

Yang Jiechi: Jointly undertake the great initiatives with confidence and mutual trust

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-04-11

中國有以和為貴的文化理念,有親仁善鄰的歷史記錄,還有言行一致的外交傳統。馬來西亞前總理馬哈蒂爾說,600多年前鄭和率領當時世界上最強大的船隊到訪東南亞國家,帶來的是好東西和真情誼,與后來的西方殖民者完全不一樣。東南亞人民感念鄭和,馬來西亞將建立“鄭和協會”推進中馬貿易與投資。 The Chinese philosophy values peace as being the most precious. The Chinese history shows a record of China in friendly relations with neighbors. And China's diplomacy honors the tradition of matching words with deeds. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir observed that when Zheng He, the Chinese navigator of the Ming Dynasty, led the most powerful fleet to Southeast Asian countries more than 600 years ago, he brought along good things and genuine friendship, totally different from Western colonizers. Today, the people of Southeast Asia still cherish a fond memory of Zheng He. In fact, the "Zheng He Association" is going to be set up in Malaysia to promote trade and investment between Malaysia and China.
促進互信和互利的精神,充分體現在中國的“一帶一路”倡議之中。中國領導人明確表示,“一帶一路”的建設將貫穿“親、誠、惠、容”的周邊外交理念,堅持不干涉別國內政,不謀求地區事務主導權,不尋求勢力范圍。“一帶一路”是開放的合作倡議,以經濟與人文合作為主線,不搞封閉性的集團,不妨礙既有的多邊機制。亞洲的大陸和海洋很寬廣,亞洲人的胸懷更寬廣。我們應當堅持開放的區域主義,使各類合作倡議和機制各得其所,相得益彰,聯動發展。 The Belt and Road initiatives China put forward fully reflect the commitment to mutual trust and mutual benefit. Chinese leaders have made it clear that in implementing the initiatives, China will uphold the spirit of "amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness", which guide China's diplomacy regarding its neighbors, and China will not interfere in other countries' internal affairs, or seek dominance over regional affairs or sphere of influence. The Belt and Road initiatives are for open cooperation, with economic and cultural cooperation being the focus. They are not aimed at creating exclusive blocks or compromising existing multilateral mechanisms. The lands and seas of Asia are broad, and the mind of the Asian people is only broader. We should stay committed to open regionalism and make sure that all cooperation initiatives and institutions play their due role and complement each other.
“一帶一路”的建設,將深化亞歐大陸國家的互信和互利。習近平主席講,“一帶一路”建設的重點是“五通”,即政策溝通、道路聯通、貿易暢通、貨幣流通、民心相通,很全面也很具操作性。 The building of the Belt and the Road will deepen mutual trust and expand common interests among countries on the Eurasian continent. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, these initiatives will focus on "connectivity in five areas", namely, connectivity of policy, transportation, trade, currency and the heart of the people. Comprehensive as they are, these initiatives are practical and easy to operate.
古代絲綢之路是商貿之路,今天的絲綢之路建設也把經貿合作放在重要位置。2013年,中國與“一帶一路”沿線上的國家貿易額超過1萬億美元,占中國外貿總額的四分之一。過去10年,中國與沿線國家的貿易額年均增長19%,較同期中國外貿額的年均增速高出4個百分點,今后還有增長的巨大空間,例如中國與東盟國家的貿易額到2020年估計能達到1萬億美元。 The ancient Silk Road was a road for commerce and trade. Likewise, the Silk Road initiative also seeks to promote economic cooperation on a priority basis. In 2013, the volume of trade between China and the countries along the Belt and the Road topped US$1 trillion, accounting for one quarter of China's total foreign trade. During the past decade, trade between China and these countries has grown by an average of 19% annually, 4 percentage points higher than the growth of China's foreign trade in the same period. What is more, there is still further room for growth. For instance, it is estimated that China's trade with ASEAN countries will hit US$1 trillion by 2020.
未來5年,中國將進口10萬億美元的商品,對外投資超過5000億美元,出境游客約5億人次,中國的周邊國家以及絲綢之路沿線國家將率先受益。在“一帶一路”建設中,中國將與沿線國家對接發展戰略,推進貿易、產業、投資、能源資源、金融以及生態環保合作,深化城市、港口、口岸、產業園區合作,培育新的經濟增長點,協助當地增加就業,增強當地可持續發展能力,實現中國與沿線國家的共同發展。 In the coming five years, China will import commodities worth US$10 trillion, invest over US$500 billion abroad and send about 500 million tourists overseas. China's neighboring countries and countries along the Silk Road will be the first to benefit. In building the Belt and the Road, China will dovetail its development strategy with that of the countries along the Belt and the Road. We will advance our cooperation with them in trade, industry, investment, energy and resources, finance and ecological protection, and strengthen cooperation on urban development, ports, land ports and industrial parks. Efforts will be made to nurture new growth points, support local employment, improve local capacity for sustainable development and realize common development of China and these countries.
互聯互通是當前“一帶一路”規劃和亞洲區域合作的優先。交通和基礎設施方面的“硬聯通”已經在做。去年12月,昆明至曼谷公路的跨湄公河大橋合龍,中方提供的無償援助發揮了重要作用。這一項目是中、老、泰等各方共同努力的成果,造福三國基層民眾,也助推瀾滄江—湄公河流域合作。 Connectivity is the priority in China's vision for the Belt and the Road and also in Asia's regional cooperation. "Hard connectivity" in transportation and infrastructure is well under way. Last December, the bridge spanning the Mekong River on the Kunming to Bangkok road was completed. China played an important part by providing free assistance, and the project represents a result of joint efforts of China, the Laos and Thailand. The project will benefit local communities of the three countries and promote cooperation in the Lancang River and Mekong River areas.
