問:二十國集團領導人峰會為何能在應對國際金融危機中發揮重要作用?同當前其他國際經濟合作機制相比,二十國集團有何特點?中方如何看待二十國集團在當今世界的作用? | 5. What has made it possible for the G20 Leaders' Summit to play an important role in tackling the international financial crisis? How is the G20 different from other mechanisms for international economic cooperation? What is China's view on G20's role in the present-day world? |
答:二十國集團成員既有發達國家,也有新興市場國家,各成員一起協商,體現了世界經濟格局變化和國際經濟關系發展大趨勢。 |
The G20 consists of both developed countries and emerging economies. It operates on consensus and reflects the changing world economic landscape as well as shifts in international economic relations. |
2008年國際金融危機發生后,二十國集團確立了其作為“國際經濟合作主要論壇”的定位,推動國際社會加強宏觀經濟政策協調,出臺一系列重大舉措,推動世界經濟逐步走出國際金融危機的陰影。同時,二十國集團積極推動國際貨幣基金組織份額和世界銀行投票權改革,成立更具代表性的金融穩定理事會,支持世界貿易組織在多邊貿易體系中發揮核心作用,為完善全球經濟治理作出了重要貢獻。 | After the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, the G20 was defined as the premier forum for international economic cooperation. As such, it has encouraged greater international coordination on macro-economic policies. It has taken a number of major steps, and gradually lifted the world economy out of the shadow of the financial crisis. In addition, it has promoted quota reform at the IMF and voting rights reform at the World Bank, established the more representative Financial Stability Board, and supported the WTO in playing a central role in the multilateral trading regime. By doing so, it has made important contribution to the improvement of global economic governance. |
當前,二十國集團正從危機應對向長效經濟治理機制轉型。只要各成員繼續堅持同舟共濟、互利共贏的伙伴精神,堅定不移加強宏觀經濟政策協調、完善全球經濟治理、改革國際金融體系、促進全球貿易自由化,二十國集團的前景就一定是光明的。 | Right now, the G20 is in a transition from a crisis-management mechanism to one that is dedicated to long-term economic governance. If its members continue to follow the spirit of solidarity and win-win partnership, and take firm steps to strengthen macro-economic policy coordination, improve global economic governance, reform the international financial system, and promote global trade liberalization, the G20 will definitely embrace a bright future. |
問:您如何評價當前哈中關系發展水平?對兩國關系未來發展有何期待?兩國如何實現到2015年雙邊貿易額提高至400億美元的目標,在非資源領域又將如何開展合作?作為全面戰略伙伴,您對哈中在國際和地區事務中的合作有哪些看法和建議? | 6. How do you evaluate the current relationship between China and Kazakhstan, and what are your expectations of its future? What could the two countries do to meet the bilateral trade target of US$40 billion by 2015, and how will they engage in cooperation in non-resources sectors? China and Kazakhstan are comprehensive strategic partners. What are your views and suggestions for bilateral cooperation on international and regional issues? |
答:中哈是友好鄰邦和全面戰略伙伴。建交21年來,兩國關系保持健康快速穩定發展,雙方都將發展同對方關系作為本國外交政策優先方向。可以說,中哈關系正處于歷史最高水平,兩國全面戰略伙伴關系面臨前所未有的發展機遇。 | China and Kazakhstan are friendly neighbors and comprehensive strategic partners. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 21 years ago, bilateral relations have maintained sound, rapid and steady development. Both sides view the relationship with the other as a foreign policy priority. It is fair to say that the relationship is now at its best in history and the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries faces unprecedented opportunities for further growth. |
不斷擴大和深化中哈務實合作,對鞏固兩國全面戰略伙伴關系的物質基礎具有重要意義。近年來,兩國經貿合作快速發展。中國已經成為哈薩克斯坦第一大貿易伙伴,哈薩克斯坦是中國在獨聯體地區的第二大貿易伙伴。為進一步提高兩國務實合作水平,雙方確定了2015年將雙邊貿易額提升至400億美元的戰略目標。 | Continuous expansion and deepening of China-Kazakhstan practical cooperation is essential to strengthening the material foundation of the comprehensive strategic partnership. Recent years have seen robust growth in bilateral economic cooperation and trade. China is now the largest trading partner of Kazakhstan, and Kazakhstan is China' s second largest trading partner in the CIS region. To further elevate bilateral practical cooperation, the two countries have set the strategic target of raising two-way trade to US$40 billion by 2015. |
