七、主動接受監督,不斷改進工作 |
VII. Taking the Initiative to Accept Supervision, and Keeping Improving Work |
自覺接受人大監督。最高人民法院認真向全國人大常委會報告工作,積極配合開展專題調研和執法檢查,認真聽取各省區市人大常委會有關部門的意見建議。按照全國人大常委會的要求,加強司法解釋備案和清理工作,廢止司法解釋及規范性文件558件。十二屆全國人大一次會議閉幕后,最高人民法院認真研究代表審議意見,逐條整改落實。加強與代表的日常聯絡,主動通報法院工作情況,開通全國人大代表、全國政協委員網絡溝通平臺,邀請代表、委員參加視察、調研、旁聽庭審等活動,走訪部分代表,當面聽取意見。認真辦理全國人大代表建議189件,不斷改進人民法院各項工作。 |
—— Consciously accepting the NPC's supervision. The SPC earnestly reported work to the standing committee of the NPC, actively cooperated in special investigations and examination of law enforcement, and seriously listened to opinions and suggestions of the standing committees of the people's congresses of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. In accordance with the requirements of the NPC Standing Committee, the SPC strengthened filing and sorting of judicial interpretations, and abolished 558 judicial interpretations and normative documents. Following the conclusion of the first session of the 12th NPC, the SPC carefully studied the deliberation opinions of the NPC delegates, and made rectification and implementation item by item. The SPC increased routine communication with the NPC delegates, voluntarily informed them the work of the SPC, established an online platform for communication with the NPC delegates and CPPCC members, invited them to join inspections, surveys and observe court trials, and paid visits to NPC delegates to listen to their views. The SPC seriously handled 189 proposals of the NPC delegates, and constantly improved the work of the people's courts in an all-round way. |
認真接受人民政協和各民主黨派、工商聯、無黨派人士的民主監督。主動向政協通報法院工作情況,辦理全國政協委員提案84件。通過走訪調研、召開座談會、聯合開展重大課題研究等方式,加強與各民主黨派、工商聯、無黨派人士聯系溝通。 |
—— Earnestly accepting democratic supervision from the CPPCC, democratic parties, Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non-party personages. The SPC voluntarily notified the CPPCC on the work of the court, and handled 84 proposals submitted by the CPPCC members. It enhanced communication with the democratic parties, Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non-party personages through visits, surveys, seminars, and joint research of major subjects. |
積極接受檢察機關訴訟監督。認真對待檢察機關提出的檢察建議,會同最高人民檢察院制定關于死刑復核法律監督工作的意見,支持、配合檢察機關依法履行訴訟監督職責。依法審理檢察機關對生效裁判提出的抗訴案件,共同維護司法公正。 |
—— Positively accepting litigation supervision from procuratorial organs. The SPC seriously handled procuratorial suggestions from the procuratorial organs, worked with the Supreme People's Procuratorate to formulate opinions on legal supervision of death sentence review, supported and cooperated with the procuratorial organs to fulfill the duty of litigation supervision according to law. The SPC heard prosecutor-protested effective judgments in accordance with law to jointly maintain judicial justice. |
廣泛接受社會監督。健全民意溝通機制,完善基層聯系點制度,在最高人民法院政務網站開設“院長信箱”和“給大法官留言”專欄,認真辦理群眾來信,廣泛聽取群眾意見。最高人民法院聘請第二屆42名特約監督員,主動聽取意見建議。自覺接受輿論監督,積極回應社會關切。 |
—— Widely accepting social supervision. The SPC improved the communication mechanism with the public and the community contact point system, opened special columns of SPC President Mailbox and Message to Justices at the SPC official website, seriously handled letters from the public, and widely listened to the opinions of the people. The SPC employed 42 special supervisors in the second term and actively listened to their opinions and suggestions. The SPC consciously accepted supervision by public opinions, and actively responded to social concerns. |
各位代表,過去一年人民法院工作的發展進步,是以習近平同志為總書記的黨中央堅強領導,全國人大及其常委會有力監督,國務院大力支持,全國政協、各民主黨派、工商聯、無黨派人士、各人民團體以及地方各級黨委、人大、政府、政協、社會各界和全國人大代表、全國政協委員關心、支持、幫助的結果。在此,我代表最高人民法院表示衷心的感謝! |
