三、對今年政府工作的建議 | III. Suggestions for the Work of the Government This Year |
結合過去十年特別是近五年工作的體會,對今年政府主要工作提出以下建議。 | Based on an understanding of the work of the past ten years, especially of the past five years, I wish to make the following suggestions for the government's main work this year. |
(一) 加快轉變經濟發展方式,促進經濟持續健康發展。我國社會主義現代化建設取得的一切成就都建立在經濟持續健康發展的基礎之上,經濟不發展,什么事情都辦不成。我國仍處于并將長期處于社會主義初級階段的基本國情沒有變,人民日益增長的物質文化需要同落后的社會生產之間的矛盾這一社會主要矛盾沒有變,我國是世界上最大發展中國家的國際地位沒有變,發展仍是解決我國所有問題的關鍵。必須堅持以經濟建設為中心,聚精會神搞建設,一心一意謀發展。只要我們牢牢把握發展的重要戰略機遇期,尊重發展規律,創新發展理念,破解發展難題,加快轉變經濟發展方式,在發展中促轉變,在轉變中謀發展,就一定能實現經濟持續健康發展。 |
1. Accelerating the change of the growth model and promoting sustained and sound economic development All the achievements we have made in China's socialist modernization are attributable to sustained and sound economic development, without which we would have accomplished nothing. China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time. This basic national condition has not changed; nor has the principal problem in our society, that is, production falls short of the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people, or China's international position as the largest developing country in the world. Development is still the key to solving all our problems. We must keep economic development as the central task and give it our undivided attention. As long as we make full use of this important period of strategic opportunities, respect the law of development, formulate new thinking on development, solve problems hindering development, accelerate the change of the growth model, spur change in the course of pursuing development, and promote development while working for change, we can certainly achieve sustained and sound economic development. |
要堅定不移地把擴大內需作為經濟發展的長期戰略方針,充分發揮消費的基礎作用和投資的關鍵作用。擴大內需的難點和重點在消費,潛力也在消費。擴大居民消費要在提高消費能力、穩定消費預期、增強消費意愿、改善消費環境上下功夫,不斷提高消費對經濟增長的拉動力?,F階段,投資在促進經濟增長中的作用不可低估。我國既有投資能力,又有投資需求,關鍵在于選準方向、優化結構、提高投資的質量和效益。政府投資對社會投資具有十分重要的引導作用,但占全社會投資的比重越來越小,必須進一步放寬民間投資市場準入,激發民間投資活力。 |
We should unswervingly take expanding domestic demand as our long-term strategy for economic development, and make full use of the basic function of consumption and the key role of investment. The difficulty in and key to expanding domestic demand lie in consumption, and that is also where the potential lies. To expand individual consumption, we should enhance people's ability to consume, keep their consumption expectations stable, boost their desire to consume, improve the consumption environment and make economic growth more consumption-driven. In the current stage, the role investment plays in promoting economic growth cannot be underestimated. China has both investment capability and investment demand, but the key is to make investment in the needed sectors, optimize the structure of investment, and improve its performance and returns. Governmental investment is important in guiding nongovernmental investment, but its share of the country's total investment is decreasing, so we must further relax controls over market access for nongovernmental investment and stimulate it. |
要大力推進轉變經濟發展方式,加快產業結構調整。我國生產力發展水平具有多層次性,回旋余地很大,無論傳統產業還是新興產業、勞動密集型產業還是資金密集型產業,都有發展的空間,重要的是優化資源配置和產業布局,解決產能過剩、核心技術缺乏、產品附加值低的問題,解決低水平重復建設和地區產業結構趨同的問題。必須加快改造提升傳統產業,大力發展高新技術產業,提高產品質量和市場競爭力。要加強政策引導,鼓勵企業跨行業跨區域跨所有制兼并重組,利用市場倒逼機制促進優勝劣汰。以擴大國內市場應用、重要關鍵技術攻關為重點,推動戰略性新興產業健康發展。積極推動信息化和工業化融合,加快建設新一代信息基礎設施,促進信息網絡技術廣泛應用。堅持生產性服務業和生活性服務業并重,現代服務業和傳統服務業并舉,進一步發展壯大服務業。 |
We should energetically change the growth model and speed up structural adjustment of industry. China's productive forces develop on multiple levels, which gives us plenty of room to maneuver. Industries, whether traditional or emerging, labor-intensive or capital-intensive, all have room for development. The important task is to optimize resources allocation and industrial distribution, and solve the following problems: excess production capacity, the lack of core technology, products with low value-added, low-level and redundant industrial projects, and different regions having similar industrial structures. We must accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, energetically develop new- and high-tech industries, and raise product quality and competitiveness. We should strengthen policy guidance; encourage enterprise acquisitions and reorganizations across industries, regions and forms of ownership; and allow market forces to determine enterprises' success or failure. We should promote sound development of strategic emerging industries, with the focus on expanding their share in the domestic market and making breakthroughs in major and key technologies. We should promote the integration of IT application and industrialization, more quickly build next-generation information and communication infrastructure, and spread the use of information network technology. We should develop and expand the service sector, and attach equal importance to producer and consumer service industries and to modern and traditional service industries. |
