

Full text: Constitution of CPC (revised)

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2012-11-19

第一章 黨 員 Chapter I Membership
第一條 年滿十八歲的中國工人、農民、軍人、知識分子和其他社會階層的先進分子,承認黨的綱領和章程,愿意參加黨的一個組織并在其中積極工作、執行黨的決議和按期交納黨費的,可以申請加入中國共產黨。 Article 1. Any Chinese worker, farmer, member of the armed forces, intellectual or any advanced element of other social strata who has reached the age of eighteen and who accepts the Party's program and Constitution and is willing to join and work actively in one of the Party organizations, carry out the Party's resolutions and pay membership dues regularly may apply for membership in the Communist Party of China.
第二條 中國共產黨黨員是中國工人階級的有共產主義覺悟的先鋒戰士。 Article 2. Members of the Communist Party of China are vanguard fighters of the Chinese working class imbued with communist consciousness.
中國共產黨黨員必須全心全意為人民服務,不惜犧牲個人的一切,為實現共產主義奮斗終身。 Members of the Communist Party of China must serve the people wholeheartedly, dedicate their whole lives to the realization of communism, and be ready to make any personal sacrifices.
中國共產黨黨員永遠是勞動人民的普通一員。除了法律和政策規定范圍內的個人利益和工作職權以外,所有共產黨員都不得謀求任何私利和特權。 Members of the Communist Party of China are at all times ordinary members of the working people. Communist Party members must not seek any personal gain or privileges, although the relevant laws and policies provide them with personal benefits and job-related functions and powers.
第三條 黨員必須履行下列義務: Article 3. Party members must fulfill the following duties:
(一)認真學習馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論、“三個代表”重要思想和科學發展觀,學習黨的路線、方針、政策和決議,學習黨的基本知識,學習科學、文化、法律和業務知識,努力提高為人民服務的本領。 1) To conscientiously study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development, study the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, acquire essential knowledge concerning the Party, obtain general, scientific, legal and professional knowledge and work diligently to enhance their ability to serve the people.
(二)貫徹執行黨的基本路線和各項方針、政策,帶頭參加改革開放和社會主義現代化建設,帶動群眾為經濟發展和社會進步艱苦奮斗,在生產、工作、學習和社會生活中起先鋒模范作用。 2) To implement the Party's basic line, principles and policies, take the lead in reform, opening up and socialist modernization, encourage the people to work hard for economic development and social progress and play an exemplary and vanguard role in production, work, study and social activities.
(三)堅持黨和人民的利益高于一切,個人利益服從黨和人民的利益,吃苦在前,享受在后,克己奉公,多做貢獻。 3) To adhere to the principle that the interests of the Party and the people stand above everything else, subordinating their personal interests to the interests of the Party and the people, being the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts, working selflessly for the public interests and working to contribute more.
(四)自覺遵守黨的紀律,模范遵守國家的法律法規,嚴格保守黨和國家的秘密,執行黨的決定,服從組織分配,積極完成黨的任務。 4) To conscientiously observe the Party discipline, abide by the laws and regulations of the state in an exemplary way, rigorously guard secrets of the Party and state, execute the Party's decisions, and accept any job and actively fulfill any task assigned them by the Party.
(五)維護黨的團結和統一,對黨忠誠老實,言行一致,堅決反對一切派別組織和小集團活動,反對陽奉陰違的兩面派行為和一切陰謀詭計。 5) To uphold the Party's solidarity and unity, be loyal to and honest with the Party, match words with deeds, firmly oppose all factions and small-clique activities and oppose double-dealing and scheming of any kind.
(六)切實開展批評和自我批評,勇于揭露和糾正工作中的缺點、錯誤,堅決同消極腐敗現象作斗爭。 6) To earnestly engage in criticism and self-criticism, boldly expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes in work and resolutely combat corruption and other negative phenomena.
(七)密切聯系群眾,向群眾宣傳黨的主張,遇事同群眾商量,及時向黨反映群眾的意見和要求,維護群眾的正當利益。 7) To maintain close ties with the masses, disseminate the Party's views among them, consult with them when problems arise, keep the Party informed of their views and demands in good time and defend their legitimate interests.
(八)發揚社會主義新風尚,帶頭實踐社會主義榮辱觀,提倡共產主義道德,為了保護國家和人民的利益,在一切困難和危險的時刻挺身而出,英勇斗爭,不怕犧牲。 8) To promote new socialist ways and customs, take the lead in putting into practice the socialist maxims of honor and disgrace, and advocate communist ethics. To step forward and fight bravely in times of difficulty or danger, daring to make any sacrifice to defend the interests of the country and the people.