中遠集團在希臘比雷埃夫斯港的集裝箱碼頭項目運營良好,中國與匈牙利、塞爾維亞、土耳其等國將合建鐵路,中國與俄羅斯正在商討實現幾條跨歐亞鐵路互利共贏的模式。亞歐大通道和大市場建設的藍圖已經展開,古老的絲綢之路正煥發青春。 The Piraeus Container Terminal of China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company in Greece is doing well. China will also build railways with Hungary, Serbia, Turkey and other countries. And China is talking with Russia on win-win operation models for the Eurasian railways. The blueprint of a grand Eurasian passage and market is unfolding, and the ancient Silk Road is now beaming with new vitality.
政策、法律、規制和人力資源開發方面的“軟聯通”也要同步推進。中國和東盟正在討論打造自貿區升級版,上合組織推動商簽國際道路運輸便利化協定,中國與周邊國家的質檢與海關合作步入制度化軌道。東帝汶建國后希望糧食自給,中國急人所急,為東帝汶舉辦了三期雜交水稻示范項目,幫助當地解決了大問題。華為公司為中亞和東南亞等地區國家培養了數以千計的通信領域的專業人才,深受當地好評。 "Soft connectivity" in policy, law, regulation and human resources will be promoted in parallel. China and ASEAN are discussing ways to upgrade their FTA, while the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is advancing negotiations on agreements on international road transportation facilitation. China's cooperation with neighboring countries on quarantine inspection and customs cooperation is on track to becoming more institutionalized. To meet Timor-Leste's aspiration to be self-sufficient in food supply, China readily conducted three phases of hybrid rice demonstration project to help local people solve their big problem. The Chinese company Huawei trained several thousand telecommunications professionals for Central and Southeast Asian countries, which was very well received locally.
我想特別談談“心聯通”的問題。中國古人講:“人之相識,貴在相知;人之相知,貴在知心”。一些外國的漢學家講,如果用心去體會中國人復雜微妙的文化心路,將增加親切感。中國與他國共建孔子學院和互建文化中心,可望成為中國與世界交往日益重要的平臺。 I want to talk in particular about the importance to "connect the heart". As the ancient Chinese thinker Mencius put it, "For friends, what is precious is mutual understanding; for mutual understanding, what is precious is knowing the heart." Some foreign sinologists once said that if one uses his heart to understand the complexity and subtlety of the Chinese culture, he will feel closer to the Chinese people and no longer have as many misgivings about China. The Confucius Institutes China opened with other countries, the culture centers China opened in other countries and foreign culture centers in China could all serve as an increasingly important platform for China to engage with the world.
實現“心聯通”有很多方式: "Connectivity of the heart" could be achieved through many ways:
一是增加人與人的接觸。很多偏見和誤解不是來自仇恨,而是源于陌生與隔膜?!鞍俾劜蝗缫灰姟保叩教镩g地頭看一看,與當地人聊一聊,往往會有全新的感悟。鄰國之間,無論是領導人還是普通民眾,都需要多走動。鄰居越走越近,親戚越走越親。 First, increase people-to-people contacts. A lot of biases and misunderstandings do not stem from hatred but from estrangement and the lack of familiarity. As a Chinese saying goes, "To see something once is better than to hear about it a hundred times." Go to the field and talk to the locals, one often gets a fresh understanding. For neighboring countries in particular, it is necessary for both the leaders and the general public to have more interaction, as we believe friends and relatives will become closer when they visit each other more.
二是推進文化、藝術、考古、體育、衛生等人文領域的合作,加強地方、媒體、智庫和青少年的交流。青少年是世界和亞洲的未來,應當鼓勵和幫助青年人加強交流,這件事的重要性怎么強調也不為過。 Second, promote cooperation in cultural, art, archeological, sport, health and other areas of people-to-people exchange and enhance exchanges at the local level and among media organizations, think tanks and young people. Young people are the future of Asia and the world. We should encourage and help them interact more. The importance of it could never be overstressed.
三是注重學習他國的語言,加大留學生交流力度。學習和掌握他國的語言,有利于增進對彼此文化的了解,理性看待差異,包容友善地與他人和他國相處。 Third, promote the study of foreign languages and step up student exchanges. Learning and mastering the languages of other countries helps increase understanding of each other's culture, form a rational approach to differences, and develop a sense of inclusiveness and amity toward other people and other countries.
四是保持文化耐力和定力。絲綢之路不是一天建成的,文化交融和民心相通更非朝夕之功,需要一個長期的過程。但只要我們堅定信心,持之以恒,滴水終會穿石。 Fourth, persist in our efforts and focus on cultural exchanges. The Silk Road was not built in a day. Likewise, cultural convergence and affinity between people takes a long process and cannot be achieved overnight. As long as we keep working at it with firm confidence, we will achieve the goal, just as drops of water will eventually wear a hole in the solid rock.
女士們,先生們, Ladies and Gentlemen,
亞洲過去的滄桑歷史與絲綢之路的興衰緊密關聯,亞洲未來的整體振興與絲綢之路的復興交融并進?!耙粠б宦贰笔莵喼薮蠹彝サ氖拢M嘘P國家和中國共同商量、共同建設、共同受益。讓我們志存高遠,腳踏實地,共襄盛舉,建設好“一帶一路”。 The history of Asia has evolved in close relation with the rise and fall of the Silk Road. The collective renewal of Asia in the future will come alongside the revival of the Silk Road. The Belt and Road initiatives will have an overall bearing on the big Asian family. We hope that countries concerned may discuss and work with China as these two initiatives are being implemented, which will bring benefit to all of us. Let us work together with real earnest for the ambitious goal of building the Silk Road economic belt and the 21st century maritime Silk Road.
謝謝大家! Thank you.

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