2014年4月14日至15日,五核國會議在北京舉行。中國外交部副部長李保東出席開幕式并致辭。 Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong addresses the opening ceremony of the P5 conference on nuclear non-proliferation, which?opens in Beijing from April 14 to 15. |
尊敬的各位代表團團長,女士們、先生們: | Distinguished Heads of Delegation, Ladies and Gentlemen, |
上午好! | Good morning! |
首先,請允許我代表中國外交部,歡迎各位來參加五核國北京會議。四月的北京,春暖花開、草長鶯飛。大家在這個明媚的時節開會,定能取得豐碩的成果。一年來,來自中國外交部、國防部和國防科工局等部門的中方團隊,與法國、俄羅斯、英國、美國的同事們一道,為此次會議的籌備付出大量心血,為會議成功召開打下堅實基礎。我要對大家的辛勤勞動表示誠摯的感謝! | At the outset, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, to welcome all of you to the Beijing P5 Conference during the warm spring month of April with flowers blossoming, grass flourishing and birds singing everywhere. I am sure a P5 conference at such an opportune time will certainly yield fruitful results. Over the past year, the Chinese team composed of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, China Atomic Energy Authority and other agencies, as well as our colleagues from France, Russia, the UK and the US have made enormous efforts to bring together this conference, and laid a solid foundation for its success. I'd like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all of you for the hard work. |
從2009年的倫敦會議,到當下的北京會議,五年時間,五個核武器國家,輪流舉辦了五次會議,“五”似乎成了我們的幸運數字。我欣喜地看到,通過歷次五核國會議,五核國之間的互信逐漸深化,協作不斷加強,及時溝通、共同行動的勢頭越來越高漲,為推動核裁軍、加強核不擴散、以及促進和平利用核能做出了實實在在的新的貢獻。 | From London back in 2009 to Beijing today, five years have passed. Five nuclear-weapon states have taken turns to host five conferences. "Five" seems to have become a lucky number for us. We are pleased to note that the P5 conferences have helped to deepen our mutual trust and strengthen our coordination. Now there is a growing momentum for timely communication and joint action. This is our real and concrete contribution to nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy. |
近年來,國際安全形勢發生了深刻、復雜的變化,核裁軍、核不擴散及和平利用核能等方面都出現了不少新動向和新問題,需要我們認真思考、共同應對。在不久前舉行的荷蘭核安全峰會上,習近平主席首次闡述中國的核安全觀,為核領域全球治理提出了中方的思路。我們希望此次北京會議能充分發揮承上啟下的作用,為五核國共同探討核領域重大問題、共同推進核領域全球治理提供重要平臺。 | In recent years, fundamental and complicated changes have taken place in the international security landscape. And there have emerged new trends and new issues in the fields of nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy that call for serious thinking and collaborative efforts. At the recent Nuclear Security Summit in the Hague, President Xi Jinping elaborated for the first time on China’s approach to nuclear security and put forward China's views on global governance in the nuclear field. We hope the current Beijing P5 Conference will serve as a platform where we could build on our past achievements to strive for new progress and work together to explore ways to resolve major nuclear-related issues and advance global governance in the nuclear field. |
各位同事, | Dear Colleagues, |
核裁軍、核不擴散與和平利用核能作為核領域的三大支柱,既關系到全球和平與穩定,也關系到各國安全和人民福祉。妥善處理好三大支柱的關系,提高核領域全球治理水平,符合國際社會的共同利益,也是我們五核國的共同目標。為實現這一目標,我們應更好地把握幾個方面: | As three major pillars in the nuclear field, nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy have a direct bearing not only on global peace and stability, but also on the security of all countries and the well-being of their people. Properly harmonizing the relations among these pillars, and enhancing global nuclear governance is in the common interests of the international community and therefore the shared objective of the P5 states. To this end, we should underscore the following aspects: |
第一,實現普遍安全是核領域全球治理的根本目標。要開啟通往無核武器世界的大門,就必須使用普遍安全這把鑰匙。要從根本上防止核武器擴散、更好地利用核能為人類造福,也必須實現普遍安全。為此,我們要努力營造和平穩定的國際大環境,消除沖突和動蕩的根源;要充分尊重和照顧各國合理安全關切,摒棄零和理念和冷戰思維;要培育相互理解和信任的國家關系,通過平等對話化解分歧和猜疑。 | First, universal security is the fundamental goal of global nuclear governance. To open the door to a world free of nuclear weapons, we must use universal security as the key. To fundamentally prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and better utilize nuclear energy for the well-being of mankind, we must also achieve universal security. For this purpose, we should work to build an international environment featuring peace and stability and eliminate the root causes of conflicts and unrest. We should fully respect and accommodate the legitimate security concerns of all countries and discard zero-sum thinking and cold-war mindset. We should develop country-to-country relations based on mutual understanding and trust and dissolve disputes and suspicion through dialogue on an equal footing. |
