統授權中的“國內收集”甚至一度被解釋為允許對國內信息包括美國境內和美國人的通信信息進行收集。其后數年間,美 國國內就這類行政命令的效力、范圍和法律依據產生爭議。但總體上,美國總統與國家安全局、聯邦調查局、司法部等機構就針對外國目標收集信息的法律說明逐漸 趨于一致。 The United States used presidential decrees to authorize additional information collection in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. On Oct. 4, 2001, President George W. Bush signed a memorandum to authorize specific surveillance actions over a limited period. Since then, "domestic collection" authorized by the President had been interpreted as the greenlight to gather information from U.S. citizens and people inside the United States. Although debates have subsequently arisen concerning the legitimacy, scope and legal basis of presidential executive orders, the White House, NSA, FBI, and the Department of Justice have reached a consensus on the legality of gathering information on foreign targets.
2006年5月24日,國外情報監視委員會徹底改變了對《愛國者法案》第215條內容的解讀方式,允許聯邦調查局與國家安全局分享與恐怖事件調查相關的“商業紀錄”,包括電話公司的電話紀錄。自此,美國政府每3個月向大型電話公司下達數據索取命令。 On May 24, 2006, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court completely redefined the interpretation of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, allowing the FBI and the NSA to share "business records" relevant to terrorist attacks, including the calls databases of telephone companies. Since then, the U.S. government has demanded data from major telephone companies every three months.
2012年10月,奧巴馬簽署一項名為《美國網絡作戰政策》的總統指令,要求美國國家安全和情報官員制定一份美國可以進行網絡攻擊的目標名單。 同時,指令規定,為實現美國在全世界的國家安全目標,美國可以動用獨特的和非常規的武力,在事先不進行任何警告的情況下發動攻擊。 In October 2012, President Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 20, ordering America's national security and intelligence officials to draw up a list of potential overseas targets for U.S. cyber-attacks. The directive also stated that what it called Offensive Cyber Effects Operations (OCEO) offered unique, unconventional capabilities to advance U.S. national objectives around the world, giving little or no warning to potential adversaries or targets.
荷蘭《新鹿特丹商報》稱,斯諾登披露的文件顯示,美國國家安全局利用五種收集方式,在全球范圍內開展情報收集行動。一份2012年的檔案文件顯 示,五類情報收集方式包括:第三方/聯絡,即由美國國家安全局國際合作伙伴提供數據,其合作伙伴包括約30多個國家;區域獲取,即以80多個區域為基礎的 專門收集服務行動,該行動是由美國國家安全局和中央情報局在黑色預算支持下開展的;網絡入侵,該活動由美國國家安全局下屬的獲取特定情報行動辦公室執行, 已經在全球超過5萬臺計算機中植入了竊取敏感信息的惡意軟件,主要目標為中國、俄羅斯、巴西、埃及、印度、墨西哥、沙特阿拉伯及東歐部分地區;大型電纜, 即通過20個大型電纜主要節點獲取信息,這些節點大多數位于美國境內;外國衛星情報收集,即攔截外國衛星處理的數據,如英國、挪威和日本。 The Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad reported that leaks by Snowden show the NSA collects intelligence around the world in five ways. A document dating from 2012 lists the collection approaches as: data provided by the third-parties, i.e. international partners of the NSA in more than 30 countries; regional collection by Special Collection Service (SCS) installations that gather intelligence in more than 80 regions, and are part of a joint CIA-NSA program funded by a secret budget; computer network hacking carried out by a special NSA department that implants malicious software to steal sensitive information from 50,000 computers worldwide -- the major targets being China, Russia, Brazil, Egypt, India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and countries in Eastern Europe; tapping into the fiber optic cables that transport Internet traffic between continents at 20 major locations, mostly inside the United States; and finally, intercepting data from foreign satellite communications in countries such as Britain, Norway and Japan.
“棱鏡”事件反映出美國以國家安全局為主的情報機構,實施互聯網信息監控和信息獲取的主要手段和方法有以下三種: The PRISM scandal revealed that intelligence agencies, led by the NSA in the United States, use three major approaches to conduct Internet surveillance and data collection.
——從光纜獲取世界范圍內的數據。全球的通信流量大部分經過美國,目標數據流可以很容易流入或流經美國。美國國家安全局與國防部等機構在 2003年與美國環球電訊公司簽署《網絡安全協議》,此后的10年間,又與更多的電訊公司簽署了類似協議。這些協議規定,電訊企業要在美國本土建立“網絡 運行中心”,美國政府官員可以在發出警告半小時內進入查訪。與此同時,美國的盟友英國、加拿大等也為其提供光纜監聽情報。 -- Obtaining data worldwide from fiber optic cables. Most data flows pass through the United States, so targeting data streams is a simple matter. The NSA, the Department of Defense and other departments signed a "Network Security Agreement" in 2003 with the telecommunication company Global Crossing. Over the following decade, the United States signed similar agreements with other telecommunication operators. The agreements required the companies to build "Network Operations Centers" on the U.S. soil that could be visited by government officials with 30 minutes of warning. Allies such as Britain and Canada also agreed to provide the United States with fiber optic cable intelligence.
——直接進入互聯網公司的服務器和數據庫獲取。“棱鏡”項目相繼與微軟、雅虎、谷歌、臉譜、PalTalk、YouTube、Skype、 AOL和蘋果等9家互聯網公司合作,大多數情況下,數據會通過這些公司的服務器以電子方式傳輸給政府,有時一些公司的服務器還會建立獨立安全入口,以便于 政府由此調取信息。情報人員可以直接進入上述公司的服務器和數據庫獲取數據,內容包括電子郵件、即時消息、視頻、照片、存儲數據、語音聊天、文件傳輸、視 頻會議、登錄時間和社交網絡資料等10類信息,甚至可以直接監控用戶網絡搜索內容。 -- Getting direct access to Internet companies' servers and databases to retrieve intelligence. The PRISM program cooperated with nine internet companies -- Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, YouTube, Skype, AOL and Apple. The companies normally delivered data to the government electronically. Some companies established independent security access to make it easier for government agencies to extract intelligence. The intelligence agents would access the companies' servers and databases to collect emails, instant messages, videos, photos, stored data, voice chat, file transfers, video conferences, login times and social network profiles. They were even able to monitor users' Internet searches.
——美國國家安全局的特別機構主動、秘密、遠程入侵獲取。美國國家安全局早在1997年就下設“獲取特定情報行動辦公室”,其主要任務是通過秘 密入侵目標計算機和電信系統、破譯密碼、攻破受保護目標計算機的安全系統等,竊取存儲在目標計算機中的數據,然后復制目標郵件系統中的所有信息和通過的數 據流量,來獲取境外目標的情報。美國國家安全局描述這一系列行動的技術術語是“計算機網絡漏洞利用偵察”,其實質就是網絡攻擊竊密。 -- An NSA special unit was able to obtain intelligence secretly and remotely by hacking. The agency created the Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO) as early as 1997. Its main task is to hack target computers and telecommunication systems, crack passwords and security systems, steal data from the target computers, copy information from email systems and track data flows to acquire intelligence on foreign targets. The NSA refers to these activities using the technical term "Computer Network Exploitation" (CNE), but they boil down to cyber-attacks and theft of secrets.
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