要順應人民群眾對美好生活環境的期待,大力加強生態文明建設和環境保護。生態環境關系人民福祉,關乎子孫后代和民族未來。要堅持節約資源和保護環境的基本國策,著力推進綠色發展、循環發展、低碳發展。大力推進能源資源節約和循環利用,重點抓好工業、交通、建筑、公共機構等領域節能,控制能源消費總量,降低能耗、物耗和二氧化碳排放強度。要加快調整經濟結構和布局,抓緊完善標準、制度和法規體系,采取切實的防治污染措施,促進生產方式和生活方式的轉變,下決心解決好關系群眾切身利益的大氣、水、土壤等突出環境污染問題,改善環境質量,維護人民健康,用實際行動和成效讓人民看到希望。要做好氣象、地質、地震等方面工作,提高防災減災能力。優化國土空間開發格局,合理控制開發強度,調整空間結構。加強海洋綜合管理,發展海洋經濟,提高海洋資源開發能力,保護海洋生態環境,維護國家海洋權益。 |
In response to people's expectations of having a good living environment, we should greatly strengthen ecological improvement and environmental protection. The state of the ecological environment affects the level of people's wellbeing and also posterity and the future of our nation. We should adhere to the basic state policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment and endeavor to promote green, circular, and low-carbon development. We should greatly boost the conservation and reuse of energy and resources, give priority to saving energy in industry, transportation and construction and in public institutions, restrict total energy consumption, and reduce energy and materials consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. We should speed up adjusting the economic structure and distribution and upgrading related standards, practices, and laws and regulations. We should adopt effective measures to prevent and control pollution and change the way we work and live. We should resolve to solve the problems of serious air, water, and soil pollution that affect the people's vital interests; improve environmental quality, and safeguard people's health, and give the people hope through our concrete action and achievements. We should do our meteorological, geological and seismic work well and become better able to prevent and mitigate natural disasters. We should optimize development of the country's territory, carry out development at a proper pace and adjust its spatial layout. We should strengthen comprehensive marine management, develop the marine economy, become better able to exploit marine resources, protect the marine ecological environment, and safeguard China's maritime rights and interests. |
要繼續深入實施區域發展總體戰略,促進區域經濟協調發展。充分發揮各地比較優勢,統籌規劃、分類指導,優先推進西部大開發,全面振興東北地區等老工業基地,大力促進中部地區崛起,積極支持東部地區率先發展,加大對革命老區、民族地區、邊疆地區、貧困地區扶持力度,深入推進集中連片特殊困難地區扶貧攻堅。 | We should continue to fully implement the master strategy for regional development and promote balanced development between regions. We should make full use of the comparative strengths of each region, make plans comprehensively and give guidance tailored to different circumstances. We should give high priority to large-scale development of the western region, fully revitalize the old industrial bases in northeast China, spur the rise of the central region, and support the eastern region in taking the lead in development. We should increase support for old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas and poor areas and alleviate poverty in contiguous areas with acute difficulties. |
(二) 強化農業農村發展基礎,推動城鄉發展一體化。近些年是我國農業發展最快、農村面貌變化最大、農民得到實惠最多的時期。當前,農業農村發展進入一個新階段,呈現出農業生產綜合成本上升、農產品供求結構性矛盾突出、農村社會結構深刻變動、城鄉發展加快融合的態勢,全面建成小康社會的重點難點仍然在農村。必須堅持把解決好“三農”問題作為全部工作的重中之重,這是歷史經驗的科學總結,既管當前,也管長遠,是長期指導思想。農村土地制度關乎農村的根本穩定,也關乎中國的長遠發展,其核心是要保障農民的財產權益,底線是嚴守18億畝耕地紅線。要堅持以家庭承包經營為基礎,支持發展多種形式新型農民合作組織和多層次的農業社會化服務組織,逐步構建集約化、專業化、組織化、社會化相結合的新型農業經營體系,始終注重保護法律賦予農民的財產權利,調動農民積極性。毫不放松糧食生產,建設高標準基本農田,推廣先進技術,增強農業綜合生產能力,保障糧食和重要農產品的有效供給。要繼續加大“三農”投入,加強農村基礎設施建設和基本公共服務體系建設,推動城鄉發展一體化,形成以工促農、以城帶鄉、工農互惠、城鄉一體的新型工農、城鄉關系。要采取有效措施,穩定農業生產經營隊伍,積極培育新型農民。 |