Fellow deputies, the development and progress of the people's courts over the past year were attributed to the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary, the powerful supervision of the NPC and its standing committee, the energetic support of the State Council, and the great care, support and assistance of the CPPCC, democratic parties, Federation of Industry and Commerce, non-party personages, people's organizations, local Party committees, people's congresses, governments and people's political consultative conferences at all levels, people from all walks of life, and NPC delegates and CPPCC members. Here, I would like to extend, on behalf of the SPC, our heartfelt gratitude! |
我們清醒地認識到,人民法院工作還存在不少問題和困難:一是有的案件裁判不公、效率不高,損害了有關當事人利益和司法公信力。二是一些法院仍然存在立案難、訴訟難、執行難等問題,在滿足人民群眾司法需求方面還有差距。三是確保人民法院依法獨立公正行使審判權的體制機制還有待健全。四是一些法院管理行政化色彩濃厚,影響了審判質量和效率。五是少數干警官僚主義和特權思想嚴重,司法行為不規范、不文明,對當事人冷硬橫推、吃拿卡要,有的甚至徇私舞弊、貪贓枉法,群眾反映強烈。六是隨著案件數量持續增長,人民法院辦案壓力越來越大,部分法院案多人少、人員流失、法官斷層等問題仍然比較嚴重,一些西部、邊遠、民族地區法院工作條件有待進一步改善,等等。對這些問題和困難,我們將切實采取措施,努力予以解決。 |
We are keenly aware that there are still many problems and difficulties in the work of the people's courts. First, some cases are judged with unfairness and inefficiency, which harms the benefits of the parties involved and judicial credibility. Second, it remains difficult for case-filing, litigation and judgment enforcement in some people's courts, with a gap in meeting people's judicial requirements. Third, more efforts are needed to improve the system and mechanism guaranteeing people's courts to independently and fairly exercise the judicial power according to the law. Fourth, some courts are under heavy administrative management, which affects the quality and efficiency of trials. Fifth, some court officials are under heavy impacts of bureaucracy and special privilege, resulting in irregular and crude judicial acts, indifference, insolence, prevarication, deliberately creating obstacles, and extortion to concerned parties. Some even commit illegalities for personal gains, pervert justice for a bribe, to the discontent of the public. Sixth, people's courts experienced heavy workload with the sustainable growth of caseloads. Some people's courts have more cases but fewer staff, with serious brain drains and unreasonable personnel structure. Some people's courts in the western region, remote and border areas, and ethnic minority areas need further improve working conditions. |
2014年工作安排 |
Major Tasks for 2014 |
今年,人民法院要全面貫徹黨的十八大和十八屆二中、三中全會精神,學習貫徹中央政法工作會議和本次全國人大會議精神,認真貫徹習近平總書記系列重要講話精神,緊緊圍繞“讓人民群眾在每一個司法案件中都感受到公平正義”的目標,牢牢堅持司法為民、公正司法主線,不斷深化司法改革,切實做好執法辦案等各項工作。 |
This year, the people's courts will comprehensively implement the spirits of the 18th National Congress of the CPC, and the second and third plenary meetings of the 18th CPC Central Committee, study and implement the spirits of the central political and legal work conference and this session of the NPC, seriously implement the spirit of the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, closely center on the target of "allowing the people to feel the fairness and justice in every judicial case," firmly uphold the cardinal line of justice for the people and judicial fairness, continuously deepen judicial reform, and conscientiously do all the work well in law enforcement and handling cases. |
一是積極推進平安中國、法治中國建設。依法嚴懲危害國家安全犯罪,嚴懲昆明“3·01”暴力恐怖襲擊群眾等一切暴力恐怖犯罪,嚴懲嚴重危害社會治安犯罪,嚴懲破壞軍事設施等犯罪,切實維護國家安全和社會穩定,增強人民群眾的安全感。積極參與反腐敗斗爭,加大依法懲治腐敗犯罪力度,堅持“老虎”、“蒼蠅”一起打,對貪污賄賂、瀆職犯罪保持高壓態勢,促進建設廉潔政治。嚴格依法履行審判職責,維護國家法制統一、尊嚴、權威,促進社會公平正義,保障人民安居樂業。 |
