九、加強能源國際合作 |
IX. Strengthening International Cooperation in Energy |
中國的發展離不開世界,世界的繁榮需要中國。隨著全球化的不斷深入,中國在能源發展方面與世界聯系日益緊密。中國的能源發展,不僅保障了本國經濟社會發展,也為維護世界能源安全和保持全球市場穩定作出了貢獻。 |
China's development cannot be achieved without cooperation with the rest of the world, and the prosperity of the world has need of China as well. With accelerating economic globalization, China has forged increasingly closer ties with the rest of the world in the field of energy. China's development of energy has not only satisfied its own needs for economic and social progress, but also made great contributions to world energy security and global market stability. |
中國是國際能源合作中負責任的積極參與者。在雙邊合作方面,中國與美國、歐盟、日本、俄羅斯、哈薩克斯坦、土庫曼斯坦、烏茲別克斯坦、巴西、阿根廷、委內瑞拉等國家和地區建立了能源對話與合作機制,在油氣、煤炭、電力、可再生能源、科技裝備和能源政策等領域加強對話、交流與合作。在多邊合作方面,中國是亞太經濟合作組織能源工作組、二十國集團、上海合作組織、世界能源理事會、國際能源論壇等組織和機制的正式成員或重要參與方,是能源憲章的觀察員國,與國際能源署、石油輸出國組織等機構保持著密切聯系。在國際能源合作中,中國既承擔著廣泛的國際義務,也發揮著積極的建設性作用。 |
China is an active and responsible participant in international energy cooperation, and it has established bilateral dialogue and cooperative mechanisms in the field of energy with the US, the EU, Japan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and many other countries and regions, and has strengthened dialogues, exchanges and cooperation with these countries regarding oil, natural gas, coal, electric power, renewable energy, technology, equipment and energy policy. China is also a member of or important participant in many multilateral organizations and mechanisms, including the energy working group of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, Group of 20, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, World Energy Council and International Energy Forum. It is an observer of the Energy Charter, and maintains close relations with such international organizations as the World Energy Agency and the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries. In international energy cooperation, China assumes a wide range of obligations and plays an active and constructive role. |
中國在能源領域堅持對外開放,不斷優化外商投資環境,保障投資者合法權益。中國先后出臺了《中外合資經營企業法》、《中外合作經營企業法》、《外資企業法》等法律法規,以及《外商投資產業指導目錄》、《中西部地區外商投資優勢產業目錄》等政策文件。中國鼓勵外商以合作的方式,進行石油天然氣勘探開發,開展頁巖氣、煤層氣等非常規油氣資源勘探開發。鼓勵投資建設新能源電站、以發電為主的水電站和采用潔凈燃燒技術的電站,以及中方控股的核電站。鼓勵跨國能源公司在華設立研發中心。 |
China upholds a policy of opening to the rest of the world in the field of energy. To provide a favorable environment for foreign investment and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, it has promulgated a series of laws and regulations in succession, like the Law on Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures, Law on Sino-foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures and Law on Foreign Investment Enterprises, and framed such policy documents as the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment and the Catalogue of Advantageous Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central and Western Regions. The Chinese government encourages foreign investment to engage in the exploration and development of oil, natural gas and unconventional oil and gas resources, such as shale gas and coal-bed gas, by way of cooperation; invites foreign investment in the building of new-energy power stations, hydroelectric power stations, clean-combustion power stations, and nuclear power stations as long as the Chinese partners have control; and supports multinational energy corporations to set up R&D centers in China. |
中國能源企業遵循平等互惠、互利雙贏的原則,積極參與國際能源合作,參與境外能源基礎設施建設,發展能源工程技術服務合作。中國企業對外投資合作開發的能源資源,90%以上都在當地銷售,增加了全球能源市場供應,促進了供應渠道的多元化。中國能源企業在對外投資合作時,遵守當地法律法規,尊重當地宗教信仰和風俗習慣,在實現自我發展的同時,積極為當地經濟社會發展作出貢獻。 |
Following the principle of equality, mutual benefits and reciprocity, Chinese energy enterprises are actively involved in international energy cooperation, participating in overseas energy infrastructure projects and expanding cooperation in energy engineering and services. Ninety percent of Chinese enterprise-invested energy resources abroad are sold locally, thus increasing and diversifying supplies in the global energy market. When investing in foreign countries, Chinese energy enterprises abide by local laws and regulations, and respect the religious beliefs and customs of the local people. They actively make contributions to local economic and social development while achieving self-growth. |
在今后相當長一段時間內,國際能源貿易仍將是中國利用國外能源的主要方式。中國將按照世界貿易組織規則,完善公平貿易政策,開展能源進出口貿易,優化貿易結構。綜合運用期貨貿易、長協貿易、轉口貿易、易貨貿易等方式,推進貿易方式多元化。積極參與全球能源治理,加強與世界各國的溝通與合作,共同應對國際貨幣體系、過度投機、壟斷經營等因素對能源市場的影響,維護國際能源市場及價格的穩定。 |