當然,實現上述目標還要依靠雙方一道努力。兩國應該繼續本著互利雙贏原則,在保持油氣領域良好合作的基礎上,充分挖掘農業、交通運輸、高技術、電信、化工等非資源領域合作潛力,同時加強人文、地方等領域交流合作,形成合作結構重點突出、齊頭并進的良好局面。相信在雙方共同努力下,中哈全方位、多領域的務實合作將不斷邁上新臺階,給兩國人民帶來更多實實在在的利益。 | Admittedly, to achieve these goals requires efforts from both sides. The two countries need to continue to act in the principle of mutual benefit and, while maintaining their sound cooperation in oil and gas, fully tap the cooperation potential in agriculture, transport, hi-tech, telecommunications, chemical engineering and other non-resources areas. At the same time, exchanges and cooperation may be increased between the people and localities of the two countries to put in place a cooperation structure with clear priorities and simultaneous growth across the board. I am confident that with concerted efforts of the two sides, the all-dimensional, wide-ranging and results-oriented cooperation between China and Kazakhstan will be elevated to new heights, bringing more tangible benefits to the two peoples. |
中哈同為發展中國家和有影響力的大國,在國際和地區事務中有著相同或相近立場,肩負著維護地區和世界和平、發展、穩定的重任。中哈作為上海合作組織成員國,積極在組織框架內開展合作,共同打擊“三股勢力”等安全威脅,推動農業、金融、互聯互通等方面合作。中方愿同哈方一道努力,為地區和世界和平、穩定、發展作出新的更大的貢獻。 | Both being developing countries and countries of influence in the world, China and Kazakhstan hold common or similar positions on international and regional affairs and both shoulder the important mission of safeguarding peace, development and stability in the region and beyond. As members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China and Kazakhstan have worked actively together within the SCO framework to take on security threats including terrorism, separatism and extremism and advance cooperation in agriculture, finance and connectivity, among others. China will continue to work with Kazakhstan to make new and still bigger contribution to peace, stability and development in the region and the world at large. |
問:您如何評價烏茲別克斯坦同中國關系發展狀況?您認為烏中在復興絲綢之路方面可以開展哪些合作? | 7. How do you assess Uzbekistan's relations with China? In what areas could the two countries work together to revive the Silk Road? |
答:烏茲別克斯坦是中國的友好近鄰和戰略伙伴。建交21年來,中烏關系始終保持健康穩定發展勢頭,各領域合作取得豐碩成果,順利實施了一大批惠及民生的重大合作項目。2012年,中烏雙邊貿易額28.75億美元,是建交初期的50多倍。中國已經成為烏茲別克斯坦第二大貿易伙伴國和第一大投資來源國。中烏戰略伙伴關系正在煥發出蓬勃生機和強大活力。中方愿同烏方一道努力,著眼長遠和兩國關系發展需要,不斷推動中烏戰略伙伴關系邁上新臺階。 | Uzbekistan is a close and friendly neighbor as well as a strategic partner of China. Over the past 21 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China-Uzbekistan relations have maintained sound and steady growth. Fruitful cooperation has been conducted across the board and a large number of major joint projects successfully implemented to the benefit of the people. In 2012, two-way trade reached 2.875 billion U.S. dollars, more than 50 times the figure in the early days of diplomatic relations. China is now Uzbekistan' s second largest trading partner and its biggest source of foreign investment. The China-Uzbekistan strategic partnership is brimming with vigor and vitality. China will, acting in the long-term interests and in keeping with the need of the growth of bilateral relations, work with Uzbekistan to take the strategic partnership to new heights. |
中烏兩國都擁有悠久歷史和璀璨文化。兩千多年前,中國和烏茲別克斯坦人民共同開辟了絲綢之路。復興絲綢之路是我們肩負的共同歷史使命。中烏兩國可以充分發揮地理毗鄰、經濟互補、人文歷史聯系密切等優勢,積極開展以下幾個方面合作:一是推動互聯互通。中方愿同烏方在鐵路、公路、航空和過境運輸等方面開展合作。二是擴大貿易和投資規模,提升經貿合作質量。中國政府支持更多有實力的中資企業赴烏投資興業,也歡迎烏茲別克斯坦企業來華發展業務。三是加強人文交往,挖掘旅游合作潛力,積極開展學術交流、團組互訪、文藝巡演等方面合作。 | Both China and Uzbekistan boast time-honored history and splendid culture. More than 2,000 years ago, the Chinese and Uzbek people opened the Silk Road together. Today, it is the shared historic mission of both countries to revive the Silk Road. By fully tapping into their geographic proximity, economic complementarity and close cultural, historical and people-to-people ties, the two countries may work actively together in the following areas. First, advance connectivity. China is ready to cooperate with Uzbekistan in rail, road, air and transit transportation, among others. Second, expand trade and investment and raise the quality of business cooperation. The Chinese government will encourage more Chinese companies with a competitive edge to invest in Uzbekistan and welcome Uzbek companies to conduct business in China. Third, boost people-to-people exchanges. We will tap the potential in tourism cooperation, actively exchange academic and other delegations and stage cultural performances in each other's countries. |
我相信,在雙方共同努力下,形式多樣、內涵豐富的現代化絲綢之路必將為兩國人民帶來更多福祉。 | I am confident that with the joint efforts of the two sides, the modern Silk Road with diverse forms and rich content will definitely bring more benefits to the two peoples. |