六、人權領域的對外交流與合作 |
VI. Foreign Exchanges and Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights |
中國積極開展國際人權交流與合作,在聯合國人權機構中發揮建設性作用,推動各國以公正、客觀和非選擇性方式處理人權問題,努力推動國際人權事業健康發展。 |
China has long taken the initiative to have exchanges and cooperation with other countries in the realm of human rights. It plays a constructive role in the UN's human rights bodies, encouraging countries around the world to handle human rights issues fairly, objectively and non-selectively. It endeavors to promote the sound development of human rights on the international stage. |
建設性參與聯合國人權事務。2010年至2011年,中國建設性參與聯合國人權理事會重審工作,支持聯合國大會通過人權理事會重審決議。2010年以來,中國代表團出席了第65、66、67屆聯大第三委員會會議、聯合國人權理事會第13至21次會議,參與了人權理事會國別人權審查工作組第7至14次會議。在上述機構和會議中,中國維護《聯合國憲章》的宗旨和原則,認真履行職責,積極主動參與有關人權議題的審議和討論,發揮建設性作用。中國重視與聯合國人權事務高級專員辦公室開展技術合作。2011年,中國與高專辦合作舉辦“中國-聯合國司法研討會”,探討全球范圍內死刑改革趨勢等問題,雙方均予以積極評價。中國積極支持高專辦的工作,2010年至2012年,分別向高專辦捐款2萬、3萬和5萬美元。2010年12月,人權理事會糧食權特別報告員應邀訪華,充分肯定中國在促進實現糧食權方面的積極努力。 |
Constructively participating in UN human rights activities. In 2010 and 2011 China constructively engaged in the review of the UN Human Right Council (HRC), and encouraged the UN General Assembly to adopt the HRC's resolution on the review. From 2010 on, Chinese delegations attended the meetings of the Third Committee of the 65th, 66th and 67th sessions of the UN General Assembly, and the 13th to 21st sessions of the UN Human Rights Council, and participated in the seventh to 14th sessions of the HRC's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Team. When working in the organizations and participating in the meetings mentioned above, China plays a constructive role by upholding the basic purpose and principles stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations, performing its duties conscientiously, and proactively participating in reviews and discussions of human rights issues. China attaches great importance to technical cooperation with the UN's Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). In 2011 China and the OHCHR jointly held the China-UN Legal Seminar, and discussed such issues as death penalty reform trend in the world. Both sides regarded the seminar as a positive move. China resolutely supports the programs of the OHCHR, and made donations of $20,000, $30,000 and $50,000 to it from 2010 to 2012. In December 2010 the HRC's Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food visited China upon invitation, and fully affirmed China's efforts in improving the right to food. |
高度重視國際人權公約履約工作。中國政府已加入包括《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》在內的27項國際人權公約,并積極為批準《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》創造條件。中國政府積極履行已參加的國際人權條約的義務。2010年,中國政府向聯合國提交《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》第二次履約報告,《兒童權利公約》第三、四次合并履約報告,《〈兒童權利公約〉關于兒童卷入武裝沖突問題的任擇議定書》首次履約報告。2010年,中國政府向聯合國殘疾人權利委員會提交了《殘疾人權利公約》首次履約報告,并于2012年9月順利通過委員會審議,委員們普遍對中國殘疾人事業發展成就及履約情況予以肯定。2012年,中國政府提交《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》第七、八次合并履約報告。2012年,中國政府成立跨部門協調小組,著手撰寫《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》第六次履約報告。2010年至2012年,中國政府先后接待消除種族歧視委員會、兒童權利委員會、消除對婦女歧視委員會及經濟、社會及文化權利委員會的數位委員來華訪問,委員們實地了解了中國履行相關公約的情況,對中國履約狀況予以肯定。2010年以來,中國繼續與聯合國兒童基金會駐華代表處開展合作,舉辦了多次形式多樣的《兒童權利公約》宣傳、培訓活動。2012年,中國政府舉辦了中國參加《兒童權利公約》20周年紀念活動。 |
Attaching great importance to the implementation of international human rights conventions. China has joined 27 international human rights conventions, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and actively works for the approval of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Chinese government has taken active measures to guarantee the implementation of its obligations as stipulated by the international human rights conventions it has joined. In 2010 China submitted to the United Nations the second report of its implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the consolidated report of the third and fourth implementations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the first report of its implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict. China also presented to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities the first report of its implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the same year, which passed the review of the committee in September 2012. Most committee members recognized China's achievements in guaranteeing the rights of persons with disabilities and its