First, actively promoting the construction of a Safe China and the Rule of Law in China. The people's courts will punish severely according to law crimes threatening state security, all violent terrorist crimes including the Kunming 3. 01 violent terrorist attack, crimes seriously endangering social security, crimes damaging military installations, so as to effectively maintain national security and social stability, and to enhance people's sense of security. The people's courts will take an active part in the fight against corruption, strengthen punishment for corruption crimes according to law, eliminate both "tigers" and "flies", maintain high pressure on the crimes of corruption, bribery and dereliction of duty, and promote the construction of clean government. The people's courts will strictly perform judicial functions according to law, safeguard the unity, dignity and authority of the national legal system, promote social equity and justice, and guarantee people to live in prosperity and contentment. |
二是為全面深化改革提供有力司法保障。緊緊圍繞黨中央關于全面深化改革的重大部署,充分發揮刑事、民事、行政等各項審判職能,依法審理改革過程中發生的各類案件。加強對國有企業改制等案件的審理,推動國有企業完善現代企業制度;加強對非公有制企業財產權的保護,支持非公有制經濟健康發展;加強對新類型案件的審理,依法保障經濟體制改革順利推進。高度重視審理農村土地承包經營權流轉、醫療、食品衛生、社會保障、環境保護等方面的案件,妥善化解相關矛盾糾紛。加強對新情況、新問題的司法應對,及時提出司法建議,依法制定司法解釋,促進經濟社會持續健康發展。 |
Second, providing effective judicial guarantee for deepening the reform in an all-round way. The courts will center on the important arrangements of the Party Central Committee on comprehensively deepening reform, give full play to the functions of criminal, civil and administrative trials, and hear all types of cases happening in the course of the reform in accordance with law. The people's courts will strengthen the adjudication of state-owned enterprise restructuring cases and promote state-owned enterprises to improve modern enterprise system. The people's courts will intensify protection efforts to property rights of non-state-owned enterprises, and support sound development of non-public economy. The people's courts will enhance trials of new-type cases, and guarantee smooth progress of economic system reform according to law. The people's courts will attach great importance to hearing cases of transfer of rural land contract and management rights, health care, food sanitation, social security and environmental protection, and properly resolve related conflicts and disputes. The people's courts will strengthen judicial response to new situations and problems, put forward judicial proposals in a timely manner, and establish judicial interpretations in accordance with law, to facilitate healthy and sustainable economic and social development. |
三是進一步強化司法為民、公正司法。始終堅持黨的群眾路線,妥善審理涉民生案件,加強司法便民利民工作,進一步破解立案難、訴訟難、執行難等問題,決不讓老百姓打不起官司,切實維護群眾合法權益。加強審判管理,規范司法行為,強化監督指導,提高審判質量和效率。規范裁判文書格式,強化裁判文書說理,讓當事人無論勝訴敗訴都明明白白。健全完善預防和糾正冤假錯案工作機制,決不允許執法犯法造成冤假錯案,保護無辜者不受追究。更加自覺地接受各方面監督,以監督促公正。 |
Third, further strengthening justice for the people and judicial fairness. The people's courts will always adhere to the mass line of the Party, properly try cases relating to people's livelihood, facilitate easy access to justice, further solve the difficulties of case-filing, litigation and law enforcement, never let the ordinary people unable to afford lawsuits, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. The people's courts will strengthen management of trials, standardize judicial conducts, enhance supervision and guidance, and improve the quality and efficiency of trials. The people's courts will standardize the formats of written documents, intensify reasoning of written judgments, and allow the parties involved to clearly understand their victory and defeat. The people's courts will improve the mechanism for prevention and rectification of unjust, false and erroneous cases, never allow unjust, false and erroneous verdicts to be released because the law-enforcement personnel bend law for selfish ends, and protect the innocent from subject to legal liability. The people's courts will more consciously accept supervision from all walks of life and promote fairness in this account. |