2. Strengthening the foundation for agriculture and rural development and promoting integrated urban and rural development In recent years, China's agriculture has developed faster, its rural areas have undergone more significant changes, and its rural residents have received more tangible benefits than in any other period. Agriculture and rural development in China have now entered a new stage in which overall agricultural production costs are rising, structural problems in the supply and demand of agricultural products are worsening, the rural social structure is undergoing profound changes, and integration of urban and rural development is speeding up. All the major and difficult problems that we face in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects are in rural areas. We must make solving issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers the number one priority in all our work. This is a scientific conclusion drawn from our historical experience and a long-term guiding principle applicable to both the present and the future. The rural land system is central to maintaining rural stability and ensuring China's long-term development. Its main purpose is to guarantee farmers' property rights and interests, and its main objective is to ensure that China's farmland remains at or above the red line of 120 million hectares. We should continue to make household contracts the basis of rural operations, support the development of new farmers' cooperatives of various forms and multilevel commercial organizations that provide agricultural services, and gradually establish a new type of system of intensive agricultural operations that are specialized, well organized and commercialized. We should always protect farmers' legitimate property rights and keep them motivated. We should always give high priority to grain production, develop high-yield basic farmland, spread advanced technologies, increase overall agricultural production capacity, and effectively ensure the supply of grain and other important agricultural products. We should continue to increase spending on agriculture, rural areas and farmers; improve infrastructure and basic public services in rural areas; and promote integration of urban and rural development. We should build a new type of relations between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas in which industry promotes agriculture, urban areas support rural development, industry and agriculture reinforce each other, and urban development and rural development are integrated. We should take effective measures to keep the agricultural workforce stable and train a new type of farmers. |
城鎮化是我國現代化建設的歷史任務,與農業現代化相輔相成。要遵循城鎮化的客觀規律,積極穩妥推動城鎮化健康發展。堅持科學規劃、合理布局、城鄉統籌、節約用地、因地制宜、提高質量。特大城市和大城市要合理控制規模,充分發揮輻射帶動作用;中小城市和小城鎮要增強產業發展、公共服務、吸納就業、人口集聚功能。加快推進戶籍制度、社會管理體制和相關制度改革,有序推進農業轉移人口市民化,逐步實現城鎮基本公共服務覆蓋常住人口,為人們自由遷徙、安居樂業創造公平的制度環境。村莊建設要注意保持鄉村風貌,營造宜居環境,使城鎮化和新農村建設良性互動。 | Urbanization is a historical task in China's modernization drive, and urbanization and agricultural modernization complement each other. We should conform to the objective law of urbanization and carry it out actively yet prudently. We should promote sound development of urbanization by making plans scientifically, balancing geographical distribution, coordinating urban and rural development, using land economically, and tailoring measures to local conditions. Megacities and large cities should be kept at an appropriate scale and fully play their role in driving the development of their surrounding areas. Small and medium-sized cities and small towns should become better able to develop industries, provide public services, create jobs, and attract residents. We should accelerate reform of the household registration system, the social management system and related institutions; register eligible rural workers as permanent urban residents in an orderly manner; progressively expand the coverage of basic public services in urban areas to all their permanent residents; and create an equitable institutional environment for freedom of movement and for people to live and work in contentment. In improving village conditions, we should preserve their distinctive rural flavor, make their environment more livable, and ensure that urbanization and the building of a new countryside reinforce each other. |
(三) 以保障和改善民生為重點,全面提高人民物質文化生活水平。2003年抗擊突如其來的非典疫情給我們的重要啟示之一,就是要統籌經濟社會發展。這些年我們在發展經濟的同時,更加重視保障改善民生和發展社會事業,政府工作力度之大、財政投入資金之多前所未有。經過不懈努力,我國經濟社會發展的協調性明顯增強。當前社會結構、社會組織形式、社會利益格局發生深刻變化,社會矛盾明顯增多。我們必須把保障和改善民生作為政府一切工作的出發點和落腳點,放在更加突出的位置,著力加強社會建設。 |