第四條 黨員享有下列權利: Article 4. Party members enjoy the following rights:
(一)參加黨的有關會議,閱讀黨的有關文件,接受黨的教育和培訓。 1) To attend relevant Party meetings, read relevant Party documents, and benefit from the Party's education and training.
(二)在黨的會議上和黨報黨刊上,參加關于黨的政策問題的討論。 2) To participate in the discussion of questions concerning the Party's policies at Party meetings and in Party newspapers and journals.
(三)對黨的工作提出建議和倡議。 3) To make suggestions and proposals regarding the work of the Party.
(四)在黨的會議上有根據地批評黨的任何組織和任何黨員,向黨負責地揭發、檢舉黨的任何組織和任何黨員違法亂紀的事實,要求處分違法亂紀的黨員,要求罷免或撤換不稱職的干部。 4) To make well-grounded criticism of any Party organization or member at Party meetings, to present information or charges against any Party organization or member concerning violations of discipline or the law to the Party in a responsible way, to demand disciplinary measures against such a member, or call for dismissal or replacement of any incompetent cadre.
(五)行使表決權、選舉權,有被選舉權。 5) To participate in voting and elections and to stand for election.
(六)在黨組織討論決定對黨員的黨紀處分或作出鑒定時,本人有權參加和進行申辯,其他黨員可以為他作證和辯護。 6) To attend, with the right of self-defense, discussions held by Party organizations to decide on disciplinary measures to be taken against themselves or to appraise their work and behavior; other Party members may also bear witness or argue on their behalf.
(七)對黨的決議和政策如有不同意見,在堅決執行的前提下,可以聲明保留,并且可以把自己的意見向黨的上級組織直至中央提出。 7) In case of disagreement with a Party resolution or policy, to make reservations and present their views to Party organizations at higher levels even up to the Central Committee, provided that they resolutely carry out the resolution or policy while it is in force.
(八)向黨的上級組織直至中央提出請求、申訴和控告,并要求有關組織給以負責的答復。 8) To put forward any request, appeal, or complaint to higher Party organizations even up to the Central Committee and ask the organizations concerned for a responsible reply.
黨的任何一級組織直至中央都無權剝奪黨員的上述權利。 No Party organization, up to and including the Central Committee, has the right to deprive any Party member of the above-mentioned rights.
第五條 發展黨員,必須經過黨的支部,堅持個別吸收的原則。 Article 5. New Party members must be admitted through a Party branch, and the principle of individual admission must be adhered to.
申請入黨的人,要填寫入黨志愿書,要有兩名正式黨員作介紹人,要經過支部大會通過和上級黨組織批準,并且經過預備期的考察,才能成為正式黨員。 An applicant for Party membership must fill out an application form and be recommended by two full Party members. The application must be accepted at a general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned and approved by the next higher Party organization, and the applicant must undergo observation for a probationary period before being granted full membership.
介紹人要認真了解申請人的思想、品質、經歷和工作表現,向他解釋黨的綱領和黨的章程,說明黨員的條件、義務和權利,并向黨組織作出負責的報告。 Party members who recommend an applicant must make genuine efforts to acquaint themselves with the applicant's ideology, character, personal record and work performance and explain to each applicant the Party's program and Constitution, qualifications for membership and the duties and rights of members, and must make a responsible report to the Party organization on the matter.
黨的支部委員會對申請入黨的人,要注意征求黨內外有關群眾的意見,進行嚴格的審查,認為合格后再提交支部大會討論。 The Party branch committee must canvass the opinions of persons concerned, inside and outside the Party, about an applicant for Party membership and, after establishing the latter's qualification through rigorous examination, submit the application to a general membership meeting for discussion.
上級黨組織在批準申請人入黨以前,要派人同他談話,作進一步的了解,并幫助他提高對黨的認識。 Before approving the admission of applicants for Party membership, the next higher Party organization concerned must appoint people to talk with them, in order to get to know them better and help deepen their understanding of the Party.
在特殊情況下,黨的中央和省、自治區、直轄市委員會可以直接接收黨員。 In special circumstances, the Central Committee of the Party or the Party committee of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government may admit new Party members directly.
第六條 預備黨員必須面向黨旗進行入黨宣誓。誓詞如下:我志愿加入中國共產黨,擁護黨的綱領,遵守黨的章程,履行黨員義務,執行黨的決定,嚴守黨的紀律,保守黨的秘密,對黨忠誠,積極工作,為共產主義奮斗終身,隨時準備為黨和人民犧牲一切,永不叛黨。 Article 6. A probationary Party member must take an admission oath in front of the Party flag. The oath reads: It is my will to join the Communist Party of China, uphold the Party's program, observe the provisions of the Party Constitution, fulfill a Party member's duties, carry out the Party's decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life, be ready at all times to sacrifice my all for the Party and the people, and never betray the Party.
