Synopsis: Scrat's nutty pursuit of the cursed acorn, which he's been after since the dawn of time, has world-changing consequences -- a continental cataclysm that triggers the greatest adventure of all for Manny, Diego and Sid. In the wake of these upheavals, Sid reunites with his cantankerous Granny, and the herd encounters a ragtag menagerie of seafaring pirates determined to stop them from returning home. [Source:] 打從開天辟地時起,劍齒松鼠斯加特對橡樹果的追求就從未停歇;然而這一次,它那遭到詛咒的橡樹果引起了全球性的大災變。整個地球四分五裂,板塊開始漂移,猛犸象曼尼、樹懶希德和劍齒虎蒂亞戈這三個好朋友從此展開了最最驚心動魄的冒險。在這場劇變中,希德與脾氣古怪的奶奶重逢;他們的小團體遭遇了海盜的襲擊,這群烏合之眾試圖阻止曼尼一伙回家的旅程。 |