四是積極穩妥推進司法改革。在黨中央統一領導下,緊緊圍繞加快建設公正高效權威的社會主義司法制度推進各項改革,制定、實施《人民法院第四個五年改革綱要(2014-2018)》,服務國家治理體系和治理能力現代化建設。按照讓審理者裁判、由裁判者負責的原則,推進審判權運行機制改革試點,解決審判權運行中的行政化問題。全面推進量刑規范化工作,統一量刑標準。進一步深化司法公開,最高人民法院及東中部14個省區市法院的生效裁判文書依法全部上網公布,其他省區法院3年內全部實現這一目標。對減刑、假釋案件實行開庭審理,加大暫予監外執行的公示力度,確保減刑、假釋和暫予監外執行公開公平公正。推進涉訴信訪工作改革,完善申請再審和申訴立案受理制度,嚴格涉訴信訪終結程序,積極開展網上信訪、巡回接訪、帶案下訪等工作,妥善解決群眾合法合理訴求。推進知識產權法院和資源環境審判機構建設。完善人權司法保障制度。認真研究省以下地方法院人財物統一管理試點方案,探索建立與行政區劃適當分離的司法管轄制度和符合法官職業特點的司法人員管理制度。 |
Fourth, actively and steadily promoting judicial reform. Under unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, the courts will press ahead with all reforms focusing on speeding up construction of a fair, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system. The SPC will establish and implement the Fourth Five-year Reform Plan of the People's Courts (2014-2018), to serve the modernization drive of the national governance system and governance capacity. The SPC will push forward pilot reform of jurisdiction operation mechanism and de-administration in the operation of judicial authority, under the principles of enabling the judges hearing the cases to reach verdicts and bear related responsibilities. The SPC will fully promote standardization of sentencing, and unify sentencing standards. The SPC will further deepen judicial transparency, and publish according to law all the effective judgments of the SPC and the 14 provincial and municipal people's courts in the eastern and central areas on the Internet. All the other provincial and regional people's courts will realize the goal in three years. The courts will open court sessions for the cases of commutation and parole, and intensify publicity of temporary execution of sentence outside jail, to ensure open, fair and just commutation, release on parole and temporary serving a sentence out of prison. The SPC will promote the reform on litigation-related petitions through letters and visits, improve the system of applying for re-trials and acceptance of cases of prosecutor-protested effective judgments, strictly implement the procedures of ending litigation-related petitions through letters and visits, actively carry out online petitions, circuit reception of petitions and visit petitioners with cases, and properly address reasonable and lawful appeals of the people. The SPC will promote the setup of intellectual property courts and resources and environment tribunals, further improve the system of judicial protection of human rights. The SPC will earnestly study pilot projects of unified management of personnel, funding and properties in local courts under the provincial level, and explore to establish a judicial jurisdiction system properly separating from the administrative divisions and a judicial personnel management system conforming to the professional characteristics of judges. |
五是進一步加強法院隊伍建設。加強思想政治建設,踐行社會主義核心價值觀和社會主義法治理念,做到信仰法治、堅守法治、鐵面無私、秉公執法。大力加強法院隊伍正規化、專業化、職業化建設,提高司法能力。加強對地方法院黨的群眾路線教育實踐活動的指導,持之以恒改進司法作風,保持同人民群眾的血肉聯系,堅決整治冷硬橫推、吃拿卡要、庸懶散奢等不正之風,切實解決關系案、人情案、金錢案等問題。嚴格落實錯案責任追究制度,實行責任倒查、有責必究。以零容忍的態度和刮骨療毒、壯士斷腕的勇氣,堅決懲治司法腐敗行為,堅決清除法院隊伍中的害群之馬,努力建設一支信念堅定、執法為民、敢于擔當、清正廉潔的法院隊伍。 |