implementation of the Convention. In 2012 China submitted the consolidated report of the seventh and eighth implementations of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, and organized a trans-department coordination team to set about drawing up the sixth report of its implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. From 2010 to 2012 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) visited China to conduct on-site inspections of China' s implementation of relevant conventions, and gave full recognition to China' s work. Since 2010 China has continued its cooperation with the UN Children' s Fund office in China, holding various forms of publicity activities and training for upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In 2012 the Chinese government held celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of its joining in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
積極參與國際人權文書及有關規則的制定工作。中國政府積極參與和推動聯大加強和增進人權條約機構體系有效運作政府間進程(“聯大進程”)。2011年11月,中國政府向人權高專辦提交了《對加強人權條約機構體系進程的意見》,并于2012年7月派團出席了“聯大進程”的首次非正式磋商,就改善人權條約機構體系闡述中國政府的立場和主張。2010年至2011年,中國政府派團參加《兒童權利公約》關于提供來文程序的任擇議定書問題不限成員名額工作組會議,并在人權理事會第17次會議和第66屆聯合國大會上參加協商一致通過該任擇議定書。2011年9月,中國政府就禁止酷刑委員會起草的《對〈禁止酷刑公約〉第14條的一般性意見》(工作文件)向委員會提出了書面意見。中國政府還推舉專家參加有關競選并擔任經濟、社會及文化權利委員會,禁止酷刑委員會,消除種族歧視委員會和消除對婦女歧視委員會委員。 |
Taking an active part in formulating international human rights instruments and related rules. The Chinese government actively participates in and promotes the intergovernmental process of the UN General Assembly on strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body system ("process of the General Assembly"). In November 2011 China submitted to the OHCHR the Opinions on Strengthening the Effective Functioning of the Human Rights Treaty Body System, and sent a delegation to the first unofficial consultation on the "process of the General Assembly" held in July 2012 to set forth its position and assertions on improving the human rights treaty body system. In 2010 and 2011 the Chinese government sent delegations to the Open-ended Working Group meetings for the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on Communications Procedure, and joined the consensus on the optional protocol at the 17th session of the Human Rights Council and 66th UN General Assembly. In September 2011 the Chinese government put forward a written opinion to the Committee against Torture on the General Opinion on Article 14 of the Convention against Torture (working document) drafted by the committee. China also recommended its experts as members of the CESCR, Committee Against Torture, CERD and CEDAW. |
通過人權對話增進了解、相互借鑒。中國堅持在平等和相互尊重的基礎上與有關國家開展雙邊人權對話與交流。近三年來,中國與美國、歐盟、英國、德國、澳大利亞、瑞士等分別舉行人權對話,還與美國舉行中美法律專家交流,與歐盟舉行中歐司法研討會,與澳大利亞開展人權技術合作項目等。2010年以來,中國政府派團出席了第10、11、12屆亞歐非正式人權研討會并積極參與有關議題討論。2010年至2012年,中國人權研究會等主辦了第三屆至第五屆“北京人權論壇”,圍繞人權與發展、文化、科技、環境等的關系展開討論。論壇已經成為包括發展中國家和發達國家在內的國際人權對話與交流的重要國際平臺。 |
Increasing mutual understanding and learning from each other's experience through dialogues on human rights. China upholds the principles of equality and mutual respect when carrying out bilateral dialogues and communication in the field of human rights with related countries. In the past three years China has held human rights dialogues with the United States, the European Union, Great Britain, Germany, Australia and Switzerland. It has sent legal experts to have dialogues with their US counterparts, held the EU-China Human Rights Seminar and conducted technical cooperation projects on human rights with Australia. Since 2010 the Chinese government has sent delegations to the 10th, 11th and 12th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Informal Seminar on Human Rights, and taken an active part in discussions of related topics. From 2010 to 2012 the China Society for Human Rights Studies, together with some other organizations, held the third, fourth and fifth sessions of the Beijing Forum on Human Rights, discussing the relations between human rights and development, culture, science and technology and the environment. The Forum has become an important stage for international human rights dialogues and exchanges involving both developing and developed countries. |
中國將與國際社會一道,繼續為促進國際人權事業的健康發展做出不懈努力。 |
Working closely with other countries, China will spare no efforts to promote the healthy development of human rights worldwide. |
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