3. Giving high priority to ensuring and improving people's wellbeing and comprehensively improving their material and cultural lives An important lesson we learned in our response to the sudden outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 is that economic development and social development need to be coordinated. In developing the economy in the years since then, we have placed greater importance on ensuring and improving people's wellbeing and developing social programs, and the government has made greater efforts and provided more funding in this area than ever before. These unremitting efforts have resulted in much better coordination of China's economic and social development. The structure of Chinese society, its forms of organization, and the pattern of interests in society have all undergone profound changes, and social problems have increased markedly. We must make ensuring and improving people's wellbeing the starting point and goal of all the government's work, give higher priority to it, and strive to strengthen social development. |
千方百計擴大就業。堅持實施就業優先戰略和更加積極的就業政策,通過穩定經濟增長和調整經濟結構增加就業崗位,加強職業技能培訓,提高勞動者就業創業能力,加大投入和政策支持,完善就業服務體系,鼓勵創業帶動就業,做好重點人群就業工作,促進城鄉居民收入持續穩定增長。 | We should do all we can to increase employment. We should persevere in implementing the strategy of giving top priority to employment and adopt a more proactive employment policy. We should create more jobs by maintaining stable economic growth and adjusting the economic structure and provide better vocational skills training to help people to find jobs or start their own businesses. We should increase government spending and policy support, improve the employment services system, stimulate employment by encouraging business startups, assist target groups in finding jobs, and stimulate sustained, steady increases in urban and rural incomes. |
完善社會保障制度。堅持全覆蓋、保基本、多層次、可持續方針,不斷擴大社會保障覆蓋面,提高統籌層次和保障水平,加強各項制度的完善和銜接,增強公平性,適應流動性,保證可持續性。今年企業退休人員基本養老金繼續提高10%,城鄉低保和優撫對象補助標準也進一步提高。要加大對社會養老服務體系和兒童福利機構建設的支持力度。 | We should improve the social security system. We should continue to follow the policy of making coverage universal, ensuring basic care, and providing multilevel and sustainable social security. We should expand the coverage of social security, turn over the overall management of social security accounts to higher-level authorities, raise social security benefits, improve and coordinate all social security programs, make social security more equitable and sustainable, and facilitate the smooth transfer of social security accounts between localities. This year, basic old-age pensions for enterprise retirees should be raised by another 10%, and subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents and subsidies for entitled groups should also be further raised. Greater support should be given to developing child welfare agencies and the system of social services for the elderly. |
深化醫藥衛生事業改革發展。鞏固完善基本藥物制度和基層醫療衛生機構運行新機制,加快公立醫院改革,鼓勵社會辦醫。扶持中醫藥和民族醫藥事業發展。健全全民醫保體系,建立重特大疾病保障和救助機制,全面開展兒童白血病等20種重大疾病保障試點工作。今年新農合和城鎮居民基本醫療保險財政補助標準由每人每年240元提高到280元,人均基本公共衛生服務經費標準由25元提高到30元。 | We should advance reform and development of medical and health care services, consolidate and improve the system for using basic drugs and the new operating mechanisms of community-level medical and health care institutions, speed up the reform of public hospitals, and encourage nongovernmental bodies to operate hospitals. We should support development of traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic minority medicine. We should improve the universal medical insurance system, establish a mechanism to provide insurance and aid for treating major and very serious diseases, and conduct a pilot project to insure against 20 serious diseases.? This year, annual government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical care system and basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents should be raised from 240 yuan to 280 yuan per person respectively, and the per person payment standard for basic public health services should be increased from 25 yuan to 30 yuan. |
逐步完善人口政策。堅持計劃生育基本國策,適應我國人口總量和結構變動趨勢,統籌解決好人口數量、素質、結構和分布問題,促進人口長期均衡發展。重視發展老齡事業,切實保障婦女和未成年人權益,關心和支持殘疾人事業。 | We should progressively improve the government population policy. We should adhere to the basic state policy on family planning. In response to changes in the size and structure of China's total population, we should comprehensively solve problems relating to the size, health, structure and geographical distribution of the population and promote long-term, balanced population development. We should boost the development of elderly services, protect the rights and interests of women and minors, and take an interest in and support programs that benefit people with disabilities. |