Fifth, further strengthening team building in people's courts. The SPC will consolidate ideological and political building, practice the core values of socialism and the socialist idea of rule of law, and live up to believing in the rule of law, standing fast to the rule of law, and enforce laws impartially and incorruptibly. It will vigorously strengthen regularization, specialization and professionalization of court staff, and enhance their judicial capacity. It will strengthen guidance to local people's courts over the Party's mass line education and practice activities, improve the judicial style in a persistent way, maintain close ties with the people, firmly rectify unhealthy practices of being cold and aloof to the people, speaking to people stiffly and insolently, and shrugging off duties, deliberately creating obstacles, and extortion, indolence and extravagance, and conscientiously solve misjudged cases because of social connections, personal feelings and economic interests. It will strictly implement the misjudged case accountability system, trace back the responsibilities, and ascertain where the responsibility lies. The SPC will, with a zero-tolerance attitude and the courage of scraping the poison off the bone and wrist-breaking, resolutely punish judicial corruption, eliminate the black sheep in the court team, and strive to build a honest and upright team of people's courts who has firm belief, enforces law for the people, and faces up to responsibility. |
六是切實加強人民法院基層基礎工作。強化審級監督,取消不合理的考核指標,加強對下指導,幫助基層提高司法水平。大力推行法官逐級遴選工作,拓展基層法官職業發展空間。加強司法職業保障,在政策待遇等方面向基層傾斜,努力解決基層法官斷層、人員流失等問題和困難,關心基層法官身心健康,加大對西部、邊遠、民族地區和革命老區法院建設支持力度,加強援藏、援疆、援青等工作,不斷改善基層司法條件和環境。加強信息化建設和審判信息數據分析,更好地保障審判執行工作,滿足群眾司法需求。加強人民法庭工作,充分發揮人民法庭在創新社會治理、促進社會和諧穩定中的重要作用。 |
Sixth, earnestly strengthening the basic work of people's courts at the basic level. The SPC will intensify trial-level supervision, cancel unreasonable indicators for performance appraisal, enhance guidance for trial work of people's courts at the lower levels, and help the people's courts at the basic level to improve judicial competence. It will vigorously put into force grade-by-grade selection of judges, and expand the career development space of judges at the basic level. It will strengthen judicial occupational security guarantee, give priority to the grassroots in policies and salary treatment, endeavor to solve the problems and difficulties of personnel structural faults and losses of grassroots judges, care for the physical and mental health of judges at the basic level, intensify support to the construction of people's courts in western, remote and ethnic minority areas and old revolutionary base areas, and beef up the work in support of development in Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai, and continue to improve the judicial conditions and environments at the basic level. It will strengthen informatization construction and analysis of trial information data, to better safeguard trials and enforcements, and meet judicial demands of the people. It will strengthen the work of people's tribunals, and give full play to the important role of people's tribunals in the innovation of social governance and promotion of social harmony and stability. |
各位代表,新形勢下人民法院工作責任重大,使命神圣。我們要在以習近平同志為總書記的黨中央堅強領導下,高舉中國特色社會主義偉大旗幟,以鄧小平理論、“三個代表”重要思想、科學發展觀為指導,認真貫徹執行本次大會決議,忠實履行憲法和法律賦予的職責,扎實工作,開拓創新,銳意進取,攻堅克難,為實現“兩個一百年”奮斗目標和中華民族偉大復興的中國夢作出新的更大貢獻! |
Fellow deputies, the people's courts shoulder great work responsibilities and sacred missions under the new situation. We will, under the strong leadership of the CPC central committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the Scientific Outlook on Development as guidance, conscientiously implement the resolutions of this session, faithfully perform the duties endowed by the Constitution and laws, work in a down-to-earth manner, blaze new trails, forge ahead with determination, overcome all difficulties, and make new and greater contribution to achieve the "two centenary" goals and the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! |
(完) |
(In the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions,the Chinese version shall prevail.) |