第七條 預備黨員的預備期為一年。黨組織對預備黨員應當認真教育和考察。 Article 7. The probationary period of a probationary member is one year. The Party organization should make serious efforts to educate and observe the probationary members.
預備黨員的義務同正式黨員一樣。預備黨員的權利,除了沒有表決權、選舉權和被選舉權以外,也同正式黨員一樣。 Probationary members have the same duties as full members. They enjoy the rights of full members except those of participating in voting and elections and standing for election.
預備黨員預備期滿,黨的支部應當及時討論他能否轉為正式黨員。認真履行黨員義務,具備黨員條件的,應當按期轉為正式黨員;需要繼續考察和教育的,可以延長預備期,但不能超過一年;不履行黨員義務,不具備黨員條件的,應當取消預備黨員資格。預備黨員轉為正式黨員,或延長預備期,或取消預備黨員資格,都應當經支部大會討論通過和上級黨組織批準。 Upon the expiration of the probationary period of a probationary member, the Party branch concerned should promptly discuss whether he or she is qualified for full membership. A probationary member who conscientiously performs his or her duties and is qualified for full membership shall be granted full membership as scheduled; if continued observation and education are needed, the probationary period may be extended, but by no more than one year; if a probationary member fails to perform his or her duties and is found to be unqualified for full membership, his or her probationary membership shall be annulled. Any decision to grant a probationary member full membership, extend a probationary period, or annul a probationary membership must be made through discussion held by the general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned and approved by the next higher Party organization.
預備黨員的預備期,從支部大會通過他為預備黨員之日算起。黨員的黨齡,從預備期滿轉為正式黨員之日算起。 The probationary period of a probationary member begins from the day the general membership meeting of the Party branch admits him or her as a probationary member. The Party standing of a member begins from the day he or she is granted full membership on the expiration of the probationary period.
第八條 每個黨員,不論職務高低,都必須編入黨的一個支部、小組或其他特定組織,參加黨的組織生活,接受黨內外群眾的監督。黨員領導干部還必須參加黨委、黨組的民主生活會。不允許有任何不參加黨的組織生活、不接受黨內外群眾監督的特殊黨員。 Article 8. Every Party member, irrespective of position, must be organized into a branch, cell or other specific unit of the Party to participate in the regular activities of the Party organization and accept oversight by the masses inside and outside the Party. Leading Party cadres must attend democratic meetings held by the Party committee or leading Party members' group. There shall be no privileged Party members who do not participate in the regular activities of the Party organization and do not accept oversight by the masses inside and outside the Party.
第九條 黨員有退黨的自由。黨員要求退黨,應當經支部大會討論后宣布除名,并報上級黨組織備案。 Article 9. Party members are free to withdraw from the Party. When a Party member asks to withdraw, the Party branch concerned shall, after discussion by its general membership meeting, remove his or her name from the Party rolls, make the removal public and report it to the next higher Party organization for the record.
黨員缺乏革命意志,不履行黨員義務,不符合黨員條件,黨的支部應當對他進行教育,要求他限期改正;經教育仍無轉變的,應當勸他退黨。勸黨員退黨,應當經支部大會討論決定,并報上級黨組織批準。如被勸告退黨的黨員堅持不退,應當提交支部大會討論,決定把他除名,并報上級黨組織批準。 The Party branch shall try to educate the Party member who lacks revolutionary will, fails to fulfill the duties of a Party member, or is not qualified for membership and require him or her to correct his or her mistakes within a prescribed time. If the member remains incorrigible after education, he or she should be persuaded to withdraw from the Party. The case shall be discussed and decided by the general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned and submitted to the next higher Party organization for approval. If the Party member being persuaded to withdraw refuses to do so, the case shall be submitted to the general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned for discussion to decide on the removal of the said member's name from the Party rolls, after which the decision shall be submitted to the next higher Party organization for approval.
黨員如果沒有正當理由,連續六個月不參加黨的組織生活,或不交納黨費,或不做黨所分配的工作,就被認為是自行脫黨。支部大會應當決定把這樣的黨員除名,并報上級黨組織批準。 A Party member who fails to take part in regular Party activities, pay membership dues or do work assigned by the Party for six successive months without good reason is regarded as having given up membership. The general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned shall decide on the removal of such a person's name from the Party rolls and report it to the next higher Party organization for approval.
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