For a fairly long time to come, international energy trade will remain the major way by which China utilizes foreign energy sources. China will improve policies for fair trade and optimize the trade structure, and conduct energy imports and exports in accordance with the WTO rules. It will diversify the modes of trade and comprehensively use such methods as futures trade, long-term agreements, entrepot and barter trade. China will actively participate in global energy management. It will intensify exchanges and cooperation with other countries, addressing together the impact of the international monetary system, excessive speculation and energy market monopoly, thereby maintaining the stability of international energy market and energy price. |
能源問題關系國計民生,關系人類福祉。為了減少能源資源問題帶來的紛爭和不平等,實現世界經濟平穩有序發展,推動經濟全球化向著均衡、普惠、共贏的方向發展,需要國際社會樹立互利合作、多元發展、協同保障的新能源安全觀。為了共同維護全球能源安全,中國主張,國際社會應著重在以下三個方面作出努力: |
Energy is of vital importance to economic development and people's well-being. In order to reduce conflicts and inequality brought about over access to energy resources, achieve a stable growth of the world economy and make the economic globalization lead to a balanced, universally beneficial and win-win development, the international community should foster a new energy security concept featuring mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development and common energy security through coordination. To jointly ensure global energy security, the Chinese government calls for international efforts in the following three aspects: |
——加強對話與交流。加強能源出口國、消費國和中轉國之間的對話和交流,是開展能源國際合作的基礎。國際社會應進一步密切雙多邊關系,加強在提高能效、節能環保、能源管理、能源政策等方面的對話交流,完善國際能源市場監測和應急機制,深化在信息交流、人員培訓、協調行動等方面的合作。 |
-- Strengthening dialogues and exchanges. Strengthening dialogue and communication among energy exporting, consuming and transiting countries is the foundation of international energy cooperation. The international community should further cement its bilateral and multilateral ties; increase dialogues and exchanges in the fields of efficient use of energy, energy conservation, environmental protection, energy management and energy policy; promote monitoring and emergency response mechanisms for the global energy market; and deepen the cooperation in the fields of information exchanges, personnel training and coordination. |
——開展能源務實合作。各國應秉持互利共贏、共同發展的原則,開展國際能源資源勘探開發互利合作,豐富和完善合作機制與手段,增加全球能源供應,促進供應渠道的多元化。共同穩定大宗能源產品價格,保障各國用能需求,維護能源市場正常秩序。發達國家應從人類可持續發展的高度,在保護知識產權的前提下,積極向發展中國家和不發達國家提供、轉移清潔高效能源技術,共同推動全球綠色發展。國際社會應攜手努力,幫助最不發達國家消除能源貧困,擴大能源服務,促進可持續發展。 |
-- Carrying out effective energy cooperation. Upholding the principles of reciprocity, mutual benefit and common development, the various countries should ensure mutually beneficial cooperation in international energy resources exploration, enrich and improve cooperative mechanisms and methods, increase the international energy supply, and diversify supply channels. They should work together to stabilize the prices of bulk energy commodities, secure the energy needs of various countries, and maintain the normal order of the energy market. For the sake of sustainable development, the developed countries should actively provide and transfer clean and highly efficient energy technology to developing and underdeveloped countries and together promote green development globally on the condition that intellectual property rights are protected. The international community should strive hand in hand to help the least-developed countries to eliminate energy poverty, increase energy services and promote sustainable development. |
——共同維護世界能源安全。公平合理的國際能源治理機制是維護世界能源市場穩定的重要條件。各國應加強合作,共同維護能源生產國和輸送國,特別是中東等產油國地區的局勢穩定,確保國際能源通道安全和暢通,減少地緣政治紛爭對全球能源供應的干擾。通過對話與協商的方式,解決重大國際能源問題,不應把能源問題政治化,避免動輒訴諸武力,甚至引發對抗。 |
-- Working together to maintain energy security. A fair and rational international energy management mechanism is a prerequisite for a stable global energy market. The international community should work collaboratively to maintain stability in oil producing and exporting countries, especially those in the Middle East, to ensure the security of international energy transport routes and avoid geopolitical conflicts that affect the world's energy supply. The various countries involved should settle major international energy disputes through dialogue and consultation. Energy issues should not be politicized, and the use of force and armed confrontation should be avoided. |