第二,發揮五核國帶頭作用是核領域全球治理的重要動力。我們五國既是核武器國家,也是安理會常任理事國,承擔著維護全球和平安全的重要使命。也必須在核領域全球治理方面發揮引領作用。五核國就像五個指頭,只有通過深化戰略互信、加強團結協作,才能攥成有力的拳頭,更有效解決核領域出現的問題,更好引導核領域全球治理的方向。 | Second, the leadership role of the P5 states is a major driving force for global nuclear governance. The P5 states, being nuclear-weapon states and also permanent members of the UN Security Council, shoulder the important mission of maintaining global peace and stability, and should also play a leading role in global nuclear governance. Like five fingers of a hand, the P5 states can make a powerful fist only by deepening strategic mutual trust, unity and collaboration. In this way, we will be able to effectively deal with problems in the nuclear field and guide global nuclear governance in the right direction. |
第三,維護多邊機制是核領域全球治理的核心內容。沒有規矩,不能成方圓。有些人批評核裁軍進展緩慢、核擴散愈演愈烈、和平利用核能合作水平不高,因此就想拋開現有國際機制另起爐灶,以為這樣就能迅速解決問題。他們的愿望或許是美好的,但方式卻極其錯誤。解決核領域的問題,必須充分發揮聯合國、日內瓦裁軍談判會議、國際原子能機構等現有多邊機制的核心作用。唯其如此,才能確保關鍵各方的參與,才能保證有關議題能談得起來、談出成果。 | Third, multilateral mechanism is the central content for global nuclear governance. Nothing can be accomplished without norms and standards. There are people who criticize that the nuclear disarmament process is moving too slowly, the nuclear proliferation situation is going from bad to worse and the cooperation on the peaceful use of nuclear energy is unsatisfactory. They even believe the problem can be solved promptly by getting rid of the existing international mechanism and starting all over again. This is, in fact, a very wrong approach based on wishful thinking. To solve the problems in the nuclear field, we must give full play to the pivotal roles of existing multilateral agencies like the UN, the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva and the IAEA. This is the only way to bring all key parties on board and ensure that the issues concerned get discussed and positive results achieved. |
第四,堅持平衡推進和協商一致是核領域全球治理的基本原則。核裁軍、核不擴散與和平利用核能這三大支柱同等重要、缺一不可,共同支撐著國際核秩序的大局。我們必須對它們同等重視、平衡推動。核問題關系到國際穩定與安全,關乎各國重大利益,必須在平等討論的基礎上,遵循協商一致的原則進行決策。 | Fourth, balanced progress and consensus is the basic principle for global nuclear governance. Three pillars, i.e. the nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy are equally important and indispensable, and together, they underpin the overall international nuclear order. We must attach equal importance to all three pillars and push for balanced progress. The nuclear issues bear on international stability and security as well as the vital interests of all countries, decisions on these issues must be made by consensus and through discussions on an equal footing. |
第五,確保廣泛參與是核領域全球治理的關鍵保障。在全球已形成命運共同體的今天,任何國家都無法置身于全球性挑戰之外,也不能獨自解決這些問題。為實現推進核裁軍進程、加強核不擴散體系、促進和平利用核能的目標,我們必須讓所有國家都發揮作為利益攸關方的作用。不單各國政府應積極參加,還應調動國際及地區組織、非政府組織、以及民間社會的積極性,推動國際社會形成最大的合力。 | Fifth, broad participation is a critical guarantee for global nuclear governance. The world today is a community of common destiny where no country can stay immune from global challenges or solve nuclear-related problems on its own. To push forward the nuclear disarmament process, strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation system and promote peaceful use of nuclear energy, we must allow all countries to play their role as stake-holders. And not only governments should actively participate in this process, the initiative of international and regional organizations, NGOs and civil society should also be mobilized to maximize our synergy. |
各位同事, | Dear Colleagues, |
中國一貫主張全面禁止和徹底銷毀核武器,堅定奉行自衛防御的核政策,恪守防擴散義務,積極參與和平利用核能國際合作,努力推動核領域全球治理。正如習近平主席所說,中國人民正在為實現中國夢而奮斗,而中國夢是追求和平的夢、追求幸福的夢、奉獻世界的夢。中國愿與包括其他四核國在內的國際社會一道,通過精心規劃和穩步推進,切實加強核領域全球治理,為維護世界和平與安全做出更大貢獻。 | China is committed to the position of complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons and has firmly pursued a nuclear strategy of self-defense, strictly honored its non-proliferation obligations, actively participated in international cooperation on peaceful use of nuclear energy, and worked to promote global nuclear governance. As President Xi Jinping put it, the Chinese people are working hard to realize the Chinese dream, a dream about pursuing peace, seeking happiness and making contribution to the world. China stands ready to join hands with other P5 states and the rest of the international community to effectively strengthen global nuclear governance through careful planning and step-to-step efforts, thus making even greater contribution to world peace and security. |
最后,預祝此次會議取得圓滿成功! | In closing, I wish this conference a complete success. |
謝謝大家! | Thank you! |