加強和創新社會管理。改進政府提供公共服務方式,加強基層社會管理和服務體系建設,完善村民自治、城市居民自治制度,保證人民群眾依法直接行使民主權利,管理基層公共事務和公益事業。改革社會組織管理體制,引導社會組織健康有序發展。建立健全維護群眾權益機制,完善人民調解、行政調解、司法調解聯動的工作體系,健全法律援助制度,推動涉法涉訴信訪工作改革,暢通和規范群眾訴求表達、利益協調、權益保障渠道,健全重大決策社會穩定風險評估和突發事件應急管理機制,維護社會公共安全,促進社會和諧穩定。食品藥品安全是人們關注的突出問題,要改革和健全食品藥品安全監管體制,加強綜合協調聯動,落實企業主體責任,嚴格從生產源頭到消費的全程監管,加快形成符合國情、科學合理的食品藥品安全體系,提升食品藥品安全保障水平。強化公共安全體系和企業安全生產基礎建設,遏制重特大安全事故。 |
We should strengthen and make innovations in social management. We should improve the way the government provides public services, strengthen the system of social management and services at the community level, and improve self-governance by villagers and urban residents, to ensure that the people directly exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law by managing community-level public affairs and running public service programs. We should reform the management system for social organizations, and guide their sound and orderly development. We should establish a sound mechanism for safeguarding people's rights and interests; improve the integrated system of mediation by the people, administrative mediation and judicial mediation; strengthen the system of legal assistance; and carry out reform of the handling of people's complaints about legal and litigation-related issues. We should maintain open and regular channels for people to voice their demands, and we should coordinate the people's interests and protect their rights and interests. We should improve the mechanism for assessing potential risks major policy decisions may pose to social stability and the emergency response mechanism. The purpose of all this work is to preserve law and order and promote social harmony and stability. Food and drug safety is a prominent issue of widespread concern. We should reform and improve mechanisms for overseeing and supervising food and drug safety and strengthen overall coordination. We should require enterprises to assume primary responsibility for safety, exercise strict oversight and supervision throughout the whole process from production to consumption, and move faster to establish a scientific and effective food and drug safety system that suits China's national conditions so as to better ensure food and drug safety. We should strengthen the public safety system and improve workplace safety conditions to prevent accidents, especially major and very serious ones. |
加強房地產市場調控和保障性安居工程建設。堅決抑制投機、投資性需求,抓緊完善穩定房價工作責任制和房地產市場調控政策體系,健全房地產市場穩定健康發展長效機制。繼續抓好保障性安居工程建設和管理,讓老百姓住上放心房、滿意房。今年城鎮保障性住房基本建成470萬套、新開工630萬套,繼續推進農村危房改造。 | We should tighten regulation of the real estate market and strengthen construction of government-subsidized housing. We need to firmly rein in speculative and investment-driven housing demand, promptly improve the accountability system for stabilizing housing prices and the policies for regulating the real estate market, and strengthen mechanisms for sustaining its steady and sound development. We should continue to build and manage government-subsidized housing for the people so they have housing they are satisfied with. This year, 4.7 million government-subsidized urban housing units should be basically completed, construction of another 6.3 million units should begin, and renovation of dilapidated rural houses should continue. |
教育和科技在現代化建設中具有基礎性、先導性、全局性作用,文化是民族的血脈和人民的精神家園,必須放在更加重要的戰略位置。 | Education, science and technology play a fundamental, guiding and global role in the country's modernization drive, and culture is essential for the long-term vitality of a nation and gives the people a sense of belonging. They must therefore occupy a position of greater strategic importance. |
繼續推進教育優先發展。目前我國年度財政性教育經費支出總額已經超過2萬億元,今后還要繼續增加,必須把這些錢用好,讓人民滿意。要進一步深化教育綜合改革,切實解決社會普遍關注的重大問題。著力推動義務教育均衡發展,加快發展現代職業教育,提高各級各類教育質量,進一步促進教育公平,為國家發展提供強大的人力資源支撐。 | We should continue to give top priority to developing education. China's annual government expenditures on education already exceed two trillion yuan and should continue to increase. We must make good use of such funding to the satisfaction of the people. We need to deepen comprehensive education reform and effectively solve major issues of public concern. We should boost balanced development of compulsory education, accelerate development of modern vocational education and raise the quality of education of all types and at all levels. This should help make education more equitable and provide strong human resources support for China's development. |
深化科技體制改革。推動科技與經濟緊密結合,著力構建以企業為主體、市場為導向、產學研相結合的技術創新體系。瞄準關系全局和長遠發展的戰略必爭領域,加強基礎研究、前沿先導技術研究。健全科技資源開放共享機制,完善支持科技發展和成果應用轉化的財稅、金融、產業技術和人才政策,創造公平開放的創新環境,最大限度地調動廣大科技工作者的積極性、主動性,激發全社會的創新活力。 | We should deepen reform of the management system for science and technology. We should integrate science and technology more closely with the economy, and establish a technological innovation system that is based on enterprises, guided by the market, and integrates enterprises, universities and research institutes. We should focus on priority areas of strategic importance that are vital to China's overall and long-term development, and strengthen basic research and research on frontier and leading technologies. We should improve the mechanism for openly sharing scientific and technological resources and the fiscal, taxation, banking, industrial technology and personnel policies that support scientific and technological development and industrial application of scientific and technological advances, create a fair and open environment for making innovations, keep scientists and technicians fully motivated, and unleash the creativity of the whole society. |
扎實推進文化建設。把文化改革發展納入經濟社會發展總體規劃,列入各級政府效能和領導干部政績考核體系,推動文化事業全面繁榮、文化產業快速發展。政府要履行好發展公益性文化事業的責任,加快推進重點文化惠民工程,完善公共文化服務體系。廣泛開展全民健身運動,促進群眾體育和競技體育全面發展。 | We should effectively advance development of the cultural sector. We should incorporate reform and development of the cultural sector into general plans for economic and social development, and include them in the system for evaluating the performance of governments and officials at all levels so as to promote all-around cultural prosperity and fast development of the cultural sector. The government needs to fulfill its responsibility to develop nonprofit cultural programs, accelerate key cultural projects for the people, and improve the system of public cultural services. We should extensively carry out public fitness activities and promote comprehensive development of both recreational and competitive sports. |
大力加強社會公德、職業道德、家庭美德、個人品德教育。推動誠信體系建設,以政務誠信帶動商務誠信和社會誠信,形成良好的社會風尚。 | We should greatly increase education in public morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and personal integrity. We should promote a creditability system, use political integrity to improve business and public integrity, and foster healthy social conduct. |
(四) 以更大的政治勇氣和智慧,深入推進改革開放。改革開放是國家發展進步的根本動力。只有堅持改革開放,才能把我們的事業繼續推向前進。我國改革已進入攻堅階段,必須進一步解放思想,全面深化經濟體制改革,繼續積極穩妥推進政治體制改革,深化文化體制改革,加快推進社會體制改革,加強生態文明制度建設,不斷把改革引向深入。 |
4. Deepening reform and opening up with greater political courage and vision Reform and opening up are the fundamental force that drives China's development and progress. We can continue to advance our cause only by adhering to reform and opening up. China has entered a crucial stage of reform. We must further emancipate our minds, comprehensively deepen reform of the economic structure, continue to actively yet prudently carry out reform of the political structure, deepen reform of the cultural administrative system, accelerate reform of the social system, improve the system for promoting ecological progress; and constantly deepen reforms. |
要進一步完善社會主義市場經濟體制。毫不動搖地鞏固和發展公有制經濟,毫不動搖地鼓勵、支持、引導非公有制經濟發展,形成各種所有制經濟依法平等使用生產要素、公平參與市場競爭、同等受到法律保護的體制環境。深化國有企業改革以及重點行業改革。加快財稅體制改革,理順中央和地方財力與事權的關系,完善財政轉移支付制度,健全公共財政體系,構建地方稅體系,促進形成有利于結構優化、社會公平的稅收制度。深化金融體制改革,健全促進實體經濟發展的現代金融體系,提高銀行、證券、保險等行業競爭力,加快發展多層次資本市場,積極發展債券市場,穩步推進利率、匯率市場化改革,擴大人民幣跨境使用,逐步實現人民幣資本項目可兌換。深化投融資體制改革,推進價格改革,健全資源性產品價格形成機制和生態補償制度。繼續積極穩妥推進事業單位分類改革。收入分配制度是經濟社會發展中一項根本性、基礎性的制度,是社會主義市場經濟體制的重要基石。我們已經制定了深化收入分配制度改革若干意見,要抓緊研究制定具體政策,確保制度建設到位、政策落實到位,有效解決收入分配領域存在的問題,縮小收入分配差距,使發展成果更多更公平地惠及全體人民。 |
We need to improve the socialist market economy. We should unwaveringly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy and encourage, and support and guide the development of the non-public sector, so as to foster a structural environment in which economic entities under different forms of ownership have equal access to factors of production in accordance with the law, compete on a level playing field and enjoy equal legal protection. We should deepen reform of state-owned enterprises and key industries. We should quicken reform of the fiscal and taxation systems, adjust relations between the central government and local governments concerning financial resources and powers, and improve the system of transfer payments. We should improve the public finance system, institute a system of local taxation, and establish a taxation system conducive to optimizing the economic structure and enhancing social fairness. We should deepen reform of the financial system and improve the modern financial system so that it supports development of the real economy. We should raise the competitiveness of the banking, securities and insurance industries, accelerate development of a multilevel capital market, and actively develop the bond market. We should steadily carry out reforms to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based, expand cross-border use of the RMB and gradually achieve the RMB's convertibility under capital accounts. We should deepen reform of the investment and financing systems, carry out price reform and improve the pricing mechanism for resource products and the system of compensation for ecological damage. We should continue to actively yet steadily advance function-based reform of public institutions. The income distribution system is a basic system of vital importance for economic and social development, and an important cornerstone of the socialist market economy. We have formulated guidelines on deepening reform of the income distribution system, and we now need to promptly formulate specific policies, ensure that institutions are established and policies are implemented, resolve problems in income distribution, and narrow the income gap so that the fruits of development are more equitably shared by all the people. |
要推進社會主義民主法治建設。堅持人民主體地位,發展更加廣泛、更加充分、更加健全的人民民主,保證人民依法享有廣泛權利和自由,促進人的全面發展,維護社會公平正義。堅持依法治國,充分尊重憲法和法律的權威,確保決策權、執行權、監督權既相互制約又相互協調,確保國家行政機關按照法定權限和程序行使權力。堅持轉變政府職能,推進政企分開、政資分開、政事分開、政社分開,建設職能科學、結構優化、廉潔高效、人民滿意的服務型政府。堅持改進工作作風、密切聯系群眾,提倡艱苦奮斗,厲行勤儉節約,反對鋪張浪費,克服形式主義、官僚主義。堅持民主監督、法律監督、輿論監督,健全權力運行制約和監督體系,讓人民監督權力,讓權力在陽光下運行。堅持反對腐敗,加強廉政建設,從制度上改變權力過分集中而又得不到制約的狀況,做到干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明。 | We need to advance development of socialist democracy and the socialist rule of law. We should ensure that the people occupy the principal position, make people's democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder, ensure that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms prescribed by law, and promote people's well-rounded development and safeguard social fairness and justice. We should govern the country on the basis of the law, and fully respect the authority of the Constitution and laws. We should ensure that the powers of policy making, implementation and oversight both constrain each other and function in concert and that government bodies exercise their powers in accordance with statutory mandates and procedures. We should continue to transform government functions, separate government administration from the management of enterprises, state assets, public institutions and social organizations, and build a well-structured, clean, efficient and service-oriented government that has scientifically defined functions and that the people are satisfied with. We should improve the conduct of our work, maintain close ties with the people, advocate hard work and plain living, practice thrift, oppose extravagance and waste, and eliminate formalistic and bureaucratic practices. We should uphold democratic oversight, legal oversight and public opinion-based oversight and improve the system of checks and oversight over the exercise of power to ensure that the people oversee the exercise of power and that power is exercised in a transparent manner. We should unwaveringly combat corruption, strengthen political integrity, establish institutions to end the excessive concentration of power and lack of checks on power and ensure that officials are honest, government is clean and political affairs are handled with integrity. |
國內外形勢的深刻變化,對我國開放型經濟發展提出了新的更高要求。要堅持對外開放的基本國策,實行更加積極主動的開放戰略。堅持把穩定出口與擴大進口結合起來,推動對外貿易從規模擴張向質量效益提高轉變、從成本和價格優勢向綜合競爭優勢轉變,促進形成以技術、品牌、質量、服務為核心的出口競爭新優勢;堅持把利用外資與對外投資結合起來,支持企業“走出去”,拓展經濟發展的新空間;堅持把深化沿海開放與擴大內陸和沿邊開放結合起來,加快形成各具特色、優勢互補、分工協作、均衡協調的區域開放格局;堅持把向發達國家開放與向發展中國家開放結合起來,擴大和深化同各方利益匯合點。 | Profound changes in domestic and external environments place new and higher requirements on China in developing an open economy. We should adhere to the basic state policy of opening up and implement a more proactive opening up strategy. We should both keep exports stable and expand imports. We should raise the quality and returns of foreign trade rather than just increase its volume, and raise its overall competitive advantages instead of relying only on cost and price advantages. We should make China's exports more competitive in terms of technology, brand, quality and service. We should simultaneously use foreign investment in China and make Chinese investment overseas, and support Chinese enterprises in going global, to create new space for economic development. We should simultaneously deepen opening up in coastal areas and open inland and border areas wider so as to foster a balanced and coordinated pattern of opening up in which all regions have their own distinctive features, draw on each other's strengths, have a clear division of work, and cooperate with each other. We should continue to open up to both developed and developing countries and expand and deepen common interests with all other parties. |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, |
我們要全面正確貫徹黨的民族政策,堅持和完善民族區域自治制度,鞏固和發展平等團結互助和諧的社會主義民族關系。 | We should fully and faithfully implement the Party's policy on ethnic groups; adhere to and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy; and strengthen and develop socialist ethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony. |
我們要全面貫徹黨的宗教工作基本方針,促進宗教關系和諧,發揮宗教界人士和信教群眾在經濟社會發展中的積極作用。 | We should fully implement the Party's basic policy on religion, promote harmonious religious relations, and get religious figures and believers actively involved in economic and social development. |
我們要認真落實黨的僑務政策,支持海外僑胞、歸僑僑眷關心和參與祖國現代化建設與和平統一大業。 | We should assiduously implement the policy of the Party on overseas Chinese affairs and support overseas Chinese as well as returned Chinese and their relatives in endorsing and participating in China's endeavors to achieve modernization and peaceful reunification. |
我們要加快推進國防和軍隊現代化,建設鞏固的國防和強大的軍隊,堅決維護國家主權、安全、領土完整,保障國家和平發展。 | We should accelerate modernization of national defense and the armed forces so as to strengthen China's defense and military capabilities. We should resolutely uphold China's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and ensure its peaceful development. |
我們要堅持“一國兩制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治方針,團結廣大港澳同胞,保持香港、澳門長期繁榮穩定。 | We should adhere to the principles of "one country, two systems"; the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong; the people of Macao governing Macao; and both regions enjoying a high degree of autonomy. We should rally our compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao around us and maintain long-term prosperity and stability of the two regions. |
我們要堅持中央對臺工作大政方針,全面貫徹兩岸關系和平發展重要思想,鞏固深化兩岸關系和平發展的政治、經濟、文化、社會基礎,在同心實現中華民族偉大復興進程中完成祖國統一大業。 | We should adhere to the policy of the Party Central Committee on Taiwan-related work; fully implement the important thinking on cultivating peaceful cross-Straits relations; strengthen and deepen the political, economic, cultural and social foundation for their growth; and accomplish the reunification of the motherland in the course of working together with our compatriots in Taiwan to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. |
我們要繼續高舉和平、發展、合作、共贏的旗幟,始終不渝走和平發展道路,堅持獨立自主的和平外交政策,推動世界持久和平、共同繁榮。 | We should continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit; unswervingly pursue peaceful development; adhere to our independent foreign policy of peace; and promote durable peace and common prosperity in the world. |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, |
回顧過去,我們在中國特色社會主義道路上創造出不平凡的業績。展望未來,偉大祖國展現出前所未有的光明前景。讓我們在以習近平同志為總書記的黨中央領導下,萬眾一心,奮發圖強,為全面建成小康社會、實現中華民族的偉大復興而奮斗! (注:PM2.5為PM右下角加2.5) |
We have achieved remarkable progress along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the past, and now we envision an ever-brighter future for our great country. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, let us unite as one and work hard to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. |
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